The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 18, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    Saturday, .Tuiw Iff. 1027
Page Three
Items of Interest concerning residents if the great Klamath llasln. If iron hart
ewws fur Uila driarlmriil. four rourteajr la calling Mt will Ixi aiprerlau4.
Arrived lium Hnutli , Hon Ihirn
Mth. I.uwri'iirn Mchsrrey wii.l two) Mr, ami Mm. Kintnlil riililcstcr
"" ',i'MihimI.m hy linn Newlwrry are llm iiurenla or mi H poiiinl
arrived In thn i lly lute yesterday sun. iicmnlliiK In word received
artsrDimn Inim AiiIihiIcIi, ('alHur-; here today uy friends and relatives,
lilii, mid are the houao suems of i The couple rltln ul Onivllln. Calif.,
Mr. mill Mm. Wlllnir Jour". Br, Mr. and Mm. f.'lildinner will lie r.-mcm-Mi'lisfd-y
and Mr. Newberry am the , hired hero u Kntlitrlno I'lunketl.
ilaiiKhK'r ami nun of Mm. Junes, (In Tin tmhy tins been nameil l.loyil
Kurtiluy Hi brotln'r ami slsiur lll l.intnlit.
miilnr norlli Id furl IudiI In Join ..
Mm. Newberry who In reliirnliii; I Oaiidnll lliiiiie krum Ki bm.l
from an est tml visit In .Mlniiea- I (nunc 1 1 ('rainfall, mill of Mm.
nulls wild her Imrcnls, They will fruiidull of Urn Marshall llynse.
remain here at llm Junes liumi. for bun relumed froiii Htunforil where
several days, i lln lu, mtii attending cnllese UiU
J pl year, t'rniiilall will spend the
lli'ir. Tliomni lnl I summer luiiiilhs hero Willi relatives
Uhv. J. Henry Tliomnii. pnmor of anil friend ami In llm lull resume
HI. Paul' Kplsnipul rhtirili, won III" culli-ae work.
able In be out for a uliorl lime un '
krblay for Iho firm time In mori' , Mr. utiil Ma i:nii Here
limn two weeks. Ili.v. Thomas ha Mr. ami Mm. Paul Kvsns bave ru
been III al Ilia In in lly luini suffer-1 turned to Klamiilli KuIIh to reside.
Inn ,wlili a severe attack of rheum-, after bavliiK mucin their homo at
no win occupy inn
on , Hiiiuluy for
severnl weeks,
null In a very
occupy Ihn pulpll
Hut UrM lliiui In
Tin llevcrend In
weakened I'onillllon
ami. II In feareil hi will he forced to
submit In a malnr iipcrnlliin lor
sinus liifecllun within Iho near lu
lu m.
chllniiuln. Mr. Kvnne ban siccpi
ed a position Willi Tim Itulnltt'T Mo
tor Company. Kor the present the
yiiuiiK rouiilii aro resldlna wlih Mm.
Kvans' paranl. Mr. and Mm. Walter
West of Houlb Itlvcrslile.
jHrrtlrm llcintf llrlil
' Churi'b aratlou achool la In
gress evir 'eek day eacept Kalur-
nn I day for children fr;m llm founh to
Moliirtnit Hmiin
Mr Murvlu K. l.ilrai S'ld
Marvin Junior. accompanied by, 'lh'l ""'" Th f"1"1
Mm. I.uraa- fa.lifr. i.ori. Illi-hn. """" rnurr.i. H..n. utorira.
MI . today for .omlii-rn ( ullfonila '" mi l raft work. The a--i..r.
ii...v .ill loin Mi.. Illrhn '" hrlil irom nln. until noon
ami daualiicr Prarl uho hava bwn;'-S day m.rpt Hulnrday. awordlnx
ai'T. ral 10 l-PT- liaiR'li "i" paaior.
I'llllllillit Al llat oinlliu
Mm. A. J. Voyo 'liiia rurolvod a
who from l.u.iir Kniiiiillorr, fiiiiiuuH
vorul inuitliT. i Mini! of hla urrhul In
Kliuniilli Kulla thla roniliiK W(iik.
Will In tli'to Profoaajr Huiiiiillo'f will
bp lli Ihi Hi" aui'l of Mr. mid Mm.
ViUr. .Auilri w Kiifpuluiii'lz who
al onipiililia tli proli-'aor will bu
hvru al I lil 1 1 un'. Hurlnj Pr ifiw
a.r Hiiiniilliirr'a tlali Ihth hn will
kIvi IfHMoriH aa hn haa Iii-ii doliiK ri-ri-iilly
In Kun I'riiniiaio mill Poriland
I Ant auiiiiin-r bo vlnlli d nl Iho Voyc
li'iuii fur a aburi tlimi and u iiiiiiilj' r
of Ir.-ul ri'alilnla took voli-i dining
hla aluy. Mm. Vo iuilli-1 under
the noii'd arilai.
