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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1927)
Pape Fotir THE EVRXTNP, HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON " 23, 19271 Garden Crops Sowed on Farm Of Swan Lake (Hperlal To The Herald) VPPKil SVC AS LAKR, June 13 Indicative of Increased activity In tbU aectlon In the development on the Kdgewood ranch where a large arrrage is tx-lng planted to lot in. and other truck crops, ' The un usually lln toil on Kdgewood gives Promina of producing the highest It t 11. 1 wo Louisiana Families Move -To Local Farms (Special To Tim "Herald) MAI. IN. Jun !!S. A. Smith nnd Charle Keuyon loft taut Tuesday for llit-ber where they will transact business. Mr. and Mrs. KrvM and Air. and Mm FahUnek with their familiea arrived In Klamath county a few days aco from Louisiana. The quality of Iceberg lettuce which will , southerner are from the flooded Dead early aa September-and l , ready for the market when a scarcity! la noted on the California market. ; -Til aurvey of the AlKoma logging' railroad has reached the Appl.gate ; ranch. William Canton is the chief engineer on the job. j Several men and a number of teams went to Antelope Valley on . Saturday on their way to do con-! structlon work on the Aljtoraa logg-i ing road. -- John Neubent has I SI HONOR IS P. T. A. ELLIS ED, AT HOWER area of the south nnd plan to settle near M.ilin. . . Halph Yardy Is enjoying a visit from his mother 43d sister. Among those attending the Kodno at Macdnel on Sunday were A. Pet rasek and family, Vaclun . Kalina, Clyde Van Meter. Koy Van Meter; Dick Brown rind Evan Maupin. Mm. Ill Mann and young ton are , , parents of air. and Mrs. K. I). Smith. News Note of Modoc Point District Told By Her aid Correspondent " -Mr. constructing a road on the reserva tion In I'pper Anlelope. I Mr. Perry and Mateo. Calif. . NH r'nllmin tr,,..rl h...!.,-.. 1 Slater, 2n Mftmain rails on eaturtiay. . Otto Flscehn Is working on the ; reservation road. FISH STORIES Tell Them with Snap Shots They never fail. We even enlarge them Stinson Studio (May King) Kodak Set-vie Mr. Iturke of San are visiting Mr. Mrs. John Henlnesay. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ilolhrook and I.otcher Holbrook. Mrs. L. It. Hol- brook and Mrs. Douglaa , Bussey were attending the Baptist Associa tion Convention In Klamath Falls. Mrs. Letcher Holbrook and daugh ters, Helen and Geneva, were visit ing in' Malin Sunday. . 1 The Storkgrowers Loan Company held its second meeting at the Com 'munity hall, last Monday.! A good crowd was present and more shares were subscribed.. , L. B. McCready, secretary of ,the preliminary or ganization, was present. . V - . Joe Halousek and John Miksovsky left Moudax. morning for the C. T. Camp at Vancouver, where they are to spend a month at the camp. Mr. Miksovsky spent several days to Portland last week on business. 37 Main ! M -m af -x i . i i I For Coast .Car Owners twho are not mechanics h ; and don't want to be! 1 FEW men grease and oil their own cars. That's a job for an expert one who knows when and how to lubricate the 50 to 80 points where friction is a constant menace. The surest way to safeguard those vital friction points is to asic lor complete Vecdol Lubrication." Then these things happen to your car in short order: First, your crankcase is drained and refilled with the correct Veedol motor-oil for your par ticular car. Second, your transmission and differ ential are refilled with the correct Veedol gear lubricant. Third, every one of the chassis-points is newly lubricated with Veedol High -Pressure Lubricant, Each of these Veedol lubricants giyes the famous "film of protection" that masters deadly heat and friction. - ' ' y To be sure of expert lubrication service, look for the orange and black Veedol sign. Always ask for Veedol lubricants by