TUESDAY. JUNK 21, 127 gl... ' -TT-.. 'J'HK KLAMATH H KHALI), KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Three BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH Items, of Interest Concerning Residents of the Great Klamath Basin, if Yi News for This Department, Yotir'Courtcsy In Calling 89 Will lie App I . .. . ou Have Appreciated Vlalliil Krom Medfunl I Mr. and Mm. I.n lieubllem, ac companied by Mm. Hihwarf xriuld of Medfurd, wore tbo week end bona') KiK'Kia of Mr. anil Mr. I). II. llu j II" in. Tb parly nintora-d out to Miilln Irrigation dlatrln where l.ee j llmililli'Jii plana l purrluiaa land nd farm. ,Tbo vUllnra ri'lurn"d .Id Hie valley on Hundny evenlriK, Iti'lurniNl Nnrllt i ; ,4 J l.awran-o Mi'Nary, prominent at torney , of i Cortland , with Jurine TlininnR (if Juraanu rounly and Hr. Vvm(lliiK relumed northern Hutiduy after 'fcajoylng . Ilia trip lu Ihn. uld HlrmiKhnld In company Willi Cap tain (. ( . Appleiule. Thi parly Held .McHiiuw . , ',. (I, . . Tli Klaniiilh Hpnrtamen'a aaamla llun met In regular aeaalmi. In lhi t'liainher of t'ommarro room IunI nlalit and Iraiianded roui Inn hiial nu. Ou urtount of I h allin nlliuid urn ii no oi linn waa laknn on avrul mutter up for consideration, hill niailo Ilia trip Tla I ho Morrill mtiln , whlrh will probably roina up at Ihe and returned via Olene. Leaving i J'" nieailnc. her nt. eight o'clock In the morn-1 The majority of the member aro In, liter returned at five in Iho ev on-Ibolr rai-atlon. but after ihe nlu. .and dei'larnd themaolvea dv old-faaliloned Kourlb of July role llalilml with Ihe entlra trip and lha ' brnllqu prumlaed Klamath clllten lei'turn "A Day In Old Mlin" which ' tbay era 'experter to, ha In a better i. Ilia fuptaln ituve. bumor lo attend to other affnlra. .Mrcllij Timlittit I The, American lotion Auxiliary ' will hold ono of lla moal Important mentlnica of the year tonight when rMaa of mora than 10 randlriatea will he Initiated Into lha ord.ir, Kollowlna: Ihe Initiation an evenln. Offlrera I.. O, of carda will ba enjoyed. With Talent. He Mra. 1(. K. (leit prealdlnR aa char man the (iieaia will enjoy light re freahoiitnla at the ronrlualon of the evening. K. W nkrflchl Arreted Charged wltb poaacaalon. of In toxicating lliiuor, Kd. Wakefield, wall known Klamath Kalla raaldent, waa arrealed Saturday night by Ikepuly Hherlft Mueller, and Federal Rblrley and Terry waa arraigned today hefuro Cnlled Hlntce Commlaaloner Hurl ('. Thninaa and hla bond aet at ll&UO. A federal complaint baa bean I sworn out atulnal Wakefield by Itrx-unerntlng r'roni Injun- ' ' Irlhlrley and the rnaa will ha taken tj Harold Davie la recupern'liig from 'I'onland If Wakefield la bound over Injurlna, which he enruuntered whllo unloading loge at the Wnodcocka aawmlll, at Aapln t.akn when bo rruahed hla leg. He la mopping at the home of Mr. and Mra. A. O. Hubert, of Ihe I'oe Valley dlalrlct. Kor aeveral daya Davla waa a patient at the Klamath Valley bonpltal. to the fi-deral (rand Jury, llt'furneil I'roiii Itowirt . Mra. Will llaldwln and aon hava lot timed from Lake O' The Wootla where I hey apent aevi ral daya at their mi miner home. Mr. llaldwln atwut " wuck mill, M lha raaorl with hla wife and arm. Mine Kent Take IWlInn . , Mia Klale Kent haa accepted a poult Ion with the Klannilli Full t'reamery for Ihe nunimir monlh. Ihpcriul MiM'llntc rrilii I A apt-clal maetljiK of the Ni-IkIi-hart ut the Wiiodi raft will hr he Id fil thla i lly on i'rliluy evening .when Mra. Illm kley.'ithe ataln ory.iinlter, will ho hi re. Tim Wenllier The Cyclo-Hlnrnuigraph hwa Ihr.t the preaaura fell thla morning for aeveral hnura and condlllona ar fuvorablo