Coat Itxmodnlwl.
Kur Manufai-turer.
MRU. Mil. I. (AM
438 Klumaih Avunue,
Di'twuvn Kourib and lf lb.
Klamath Falls - Ore.
tut. 1rke Imurr ,.
t'.ii. Clarke, w'll known realdpnl of
Klamath Pall, who aubnillled to
mujor operation the f I ret of the week
la rt-porled aa dilnn nlrely. He
will be forred to remain at the Kla
math (Irnfful llnapltul for at leait
three weioV.
Khopplna; fViim rinn flbln
Mm, frank Horan and daunbter
Mia Helen of Pine Itldxe, were ou!
of town thoppem In Ihe city today.
Ii r'rom Mt. Dome
Mr. and Mm. II. W. Mitchell of
Mt. Home, California, are here frr
iho week end vlnlllnn frienda and
tranaa'lln( uln"". While In the
rit they are atnjiplnic at the hotel
Hull. . Mr. Mile hell la a. prominent
rattle mftn cf tie Mt. Dome country.
From ViIhk
fl. Wallare, well known ranrher
of Ihe Yalnax dlatrlrt. la In' the city
today Irannartlnji buafneaa.
. Wa. wta. hto axtaod. . oar. heartfelt
thanks and appreciation lo the many
frienda for the beautiful floral offr
Inaa and klndneaa .. and . aynpathr
liven during our reoent bereavetnent,
the paaalns of our darllnic Vlmlnla.
Mr. and Mm, Ra'rl Creehir
and family.
ll'f From ljnkru-U'
Mr. and Mm. Cbarlea Morria of
Ijiki-rli w are ependlna; the week en I
here visiting; with frienda. They
are hou-l gueite at The Arcade.
In the south for
It will be Inlereatini
r toll I not
vniilii tl will be InlerestlnH urws
to learn that Mies Prarl Worm ls ...
sbowlna a marked Improvement ; Mm. C. K. Ih nnU. worthy matron
alma golu. soulh. She bus been A,h "Pl',r of The Kaalern
f. .....r. il.n two mi.niha " erieii nomo lomorrow
, froai
Ac Itiigi n IIoiiii
Mr. and Mm. Inlln Itoaem are
enjoying a vlli Irom David Crab
tree of Han Krninlaio. Mr. Crab
tree la a popular oenlor at Hianford
and ripens in remain here for at
least a fortnlabl. With Ibelr houau
gurel the Itucjers family plan to
spend the week end nt their sum
ner home at l-ake o The Woods.
ortlund where she haa been
attending a ronvoiitlim of the grand
chapter. The net regular meet
ing al the Kaalern Hlar will ha on
June tsfntity-elghth, which will bo
Ibn laat of Ihe summer
'mun. Its.
K'' IMS Of Tl'HI lHO-w
The Ho' Hi'ouis of Troop Numb 'r'
2. will liild Ihe regulur Ir iup meet
Inx on MunJuy HlKlit al Pino Oro.v
wllh Percy Murrii., sioul mualer, In'
rhurRU. Thn boys urn anked to'
mei i at Ihe Klumulh Kit 1 1 m Creumcry
prompily at six oVIoi k on Monduy,
evening prepureit to cjok t ieir sup-t
per In the npi'ii. F.a h kuui Is to
bring his own food. ' i
- !
t.- ...ti.... t
iiiiif .fin iiii-b
Miss Kvelyn Itegnler baa returned
from M-dford where she has been
enjoying a visit wllh her uncle and
mini. Mr. and Mm. Ituasell. Mr.
and Mm. K. W. Itegnler. ber parents,
accompanied by Mm. C. A. Pauley,
motored over to the valley laat eve
ning to Join hir, returning home
shortly before midnight last night.
Ullllnms I. IWk
It fl U'llllun.a TKj tt'dllm.
Ilullillng and owner of other valu-)
able prolierty In Klamath Falls, has J
returned Irom an extender! visit In
the easl. I
: Hlllliluy Hrrvlf-f Allllovll-il
I He v. i). V. lluiKht will preach the
morulng and evening services at
; The First Presbyterian church on
I Sunday. Il.s llii iun )u the morning
'is "(iod'a Private Itiahis" and In
. Hie evening "(Jive Yo Them to Kal."
