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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1927)
MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1927 THE KLAMATH HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH Items of Interest Concerning Residents of M Great Klamath Basin. If You Have New for This Department, Your Courtesy In Calling 89 Will lie Appreciated I ItrlUI'Mril Hoiltll Mr. Waller Kelley tine May ma niaromlnl, returned lo hor hum in Huu Frauclaro on Saturday morn ItiK after vtalihis: her for a fort night wlih relative and friend. Part or lb Unix Mr. Knilay visited m Hi hoin of hr molhr, Mr. M. tlluromlnl Ml Merrill and . thn re mainder of I bo lima In I hi ally wlUi hor hrnther-ln-law . and sister, Mr. and Mm. Lester Of Meld. Mr. Kolley pent tow day hor with rflutlvov tad friends during hi wlfo'a vlail here. Ilerreltl- Onrna Th It. 8. Navy ha opened ail Ilotrulilna and any ma Interested, hatween I ho aaoa of envenleen and th'.rty-flve. who wlah lo nllat or deefrt Information ahout III Navy, address II, T. Kdsen, Chief Torpedo nun l' H., Navy Hoeriililns Station, Sua Dckiim Building. I'orlland, Or aoti. Thla la tit word received htra today from Kdann, rhlef re cruiting officer lo fh'l . dlatrlcl. Kdana wo a hire recently oa an In wtlon at tha Klamath territory. !,.i Ix'iivliiu- On Vniull Mr. and Mra. T! V. Poff (Wilds Slaves) plan to lesl III la routing week fur Naniia Mid Dulse, Idaho, lo spend their varillnn. While In Nam pa hy will vijny a vlatl with Mr. I'oU'a pjrenla, They plan io muss lha trip hy Motor and In re turning will vlall a I'ortland, , tin Ijiwann l.eft-4 1 ' II r l.awann' hJ loft for Tacomn I where ha will bo rjmnerlnd wliTl Ilia I Klin hoi I dun Company. Lawaon la th aon of J, A l.awann of I ho . Klamath Hportlna Unoda Company In I Iha Slater iliilldlla. During hi alay here ha madiiniany frlenda who will rrt to loan of hla dprtur. .Old I'olltldiiit Here ' Krank K. Doeshtiry, one of Clio outstanding pullilrluna of Hi Poclf- lr Coast, spending a few daya In j Klamath county a th guest or A. A. Whlllatrh, wall known ranrhar I of thla sei-tlnn. It waa Doeabury j who predlvted th Harding nomlna-1 Hon.- Ila In a ataunrh old lima! , frland of Frank llltrhrotk. - Mr.1 ' Doaaliury la connected with Ilia 1'nt-! Coal Rnmoi1ld. Fur Manufacturer. Fmrier sins. M il, 1,1 M JIP.HHl.fcll 424 Klamath Avenue, Between Fourth and Fifth. Klamath Fall - - Or. SALE OF PAPER Page Three s s M con IITQ A Mm. Pw-4 I a n l TaUmm fifwi St a,uij4 aV I ! j Transferred to 0. E. Lof gren," Attorney ' lad Hiala Herret aarvlr, In treasury department. tti Fiom llunnnxa Fred Ituwk, -vnll known ranrhar of th llananza district, apant Batur- j day In the rlty on bualnoaa. Mr. I Ituerk rrprese iled tha Hon a nr. J community club at the meeting of Culled My Father's llliimu , the federated Hoard who held a Mia Ann Hhel. teacher Of III relied meeting to discuss th road Call For lltil -. fllda for IN rnnalrurllnn of Ihn lld.uim raiunly f.Ur bullillna; will be opened 1 1) Ihe near fitlnr hy thn Klamath county lair hoard. II waa decided af a meotlna of Ihe board helrl Katurday at which plan were eubmlllod by II. R. I'rrln, arehllee. Ilelwaen 4.000 and f&.OuO will ! arallabl tor premium award thn frr. K. M. Hammond, chairman of lb fulr board aald Hamrday. Olrn arliool Who haa been apendlim part of her vallon her - wlih frlenda waa rallel to her horn at Aaiorla hy Hie rntlral lllnea of bor father, I'atrlik Hlea. l-rfi For Vallry ' Mra. J. D. favtbaon of Hand flail ed here over Rmday with frlenda earnitl tit Aahlmd where ah will apend aevernl daya with frlenda ho fom rnlurnin Id her home In Hand. While here Mra, Puvldaon alopped at Iho hotel Anide. Mad laau. Th realdenta of the Ilonania rommunlt are for th laau ono hundred per rent, according to Mr. Itueck. Wulfonl Vrrm )rgue Itlvrr D. B. Wolford. merchant and farmer -of Hpragna Hirer gave a aplendid talk at the Federated Hoard meeting hold at