Friday,' June 17 1927 v HIE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Five Klamath Woman Takes Position Literary Critic Mr. l.ydU, Hnlio nl till city haa unrptpil (Hxll iin aa auporvlniir of lUg Critic liurvUial of III Au- laird Aulliora of Amvrtra mil will Ukii up Iht dutlaa within Ilia vory rear fulnra. Mra. Holm rwalvBd IhU poaltlon through Ia HIIU of The ta Mlllo Hludloa In Hollywood, who hat j writ ton livr anklng Umt alia arrant :the poaltlon which will minii thai aha Inko tliarra of nil inanuacrlpla whlrh h Hollywood offices are unauln to liamll. Ai.nuwt fiu'niiriiilnK lolliir wit rsrrlvi'i by tin. Huh from Mr U Mill. congratulatlnc hr upun a Ouftl which aha rwonllr eoinpltirl and which will probably b urninKml fur th w-roi u. Mr. t Mill ura that Mra.dlolici hart th book pub llaliwl. v Tor aavvral month! Mm. Hob was rniployod wllh Th Kvcnlotf llrraJil and hr foalurs alorlo wero enjoyed by arorca of Herald reailora Trior to co in I u to Klamath Kali Mr. Iloh mi l.ltvrary Critic Id 1.0 Anselm for aomollm. PRICES ON WOOL U ARE UPGRADE (Cootlmifld From r Ona) cent. In tlio weal. buylDK con tinue ateadlly and valuva ar allow ing an upward tendmey, alihouah no marked clianit's art reported tor th waek." Mohair I WtutMJerl'4 tradlnit. - v i ' Th Cnnimarclal . Ilullrtln will print th following quotation: Hrou rod baa": Orugon-r Nortli ra 1.0S r 1 07; flu and flnn m d.fui clothing SO is &; vallay num ber t, 0 it i; Mohatra: Orlilnal bag raa IX moutha, Oregon ii it SJ. . , , KLAMATH FALLS HOST1 j TO 600 VETERANS j (t'untliiuvd from pu one) I Hall, and Hi l.udl auxiliary at, th I'ubllr Library auditorium. j Thu annual halt and' rucvptloBj will ua au outataadlug vcat, to ba hi'ld on Monday, Th big iiriuit parail, for which' nlabaral plan liava boiin uiada. j will b hdlil.ou Tuuaduy availing, to he foHftwail with Initiation. I ' AaUil allowing of th Kpanlali' War phiitnplay,' "Arrou th I'acl-; fir" will b ahawn at Hi Tin Tri lhaaler throuih lh lourtray of Hurry W. Tool. Trip To Crater. An aulo rararan will carry tb gucata .10 ('ruler Iko on Vi'adiiea day, Ivuvlng Kliuuath Kalla al on o'clock ' abnrp, ' Upon arriving at lha luk th Vntitrans will bold a Joint Installation of offlcur with th auxiliary and Hi eviinlng will end al tli luko wllh a trout fd. th flab to l provldod through tb rourleay of th' Klumuth Hportit mna' Aaaorlallon. At leant fitly ram will b neailed for tbl caravan and Klamath Palli rltlivn will b urgad to plat their ear at thn (llapvaat of th boya of Una. Thoao -win ulna to aiialat In r-nler-falnlng th aunt ar aaked to gt In touch with l.ynn Hahln, aocralary of th chamber of comniarrs or II. W; Hulhluny. chairman of th Vet oraua exvcullv commlttn. Xotiuutu MlglitlK liuprovwl Wallnr Ze'rrnn who haa been a patient at th Klamath Onnornl hoapUal for tb pact three week la reported a allgully Improved, y.nliman had hla leg budly fractur ed whlia working at the Hhaw-llert-ram 4umhrid. following an Infection l wa found -necesiiary to amputate-tlitr limb. .' -. Family llcuuion - Mr. rnd Mr. Carl 8chuliert, well known realdenU of tb Hprlng l.aki dlatrlct enjoyed a family reunion at their bom on Monday evening when their children gathered for a family dinner followed with, ioclal hour with munle and game. fc5 KLAMATH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET Seventh and Main Everyone knows what a fine selection of fresh fruits and vegetables we always have. . Besides our regular line, we have watermelons and fine cantaloupes. Come early Saturday morning. Obituary lUIIIKItT Itemaln of th lute Itala-rr tlraiv nan, aged 40. a car loader for the Poreal Lumber romnanyt, who ed away In Hilt rl'y U f1'ltVrU afternoon., ar In xht 'uuilir room of th Karl Whltlo.k Kaoeral Home, Tina Avenue al KUth. Kunoral ar rangamenta will be announced lat er. JACKIK" JIIIXHJV. ' ' Funeral aervlcea for llltl Morrla Wen ley Juhnaon, known i to hla frlenda aa "Jackie"-!!! be held from irrt-i Kmtl VhlllocIT KiinVml lilom. Tlh Avenua at Sixth. ' on Sunday afternoon at flva o'clock. Interment will follow In Mnkvltle cemetery. Jarkle la th only child of Mr. and Mra. T. A. Johnnon of thta rliy and met accidental death when ha waa atruck down -by a mo tor car lata Wedneaday afternoon. From Malln . t. D. I.lakey apenl aeveral' homa her on Thuradov tranaoctlna bual- dm from' hla horurar Maiin.'w v' ' : Look at These SATURDAY SPECIALS : Pork Roast iPork Qiops Pork Steak Lard, lb.