Mrs. K. H. VesUh will play the fol
lowing numhrm on the pipe or aim:
."Pilgrims Chorus" by Wagner,
i "Vlalton" by Kbeliibergiir, "J'tinues
. Flelirles" bv Mulllv. "TrauiAerei"
by M'humann and one or two other
select. one. ,
Mr. Horr Hero
Mrs. K. Ada Uarr. mother cf Misa
ll'-alrice Uarr ias arrived in the city
from Uregon City, called here by tbe
Illness of be: dauthter. Miss Uarr
aubmllle to a major operation tor '
appendicitis late yesterda. alternoa i
at the Klamatb Valley Jlmplul.
Dunisug Party Tonlglil
Mr. and Mm, A. !. (Jruliam jire
enterlaliilng a coterie of the young
er social aet with a dancing party
tonight at the barge located at
Khlpplngton. , .
lti'lirrni-0 . From Ponlume- ,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kvans and
Mr. and Mm. Sid Kvaos have re
turned from Portland where they
attended the lione Fenllval.
Mr. and Mm. i VA lloine-n . .
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Uova iitve re
turned from a two weeks motor trip
to Seattle, Vancouver. U. C. anl
other northern points of Interest.
.. Continued from page, cne)
appendicitis..' At a late hour tbis
afternoon her condition was reported,
an favorable. She la a patient at
the Klamath Valley Hospital.
Misa Randolph la here for tbe
summer, months with her father
from her borne at Oregon City.
Hon Is Hoi
Mr. and Mrs. Fa use are tho hap
py parent of a uahy boy. born at
the Private Sanitarium on Friday
morning al three o'clock.
tslrstllslrlrtfttsiVtfft AftaAaaaar
ICallml llv Drullv
I Mm. William MaKUlre lilt on hl
morning's troln for. Los Angeles
where she was called by the ileal h
nf her hrolher-ln-law who was in-
lleiurneii inim irt latanily killed yesterday In an auto-
Mr. and Mm. Thomas Aaron Hob-,,,, Br,.,rnt. yn. Magulre bus
ertaon and so Delmar hava reltirn-! W,B visiting at Ihe home of Mr.
ed from a delTbtkl trip to Cres.Bnd Mrg j c j0hi,ston on Canhy
cent City, flmnts Pass. Uoseburg 1 s( rt.,t .
and, other polnla of Interest. Theyl
made the trip by motor, I'arlng 1 ., .. T , lrtul
here Ihe llmt l the week.
Ilrlilge l I'lnnnol
Tho l-scllcs Altur ooclety of Suc
re d Heart church will hold a brldgo
and "600" card parly at the parish f Falls
Mm. Kinmllt Uulcy who has been
the bouse guest ( Mr. and Mm. W.
II. Mcl'herren for the past alx
weeks, and Is now visiting In Med
ford plans to rut urn lo Klamath
later In the summer. At
house on next Wednesday evening.
Mm. David It. VaudenlH-rg. Mm.
Henry Valentine Jnyanx and Mm.
Joseph tihlrk will preside aa liosl-esaea.
Moloi-rd To Valley
A parly of local matrons Includ
ing Mm. A. J. Voye, Mm. Minnie
Henry, Mrs. Kmma Mills and
Mm. Ilruce Dennis enjoyed de
lightful motor trip lo Medford on
Friday, reluming homo late In IhtiFlnnl Meeting Announnil
the present. Mm. Daley la suffering
wllh an attack of rhenmatlsm and
was advised to seek a lower altitude.
Mullln On llulnr
W. A. Mullln. former state real
estate commissioner and prominent
In Oregon politics. Is here today aa
an advanced agent for the Pacific
States Shows which will play Kla
math Falls all next week.
At The Liberty
- Pete Morrison in ' '-v ' '-
, A thrilling action f tory of the western
Texas oil, fields. ' 1 -
Monte Blue in c roaring railroad romance.
"The Black Diamond Express"
A human, breath-taking melodrama of
railroad loyalty. ' '
Fireproof Centrally Located.
Popular Prices .and;. Serrlca are I
Jibe demands' of the day: that's!
why the Sutter" Is patronized Byfl
2 tbe discriminating. a '
J lanagvment Geo. Warm Iloopes
You will like
Better if You Stop at
Pine Tree theatre
i I i 111! Si '
saTwday special
A dramatic tale of crooks and spooks featuring
Kenneth Harlan and Anna Q Nilsson. '
"The Iron Horse" was great! "The Covered
Wagon" was greater! Now see the 'great-
i est of them all! ' ', "tp
"3 Bad Men"
" '. ' n i'
The thriiling story of. the land rush to ;
the Black Hills!
Continuous show, beginning at 1:60 p. in.
'Are You 1
pmMjmmn .... i).:l
$ ......