name. If you drive1 a Ford, ask for Veedol Forzol. , 1 , Tide Water Oil Sales Corporation. T San Fran (dsco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle. DEALERS: hulk Jtliitry of Veedol products Is now available to over Ijoo individual cities and louns on the Pacific Coast. . . ; , 35 A QUART 1 ' J i Eastern Oils and Greases - (Sim-lnl T The Herald) MODOC IHHXT. June SJ - and Mrs. F. E., and Mr. Mlllan enjoyed a motor trip Chlloquin on Tnesdsy. ' Mrs. R. Plenum and Itolla Hnth spent the past week at Pelican City visiting Mrs. Plersou's daughter. Mrs. J. Martin. Miss Mildred Martin spent the week end with .Miss Dorothy Pier son. Misa Viola Wilcox has arrived home lo spend the summer months with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox. Miss Wilcox has been at tending the Sacred Heart Academy at Klamath. Falls. ' Klmer Poralh la reported as Im proving following a serious attack of septic sore throat but U now at his home convalescing. - Mrs. X. Y. -Sled. lard and family arrived on Wednesday from Baker. Oregon, to make their home - at Modoc Point. Mr. Stoddard - Is superintendent for the Umm Lum ber company and has been here ser eral months. " .-, . Mrs. W. W. Winfrey of Klamath Falls Is spending a tew days, at the home of her slstar, Mr. B. U Brown. The regular meeting of the P.'T. A. was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. lton Cramp. Dur ing the afternoon Mrs. Sam K1IU was complimented with a shower and was the recipient of many beau tiful gifts given from practically every one In the community. Fonr tables of bridge were In play. High J score went to Mrs. K. Y. Stoddard. 1 V Refreshments were' served late lnleV the afternoon. The guoata were Mesdomes Koss Ballantyne, 8., W. F.geline. N. L Short. N. Y. Stoddard, K. Duffy. Sam Ellis. M. K. Knaass. J. Melrln. Oscar Rand; C. daring ton K. Johnson, E. McMillan, U. Johnson. J. Helms.. William Helms. Blackburn. A. Jacobson, Misses Ed na Stoddard, L. Kider and the hostess. ' Mrs. Elmer Poruth and Mrs. M. Vonderhoff ilrove to town on Thursday. On Wednesday Mrs. Emll John son and Mrs. Koss Ballantyne drove to town. ' ;. Miss Lois Smythe and J. Nelson attended the dance at the Fort on Thursday evening. Mr. an Mrs. Emll Johnson visited Klamath Falls on Thursday eve ning. .;.'. H. B. Kellom of the Copco com pany, visited Mr. and Mrs. McMill an on Friday. Mrs. Mctfee drove to Chlloquin on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Yorkland of Kla math visited Mr. and Mrs. N. L Short on Thursday evening. ' Bob Jones of Bonners Ferry, Ida ho, ,1s now employed by the Lanrm Lumber company. Those who shopped In town on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. X. I. Short. F.. Jensen, Emll Johnson. Melvin Vonderhoff,' OeoSKe John son, M. Clarlngton, Jim Holms. El mer Pomth. E. I.. Drown, C. Wil cox, A. Jacobson, N. C. Smythe, Os car Rand, 6. W. Kgcline. Bob Hhtg here for the lnt two weeks with her parents, has. relurnej to her home In Baker. Mr. and Mrs. A. tu Chtloqulu Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs.' K. ! Brown rode around the (ho lake Saturday re turning Sunday. - Mrs. M, Help arrived on Saturday evening from Portland. Mr, aud Mrs. tienrgn Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Clurlngton, Mr. and Mrs. William Helms. Mr nnd Mrs. Jim Helms, June llradlew aud Wil liam aruiim enjoyed a ifthalng trip to Seven Mllo creek on Sunday. ' Mr. and I Mr. J. VHvln spent Sunday )n Iowa. V J Mr. and Mr, tv. I. Short attended the ball game In tows Sunday af ternoon. - . ' - '! Mr. and Mr. 8. V. intuitu and daughter Ollene,'' spent Sunday at Lithla Park lii Ashland. I Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Knnd attend ed the tent show In town on Sun day evening.' ; i MV. and .Mrs. It. Plerson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin of Pelican City enjoyed a pirule -on Sunday at Wuluske. s . Mr. and Mrs. K. Blackburn spent the week end In Medford. ) Mrs. Anderson, mother of Mrs. N. I. Short, returned on Sunday front" Orvlllej Cnllf. 