th Chamber of Commerce on Katurday afternoon In favor of Iho road bond laan which will he voted upon on June 2H. Mr. Wolford told of the wonderful poaalhllltlo of Ihe flpragu river country If road could bring people tan llrn On llual f. R. Une, nromlnenf rancher of '",0 ,ht ,1nj lh Midland dl4rlct who pen da hla winter at Hlorkton. California, la ' 'D"" V farting Mra, 1.. He, label director of Ihe Oregon Wale federation of labor, la dtroirng aoveral day In Klamath Fella to n Inapartloa of that which roncerna her (rtlvllle. Mr. Ore I eatremely active In her work and with her aloaan "What Oregon Make. Malta Oregon" baa accom plished rtault. JIHihm Wetlaeiulay Fvr . , , The ldl Altar anelety af Kar red Heart church have prepared for an enjoyable evening of bridge and 500" at th Pariah houae on Wed noaday evening lo which lh pnblle la Invited ' Meedanie II. V. Joyau. Joaepb Khlrk and David It. Vandeauerg are la charge of lh affair. tflurbanaa Vlalla H J. V. liuchanan, formerly or TH New, la In th cliy for a few day from hi bom In Ran rrancfara. Mr. liuchanan I traneacting bnal HM and vlaltlng with friend while hr. i. Moioml N'orlli Mr. John Clemeaaon and Mr. (I. I. HUhblna aud I heir children left I hi morning for Portland where they will vlall for a week with friend. rWawted Tfth Morning Hummer achool convened thla nroralng at Central . arhool wrh thro teacher, Mlaae Adama. Olaon and Phlnnay. tutoring. Claaae are taking up at nine o'clock and dol ing t noon. Expert Prcecrlptionurta rorbea Par Drug. KeJu)(M OMlag , Mr. and Mra. Kennelh Carpy with Sir. and Mra..W. Jl. Porkln and their children enjoyed an outing up Spraguo Klver over Sunday. A new ahlpmrnt of pretty dreaaea and hati Jut la at De llegln Htore. ..... J29-SS l-'rom Pino Itlilice Mr. B. anIHaple'and email daugh ter apent Ralurday In tha city ahopfjlng from tholr home at Pine nidge. Vlawer) Parent . . Mra. Floyd Duncan McMillnn pout the week, end with her parent ol th Hpring Lake dlatrlcl. ItuTa For Flo' and Floral dealing, Mr. ,i ... not mi. Relurned From North .Mrm ti. Crandall and Mra. V. Mwl. have returned from Portia ad wher I hoy enjoyed tha Hnaa Featl val and vlalted with frlenda for eeveral day. . Krec,,,' Ttiurmlay Mra. T. P. Henderaon- la expected horn on Thuraday from Bant Fran claco and other aouthern pnlnla where ah haa hoea vlalllng with rniatle.. end frlenda for the paat forlnlglit. To Knfortaln CI lilt , . , , . The member of th Happy Hour club have been Invited to meet at the- home of Mr. Kdward Prnpat on the Merrill highway on Tueadny nfierneoa. her on hualnota from Ihe aouth. Mr. Lane haa a large crop In 'on hla ranch In th Midland aeclkin. Mnlorrd To Talle) Mr. and Mr, R. family enjoyed a motor trip to Aah laud on Runday where Ihey were Joined by Mr. Vannlre'e brother and family of, firania Paaa. The two famine eajoyed the day In lh valley cliy. Mr. W. II. ftoark of Modoc Point waa called lo tha city yeaterday by th critical condition of her brother who waa eeverely Injured early In Ihe day. Ila I reported to be reat- W. Vaanlee and -lni 1 coul" expected at Former lifclianf Here ' A. A. Mc Donald, formerly of Kla math Kail a. and manager of the It. A. Pilcer alore of thla cliy. api-nt the day here vlaltlng with frlenda from hla home al Rugene where be la manager of tha Laraway Department Htore, one or lb large! In Kugene. Mr. McDonald ha charge of the pier good department In Ihe north ern atore, while Archie, their aon, la In charge of the Men'a Department. The McDonald' made many frlenda whllo here. Condition I in pro Whllo aim In a critical condition, hope are held for the complete re covery of Mr. Karl Grear, well known realdenl or Chlloquin. who la III at the home of her "Inter In thla rlty. Ilobert. the email aon of Mr. and Mra. Drear, who haa alao been critically III I reported aa out t danger, according to the attending phyalolan. I PORTLAND, 'dreV'Jnne 0. 