Vutre Six -THE KLAMATH HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Weilnmlaiy. 22, 127 NOTED SWIMMER FORUM SPEAKER, Lelia Fourier Will Give Ex , hibition Near Shipping . 'tton-' Tonight. ?- Chamher of Commerce Forum members today at their luncheon learned something of the art of swimming from the nationally known long distance swimmer. Leila Fourier, who baa aeleeted the upper lake aa ner training quarters prior to entorting the Canadian marathon "T' . She told of many Interesting ex- periencea In the contest she entered BplK,r before the highway coinmla- highway because horses ob In swimming the Catallna channel. MoB ,n por,ialul tomorrow to plead 'structed his vision. C. Poole crashed her work at Alameda and In gener-'for (h ,mnie,ta building of the'lmo the car. - al mentioned aome of the little pevtl's (;,rden road. He also sent I Certrude Anderaon. 315 trouble of the swimmer who com- t long win to pop Cotos , Main alreet. claimed that her car bala nature's elements :a the ocean. ' fr. " m,h-, mnl.i,,in I was atmck on the Ashland-Klamath . .v.n(n. chlnniitini. .h, wl nHUltorvX He .SLwlnff how tie nrofesS.onM lie ahowine how the professional sWmmer la greased and prepared fori the cold water and win also givei exhibition swimming. The event ! MAIIAMK XAIRL Clairvoyant INychlc Permanently Located At 435 So. Riverside Ave. Readings Dally 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. ' Phone CS1-R for Appointment. I PHOI.STKR1NU H. II. MIATT, I I'HOLSTKRY Mannfactnrer of overstuffed furni ture. Full line of materials. We do all kinds of upholstering. New and general repair work. . We deliver and will call and show samples. Window Shade. Hammocks S3 Mala St. Klamath Kails, Ore-. Phone 2m-J. Starting May 1st Red Ball Stage Line HcC LakeTtew and Klnm. FsIN Lv. Klamath Fails A. M. Ar. Lakertew at !: I". M. Lv. Ikeriew at P. l. Ar. Klamath FalU 7::W l. M. Leave. Iteckard'. Auto titage Office .... Phone 77 Hl'RRY TAXI SERVICE - Undef New laaagcment Pbon.311 " " Prompt Service J10-Jyl0 K-XCAVATIXQ '.4., jilastixo....; . Sewer and Cesspool Work Phone 42a , Call at HOli K. Mnin 'St. ' ' FRANK M.IRTIX HOWARD .Transportation Co. - STAGES Lea vinf 1 Klamath -Falls 7:13 A. L, 10:00 A. 1 P. M., 4 P. M., making; connerllon. to Portland and way point, same day. Connection, at Ashland I with Pickwick Stage (or Call- iontla points. 7:15 A. M. "and 1:00 P. M. Stages make direct through con nections to Portland and Seattle. 10:00 A. M. and 4 P. M. Stage, make direct connections to San Francisco and Los Angeles. ' Local Office 613 Main St. 1 Phono 000 YOUNG COAL & TRANSFER COMPANY "DIAMOND BRIQIETS" Phono 1007 First Methodist Church Tenth and IH;h Sta. -FRAXK L. WEMETT. Minister Residence, 1003 Jiigb St. "We Specialise In Help fulness.". 8unday Services, . 11 a. m., 7:30 p. nt. CHILOQUIN STAGES Leave Klamuth ' Fall. Daily for 'Chlloquln ami Intermediate points as follow.: ( a. m. 12:30 noon - J:30 p. pi. 7:30 p. m. Taa. 9 a. m. bus to connect for 1 camps beyond Chiloquln. C. H. KIXO, , Ovmcr KLAMATII-WEED STAUB WEED and Intermediate points. Lr. K. F. 7:30 Ar. Weed 12 Lf. Wee4 l:aO Ar. K. F.t :00 Stages Leaving Stage Terminal Liepot Hi Mala ' In complimentary lo the community. Chairman George funning ex pressed appreciation fur her en lightening lalk nod then Introduced Captain O. C. Arptegato ho told other year. IS 17. wae wet, and Irrl of the monument dedication at thej nation waa not neceaaary until the Hook bridge on' Lost river. July middle of May." Mr. Newell explain 10th. Thla dedication will he un-ied. "Hut alnce the first of June dor auspice of the II. A. 11. and j the volume of water used by Kln- Natlve Daughters of California. Also Sunday morning at 8 o'clock anly until It has reached a excursion party will atari from the j stage." chamher of rommerce rooms and make an all day toitr of the Modoc ! Stronghold. Title 1-ake and the Ijiva , Bods. The Captain will art as guide and explain many Interesting historic features. The ballot uieasurea were dlacusa- ,h -h.