Page Two THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Saturday, Juno IS; 1927 '27!M5L&. ! Aids Dodgers" t.t II f . -. j , .4 . i i. i t -i . Billy Evans Says j War Oftrsi Make 'luli The addition of ona star player rAry oft.n supplies tha necessary! punch to trnform an ordinary ball j club Into a pretty good on.' I Take the raw of the Rrooklyal club. During the tint month , otj play, trratlc work by the Infield. I ai snori in particular, iryi in. from going anywhere. After the Dodgera bad lout 11 of the first It game played. Man ager Wllbert Robinson decided, he seeded Infield strength. r He part ed with a, pretty fair pitcher, . In Bob McOraw for Infieldnr Flowers of the world champion St. Louis Cardinals. . I i ."With the coming of Flowers, who was used at shortstop, tha Brooklyn club Immediately took on a new leas of life. During the month of June the team won 17 out of SS game. Not so bad for poor tallender. -' ' " . - From last place. Brooklyn. . In side of a month, became a first di Tiaioo .contender and appears to b getting better. t Biff Help and Haorilcap i There Is no getting away from tha fact that the excellent work of Flowers, at short,' tended to stabil ise the. Infield at a spot where many a (gama had been tossed away be cause of erratic play. ' On the other band, the Detroit club, ot the .American- League, has bees handicapped by the loss of second baseman Marty McManus. When Manager Morlarty secured McManus in a trade with St. Louis, it seemed as if he had made a ten strike, since for. years the Detroit club had been weak at second base. It struck me that McManus would help Tarener at short and would I also be an anchor for the Infield bx. his steady work around the key stone sack.. An injury early forced McManus oat of the running. - While Charley Cahrlnger. whom I regarded aa one of the best- prospects in the majors, baa performed most acceptably at second, the lack of the poise wbich McManus would ban added to the Infield plus his bitting has been a severe handicap to the Tigers. tfj ... i . . , : New York Is fortunate in haTlng ao. versatile a performer aa Tony Laizerl. A great second-sacker. he filled in at shortdast year, and.lhls season is subbing at third In a most sensational mannen ....... Tanlwea tlsss of League , Manager Bill Carrinan of the Boston Red Sox, 'a great catcher in hit day and a -stoiart .manager al ways., is firmly convinced that the club that wins the American League pennant must . beat . New York. ."After looking over'all the Amer ican .League clubs in .the first two mpnths of play, J am convinced that New York is one club that bas no glaring faults." says Carrigan. New York compare very favor ably with the strong teams of the major leagues ot from 10 to IS ye is back. "It Is the most dangerous . club in the, Americsn .League on the of fensive. , ..Practically avery man In the lineup Is a slugger. , "The. pitching is stronger than I bad expected, based on the dope that bad been banded me. - Hon. Pennock. Renther and Shocker, are four pretty good pitchers to stiing along with, .., "New York has a good Infltld. a great outfield and fair catchinr. It will be bard to beat." . . When asked what he thought of s v Meet D'Arcy Jake" Flowers. He's thv junolder that Brooklyn acquired trom St. Louis. He has strengthened the Dodgers' . infield .ulte g bit. r.iid Js 'aiding tha , Kobius to climb away from tha cellar.. . ,, the I V.'llit.i ban the ipili kest tics lllln liito a chaiisc of llciirt, but footwork and movement ever wit- 'ho hanillls tilde out punishment tlced. At the Sumlny nlitht dunce i AKumoiit. they will give a complete chaoses of dances with th appro priate tieiitillfiil continues Ihi-y car " at the liberty Here's llmV Wheat, a hroiiier ot Itacll Wheat, who I" said 1" he ready (or the major learnics. Tim Milliliter Wheal la cat. hiim In ' 1 a tin- and l bring Witcht-d rarvCully. hi scout up at nit! cuu oi MKOII. II..