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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1927)
Page Two THE KLAMATH HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WVdnosilay, 22, 1027 3E 23C 7C 1 3OT?i7 UHBB "9 4' Splendid Automobiles 4: Fine Radios -4" Cash AwardsCash Commissions To be, given in The Klamath News and Evening. Herald s $6,000 Prize Campaign Alt active candidates receive a reward Send in nomination blank at once. How to Get Votes and Win f ; JIoV IVizCS Will 15e Awarded v nowrrntr t-: 'n; a t nniVr !,i,tsT ; .A,',T:i'. 'H-v lj"",h .r w,rvw"'r Vole, are oW.lnrd by marine new .,..) renewal .uhrripi.n. ... H T R Ii A P F A T . P l T 7.Ji lh.. . r. of . i.trl.l. who poll, II... CIIKAT- Kl.maih Fulls News or The Herald, or In.Hi naiier. nlil.h I -- -"- -- ' "V-a ... ixi a..a -a...a..- i - ........ The nuiy be secured anywhere. Start your ranipaijni at once anil jret the advantage of m early Mart, After having sent in the nomination blank, good for l'iKX votes, which will be found elehere In till announce mnnt. tile net step l to tell your friends that you are out to win one of the bicxest prize offered by The News anil Heral.l, an.l tart riht out to got their subscription. The KIKST rahxrintion you secure will entitle you tn 20,000 KXTKA votes. These, votes are In addition to the regular Totes given on subscriptions, ait shown in the vote schedule. . Dare the Mart is nuule, votes will accumulate radly. The arrangement of the prize list It such that in all sec tiona of the territory are sure to ahare in the prize distribution, each entrant having an equal opportunity, no nutter where they may "TN of 'U"inR "e ' ",c htrgest prize. Vote Value of ' Subscriptions Payable in Advance The subscription rates of THE KLAMATH FALLS MORNING NEWS and THE KLAMATH FALLS EVENING HERALD are shown below, toucher 'with the regular number of Totes allowed on each subscription payment. The votes shown here apply on both Old and New subscriptions. - annBssamwaawtsassaa fSrasaaaaaanasa Tau fomr-Joot Ma a tht Serin I JO cjbuuu. $1,515 xBuick 5pass? Standard Sedan, purchased from and on display , at ' Buick Garage, 1330 Main St. Klamath Falls. HATES TOR.XEffS OH llKRU.O News or Herald . . By Carrier in Klamath Falls Price Three Months t 1-95 Six Months .. , 3.50 One Year - .50 Two Years 13.00 Three Years 19.50 News or Herald By Mall Outside Klamath Falls Prlrs Three Months 1.75 ' Six , -Months .i...J. 3.75 One Year : 5.00 Two Years 1 0.00 Three Years 15.00 COMBINATION" RATE FOR BOTH PAPERS News and Herald By Carrier in Klamath Falls Price Three Months 3.90 Six Months . 7.00 One Year . : 1 13.00 Two Years 26.00 .Three Years : 39.00 .' News and Herald By Mail Outside Klamath Falls Price Three Months t 3.50 Six Months 5.50 One Year r 10.00 Two Years .. 20.00 Three Years 30.00 Votes 1.500 5.000 15.000 40.000 70,000 Votes ' 1.600 4.000 Is.orto' 35.000 SO. 000 Votes S.000 1 5.000 40.000 110.000 180.000 Votes 4.000 12.000 35.000 90.000 160.000 SECOND CAPITAL PRIZE Bis "annitw w if. .' $1,005 Chrysler '50' Sedan, purchased from and on display at Howie, Motor Co., Esplanade and Pine Sts., Klamath Falls.' SKtllMt l'ITl. I'KI.K S l.ona i rhrj.l.T "f.o" S-ilon will l.i. awnr.l.d tu tl. cdii.llilni. rrsunllcsa ul illMrl.t. whu poll, ths KKt'uMI lillKATKST number of tulei during Ihn (aitipalin. I MIItK t'ACITAI. ritl.K 1?5 n Hcdnn wll b.t swarded In tlx. .uiMlwI.ite, ri'Karilli.os i( ili.irM, wli i ..tll l lis Tlllllll (lllKAl' numli.r ( ul.'. ilurlni ll.r lumipalm. Mil liTII I'AI'ITAr. I'lll'.K- 49 Oil l'li..vrl.t Rednn will be award ed in the rni.tlwltiti. r.Ktrillrii uf itlMrl.-t, l.n ptill 1 FOI'liTIi tiltK.VTKST nuiiilior of vm.s during the rn.npalgn. I'NIlKIl TIIK AKItANGK.MKNT evry i'tiililnte hss iin i.irI npfinr. I u ii Ii y of wiumiiK una uf tliv rnpltnl swarils, riIrll"U of District Prizes' The nwardlnc of the iluirl.l prliet will hn iiu.l after llmlnnl- lux II... t'AI'ITAL prle wln.tors. und filluwt. The nst f lur i iindlilalrit. in vote MnmlltiBs. In cm. h of th two rampnlan tllMrlcts will r.Mfive ill.trt.