-.h,. today by Ilruce ,, ,,, wh measure , Mp,,,,,,,,,, , , hr,,f ,. I Socreurv Rl)Dln Kav, 01t , ,. 'formntlon that the county courts of Klarai,,h nnJ Ijlle ,.oull,e8 wouM ' , , , . t . 'el"n h'm f the ln"'r,,S, ,n ,hatl1'' hlKBW"'f " n"",,"n' , hlt""y bT " of ,M" 'Bleri0r ir"",!nB "! ,0 rrli " "T- nd lcoun, that the driver of the car drove on f g Water Used This Yea r by F arms of Klamath Project Vp to the first of June the Kla used one math Irrigation district thlrd the volnme of water used dur-' Jay , u esia oi e-iamatn. rtucn an organi- lag the same period last year but ,he rcc' w- B- B1"- Harwell gatMn give, every r It lien an oppor slnce June 1. the volume has ln- 'hd rntrrrd P"8 f a",3r to -! lunlty to be of assistance to his tn m rw.inl K Hr. , - , most on a par with June of last year, Herbert D. Newell, manager 431 Main St. CLEANING PRESSING Work called for and delivered. Klamath Cleaning - & : Dye Work Phone 4m. Re. Phone ll-u Klamath Falls Office. Phone IIH-t Melhase Rldg. Standard Dyers and Cleaners Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St i?hone825 "We Know Hou' NEW CITY LAUNDRY Phone 154 We call for and deliver all work. A trial will convince. E. J. KOLB. Mgr. SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD Buy your winter's supply of block-wood and green-flab at prices are at bedrock for wood onco, while the prices are at the bottom. " FARMERS Also Block up for the year, at tho bin or delivered. We deliver anywhere in the valley 214 cord Jumbo loads. (01 Main riione Hi of the local reclamation bureau an nounced today. "One year. 1939. was dry, nd Irrigating atarted on April 10; the ninth farmer has Increased gradual- normal Horses Cause of Severe Accident On Merrill Road Horses grouped together on The Dtlles-C.lifornt. highway betweea Klamath Fall, and Merrill were the cause of an accident last night three miles north of Merrill. I nable to see a car parked along before she had the opportunity of , j Interviewing the driver. Tho aut3'lb, . thousand and one things license numoer. t5!.ua oeara tnc name oi n. u. iicims, .rn.a i , she said. tM I INK nan K. Hartiell. Pelican City musician, was fined $100 and costs pesiuu OI II1IU4I. u, inK li'luur. Arrived From Roy- Thomas Frydenlund of Allen-Lewis has been transferred from Marshfleld. Oregon, to Klamath "ludy add thought to the Inclosed Falls to take charge of the ship-1 Program of work which the Chara plnij and receiving la the new plant r la undertaking. After .tudy and will also have chlrgo of the h, Program resolve that yon Plant. Mrs. Frydenlund. who Is: Klamath r It lien will do your visiting with relatives and friend. I""1 ' bulldlnc up ft atronger In Minneapolis, will Join her bus- t'hamber of Commerce In this corn band here in the near future. Imunlty and will help In putting (Returned From (! Mrs. Rert Holloway has rrturn jed home from an enjoyable visit at I Moro. Oregon, with relatives and wife friends. Mrs. Holloway la the Holloway, editor ot of llert News. The hl Obituary Funeral services for the late Mrs' Josephine Marjaro Rower will be held from the Eirl Whit lock Fun eral Home, Pine Avenue ct Sixth on 1 Thursday morning at 10:30. Rev.'1'' rerjlstered maximum and mlul- Fr-ink Wemett ot the First Metho dist church will officiate. Inter ment' will be made In the family plot at Llnkville cemetery. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend. ROHEKT GRrXAC. Friends are respectfully Invlud ; to attend 'the funeral services for the late Robert' Crunaa of Pine ' menim inerapeutia. art 01 augtea ' Ridge' to be held on Friday after-i,,on- who to known to. Aw the only noon at 4 o'clock at the Enrl Whit-:one who uccessfully been able 'lock Funeral Home. Pine Avenue at hypnotise via radio. WLAR. Min- KlTtb Intormenf ni ha tnarf In : heapolls, Minn. the Llnkville cemetery. MI.NXIE WILSOX. " Funeral services for the late Minnie Wilson were held this af- ternoon at 'the Earl Whitlock Fun eral Home, Pine Avenue at sixth. Jwlth Rev. Frank Wemett. pastor of the First Methodist 'church, officia ting. Two selections were render ed by Mrs. J. H. Llnfesty. Inter ment followed In tbe family plot In LkifcrUla cc ouster;. GLASSES Fyrs Examined. FitteJ anJ ftt Glauses Ground in w own faciory to stht yomr individual rtqmittnenti. Broken Lentct Replaced DR. COBLE'S 70S MAIN STSIEKT t Repairi . ' ' Quid Strvict Veronica , or s . . . . Reducing Weight Alee frscrfaJ f Fkyslcfas). la (as arsonassil ei High Blood Presses Acid Conditio. Kldnav, Lives sad Bladder Tronblea I e d 1 1 s I e Ceastlf silee i. ',.,Star. Drug Co. WATCH REPAIRING HERB year guarantee on all work GEO. METZ JEWELER 622 Mala am ai V-V Klamath Needs Strong Chamber Mayor Declares 'Now,' more than any ether time In the past, doe the Klumnth bas in need strong, progressive and active 'chamber of remmerce. Mayor Tom altera declared In a special message Issued In connection with the chamber's program' of work. Fnllrrwlng Is the message: ' ' If Klamath ever need a strong and active Chamber of ..,. h ... w.m , r, year. Thl, .. no time tor Klllmnlh Ku .,,, KlanintU ,,,, nr . . ., ., ,,,- rf- . nw taanntl construction. In tact. Klamath Fall will soon he one of , the most important nl.road cent. ' on the entire Pacific Coast. For, this reason there are and will be many Important problems confront- uu uiairivi utiriug me nexi,ierms or nimiM'un'ni few years. Our timber and agrlrul- June 11-July 1. Inc. reaource. In the county are v.irii F TO HI , rf-v.i.rt . n.h.. NOTU K Til t III. Ing thla district during the next ' helne develnnerl. . Other tniltisrrtes w, ,,.,, ner)J- ,u ,h,r. ,., that w, b, nwMll,r ,r ,hls rom. : niunliy to undertake In the nour future. Th Ktninntl. rAiinlv rhkmlwr nt rnmmirM i .n ....u- strong organl.atlon that I believe is endeavoring to work to the Inter- , nuinn mn sun mmmuilliy. II -HI lows for an expression of commun ity thought. ' "A Mayor of Klamnili Fulls I urge that Klamath i ll liens give over the Program Inclosed here with." Very sincerely you, ' (signed) T.'II. WATTF.RS. TI10 Went her . I The Cyclo-Stormagraph at Vnder ' wood's Pharmacy show thou but I alight changes have taken place In 1. barometric condition, during the last 24 hours. It la therefore prob able that fine .weather will prevail tomorrow. 1 . . Forecast for next 24 hours: Fair and warm. The Tyros recording thermom- mum temperatures today a follows: ... . . . Hleh 90 1 l.ow.: At The Pine Tree A treat to the theatre goers Klamath Fall. Is promised In of the appearance or Gilbert the Great, l",Pnotlc '"rd. noted lecturer on II. W. Pooto announces a limited engagement of Mr. 