I Pape Four TI1F, KLAMATH HERALD. KI.AMATH KAT.T.S, OREGON WoilnPHilny. .Ti.nc 1027 Ulft 3Euimmg literal.?. T. B. MALARKEY- W. H. PERKINS F. B. ENOLI8H Editor ..Adrrrtlsinc Manager Buslneaa Manager Entered as aecond class matter at the poatoftlc. at Klamath Falls. Ore too on August SO, 190S, nndcr act of Congress March S, 1879. DeUrered by Carrier On Tear Bti Month! Tore Montba , On Month t.B0 On Month 3.50 Three Month! I IS Biz Month! ,5 On Year. Rj Mail .. .5 1.7S 1.74 5.00 Associated Press Leased Wire Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Member of the Associated Press The Associated Preaa ia .xcluslrely entitled to the use or republication ot all new dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In thte paper and also the local aewa published therein. All rights ot republl- cation of apodal dlapatchea herein are also reaerred. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1927 Turkeys And Grasshoppers G NGREAS E Willyi-Knight Great Six it Proving to be One of Mott Popuar Cars With the Willys-Knight Greet Sit holding a place ot unusual popular- ity among the motor car buyers. production of these models at Ilia Wtllys-Orcrland plant In Toledo has been stepped ahead for the past two months at a rapid puce to moot the sales demand. The Great Six line maintained Ita leading position In the better car class during the early automobile shows of the year and the response ot buyers throughout the country Is responsible for the in creased production schedule for this niottcl. Since the new models were pre sented in January the sales figures hare mounted steadily and with the coming of spring the sales showed an unusual impetus with indications that 1927 will see the sale ot this quality car striking a new high mark. This fact U attested by Wlllys-Orerland dealers who declare hat never before hare buyers of motor cars In the higher priced range shown such a decided preference for the Great Six eren though this model held a position ot leadership' In Ita price field last year. Although the Great Six Foursome, 1927 addition to the line baa bad The ill wind that blows no good is much talked of and it is difficult to imagine how a grasshopper wave, such as Tule lake Li now experiencing, could be productive of good. However, there is one faithful subscriber who always sees the silver lining to every cloud and that good soul insists to the Herald that the grasshoppers have been sent in order to stimulate the production of turkeys in the Tule lake region. "For," he argues, "is it not a fact that the turkey and grasshopper go together in the scheme of life and wherever you find the active grasshopper there also you should find the turkey feeding on" the hopper and preparing himself fori" unusual demand since ita lntro- th ThflnVsirivincr dinner table." I auction, the last approach of warm This bit of consolation is respectfully referred to William Dalton and his neighbors down where the grasshopper torches are burning and cremation of millions of hoppers is taking place daily. It is no fun to be a grasshopper down there, that is the unlucky ones who get burned. But there are many hundreds of millions who seem to escape the death torch, or liquid fire, and live to raise more little grass hoppers. It is these that the turkeys are asked to serve, and perhaps the subscriber is right, the hopper may lead a big turkey industry into this Basin which otherwise would not have been developed. Remember oil rectifier which lulnlmltea the quantity of oil consumed because it effectively prevents oil dilution. In addition to the Foursome and Varsity Koadstvr the Wlllya-Knlght Great Six line also Includes a four passenger I'alirloM Coupe and a tlvu ana seven passenger sedan. 