- so llo III Monte llliie. heroic engineer ' "The Limited Mull" I uKtiln rl as a milrond ctiKliicer In a llv which (or thrills, humor, and hu man Intercut.. outclHH4'A even lu lU nilid forerunner. "The lllack Oiiimoml Kxpreaa" l the tory ot an engineer and a society girl whone cur. reklely. driven. crlies Into Ills eiiislue. Kite hreakx her n- augemenl with a rich suitor to marry him. Her mother, and the . .Ungraceful acts ot the cimlniM-r's ' . . . .... nromer mase mr siri rup i. up. In anger he marries the rich man. Her bridal party Is curried on the engineer's ft train. At tacked by hututits. the hutlinnd la hoL though the tram with ita car go la saved. The bml brother Is one of the bandits end Moute throt- to him na a dmilile-rroHner. Montt and the Kilt tit lust have a clear i rink til lliiueymimn valley. The Mipportlng cut la splendid, tjt dl rectlnii l flue and the iliiitnt:i'atihy lieautlful. You'll root fur "The Hliick Diamond F.xpreaa." At The Pine Tree the Chicago White Sox. the surpr team ot the American League, rigan replied: Sirt'h For I'l.w' SEATT1.K. June IS. "Schalk's club reminds me of the White Sox. of lu". It la my opinion that the club must con tinue to have effective pitching of the highest sort to carry It along." , TKSTERDAY'S RKNI I.TS 1MCIFIC tXWST LKAGl'K Clob ., Seattle - Oakland Club Hollywood Mission - .... Club . San Francisco ... Los Angeles . Club Portland Sacramento R II K t J 8 10 1 R II S ISO 2 C 1 R H E S 7 0 7 IS Z R H E 14 2 7 10 1 PELICANS WILL DEFEND LAURELS (4i Army ar-, !. ...r deanatched from t amp Lewis. Wash., today, to search for Lieutenant Samuel ('h:ks of the 16th air aqnVdrou. Washington na tional guard. He . was 'reported aa having been lost wbeJi he . entered a rloudbunk over Steves paae In the Cascade mountulus while flying from Spokane to Camp Jcwis. Clever Dancers To fi iii.i ixi iuuiiiuiit The Elks barge party held on tho lake last ulKht was given a .great surprise and thrill by tlM Pe fecil etos. dancers who are opening at the Altaniont. tonight and, tomorrow night. . .. One could ' not but help enjoy their dancing under a byautlful moon with the barge drifting along slowly and the soft, strains of Hal Illackburn and his band filling the air. .... Tonight at the Altamont, tho ,Ie Cevlletoa will present their Whlri-j wiud dance, a dance, which alone i has made them famoua. for without doubt this dance as execuiea ot GLASSES Fvc Exjminrfi. FtticJ irvJ ihc CilasMT) CtrtKinJ in )ur n taJind ft $ Broken Lenses Replaced DR. COBLE'S 70S MAIN STOUT RtfMTt (? Serlkt Nn picture lover pniciinceil In n InxurliMia tlieutre can apiiieciHie 111, detull neci4nary to produce the pic-1 lured story nor appreciate the coat' of making a gvcut plintodrama anl-h., In direct charge of the t'ulnn I I'm Illc riillroud, which deliilled a Clew of iS expert kllchell llli'll Slid AH wuilrnanea and wnltera. Ditaporadoea of . the Itml Man t lyu Infeated thai aectlnu titty ye inn uko, and prototypes of some of the notorious "klllera" will he seen en arllug the deapi.rale ileeda of llii cniiiia they thua bring Inn k to: accittliiK Ufa. Tom Siinlaclil, J. Kni rell Mcllonnld and Flunk I'nin-. pi'tiii nro caat fur (he three dew-! I'crailiica fnim which Illc p(i'liii'e takes Its title and other outatiind- lug players are ilVnrge tl'llrleti, the lulling athlete, who gullied dime aa "Davy lli-aiiiton" In rhe "li-ori t l& FAMOUS 1 CIRCLE for Inaliinco. epic tule ot is "S Had Meu," sn Hiirae," Olive llnrden. Lou Tellegen. elvllliiillon's advauco'juy imi Alec Francis, Otla llnr- acrona the wnnltilmiila or tile eat In the aeurch for hnmea and gold, which will he seen at the Finn Tree Theatre Sunday and Monday. Some of the scenes nf this picture were madu in the heart ot a deacrt, fifty in Ilea from the nenreat town, mid over lit, out) ac tors, extra, Mexican. Indiana, cut tle, blaon. horaea uiul wagons, were aMmtled there. Kach week thir ty tut beeves were killed, twenty Itoga followed, and thewo were mere ly supplemental to gum that pro feaalonal huuiera supplied. Trucks lolled through clouds of dual dnv and night from Victor hrlnslir; other supplies and one hundred cows furnished the dully supply of milk and crenm. Thu conimiaiiarv Ian, tieorge Itniincr. li ving ami I'liacllln ' Standard Dyers and Cleaners Odorlett Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St. Phone 825 TOUR ' A water trip to Vielori.t ' nutl Vancouver; by rail In Bunff, I.nko l.otiiM' tmil Hiiticulow; ' Imnii' via (ailtfiiry ami SMikunc with never lh xiiiin' ii cue i Iwii t, The Circle Tour .miHlcnite in is the iilcul vu- i ill iuil trip. iMtuSummtr y l ine riic imt o't; ilct 1,10 aarliun I'uhlcr! CanadQnPaclliCi WIIDeacon Cm V' PjSr DPr iSlhltdSt hitiUndMuhnomaliHotritida Cjaaifija Po.itic Trairtl.i ( fcrkii l.j l tl'iuU : Veronica tor Reducing Wetgkl Alas arescrikssl k PayaliiUaa la tJta srsn ssi sail ei High Blood Preeswrc Acid Coadltloas Ktdosy. LUet e Bladdsr Traablss lnsllfasttsia Cosllpailaa 50 MEN WANTED ,' i i. t ; . i '' to get married this mouth and hnva tfeir suits tallured at ORRES, TAILORS "Where You Havo a Fit" i.Ul No. 4lll St.. Kliiiontli Falls SPECIAL LUMBER SALE Star Drug Co, . 