IT f
Coiuplltticnliii Moilier
Mm. Nelson Iteed complimented
her mnther-ln-lnw who Is spending
tti aiimmer hnre from her home In
il. .-I... .-I. .1.1. ... Fl ...mixn nfl
I llinillllRII Wilt .Mil 1KIH.B.II
bridge on Friday. Three tables
were In play throughout the after
noon. ..... .
Tbe filial meeting of Aloha chan
ter of tho Kaalern Ktur will be held
on Tuesday evening. June IS, at
Masonic hall, according lo an
nouncement made this week.
Southern Visitor
Mm. Ada Pamons of, Donama la
enjoying a visit from her son. Cyril
Pamons of l.oa Angeles. Mr. Par-
Oa ono ot her regular trips of
Inspection. Misa llaxcl McClellaud,
county school nume, spent yeter-
duy at Merrill. She returned last ,
evening. .
Drove Cnlleil Kou l Il
ls'. II. Drew of Ihe Drew clothing
sons plans to remain In this section store, wns called south - to San
for at (east a fortnight. ! Francisco on Friday by the serious
I Illness of hla mother. I
Hill's For Klowei
and Floral dcslns. '
rbons 1US.
Take IVialllon
Krnle Calkins of tbe Shell Oil
company has been transferred tn'past year
Chlloqiiln by the company whero be
will tiiiike his bcailnuartcm.
Home I 'mill Collige
Misa Marie Crystal, daughter
Mr. and Mm. A. M. Crystal,
returned from Stockton whero
has been attending college for
she '
Tnkea INmlt Ion
Kenton II ii maker, popular stud
ent at Hie 1'nlvemlly of Oregon who
Is spending Ihe summer months
here, has taken a position wlrli the
W. U. Miller Construction company
for the summer months.
Expert Presrrlptlonlst
Forbes Pure Drugs.
At l.ooinli lloim
Jim and Keth Dixon, nf Battle
Mountain.. Nevada, are enjoying a
visit hern at tho home of Mr. and
Mm. Charles I-oomls. Tho visitors
are cousins of Mm, Loom Is.
ConillOill Improve
Tho condition of Miss Iloalrlcc
Ilurr, dnughtor of J. Randolph llarr.
Is reported as Improving. Miss Ilnrr
submitted to n major operation lute
Invlleil Memliera
Mrs. Kilward Propat haa Invited
the members nf the Hnppy Hour
rlub to meet wllh her at Ihe Propat
rnnch home on Merrill road on next
Tuesday afternoon.
Vlxltlujr In Cnllfornlo
Mrs. J. A. Brown, well known
resident of Iho Merrill district la
enjoying a visit with her daughter
iho lives at Yuba City. California.
Al Tlio Kmmltt Home
Mr. and Mm. W. F. Aran! of
Ashland are visiting nt the home nf
Judge and Mm. It. A. Kmmltt for
several days.
From I'ortlnnil
C. A. Hart, prominent railroad
official ot tho Northern lines, Is
stopping at thn hotel Wlllnrd while
In the, city for a brief business visit.
Left For Knn Francisco
Mrs. Helen Curry left today for
Pan Francisco and other southern
California polnla to spend tho ra
malndvr of tho summer with rela
tives mid friends. , ,
VIhIIciI In Aslilnnil
Mm. F. M. I.uraa and dnughter,
Mrs. Jiimea Howard of Dunsmulr,
spent Thursday In Ashland visiting
wllh frienda. .
Expert Prescript Innlsta
Forbes Purs Drugs.
Church of the Full Gospel
WM. J. DORM AN, Pastor
Eighth and Oak Streets
Sunday School 9:45 A. M.
Morning Worship 11:00 A. M.
Young People's Meeting .... 5:45 P. M.
1 Street Service, 7th and Main 6:45 P.v M .'
Evening Service 7:45 P,. M.
The services at the Temple will be in charge of
Evangelist "Billy" Bluck of Los Angeles, who is con
ducting a three weeks revival campaign. Evange
list Black and his wife are gifted soloists and are
well known, becauso of their long connection with
Angolus Temple, Los Angeles, where Rev. Black was
for a considerable time assistant pastor and dean of
evangelistic effort. Come and hear them.- Text of
morning sermon by the evangelist "Sonship."
"CM rts SJ rrf )
New MOlion Dollar
$2.00 per dsy op without bach
li0 per day up with bath
Popular Prioad Coftea Shop
and Grill
"We Check tour Car" at tha
Door." - I
- Coverage
which takes cctte of till
'damage's in 'case you
- should injure '
t - - ' " . -, . . 17
James H, Driscoll
Williams Building v '
"rr f' r
1 Position
is one of strength and character in the community. , As a long
Established institution, we have been able to serve the needs of
the Klamath Basin for many years. Our contact has given us
the prestige which W6 value very highly-
Member Federal Reserve Bank
' ' . 'J j.ic - . "