43 Tons of Ice Taken bv Trains Here in One Day A record noundnse nf Ice. ua,t in Ice refrigerators of the Southern I'ariric trains tuisxlnt thromh Kin. math Falls over Sunday, totaling 8S.UU0 pounds, was handled by The Klamath Ice and Storage torn puny. "With hot weather coming on. this record, no doubt, will not stand long, but when vou consider tlmt means 43 tons In one day. It Is a high record," Andrew Collier. Presi dent ot the company said today, 1HNI OVKIt Kd. Wakefield. Klamath Falls, has been bound over to the federal tnnd jury on the charge of possession of Intoxicating liquor. Wakefield ralsod the bond set by fulled States Com missioner Bert C. Thomas and was released pending consideration ot his rase by the federal lnqulsalorl;il body. Wakefield was sentenced to 0 days In Juit and fined 1500 on a similar chargo last year, officers Mid. Now wo must roniralulato (he German government. - For la there anyone under the sun who could have received rhfimharllu I a- Tine more politely than Dr. Cur-this? Carnival Drawing Crowds of People on South Sixth St. weather baa brought about an In creased sale of the Great Six Varsity Roadster. Thla smart, powerful model of the sport type loams as a leader In Its group, according to tho Influx ot orders from dealers. I The Great Six Varsity Roadster! has an especial appeal to those who deaire the open car type and it ia but the work of a moment to convert It into a closed car by raising the collapsible top and adjusting the side curtains. Another sporty tea- tura of this car la the spacious rumble seat built into the rear deck. 1 The auxiliary seat provide ample room for two extra passengers. j Long, sweeping and graceful lines characterize the Great Six cars. The bodies are slow swung giving! unusual road stability and added driving safety. j The Great Six models are powered by the Willy-Knight aleeve valve, j motor, presented this year with Im provements which include a re-de signed manifold, giving a greater fuel economy and pickup; a new type air cleaner wiitch cleanses all the a rr taken through the-carburetor "Am I my brother's keeper?" It is an old expression and is frequently used when it does not exactly apply. For instance, in the road bond question now up for consid eration. Quite a few have remarked that they are through with road business, that they have all the roads they want and need and therefore they, -are po. o&fjrar.:interepted, , . , . Perhaps that is a narrow way to view Klamath county's road problem. No one is through with any. problem in this j to the engine end a wniys-Knight county when development of the county is at stake. ' immmmamSmmmiimam No one is through with any problem that to solve it means a greater volume of business to the business people of Klamath Falls and every other town in the county. No one is through with a question that involves the mar keting of lumber and farm products at a less cost; that in sures opening up of new lands; that insures the establishment of new homes, more dairy herds and greater production of lands. Remember, highways for joy riding are fine, but high ways for service and business are far more needful. ft POWER WASHING AND GREASING Leave your car with us at night and have it ready the next morning. Williams Garage Phone 106 Cor. 2nd and Main 'ALWAYS OPEN" STAGE Information to all points. Call at New Stage Depot fkh and Klamath Ave. Phone 326 JENNINGS TENT SHOW Wednesday and Thursday "The Game." A comedy drama in 3 acts. Friday, "The Millionaire , and the Flapper." A farce comedy in 3 acts. Saturday, "Toby From Tunerville."- A rural comedy drama in 3 acts Sunday,. "St. Elmo." One i of America's oldest and best known comedy dramas t ever written. 