for thunder ahower thla evening. Korecmit for poet 24 huura: (ien ernlly fair and warm. Tho ft 'a recording thermometer reglatered maximum and minimum temperature! today aa followa: tlleb Ii l.ow 5 HKKKH DIVOIU'K ( barging cruel and Inhuman treat ment, Klrlra I'cnrl Gilbert today brought null for divorce from Hert It. Gilbert. The couple ware mar ried Auxuat . m. Mra. (IIIImtI anka for lha riduro , of her maiden name, Klvlra Hhadley. At liigiilre lloine Mra. Gertrude Ilrown and ilauglij- ; r MlM Geraldlne. of Han Kranclecn, j ore Die bouae guoala of J.' K. Mn gulra. Hr . and family. Mra. Ilrown and daughter ara enrnula to Heatllej altera they will vlult Indeflnlely. I Hack Krom California j Mr. and Mra. K. J. Murray hav-; returned from an extended vlalt In California. They vlalled at Voaem-1 II I'ark and nnmernua other placen of Intereal while aniith. i At The Liberty Itet umecl Front Valley Mra. Harry (loelier and rhlldren have returned from an enjoyable vlalt In Medford whera they were gueata at Ihe home of Mra. (ioeller'a mother, Mra. K. M. Wllaon. I Itctm neat Krom l'orlnnt Mrg. Jamea lllahnp Koater haa ' returned from a delightful vlult In I'onland. While north Mra. Knatnr waa lha houae gueat of Mr, and Mra. A. II. Kpperann, former realdenta of ' Klamath Palla. Mra. Coaler enjoy ed lha ltoe Keattval and reporla tho annual event a wonderful altera with Ideal weather. Enjoyed Outing Mr. and Mra. Charlea llenlon . Houae, Hr., and Ihilr aon and ,, . ,. ( daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mra. .Marring; Told charlea llenlon Houae. Jr.. enjoyed Announcement telling of Ihe lh. wcek end at Diamond l.ako. marriage of Mlaa Wanda Pope, ( daughter of Mr. and Mra. K. I.. I'ope .muiIiibt Man Here to Itlrhard Wleaa at Corvallla. have I W- Ki ,n, mining man of been rerelvrd In Klamath rounly. Oranla l'aa. la hero for a abort The young couple plan to make their ,me on bualneaa. Mr. Ixigan makea MAY McAVOY, ROCKLIFFE FELLOWES t- and FORD STERLiNp; . ; in "THE ROAD TO GLORY" . ; (IT'S THE DEVIL'S OWN HIGHWAY) A Highway of Thrills and a Trail to Romance. JnL U K K Y I Get Your Set! Theatre future home In Portland. paat two yeara lha bride leaching In Waahlngton. Kor Ihe haa been Party Weilneadey i Tho rant parly which mamhera of Ihe l-adlra Altar Hnrlety of Hac red Heart church have planned for will ba held on Wedneaday evening 'at tho Pariah houae. Tha public la ' Invited. Mra. II. V. Juyaux, Mra. Itntutllnl From I'ortlaliil tiavld It. VandcnlM-rg and Mra. Mra. Jennie Hum baa returned Joaeph Hhlrk will prralda aa hoat from Portland whera aha apent a aaaea. week flatting with relatlvea and frlenda.. Mr. and Mra. Italph Hum. VUIe! Ilualwud hla home In Hend. Hale mill On Bargain yet to bo bad. Mut clone out entlra at k. t'omn In now. Ml I.ady'a Hhoppe. 822 Main.! J21-22-23Adv. i I aon and daughter-in-law of. Mra. Hum their two children, Itlrhard and llarhara. returned with Mia. Hum and will be gueata her, tbla . K.nJirl Picnic An rinloyable week end picnic waa' that qf tha Southern Oregon Clean-1 era Aaaqt lallnn who met on Sunday ' at the Jackaaa Hot Rprluga. (lepra-1 aenlatlvta from Medford. Aahland, . Crania Paaa and Klamath Kalla wore prevent and mora' than alxty gueata enjoyed tha picnic which la an an nual affair. Mr. Ian Tyaon vlalted here over Monday with her huaband who la employed with tha Houlhern Pacific, rnrnut to her home at Rugene from an extended vlalt In Califor nia with her mother. Mr. Tyaon apent moat of her lima In l-oa An- gelea. Vlalllug In I'rnillelon Mlaa Mary Harry haa left for ' Pendleton where aha will apend the. aummer month vlaldng with relatlvea and