'Gilbert starting at the Pine Tree theatre' for four days commencing Thursday evening, June 23. and to secure an oppor tunity of seeing this scientific dem onstration, urges you ' to arrange your plans ahead In order that yon I will not mis. this exceptional at traction, which he has been able to successfully arrange. From the advance heralds ' we have received, our assnranre ' can be given our patrons thit nothing' "fake" Is to be presented by . Mr. Gilbert, be travels entirely alone, selecting his subjects from tbe audience,' giving you nothing but rctunl scientific tests, with an occa- :nn-l rnrtlc situation, which cant f"rthsr le sssnred Is neither of-fen-Ire tor gruesome.' ' We feel sure that this bill will le one of our star atiractl'uas of the season and a rtre opportunity One can lightens loads ofwork Chant V photertc d FawtMre, ' Cufhions.s'ifingirijrV Curf tn, lugi, Aiitoi, Proilj, Sttlijim,, Tia. - In H pintt and puits, pllotu. etc at grocers, dnjyKitti, hardware ind dc partmrnt storrs or any S'sndaul Oil Service Station. Can alfn be ordered in rgcr cam and barrels. STANDARD OIL COMPANY . . . OJ? CALIFORNIA , Cor you to witness some exception al demons! rations In hypnotism, which la sure tu please the moat exacting audience. It's a dry country, but you ran take all the hops you want. Legal Notices III lS WANTED. School District No. 1 of Klamath Cotiuty, Oregon, wilt receive aealed bids on construction of a six-room addition to the. Mills Addition School. I Hidden wilt obtain ' rlana and '"Pacifications from C. N. Coeeboon. ! l'"f f,r??f JL"d J.....i ' All bids to be plain y marked f rd,.": ' 'Z'umb, r'ltled check or bidder', bond for t. ar the amount hid. and In be Hie hands of the Clerk not luter '"J" "n Juy . J ' " must be certl- fe(1. Uncertified checks will not he considered a. complying with , terms of advertisement KDlTOItH. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Itn-wlt, on the tlth day of June, 1927) aa Kxeculor of the Last Will and Testament of Ha run N. Itryant, deceased, and to all Creditor of said deceased or aqy person naving ' ,1'm. i'lL!. '' .?.,.?i'.i "Li!L" tu, six month from duto. properly v.'rln.d ih. underslaned. at hi. resldeuco lu Klamath rails. Ore-j gon. ' I Dated this ltth day. ot June,! 192 7. J. W. IIKVA.M. Gxecutor or tho Last Will and Tea . lament of Sarah N. Ilryant, do ' ceased. Juno 1&-23-29 July C-U. NOTU'E. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath Couniv, In the Matter of the Estate of ALKXAN'DKlt .MARTIN., Ieceaed. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has filed his final ac count of the administration- of the above-entitled estate and that the court haa appointed July 15. 1927. at 10 o'clock a. m. is the day for the hearing of objection, to such fi nal account and the settlement thereof. ' LESLIE ROGEn.V Executor of the last will and testa ment and eatate of Alexnnder . Martin, deceased. 1S-22-29-C-1) 1 ' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice I hereby given, that Ih Klamath County Fair Board desire, hid. oa tbe General Contract for the erection of an Exhibition Build- lng to be located nn, the JUniaih 1 County Fair Grounds, t Pinna 111H Kneelflei Plans and Specifications may be 'obtained at the office of Howard It. Perrln. 209-219 llopka Building. Klnmath Fall,, Oregon,- on deposit of, 1 1.0.00, CeUil nrnnnuli will tui up to 11:00 A. M. Saturday, July' 2. 1927, by tbe SecreUry of the Fain Board. Each proposal to be accompanied by a certified check in tbe amount of B ot the bid. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids.' - " LEDA R.. PARKER. ', Secretary, Klamath County Fair Hoard. . June20-:2-2S. XOTICK OK ANNl'AL MEETIXU. HCRtMlL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of Union High School District No. Two (2) of 1Cla matb County, State of Oregon, that Legal Notices the ANNUAL SCHOOL ' MEETING of said District will be held at FREMONT -SC HOOL, th "and High Sts Klamath Fan. Oregon r to be gin at the honr df two o'clock p. m. on tho fourth Monday or June, Be ing tbe 27U day o(. Juaor A P 1927. This trteetlng Is 'called for the purpose of electing' five directors for Union .High School District No. 3 and, the transaction I Doemoas usual at snch meeting. Dated this 6th day of June, 1927, LESLIE KOOKKS. Cbalrmah Board of Directors. ATTEST: i ". ' "'' ' ' &' WILEY.' District Clerk. To June 27th, Inc. NOTICE FOB BIDH. School 'District. Number One vf Klamath County, Oregon,.' will re rcelvo sealed blu on bond Isstl of 55,pO0.0P . v :,K .i . . ' Honda- will le dated August 1, 1927,' will bear Interest at the rate of not to exceed 6 par annum, In terest payable semi-annually. Bonds will be due and payable as follows: ' ' Payable Twenty Years from date, optional, for redemption by the dis trict ten years from date. Interest and principal payable al th' Floral. Agency of the State of Oregon, In New York City, or at the office of the Treasurer ot Kla math County, Oregon, at the option of the holder. - . ', Air bids to 'be plainly -, marked "Sen led Bid" and, to be addressed to Ida B. . Momyer, Clerk. , AH. bbls must be.- accompanied by certified check-for 6.. of amount bid and must be In the hands ot the clerk not later than noon. June 2thv' lllds will he opened al the office of the district at Fremont school, Klamath Falls, Oregon, at 7:30 p. m June 29, 1927, at a meeting open lo the public. The Hoard reserve, the right to reject any or all bids. Rchool District No. 1, Klamath County, Oregon. ' IDA B. MOMTRR,, ' ' . ! , - Clerk. -2. ' i Klamath Falls Business Directory I.OIKiK, Kit ITk'H.NAIi, NliTICH C II.IV. KI'KH TV; Meel Thur.Mlay evening. Visit I Jng mvtnbera welcome. V Kl.KH TKMI'LIS Srd and Main ' OLIVER H HI KM It, Kin I ted nnlar F. I). MCMILLAN. Becratary Fraternal trnler of Kaulra tOr Meet, every Friday ittA evening, 7; 30 at et .lose Hall. - " C D. LONll. Becretary Aerl. 1090.. Phon. Hi. Labor , Tempi. ' , Veterans nt H.relgn W'ara nil i- pelican IWt Meet. 1 awry aerond and ' fourth Wednesday evenings, I p. m., base meat Court House. , VEUXE J. WALKSn. Comuiaudar. Phone 155J-W. Ldyal Order of Mooe Meet every Thursday 7:30 I.. O, O. M. .Moose Hull. Klamath C.KO. 0(11. E, Dlclalor ACIVrXTANTS V: W. HOI TIIWKl.L lulii Accountmit M Audllir ' Iluslttesa Organisation Office Hysreralllnlng Special Investigations Inventorlea C'MM Main ' ' Phone Olid AltMTRAIT Tille Insurance Dlue iVInls Abstract. Conveyancing ABSTRACT OK TITLE CO. of southern Oregon Phones Day 1190 Night S7I-J C. T. PRICE, Manager 910 Main St. Klamath Falls ATTORNEY" O. &. IIROWKR Atlorney-et-Lav State and Federal Court. 209 Wllllta llldg. Phone til Abstract. Examined. Rea Eatate Lew a Specially E. I,. F.I.I.IOTT Attoniey-al-Law Suite II -New Melhase IlldaJ. .' Arroaa afreet from Court House Phone 624-J. - Office- l'honelll AITOMOHII.K DEALERH Repair Work. Battery Service. Tires Nash, Oakland. Pontine, Packard R. R. R. OAHAfiB - , -' - ' - 911 Klamath ' I Next to Poatnrflr.'- . tlini. ! 