4'ContInned From Paga 1) ; the league leaden Klamath Falls, the only league member east of the ' Cascades. " I The Ashland nine a team finan- ' ced by Ashland, the Owen Oregon Lumberi company and the Beaver PrrjanL,cemnt company of Gold V Hill has been rejuvenated. Their team is the second best In the lea gue and Rogue River valley is pin ning its hopes on this group to ry west of the Cascades. So with a bit-of animus In thei air, and with the additional feature J of the BOAS' rejuvenation, it look? J like a "hot time" on .the Fair , Grounds field tomorrow afternoon, j The type of poultry house has much bearing on diseases In tbe poultry flock. Poor ventilation, ! draftiness, poor protection from rains and lark of sunlight. pro- , mote disease. i CLEANING PRESSING Work called for arid . v.- . delivered. Klamath Cleanirijj & Dye Works i - - Pftnn '40. FATHER'S DAY TOMORROW . ; At Linkhaven Give Father a treat to a CHICKEN DINNER . . : If Father' isn't here'bring your hus "' "b'ahd "or friend. Dinner served from, S:3Q ,to 7:30. "We Know How" NEW CITY LAUNDRY Phone 154 We call fur and deliver all work. A trial will convince. f.. 1., Mgr. Shiplap 8, 10 or 12 inch ..... .$17.30 Just the thing for Sheathing 2x1 No. 2 Dimension $17.50 2x4 No. 3 Dimension ....... .$15.00 54x4 E. Bevel Siding $10.00 We have many items to show you. Drive out and look them over. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. IN THE DAYS GONE BY Science played a very small part in the practice of dentistry. Today with modern equipment and meth ids. tho "fear of pain" haa been entirely eliminated In connection with den tistry. There Is no 'reason for neglecting the care of your teeth now. Permit us to examine y:urs. We may help save tbem for yon. i DR. R. D. COE Hopka Bldg. Phone 836 asjssykMs'kskssi ' Curb Service Sound Your Horn THE SWAft : Opposite Court House nsurance Real Estate -f " '' " - r insurance service may come may go but bur service goes on forever; As Ions; as you are paying cold ranli for a necessary roniiuoritt)1 you should . get all oo ran and our service Is . absolutely free of charge. 1 J. F. MAGUIRE JR. "Write all kinds of sound insurance" Hie .MAIN 8TRKKT KLAMATH FALLS ;'5 L. I.-;?: t Vf SIX DAYS ' (Starting Tjlp rfCl MONDAY J U11C U3 MONDAY World's Premier Tour ' 8-Sehatibhar fejles--8 i($--tfig New';SKowi0 200Pe6ple--2do South Sixth St. Show Grounds J 14 Gain In .' Uczlite&llotis This intrccu' an Willvs-OverlanJ sale this year ii. even inoreiiuprowuvrwIirncuniiMrnl u uh die L.urcs ul the iiulustry as whole. i1 Ul Over 110,000 Whippets the first year show the public's response to these great ad vactagcsrvrpasslng economy, greater roominess and the saStty oS 4-wheel brakes Most economical ar In America ' ' Holds the AAA. Cuiistto-Gwst economy rtcorxl. 1 lO.OOOowncrs attest in amning gasoline mileage. Lowest priced car with 4-wheel Lrakes In (uct, the only liglit car offering this necessary safety feature as national standard equipment. Speedier, too 55 mi(es an nour are all we claim. Owners claim more. Acceleration From 5 to 30 miles per hour in 13 seconds. Watch a Whippet in tratlic. Lower center cf gravity Insures safer driving at all speeds. , . Narrow body posts For greater driving vision. The dangerous "blind spot" is eliminated. Oversize balloons The modern tire equip ment a modem car calls for. Snubbers For maximum riding comfort. Force-feed lubricating system As on cars priced $1000 or more. Adjustable steering wheel Makes anyone comfortable when, driving. . Sw. SW? mn4 Jm.k mtl.m. mthme m.r rm r ml Am ' srmMM Superior Quality New Lou) Prices Whim.1 Coach 625 795 TourinK 625 765 Roadster 695 825 Coupe 625 795 Sedan 725 875 Landau 755 925 rr iwrfimfifffffam fvk Jmrt tm cAon mil horn I nnticm. ... fmctary. Ottmnd.tnc, TmimJm, OMm OVERLAND OVfeuLAND-KNIGHT SALES CO. , Phone 899 Cor. 4th J Wl.m.ik