0P ' 'gale of the Portland Telegram Puh I Hailing Company for I22S.OOO waa (consummated Haturday when aaaete l of the company were tranaferred to 'lavld K. Lofgren, Portland attorney. Ixtfgren refnwd lo alate ttt whom he waa acting, beyond the fdrt that Portland buelneaa men and capltal Ixta had become Interested through the offer of employe of the organi iiilnn lo aubscrlbe approximately . $ 100.000 to the new organization. I Lofgren further atated that pub lication of the Telegram, aa a pro greaalve. Independent paper would he continued. Principle In the pnrrhaae probably will be announced when the new corporation la form- 'ed. It waa aald. Meanwhile, pub- 'llcatlon of the Telegram w-:tl continue under Lofgren until It I taken over by the corporation. Highest Honor is Accorded Fliers traveling In lha Modoc aa well a other national formta. .. "Th public In and around' th Modoc National foreat haa alwaya ahnwn an excellent spirit of coop eration and the necessity of pro tecting our forage and timber from firee la realized by all." Mr Lyon aald. "If we all eland to gether we ran eliminate the 'mah rauaed' fir and I am aura that everyone Will do (ila or her part to cooperate with (be Foreat Ser vice.'' :i An emergency cotter pin can be made frim t, common lialrpln by a few Iwlala of the pllera. Amendatory Contract Indorsed by Farmer Proposed amendatory contract be tween th Klamath Irrigation die- Urlrt and the United1 Statea rer'ami- Hon aervic waa Ihdbraad Saturday by th Klarhath Irrigation dtatrlct at a apeclat' election ind will be eonaummated at an early data by the board of director of tho d1; trlrt. .fc.-.i.... Vol of th dlatrict waa II far th amendatory contract and 13 agalnat. Hut 62 of tha 700 vol era on the project went to th poll. - lha Klamath (ieneral hoapltal. Car Mi olrn A tti hor Hie ire Milt earrhlng for Ferd roadster atolee Hutuiday morning from Dewey Lowery, III Cr.mmerrlal rreet, and, accord In? t PAeiiff Hawlilna, no trace of th toltn car baa ban unearthed. From Pino firovr II. K. Header, a prominent ranch er of th Pin Drove dlairlet, repre sented the realdenta of that dlatrict al tha mealing of the Federated Hoard which waa held on Ralurday afternoon In tha Chamber of Com merce. Mr. Keeder gave a aplendid talk on tha need of roada through out tb roanty. Connor From Illy A. C. Connor, well known ranch- Dukv Xnrih On Bnelaean ier of Ibe Illy country, waa In the J. P. Diiko, prominent banker. Icily on Saturday on a business; formerly of Seattle, who baa been trip. Mr. Connor apoke before te here ofl bualneea for eeveral daya," j Federated Hoard In the afternoon left tbla morning for Ralem oi tha need of roada In lh Sprague Hirer valley. Mr. Connor represent ed the people of hi section who Catiia Robbed To reacii their cabin on Spring Creek, preparatory to apendlng an enjoyable week end and lnd every-, thing that waa moveable had been atolen waa th experience of Mr. end Mra. Barney Chamber aad family, when they reached th cabin on floe day. Mr. Chambera i of lha Oua Store and with bis family apend Iheir weak en da at th aum mer rabln on Spring Crock. Arreatrd Hat unlay L. E. Haldwln and Sid Lusk were arreated Saturday night at Keno on lh rharge ot possession or Intoxicat ing liquor and 8. D. Wood waa ar reated by officer for being Intoxi cated. The trio were lodged in Jail Saturday night and were to have been brought before Justice of the Peace W. B. Barne thla morning for plea. j VIENNA. Aastrla, June 20. (P) j President Hilnescb of Ihe Austrian republic, today conferred upon Clarence D. Chamberlfn and Charles A. Lcvlne tho repnbllc'a highest order of merit, the "OVildene Ha.