-t prli.-s la tji fiillowln prdori 1 3i on Hirnmbert- t'nrl.on Hmllo Sl. i I .".o.OO Stewart-Wui oi-r lladln Met. ITiog In ra.h, l.'u In rush. . All i nn.liilntra ho .! not uin One nf the abive prii-. but remsiu uctlve frum the lime thnv rnirr until the rampainn rl-yeit, will he pul.l a nih of len per cent of nil new aubarrlp. Hon moil, y th. ) turn In dining tin. imialii. How Territory is Divided District No. 1 Comprise, all territory within the city limit of Klamath Falls, Shippington and Pelican City. District No. 2 Comprise all territory ouUide the city . limits of Klamath Falls, Shippington and Pelican City. f atttlUt Irai mil MTurv ..iilrwr.timtti iitvMlirs rnU rM of tlm i I I r Ir In nlilrti they nrr ntlfrti. , ( Kxtra Votes Given for New Subscriptions Kxtra tolrw n fi.ltimat nHI Ik lin tliirlnic I hi rntiiiilKii t KMI.OOO rxint vtin will I'm glvim for rvit ttorilt of Nr.W niilMrrl(ion"i Jurmfl In from tin In'hIiiiiImk of On rmni-ulKti i to nl iittlutllttff Julv '2i. IMMMH iir mav will ttt Klvi'tt rvrrv wnrih of N;V -iiititrrlitloiiN tnrnl In fr-m July it"! lo nml Ini'linllnic Aukii1' 11. ho.ihmi rxirn voirst Mill In- nit-en fur vrv worth of NKW mtlirrlpf loiii lumH In from Aiiic! H in nnl lioiiiillnK AUffitH IK. -Tin KW MiiliwrlMlon lurm-il In ilurlnu lli final wMk from A it Hi to U7 lrlnvt will mm .olr ninttl lu 7,IHMl on rm ti unit rvr' H'.'O worth of NKW milr.irl))ti.Mi. Tliri K'XTItA nn glv.-n In ndillllon lo ittt rrgnt.-tr uitu n honi In Ihf vmp iM-liiiluIr THIRD CAPITAL PRIZE f in- :- -.1... -SiSrSSSmmammi I i ' w. ... ' .VI i jr..: $965.00 Essex; Sedan, purchased from and "on display at the Acme Motor Co., 400 So. 6th St., Klamath Falls. START NOW! Clip out the nomination blank to the left, write on it your name and address and bring or niail it to the Campaign Department, The News and Herald. That ntart.s you in the race with 12,000 Free Votes. The next step is to get your first subscrip tion, which will bring you 20,000 ex tra votes besides the regular votes al lowed on this subscription. Remcm ber, your nomination first. Send it in j right NOW. FOURTH CAPITAL PRIZE $849.00 Chevrolet Sedan, purchased from and - on exhibition"' at the Chevrolet Sales & Service, 522 So. 6th S., K. F. NOMINATION BLANK Good for 2000 Votes rionw rnlrri Xiinin An a CanriiilalP In Tli Klnmnth Kails Nrsa nixl llrrnlil Automobile and l'ri I'anipuign . ' ' . . .. .. Stiwt and Xo , Town or Clly..... IM.' Xo . V 'n"l - - - Address 10,000 Extra Votes If fun rnirr durlnic first six wm-ka of Hip ranipiiiiru. Only ont noinlnnllon blank rmlilnt to rnrh ramllnle. You ran enter yoiinwlf or nominate any oilier person. For Further Information, Subscription Books, etc, Call, Write or Phone .jr.. Automobile and Prize Campaign Department The Klamath Falls News and Herald 119 North Eighth Street Phone 89 Klamath Falls Campaign office is located in business office of Herald open every day except Sunday, 8:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. - I FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON Good for 20,000 Extra Votes During first six weeks of campaign only IU iii it till coupon lo I lie Cnnipnliro Mmmirer, Thn Kliiln. nth I'iiIIh News mill lli'rnld, with your firm. miIik Hollon pay. inenl, elllier old or iieuy of lliree inoiithw or. lonircr. and yuu will n-relvo 2l,(Ml0 voles In addition to the line ntloweil on (he rexiilnr vole seliedule, prorldltiK you art iltliiii thn first ' six ivei'ks of the rnnipiilKu. Xiiiiio of HiiliMTllM-r....,..,.. , Address , I'liiidldule's Xnme Illxlrlit. .No Ainoiiiit One. f (old or new) '. This roupon, nrioiiipiiiiied hy the noinliiatlon hliink and your flrxt iileriillon, will mint you durlnic Hie first l mk of llm rniialmi ullli II2.04MI voles I'l.I'H I lie r.rllnr voles on Hie ilh. rlHon, n nliown In seliedule. Only ono of llieso liliiuks will lie err ill led to enrli rnndlitnle. 3C -w .'. J'..lrM. mm... , J-. 1T..f "Tt i l.i- ... j ffPWaWsssaaW