1 uoodrsap Tir .iraeenAC . I . r ' AUTOMOBILE TIRES 1 Drilla' In vonr'wora Urea get MMM mile, more at H nmal root -: - auk tiiik mp Guaranteed -valcanUinr. r4rad 114 South lllh St. Phone ItJ-J A lTO REPAIR - Guaranteed Auto Repairing Cars called for and delivered 6ou,tb it a St. Phone 901-W BATTERY SERVICE Cattery BefVlce. Magneto. Starter 'and Generator Repairing; - VLtiYn Hl'VRKVf rv WUlard.Hervle ! 234 Uals.eC Phdiie J97-W Battery. - Magneto. Generator ' Sad Complete Electrical Service - - - W. P. Johnson's ' AUTO KLKCTH10 WKHVfCB 724 Klamath'- Ph6ti y , -. Pbllco Remy Delco " ' - Roach AutoUte V.""." . . GENERAL JtF.jf AIR BCIirBERTH OUXfTRAL- .. WA1 ERVIC u ' Carl Kchubert. it. ' Repalra- Ceeh-4egrsters, -Typwrrters, Adding Macbbies, Rare and Locks and Onna. - ; . '. 820 Klamsth Are.- (Between 6th SUrt 91 HI 11EAUTY PARLORS ovvi- Rxpert Operators.' Indlvldtial booths, Tlolet 'ray, marcelling, hair tinting . ' BOSTON BEAUTY SHOP ' 'Gloinna VVsrren. ;' . . Winter. 'Bldg. lBone 811 Water, French Paper Curl Facial and araln treatmeat . .. - - -i-i-,-ni-iiiini u u iruui ntiLDINO MATERIALS SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. Quality Rtilldlng Material Booth Sixth Street ; i' ' Phone 769 CTVIU ENGINEERS ' I. C. CI.KOHOR.V Civil Engineer and Surveyor 219 lllf,'h Street C, C. KELLEY , Consulting Civil Engineer Underwood Hulldlng, Phone 1075 Klamath Falls ' Business Director);. IIKNTIHTia ,!. p. px WIHrlCAIlVE nn. it. u. cxKii'in. - Tenllstry X-RAY Laboratory I'nAerwood Mulldlng, Phon Mt 1. . ' Practlr of Dentistry .. nn. Philip coi.r : i ill Maltt . Over Moe'i Alora . Tbona 0(9 Opau Kvenlngs by Appointment "Dr. J. J. Eramena, ) .Med ford, Ore. Practice lluitled to ay., ear, now, aud throat. Telephone 117." riuittipiiACToiia DR. Cil.KN MOORN Palmer Oraditate Chronic and Nervous Diseases Now Mulhse lllock lit Mala 81. Phon. JI7I ' .y - OppiMlie Court House - ' ' ' f. ' KLAMATH FMPl.OYMK.Vr OFKM'b .1 ., . .1 ' Employment for workers la every trade mills, railway and) farms. . J nmes Hyaa, Prtip, 01 h and Main Hla. Phone 10T LNHin VNCH N. York Life Insuraac. Co. v . .. p, R. IWRKB - 130 Uala Safeguard yoar home Protect roar properties and loved ones.' ' J. IT. DRIHCOLL Surety Ronda Life. Fire and Ante Insurance, Williams llldg., Pbooe 411 DREHER AND MILLER IX8CRAXCK Western State. Life Ina. Aatomohllrs, Fire 9XIT William. RMC phone lost LAUNDRIES BCPF.RIOR At'TO L-C.DRI Kowle Oarage Cars Washed Called For sad Delivered. I t Pbooe 17 IJVKJtTOCK Freab cow. on hand at all time. From One lo Carload KLAMATH DAIRY COW CO. Phooa:. Ranch 'IlFtt Res. 411 S. Mocbettas, Jr. . Tesura Stallot OPTOMETRIST -t- Make and grlad Olaesee. Duplicate t sroitn lenses, repair- frames , i - -v DR. J, Q. OOPLR t v 70 Main-Street 'C -e .Phone lll-W .OSTEOPATUS " - DR. V. H. OODDARD , 1 .'.'A tQ.6.P..TEMPL.g i . Osteopathic Physician and lurgeos : , Office and Hesld.nice 1 pB8M W-i . MUSIC TEACHER AMERICA 9i CONHKRVATORY I - f Bend -end Qrcbestr " ' tnstrnmenta Taught. Classes lo Harmony and Arranging . 2rd Floor - - 'r ' Winters Bldg. i ' " -r-'.-.v rii-Mii """" "- iirinnnjuijTjVTjijvTjTji MUSIC TEACHEIW : t MUSIC STUDIO ' PMISH P. LARSON L ; Teaeher of Piano " ,'131S Lookout ' '. Phdne 769 March It - - ' .' PAINTS. WALfc PAPER , Wall Paper,' Points, Ensmsli, ' Brushes ' , ' P. n. oi.nff ; Across from Postorflce ' ' Phone 41 Everything a Paint Blrtre Keeps Paints, Oils, "Varnishes, Deadening 1 , Felt, Glass, Roofing, Wall-Paper i i PATTKRHOTN 1'AINT STORH 2 Bo. eixtll St.' Phone flt-J TIMBER CRUIHElm ) Timber Cruising. Reconnalsance sad , Appraisal ' : If. H. OGLE . in Main Street Phone 205-W Working from M. L. Johnson otllcs " ' ' ' ' I i 1