-'' Veal Pot Roast. - - -, Veal. Steak, lb. - - -5 Leg. of : Mutton; lb- . ):. .'. ' . i i 20c lb. 15c 20c 25c 25c: MILLER'S MARKET 818 MaiA St.: Phone 750 4 I The Polly. Shoppe , :i . 133 South Ninth St, Opposite Post Office ', ' , ' ' , ; . i . "I . . ". '' ' " UNiqgijTBjfJi&futtons.BueklM and ' ' . .. : trimmings for dresses.. . BANDAU CAPS and Novelties. STAMP GOODS in all Varieties. BOYS' PANTY SUITS up to six years. .- . . . ( i i - ' . . . . : , j Ladies' Summer Dresses $2e35-$X25-$3.75 See Them : r : r- r ; " Hemstitching : Vj ; j c V . -rinrH y tga- jm ' " The "DE CECILETOS" Dancers Cominp; to the ALTAMONT Tomorrow and . Sunday Nights ' A Hey, BillAnother ' Bar g e Dance THIS EVENING," JUNE 17 Barge Leave at :30 Retarna at 1:30 ' ' All fit and N Vitllluf Brothers Invited. ' ' FEATtRE8 GALORE . DE; CECILETOS DANCERS ; - HAL BLACKBURN'S BAND' - . ... A Grayco , Shepherd Check ' .; Cravat for the Shepherd of the flock at , THE toggery; 619 Main ; PHone 583-W & -8- , ; 1 i i 1 Ml! .if mm i Your Big Chance to Get This "Beautiful Rogers Silver plated Teaspoon For Only 8 Alpine Labels . ' LTES! Teaspoons for labels so that ., ,- every Oregon woman will taste the Cream in every drop of Alpine see how .'- delicious it is, bow economical. , But you must act at once ! This offer " is good for only four more weeks. Be sure 'to bring your labels to our redeeming sta tion before June 30th and gcta beautiful ftf-year guarantee silverplatcd teaspoon in the exquisite Simeon L. and Georgb H; Roxmrs "Kingston" rtittcrn- for only . 8 Lill sise Alpine Milk labels or 16 small . . , Since Alpine keeps indefinitely, many 'women are laying in a supply now to .. .make sure of getting six teaspoons. Finest milk with cream in every drop) For rich flavor and wholesome creami- ness.Alpineisfarsuperiortoordinarymilk. , Economical, too. So rich it saves butter. And improves cooking. Try it for tastier vegetables, smoother puddings, more deli cious coffee I Get Alpine today. Bring your Alpine Labels to our Redeeming Station ; before June 30th Chiloquin - Drug Co. Chiloquin, Ore. Herald Pub. Co. KlArmtth Falls ! Papasra 'tfievb cream in :cVnj drofi .mi Ii M, , I I US , 1 VN(ew JVax-wrapped Packages win the approval of Famous Food Editors 1 IEADING food editors of the West. j have placed their unqualified tamp of approval on the Snow Flake Bakers' new. wax -wrapped packages and "Guarantee of Freshness." ' "It is, gratifying to know that a food manufacturer of the West should lead the nation in new packaging' methods and definite pro tection for the buyer," 'aid one. . Oat "Guarantee of Fresh ness" is unique in the cracker, and biscuit industry. It is iron-clad, giving you positive assurance of freshness or money refunded. It has been made possible through new wax .wrapped moisture-proof packages, and daily bakings in six great Western -plants. Every home is within a few hours of Snow Flake ovens! We control every Snow Flake operation. We own our own wheat fields in Eastern Washington, mill our own flour, by a con' . trolled process. Not one thing has been left to chance in as- . - surtng absolute uniformity of flaky crispness and delicious t flavor. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., Seattle, Taco ma, Port. I land, Spokane, San Fran cisco, Los Angeles. . Buy the Family Package. Economical! Convenient! T)oritaiforcracKerer-ji- jjj' GUARANTEE fr of FRESHNESS s Wt gmrtnttc , Jumallj lit quality and C S fretmeatfettry patjtagt. f. 2 ofSinFUktBaktr,' g 2 broJiMts. If mi mint , J UtiifxHirj in every nvy fj ' ' you mty ntum Am 19 zi ywyottr tni your O' moncinill ht f I rVmcOwBreurTCo. cr!k r. . r 9 V5r K : : 1