4 acts. Doors opened at 7:30. Starts at 8:o o'clock. Price 20c and Stic. Tent located on South Sixth, Near Smithy's Garage ,i CLINIC Tonsils and Hemorrhoids Removed " h . . Or Treated T Without Pain or Bloodshed 4 f "1 Consultation Free ......, , r . J . I DR. C. R. LUCAS, Chiropractor DR. G, F. MOORE, Specialist Phone 420-W Underwood Bid. A Hi-Speed Balloon! Precision manufacture has created the Ajax Hi-Speed Balanced Balloon! The Hi-Speed Balanced Balloon makes for far greater mileage and added comfort and ease in steering. ,Not only can you buy these new Ajax Hi Speed Balanced Balloons but you' can buy them made expressly for your car and so designated on the sidewall of the tire. America's most popular cars signify their , confidence in Ajax products by authorizing a replica of their own seal upon Ajax Tires. BALLOONS "They're Balanced (BXKiKKSM BUICK GARAGE 1330 MAIN ST. PHONE 42 fh'Mii shows, new and lirlalilly painted riding devices nml a genor.il spirit ot orderliness prevailed at Die cnrulval rounds on South Sixth street again luat nlttht where the Pacific Witlea Shows aro playing tor the week. Hey-Ihty and Over The Jumps, a couple of new riding devices never before shown In Klamath wore among the most popular attractions with the hlg crowds last night, .l thouith the ten shows and concession or various kinds drew their full quota ot merrymakers. Tho pit show waa much better than had been expected, the attrac tions In the big oblong pit being genuine In evety particular. Tho sword swallower, the fire-eater and the pin-headed woman were the stellar attractions of the pit show. The man with the curved spine whoso heart has grown on the right side of tils body waa an Interesting study for many people. For tho kiddles the carnival has provided a group of mlnaturo riding devices. Including a fcrrla wheel DO YOU KNOW We Retail Lumber? Cet our prices before you buy elsewhere. PELICAN BAY LUMBER CO. with rages, making it absolutely imfo for tho youugsters; a small whip, a mlnaturo merry-go-round, airplane and other tiny riding vehlrles to delight the ynungK'ers. The carnival midway la a blase of Ulthls and the mannRement has pro. vlded guides to help people about the ground and lo maintain order at nil times. Would t'liiM'k HuiugHllHg, ST. JOHN, Kan.. June !J. (,TW A recommendation that to oerceut of- rosds rroaaliig Into Maine be closed has been made lo the Itnyal t'UStnms t'ontllllMalnll. I, a mean of blocking tho flood ot siiniitKllnt. When ynu need glasses, go lo the best Optometrist you call find. Ilavo an accurate teat made, then lake his advice regarding the style of gluaavs beat fitted for your rate. DR. H. W. BARR Ky. Bight Hpeclallat GUS DUNN JKWIXKU AMI OITICIAN Ulfcl Main Street You should buy a car that is modern and will have the greatest resale value Buy a Whippet Overland-Knight Sales Co. 4th Klamath llionn HIMJ Get the most out of yom Buick buy if now Buick 's superior readability and handling ease make driving more pleasant on crowded roads. No mat. ter how many can bar your way, Duick will whisk by them on straight-away or hill, for die Buick six cylinder Valvc-in-l cad Engine develops more power for its sire than any oilier automobile engine. The time to buy a new car is when you need it most. Maka this the nt summer you have ever spent. Buy your Buick now. hi:n BETTIR AUTOMOBILES ARB built. BUICK WILL BL'II.D THIiM AMI 1330 Main St. BUICK GARAGE T The finest of tires Vastly Improved Here's a tire that hag ever been built up to an IDEAL Never down to a PRICE. It has always been the finet of tirei a man's tire fighting winning its way to the top by sheer ability to give and take to OUTPERFORM to OUTWEAR. You will find TODAY'S Seiberling All-Tread, by far the fin et tires that Seiberling has ever built. You will find 20 per cent MORE RUBBER. You will find 25 per cent STRONGER BODY. You will find more actual materials than are contained in any other tire in the world. j , '-.. a HERE ARE THE SIZES AND PRICES. , : , 30x3 ;,. 4-pIy Seiberling Cord $1 1 .95 30.3'o 6-pIy Seiberling Cord $15.85 32x41 8 ply Seiberling .Cord, Heavy Duty.:........; $33.20 HOxS 8-P'y Seiberling Cord, Heavy Duty ........ $40.00 '33x5 8-ply Seiberling Cord, Heavy Duty $44.15 32x6 10-ply Seiberling Cord, Heavy Duty........ $61.20 32x6 10-p!y 0. S. Heavy Duty $66.55 Utilty 29x4.40 Balloon Cord ; $10.00 29x4.40 Seiberling Balloon Cord ...........$15.85 29x4.40 Seiberling Balloon Cord, Heavy Duty........ $12.35 29x4.40 T. I. E. D. Balloon Cord $ 9.75 Exclusive Seiberling Agency for Klamath County B A LSIG ER MOTOR C 0 M P A NY