'where she spent the past few months! On. Sunday the l.nnini'a Mill basehajl team look the short end of a U to t sin re In their game with lite flolden Rulo busebull team of Klnmatli Fall. - Rob McMillan, lleorge McMillan and llck Mngiilre spent Monday evening In town. Mr, and Mis. lllnckburu shopped In Chlloquin on Monday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobean and Mr. and Mrs. Swuuson enjoyed a long fishing trip on Sunday. Mrs. W. 11. Worden of Los An itas nelra la vlalilug her mother. Mr. ! turned aa Tuesday morning Jrom i K Wilcox, fur ills auinutur months. , Son Francisco, Mr. and Mr, Wilcox. Viola Wil cox and Mrs. Worden drove to town pa Sunday. Mr. u ml Mr. Swanson,' Mr. and Mrs. A. Jurobson, Mis Kdna lied burg, Out Osltind and Kd lloberg attended the-Vaasa lodge In town on Monday evening. .' Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Lnintii re- Mm, MaaoH Mere. Mr. (Irace Mason and eon Hilly, of I'nrlliinil, arrived In -Hie city ' yesterday to visit tar tome time I Willi relatives and friend. Mr. I Mason I lite mother ot Marian 'Muslim of tho California Oregon I Power doutpnny. - ' ' ; i DO YOU KNOW , We Retail , Lumber? "'- .... 4 . ' Cvt our print before you buy elsewhere. f EUCAN BAY LUMBER CO. j j k I, Before Vacation Time Come In tomorru sod lei ua .put your teeth In proiMT rondiilon. , Don't apoli'your vacation days "with trhtng aud Infected teeth. ' ' t We guarantee expert dental work at reasonable prices. ij FREE EXAMINATIONS 'it: ' Portland, Painless Dentists. liioite ui lr. Havens, Malinger lllh ami Maiu. , V$eJeeeJei$ l ilil lil mm : I I Bargains! ! I' i T t T V x r t X T T f X T ? f Y- f" t- f t f f - ?. 2 Due to the tremendous amount of merchandise sold dur ing the huge Midnight Sale last week we find our stock broken f in sizes and patterns. To make room for new merchandise we . must "get rid of these odds and ends immediately. Therefore we are going to place the remainder of our entire stock on public sale at prices never before duplicated or even approached in this city. Note Below the Wonderful Savings and fieorge McMillan, Dick Magtiire. rf .1. Every Suit in the Hbiis segregated into 'three value convincing groups , $18:85 $23-85 $28.85 Including Hart Schaffner& Marx, Clothcraft, Buddyshade and others June Bradley, William Fa mum. and Charles Plerson. . I Miss L. Rider, daughter of .Mr, and Mrs. Duffy, who has been vis- A.Y.D. (At Your Door) Industrial Supplies. PHONE 87t b5 a-ta 't!mmM T, L. KIUS' I MosoillTOtS MCJIW.FlfjH' mi Flies transmit 30 different diseases. Flies must be killed. FLY-TOX will da it. Will not stain. Hf huh (uarantK; m ? T f T J Y T ? t. Y-, t f f f t t f f f ? ? f t f Y ? J ' $20.00 Values . $25.00 Values $5.00 Value. Men $7.50 & $8 Values Boys't Suits Boys' Suits Dress; Pants jvlen's Pants , 85 , 13,85 s J 5 ' ; . g5 2 pair pants , 2 pair pant P;?-' . $2.50 Values ! $1.00 Values Sl.OOValues , $5.00 Dress Suits TIES Dress Sox Hats 1.69 , 49c ' . ,, 49c ' 3.85 $4.00 Values ! $6100 all Wool $2.00 Values , $2 50 Moleskin , Blazers U-buits. ' liaki lants Pants 2i95 : 2.95 r. . 1A9A 1.95. ' "t-. - - ' Chalmers-and others ' ' : $6.00 Values - $3.00 Values Cloninand O0 Values DressOxfords Scout Shoes - mu Athletic 3.95 1.95 speiuiiy priced U-Suits 79c Come Early as quantity and sizes are limited Y T Y Y Y w',l "' Oregon Woolen More Mr FiVhth and Main Streets Hit txwTUttf imrcT- ' m O ' T Jf Ihst WM eVf lprj JL ft MWIm InMltUt V t Y Y t Y ' Y X T Y Y ? ? y t f y T T r i I Y T Y f r t f Y ? Y ' i J l' n,' '" I cent a quart l ihip Vet Jot It the Pacific 1 Lr JCwA Wbcm )u buy YeeJtl jom faf for quality not freight. , -.- i - ' - : - ...... '. . ...... I i