Page Two THE KLAMATH ' HERALD.' KLAMATH FAT LS, OREGON' TITEDAY,'.TUNE ;17 ; n7l IN THE REALM OF nrl Million Trout -Are Planted in Diamond Lake One million trout fry will lie re leased this year In Diamond lake world's ireatnt em taking station according to Marlon Bamea, district name warden !)) ,h tyist fvtimc. from tha ffnhiait reartrt hre he has been helping ship the 17 S-i million en take to Portland where the eyed ecus will be hatched and the fry later distributed to different parts of the state. Bjr planting a million trout in the lake year, the volume of trout la retained and the continued sue ceaa of the egg taking station assur ed. . , ., That constant fishing of the lake Is reducing the site of the trout was apparent this year in the fish trap. The, largest trout taken was 1! pounds. Barnes said, whereas in year past trout weighing from 20 to 23 pounds hare been taken. "They're Just caught out, and the one and only method of keeping Diamond lake up to standard is by constant replanting." , the warden commented. "I re nerer seen so many trout in the lake as this year; but they are not as large as former ly." Because the fish racks at the out let of Lake 'had been constructed for the larger fish of days gone by, many of the small "spawners" es caped through the trap and made their way down the outlet. The fish trap will be reconstructed and the racks built to correspond with the alse of the trout. Noted Swimmer Is to Perform In Ewauna Lake Swimmer to Speak I At Forum Luncheon the nulataiiditig Issues of the bond elea'lUni. PIRATES RETAIN LEAD OF LEAGUE Mrs. Leila Fourrier, nationally known as one of the outstanding women swimmers of ike world, who arrived In Klnmath Falla today from her home t lions Beach. California, preparatory' to enferhig' training for the swimming race to be held In Toronto. Conada. will give an ex hibition swim , in the waters of Kwauna Lake on Wednesday evening at seven o'clock. Mrs. Fourrier holds the Pacific coast record for the Golden Rate swim, having covered that distance In one hour and 10 minutes. Her record in the famous t'aiallna swim was ten hours, covering a distance of 14 miles. Resides these honors. Mrs. Fourrier is the only woman who has ever accomplished the swim around the island of Alameda Bay. F. A. Young of Kdgewood. Cali fornia, formerly of Klamath Falls, a brother-in-law of Mrs. Fourrier. accompanied her to Klamath Falls where she will enter training at Rncky Point. Kach day Mrs. Four rier plans to swim at least ten miles in cold, fresh waters of Pelican Bay. Mrs. Fourrier has hopes of con quering the second Wrlgley Man thin for the World's championship which is at stake on August SI lit the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto. Itesidents of Klanmth Falls will have the opportunity ( hearing Mrs. I Leila Fourrier. noted swimmer, ex. J plain whtM. :strokes ahe used in the, famous Cntatina channel swim lit ' which she covered more than 14 miles, at the final forum luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce for the summer months tomorrow noon. . i Members of the Chamber of Com- ' merce have Invited Mrs. Fourrier t be a special guest at the noon luncheon. She hus consented to talk to the guests on one of the world's greatest equatlc eveuts, the ,Clnllna channel swim. The major points in the roud bond election lo be held oa Tuesday, June SS will be discussed by mem bers familiar with this issue. - The board of directors are anxious that all members turn, out for the final forum of the summer months, ns well as to acquaint themselves with HAI'lli CITY. 8. li., June 21. (, The hnrdeat boiled group extant -the metropolitan reporter falls tor a "ditile ranch" recall. Press ictrvsentatlvea ! the college camp are resplendent In tin galluu hats, loud .'heck, mI shirts and other west ern tmovlel apparel. -Tito same bunch eigerly soualit specimens of the silver dollar of local commerce in the belief that tradesmen here wero overlooking rule coins. fa World's most popular low-priced quality six 50 MEN WANTED to get married this k t month and ham their i suits tailored at ..--.-w . "Where You, Have a Fit" It 1:13 No. tilt St., Kliitmith Katie El City Declines to Sell Property to ! S.