--enzelchen Der Republic. " In recog nition or their trans-Atlantic flight I from New York to Germany. The American aviator who ar ' rived here with their wlvea last night from Munich. Germany, also were received by Chancellor Selpel. A military guard of honor today at tended all their coming and golnr In the Austrian capital, while great crowds gathered conatantly outalde of their hotel, eager to catch a glimpse of them. j F orbid Smoking in Modoc tor est Eine:Tree Theatre Last Showinjj Tonight of "3 Bad Men" One of the mightiest pictures of the Great West that it has been our pleasure to present Tuesday and Wednesday K. k VAU DEVI Life Coming Soon GILBERT" business. Mr. Duke will return her upon completing hla bualnesa. Keller From Iutgcll Valley (1. P. Keller of Laagell Valley apent Saturday 1n the city on bust naaa.. Mr. Keller attended Ihe mtollng of The Federated Hoard who met lata Haturday afternoon to dlacnaa the county road bond Issue. ar for th bond laau on hundred percent. Last Forum Wednesday The final forum of the anmmer months will be held al Ihe chamber of commerce on Wednesday norn and at thla tlma the directors are anxious that all members turn out Glnaharh I Home I to bear the major Issue of the N. D. Glnsback haa returned lo ' Bond election to be held on Tnea Klamath rails fiom a delightful day. Jnne t. three weeka visit with relatives and I -. friends rrj th Central State. Much , nor. De Vrtnt Were of hi time waa apent In Sioux Falls, j Rev. and Mrs. Gay De Vrlea of South Dakota, with hi parent. ICemraJla. Washington, ar here for i Isaveral dava and while In the CltV Ilava your hemstitching don at ar house guests of Mr. and Mra. O. t Roe Hoglna Blore. J20-24 A. McCarthy. Kev. De Vrlea will iaaalal Rvangellat Hilly Rlack at tho Klamath Tempi during hi visit In Mlaae Helen Abbey and Florcnro thla cliy. Rlltolt with Myron Shannon and . . HtaJey Make Good Catch Freland Staley held rh'e" ' record for a party or outatandlng fisher men of Klamath Falls who apent Sunday below McCollum'a mill. The average catch of Staley ran around four pounda lo th fish. Th pany. Including Charlea Schaat, Frelrnd Staley. Kenneth Perry and Erneet Nltachlem, report a splendid catch. In order to prevent fire from careless uae of . motcJies and tobac co In the forests of California, all national forests have been closed to smoking except at camp and place of habitation, effective June IS,' It waa announced today1 by George Lyons, supervisor of the foreat. This order Includes the Modoc National foreat. The "shovel and axe" regulation has also been made general by the Secretary of Aglrcultnre and ap . pile to all auto and pack outfits From Morrill George Offield, well known resi dent of the Merrill country, apent Siturday In the' city on business. Mr. Offield attended the Federated Roard meeting at the Chamber of Commerce on Satardsy afternoon. Jam F. Msgalre, Jr.. enjoyed Sire day at Rocky Point. G raccy . A rrlved Allen Grarry of Sacramento has Mef"rf Fnmofe North John McCall, postmaster, la en ronte to Seattle according to a card received at tha local office , this morning. With hla family ho plans Reiui mcl From INn t tjkiiil Dr. C R. Lucas returned from Portland on Sunday where he baa takon a special graduate count In physical thorapy. With Dr. O. F. Moore, apccinllet of Coeur de Alenn, Idaho. Dr. Lucas will hold a clinic for ten daya, atartlng on Tueaday. arrived. In Klamath Kails and ar. to aoend two'wecks In tho northorn rantnri a nnsltlnn with Th Rtsndaril .11., .!.. w,.,ln Tha narlv left ' Oil Company. Portland on Saturday. All eummor coata marked below coat at Bo Heglu Store. J 20-26 lleemne Poeltloiv . Mrs. Homer Knight resumed her position with The Club this morning following a two weeka varntlon which aha spent In Klnmntti county. In From Malln . D. D. Llakey of Malln apent tha week end here on bualnesa. ' n. .... .ti - . I rtiy aii-oTvr irim nreenee in nil slzos far only $1.00 at Deo Begins u . -. ion na Dr. Trnut On Ilualm Dr. F. M. Trout, Malln nhyslclan.1 presided at the Federated Roard meeting held at the Chamber of Commerco on Saturday afternoon. Dr. Trout appeared for the Com mercial Club of Malln. J20-26 From Klasnathj Aavery K. R, Miner ot Klamath Agency spent Sunday In the city on bualnesa. Ilnll From Modoc Point J, 8. Hall apent Runday In the city on