friend. I I Mlaa latrkry Home Mlaa I.. I.urlln Mrkey haa return ed from Portland .whera aha apent , ON THE STAGE VAUDEVILLE Five Acta of Spar kling Novelties,, Clev er Comedians, Pretty Girls, Songs, Dance3.' ON THE SCREEN MILTON kliisl t' k VIOLA DANA CHARLIE MURRAY . in - - r I "The Silent : .Love,, The cast guarantees the picture. ha paat flva weeka receiving medl- j cal attention for her eye. lUliy Hon Mr. and Mra. If. Bmllh are being congratulated upon the arrival of a baby aon, born Monday, Juns 20. Mr. Hmlth la connected with the Highway Garage. of VIoKlng Hlatrr Mra, John Mi Kali, wife of one of Poo Vulley'a prominent farmer la In the city for a few daya vlaltlng at tha homo of her alater, Mr. Lout Pappag. During her vlalt her. Mr. Pappaa la vlaltlng at tho ranch home In Poe y alley. Vlaltlili Krom Drain Kred Clark of Drain, Oregon.. I enjoying vlalt In Klamath rounly with relatlvea and friend. . He la pending aeveral day at tha borne of Mr. and Mra. A. O. Roberta of Poe Vaaley. Mra. Itoberla and Mr. Clark are brother and alater. llnrh rVinn Hout It Glenn Van Meter of the Poe Val ley dlatrlrt baa returned homo from aouthern California where he aub milted to a major operation. Hla condition la reported a very much Improved. , A new ahlpmont of pretty dreaaea and hat- Juat In at lie lleglna Store. I J20-23 Mlaa Peia Home Mlaa llertha Pelli, another popu lar member of the college aet, haa returned homo for . the aummer month and will vlalt with liar par enta, Mr. and Mra. II. K. Polti. Itotumlng Tonight A A l i I In n.M In.M.rtu vi.m.ii, l-.ii. i. l.i. ,h : Here From Tarorna to hi home at Kugene on thla eve ulngV train after apendlng tha paat two daya here vlaltlng with frlenda. Mr. McDonald waa formerly mana ger of the It. A. Pllrher atore of thla city. At Tho IVeuium Home Mlaa Idn Koaanm of llakjr, Ore gon, .will ho the bouae gut of her uncle and annl, Mr. an I Mm. John Koaaum. for aeveral day en Ml I.. M. Mathewa, recently of Tacoma, haa accepted a poaltlon aa bookkeeper with The Klamath Kalla Creamery. SPECIAL ATTRACTION BEGINNING THURSDAY, JUNE 23 "GILBERT" Maker of a Million Laughs Pretty all-over apron dreaaea In all alio for onlySl.uo at llee llegln Hloro. J2U-2I llountnn. at Hpnigue Itlver John lloualnn of The Mutual ricne fil Life Inaurance company la Iran- rome lo unlhern Callfnrnla where rtlng bualneaa at Hprague Hlvor he plana to vlalt for an Indefinite period. Grtihbe )Iare Itauahlc Mr. and Mra. Arthur Grubb receiving congratulation uppn arrival of a baby aon, horn Sunday. June 19, Valley hoapllal. ir? the in at the Klamath today. Pretty allk dreaae at flee lleglna Htore, I.9S to $35.00. J20-2 Taylor On llulnriw C. J. Taylor, Juatlce of the Peace at Ilcatly aiwnt Monday here on bual neaa. Taylor reglatvred at hotel Hall. Expert PrearrlMlonlata Korbea Pure Drug. CLINIC Tonsils and Hemorrhoids Removed I Or Treated : j Without Pain or Bloodshed Consultation Free DR. C. R. LUCAS, Chiropractor DR. G. F. MOORE, Specialist Phone 420-W , Underwood Bldg. 1 Y f ? f ? f t ? ? ? r ? y f f ? ? ? t f f V y t t y f y y ?: v f ete. y f i t t f y t" y ? f f t Our Amazing Distribution of Nationally Advertised Genuine Cxceptionnct, Ceiuty Product! These 10 FulI-Size Exquisite Toiletries Nationally Advertised in Saturday Eve ning Postj Harper's fiazdrj etc to retail for a total of $12.00, Yours for the Gift Certificate below and a small service 1 charge of . .. Nothing else to P3r This Offer Gdd.jbnly Until Juiie Mail Onlrra Acrefitecl Add ai)c for I'Oktago anl Packing MM, Jwim r S-.. f eV-j " - i s SK X 4 , 'A m. -. All. aummer roata marked bolow coat at llee Ileglrt 8tore. J20-2a Klijoyiii Coaat Trl Mr. and Mra. II. N. Moe with their houae gueat, Mlaa l.lla Moe of Spo kane are enjoying a motor trip along1 the coaat which will keep then way (of the remainder of tha week. Rome 'pretty felt hut have juitt arrived at Hie llegln Htore. J 30-211 In Front III) T. R. Wallla, well known resident of 111)!,' la ri glalered at the, hotel Hall lodny. Mr. Wollla la In tho rlty Irannactlng bualneaa. Expert Preacrlptlonlata Forbei Pure Druga. 