-P. Railroad Co. ;,(Bjt Tile AaaoriatMl, Prrwt) . Splitting' even on their' two-game aeries, the league leading Pirates and Cubs. turned tber hatting bar rage upon slightly less formidable foea today. ' When the Pirates downed their challengers, the Cuba. 4 to 0 yester day, they not only retained their narrow margin of leadership in the league, but also held the lead In the private duel between the 1 clubs of 12 fames they have played. The Pirates have won .7 and the Cubs S. Aa though pdrposely giving the t whole stage to the Pirates-Cub battle, rained downed the. only other : two games scheduled, both, in the American leagne. Road trips ending. '.the Giants look, forward to a few fat weeks with the eastern teams after meet- : Ing many bard knocks in the west. Meanwhile tbeir 3 rivals In the tint division Pirates. Cuba and Card- Inals will be fighting it ont largely between themselves. The Cubs pre- I pared to open a aeries, with the Cardinals with a double header. I while the Bucaneers meet easier opposition in, the Reds. Because the city would probably need the property for some years to come, the-city council has refused !o .sell to the Southern Pacific a 10 foot right-of-way. through the city's septic tank site property. In a letter to the Southern Paci fic. Elmer Balsiger. city councilman. advised the railroad company of the situation. If. Mr. Balsiger explained, the sewer bond issue providing tor a disposal system. , had carried, the property would have been available; but inasmuch, a. the Issue was turn ed down, the old site will be used In definitely.. Hooray Jfe- fe Coats Remodeled. Fur Manufacturer. Furrier I M7lS.Wn.IIAM I BESHLKR 42 Klamath Avenue:. Between Fourth and Fifth. Klamath Falls - - Ore. : JENNINGS TENT SHOW Monday and Tuesday, "The Man Outside." A comedy in 3 acts., Wednesday and Thursday f "The Game." A comedy ' drama in 3 acts. Friday, "The Millionaire .and the Flapper." A farce comedy in 3 acts. Saturday, "Toby From Tunerville." A rural comedy drama in 3 acts Sunday, "St Elmo." One of America's oldest and best known comedy .dramas ever written. 4 acts. Doors opened at 7:30. StarU at 8:00 o'clock. ' Price 20c and 60c Tent located on South Sixth, Near Smithy's Garage SPECIAL LUMBER SALE Shiplap 8, iO or 12 inch . ... . .$17.50 1 Just the thing ioi Sheathing 1 2x4 No. 2 Dimension . . .$17.50 2x4 No. 3 Dimension $15.00 iI2x4 E. Bevel Siding ...... .$10.00 a We have many items to show you. i Drive out and look them over. ..... Pelican Bay 1 Lumber Co. w .''5 "Now We've Got a Good Place to Eat Only the best served at the HOTEL WILLARD COFFEE SHOP V Hi Hi .ra.4r. wji.v- ' t y j w vr u -a a? vTJ,:- iT?if iiir-n n r - a SfORT ROMKiUH, ' a.un 77 lour. . . . . .r "75 IVlvi.lJUiuNUj J75.. tvl...i.f,.ivu..o"60 iwt.i.i'.Mt ivn..,770 ..l i . !. la J I ., A".,t. r.oifrf..,. lirl.r l IwlfMIMIMM. SuiltMf ih.'.l. I ... ,U ti. ih. t(h,.l ( . imi Iinti.ic Six Kales nrc now nt rcvord-brciiktrtK hcius Jo oihcr low-priccil itt.ili(y tiil ever enjoyed micIi popu litrity and noothcrcar ever vleservcd its popularity more! l or the New atul Finer I'on liac Six it exactly cite car that hundreds of thousands had hoped some day would he uvail.ihle! The hiuhvt lype of six c, inder perfirinance-; the (inert type of hodies knowit to the industry the most dc si ruble mechanical (eatlire. Arjd iey low p(;ii?es-f-ihe . lowest prices ever placed on nixes of comparable l:e, pcr formance and ijualityl Small wonder that Pon tiac Six popularity is wcev in-; the nation with wildfire speed! Small wonder that thousands of people nrc buy inn new I'omiac wLren every week. RRR GARAGE 820 Klamath Avenue ured right signed jft- I Pis fj. fit -Ah 3 m . .-.v ri v v ia iam WHEN I first started to smoke a pipe, I -looked around me. The fellows who seemed to be getting the most out of their pipes were filling them from a bright-red tin, with a picture of a man in a frock-coat on it. They told me it was the greatest pipe-tobacco ever. 1 decided to find out for myself. I bought a tin of Prince .Albert. As I opened it, the aroma that floated out of it gave me a real thrill. It reminded me of a trek through the woods when the dew is on the leaves and the sun is on the up. I couldn't wait to try it. The very first pipe-load won me. I was ready to sign on the dotted line. It was cool and sweet-flowing as Tennyson's brook. It was mild and mellow as spring sunshine. Yet it had that full, rich to bacco body that let me know I waa smoking. You know what I mean. I sure figured right when I signed with P. A. The philosophers say the only real pleasure is that which you share with others. So I'm letting you in on the ground floor. Get yourself a tidy red tin of good old P. A. today. Fill your pipe to the brim and go to it! P. A. U teti trtAr. In lUy ttd ttnl, pnmnj rf hmH-paun4 tin immlt W-ri, emd pammd r,jij'iff hmmtimtt with aft.Hf .miifHr top. And tvt with vrrr bit . bit. 011J ,.rc. by tki Print Albni pimK.iH PRIM ALBERT ! -no other too acco is like it! t e im7, . J. m.M. Tnhnetm , S ,laB-S.lNi, N. C 1