business from hla home at Motloa Point. Down From Part I. C. Rlaemoro, well known stock man of tho Fort Klnmntti country, wn brief business caller In the city on Saturday afternoon. Erpcrt lparrlpUonlata Forbeg Par Drugs, Hero From Hand le. T. and- O. R. Casebeor ot Rend spent the' week end' here with friends. During tholr atay here they stopped at the hotel Arcade, Down From Chfloefolii W. F. Kmeraon and C. R. Wll llama of Chlloqnln spent Saturday Canto Matt Hei J. W. Sheffield, well known cattle buyer of Fleaeonton, California, ac companied by hla wife arrived here over the week end and la supervising Ihe shipping ot cattle to Oakland. California. Mr. Sheffield repro senta R. M. McElmore. prominent stockman ot Oakland. .Mac A nicy Vbwtlng H Gordon MarAnlry. formerly ot The New City Laundry of thla city, now loomed at Marshfleld. is here for a brief Tie-It. Mr. MacAulcy plana to return to the bay city tomorrow. Mis Rmtltrrton Home ' Miss Wyma Rrotherton of Moe'a store, haa resumed her duties fol- here on business. Both attended the 'lowing a two weeks' delightful visit meeting of the Federated Roard , n San Francisco and other south- whlch convened Saturday afternoon . ern points with friends. at Iho chamber of commerce. Down From Port Klamath James Pollon, prominent atork maa of the Fdrt Klamath country, apent Saturday here on bualnesa .re turning home late Saturday evening. JENNINGS TENT SHOW Monday and Tuesday, , "The 'Man Outside." A comedy in 3 acts. Wednesday and Thursday "The Game."1 A comedy drama in 3 acts. Friday, "The Millionaire and the Flapper." A farce comedy in 3 acts. Saturday, "Toby From Tunerville." A rural comedy drama in 3 acts Sunday, "St. Elmo." One of America's oldest and best known , comedy dramas ever written. 4 acts. Doors opened at' 1: SO. Starts at 8:00 o'clock. . , , Price 2tlc and 50c. Tent located on a South Sixth, ', Near Smithy's Garage Po you .become hritatcii at trifles, lie awake nights, start at sudIer noises? Better look out lor your nerves or yon will have a serious nervous breakdown. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is a rood medicine to' take under these conditions. ; " Used with success for nearly half a eenttiry. Try it for lies' N't i Nervousness. rTfrepTrssnea. . Neuralgia. Nervous Dyspepsia, Nervous Headache, Netfr asthenic If yon weald like to try Dr. Miles' Nervine, well send generou sarapi ier oc in stamps. j ttjumr j Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart. InaL -NnDR.MlLESU. M From Clilloqula Carl G. Yanoey spent Sunday here with frlonds from his home at Cbllo qtiln. Pretty silk drosses at Reo Reglna Store, $4.95 to .35.00. J20-14 From Wonlon .-,., Itov Nelson, well known rancher of tho Wordon country, was Included in inn niisinpss visitors nere over ..,.. .1 Some pretty foil hats have' lust ar rived at Bee Begins Sloro. - JZO-St At The Liberty. i" ',. 1- n v. ., i v-s Last' showing; trjnigbt bf the great railroad story "THe Blaclc Diamorid Exjwess" Starring Monte Blue , TUESDAY AfVt ."rVEDNtSDAY t , , "The Road to Glory" ' Take ' ice from -your , itck?nJgmp-$oceti, It's as simple as that! The same economical electric cufrenf that does everything else about the mod ern house now delivers ice, too, direct to youf refrigerator without fuss, drip or bother. Just attach to a kitchen lamp-socket. Put your hand inside and feel the air grow cool cold ice-cold colder I Electric refrigeration keeps air crispy cold and dry. Foods stay fresh. Danger ous summer bacteria that breed in cool moist places shun the clean, dry, frosty cold of your electric refrigerator. Even your present refrigerator can be turned into an electric. Ask your dealer to show you how simply and economic ally it can be done. . Attractive installment payments can be arranged, THE CALIFORNIA OREGON . POWER COMPANY ' Officm Medfbrd, Oregon Roaeburg, Orrgoo Grants Pass, Oregon Klamath Falls, Oregon Vreka, CaUfo, IcAirrowjiA opxconI I POWEK COMPANY! IN rUHiKtS3 '