'VInIiIiio; l-Voin Anlilnnil , , Mr.,nnd Mra. I. (l. Frldlgof of Aahlnnd trnnanctPil hiialneH hero over Moud.iy from their home In the vallity. They were hotel gueata at the Hall. Vlallral llerp HiiniU) M. Flnlacharker of Han Franrlaro vlalted here over Sunday a the gueat of T. P. Ilenderaon enroute north to Portland and other point of Intereat. Vlaltlng Aunt Mlaa Marie Owena of thla rtly I enjoying a vlalt at lleatty with her aunt, Mra. Frank Schmltx. II lll'a For Flower and Floral doalgni. Adv. Phone 1US. liOokfng; Over Country ' . 1. 0. Tubman of 8eattlo la here' for a few daya looking over bunl neag Interoata. I Ilnvo your hemalitchlng dnnn at flue lleglna Hloro. J2U-26 Attending Trial (I. It. I. on of,(rnnt Paaa I hare, railed to appear during Ihe Way trial In tho local court. ftarnr At Chllixuln Zed llnrnca of tho Rhell Oil 'com pany haa been irnnaferred to Chllo Qttln whera ha will be employed In tho Internal of. hla. company. TrnnaarTlna; IIiimIim-iim Joe Kennedy of Raernmenlo tranaactlng bttalnoaa liaro today. f 3 A Hear the Ininat aong and A U , Hntice Hit on - II BRUNSWICK X fWrlffe or ruq HlllWI. WIVES! If your husband gets sick or hurt the pay check stops and the savings melt. Wouldn't it be wise to have the income continue from the first day of his disability and as long as he is disabled? i- THE MUTUAL BENEFIT will do this very thing. Mail the coupon below and learn of this' won derful protection. " : Monthly Benefits.' ' ' JOHN HOUSTON ' Next to Hall Hotel Desired $..:..v.v..v. Name 7. j. , Your Age Address ..Y,.......:..:...... . ,:(,. 1-;: I '! . Y t t y X y t y X f y f f X t t t ? t y ? t f Each Set Conlaihi the Following Ten Full Size Exquisite. Toiletries Natidnally -Advertised, at the, Prices Listed Below ,i 1. Vivani Exceptkmnel Face Powder .. $1.00 2. Vivani Exceptionnel Rouge ..... .75 3. Vivani Exceptionnel Tissue Crtam . 1.00 U. Vivan .ExceptionneDepilat6ry; ; r.' ;'l.00 45. ViVani ExceUoiirieFa'cial'Astring'eni 1.75 i- 6. Vivani Exceptionnel - Bath Salt . .!; 1.00 . 7. Vivani Exceptionnel Toilet Water . 1.25 8. Vivani Exceptionnel . Perfume . . 2.75 1 9. Vivani ExceiWonnel: Brilliantine ... . .75 10. Vivani Exceptionnel Skin Lotion ; ; .75 TOTAL ....v..:....;.:i:....;..J...L.. $12.00 After the Platribution of Complete Set the Individual Itrma' Will lie On Hale at the Above Pricea. POSITIVELY ONLY ONE SET TO A PERSON Exclusive Distributors for t Vivani Beauty Products in Klamath Fall Underwood's Pharmacy Bring This Certificate With You iOOD OM.V.JCXr; 2a, 2.1, 24, AND 2.1 . - t , I " . - f ' GOOD ( Si ft Gift Certificate xsaexyagaauaitill,eaaTiWV on tomplttt H f J C&ii$ Certificate ntiiln Mr kotJtr io SltJOO ttt of 10 faff a? . I Ti ' - t f r i v ivam oxcrpuonnei ocauiy rrauuna exactly as CMcriera nc-irn. Redeemable. .. Only at I'mlerwood' N. Cham. vhjtevM to at .ia ir ar- htm miv am.ll urvk-. rh.rM ol Mil. I .apt., pacain aed c.rrylhin in lull lot mi. .ini.lwi Mt i.'t - .f ...t rr t j nnriiMARi a nmnnumy UPON PRESENTATION OF THIS CBBT1F1CATB. .Veeeeee x t X ? T 5 ?' y "y -T ' y t - t t . r y y y t ? T t f T ? f "t y I I i X X X t y y t y y t t y f y T i ? y y f t y X f .'y t ir T .t t t t t t f t T f y y t Ik" A 41 2 e. 1