Page Four THE EVENING IIERATD, KLAMATH FAT,T,R, OREGON Eridny, .Tunc 17, 1A27 JJlji Euntng Herald T. B. MALARKET W. H. PEUKINS r. B. ENUL.18H i , ......Kdltor ....AdTfrtlalnt Manager ...a (.Business Mahaaar Entarad u second data matter at the postofNca at Klamath Falls. Orejon, oa Aniast 1. under act ot Coaaraaa Marta 1. t7. . Drllrerrd by Carrier - Bjr Mall Ob Tear I . 5 0 One Month . .tt Bis Months . J.60 Three Month l.ti Thra Month! LIS 81 Month . 75 On Month.. S One Yar ....... S 00 Associated Press Leased Wire . Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Marion Barnes Off , For Diamond Lake ltonit to Diamond laV. notl rtshlna resort In southern 1Hur1h county, will prolnili!y b oixn to automobile travl by Sumlny. M. J. Barnes, district lama warden, pre dicted. Mr. ttarnes left yesterday (or Dia mond lake to help open the Khun ath entrance rnad ami to aid In ahipptnft the 1? 3-4 million eggs taken at tha Diamond litk tt sU Hon this spring. Tha road waa open to within tint .miles ot tha lake last week, ll vii said. t Member of the Associated Preas . Tha Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the use -or republication of all new dispatches credited to It or toot otherwise credited la this papsr and also tha loral news published therein. All rights ot republi cation ot special dispatches herein are also reserved. ! : . FRIDAY, JUNE 17,-1927 t Are We Through Waiting , , Railroad events have been moving swiftly in Oregon within' the past few days. ' First it is announced that the transportation tangle in Central Oregon has been straightened out on a basis that is satisfactory to both contenders, and this should fnean the end of isolation in the great Central Ore gon plateau. The Klamath pine area is to be opened up at once, with great ensuing development, and the interest of the northern lines in Oregon is to le definitely enlisted. On the heels of this news comes the announcement that the Southern Pacific company will proceed at once to stand ardize the narrow gauge railroad track between Lakeview, Oregon and Wendel, California. This means the final com pletion of the long discussed and long- awaited new eastern route direct from Oregon by way of Ogden. That has . been sv. dream in this state for almost - as long' as the "oldest inhabitant can remember. These developments are particularly important to Eugene and to Klamath Falls, but they are almost as important to the entire state. For years Oregon has lain dormant between two major spheres of railroad interest. It looks very much as if this long period during which we have sat and waited for something to happen is finally at an endt Eugene Register. Loyal Order of Moose Meet cverr Thursday : '. lilt.:.. . U O. O. M. twuose nan. iviuuiaiii (7 H In i rit BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH VMlliitf I'nlvnt Mr. ami Mrs. William Turner pf Merrill are enjoying a visit from their daughter, Mrs. Carl Harks and two children who reside at Munta Moss, California. -r IVoiii Walla Wnlln ' ' interesting visitors In tha rlly today are Mr, anil Mr.. J. P.Criuh-n of Walla Walla, Washington. Whlln here Mr. and Mrs. fruileu lira hrft.l guests at tha Wlllurd. V3 Theatre LAST TIMES 'TONIGHT The Startling War Drama "HOTEL IMPERIAL" with Pola Negri As the beautiful storm center of riotous emotion and enthralling; adventure. . " -'. . " ' BIG SPECIAL SUNDAY The Year's Greatest Western Picture "THREE BAD MEN" , A new height of ignominy was recently achieved by a Missouri pedestrian, now in a hospital after being run down by a bicycle. . . , . ' ... ,. .. . . r . Japanese don't care for dogs as house pets, but we can't picture this as making a good dog go mad. - ' " - Paris announces that to be fashionable now, women are taking on terribly. ' At The Liberty "Hurricane Hutch" ' the Dare-Deril Thrill Creator "HUTCH OF THE U. S. A." A Stirring Melodrama with Pep and Action! -.-- - THK S.ITl'UDAY 8PM1AL IS ' "BLACK GOLD" . , '. A Story of the Teias Oil Fields ItealillnB At 1illiMuin Mr. and Mr. Loyal William Chrlatyare making Ibelr home at rhlloquln fur tha present awalllnit tlio construi'tion of their home at' rin Rhine where Mr. Christy it employed with the forest Lumber Company. Their wedtllnK was an event of last Raturdav. llefore hrr , marrlaa Mrs. t'hrhtr was MUt Ilpiule Toll of this rlly. ' lloth Mr. aud Mrs. Christy are 'popular mem- ' her of tha younger social set of this city. - . ; Arriving Komi) . ' Mrs. Henry Palrbrother of ' Mis soula, Moutana, Is expected In the city on Sunday morning from her home In the north to attend the funeral ot her littlo nephew, Morrla Wesley' Johnson, who will be laid to rent late Sunduy afternoon In Link villa cemetery. Mrs.' Falrbrothor I a sister of T. A. Johnson, fathor AT the little fellow who met acci dental death lata Wednesday afternoon. ndltlon linprovrti The condition of Herbert llerrjr Is reported as sllshtlr Improved ar cordlnt to word received here last evening from tlert Hall who la ilk Portland with Mr. Horry. lie submitted to a msjjr operation on Monday fullowlnR an llluawi of inuhy utonlh. tS Vlitcd At (1illiMuln Mr. anj Mrs. Pave McAutiffe ami Mr. J.,S, natemsn motored to Chllo qilg m Thursday evening where they were dinner guest of Mr. and Mr. Loyal William Christy. Mr, llateman Is tho mother ot Mr. Christy formerly Miss Bessla Tull ot this city. " , Extm"iMertpUonMs ,lM i" Korbea 'Fura Drugs. Saturday , . SPECIAL In Guaranteed Arch Support Shoes ... . 4i ' ll'' . Buster Br own Shoe Store Your Family Shoe Store : MEN WOMEIS 'I rrl CHILDREN , " , '4 ,; r t J tsf x J X T .v M-ieV'li ? aO . - 7 '. i:A oecona Ann tversary Look Over These Pay Day Specials Good triple- titched two pocket Work Shirts 69c 2 for 1.35 Men's Tan Oxfords $5 and $6 Values, special ' -$35 - ; n off . . on every hat, . ' Either Felt or Straw Heavv Canvas Gloves 25c value 19c . Work Sox Black or tan, 7 pairs for $.00;; ; Men's Dress Shirts Extra special ' C "k: : $ i '.15 j 1 f :, Men's $2.50 Dress Shirts Wonderful bargain v $1 .45. : . Men's Moleskin Work Pant $2.50 value - Extra special, Boys' Suits, most of them with two-pair , of knicskers ONE-HALF PRICE are worth' more than we ar Boys' knickers, values to 3.50, only - - PAY DAY SPECIAL, ONE-THIRD OFF .' :i : The pants' alone are worth' more than we are. asking for the suits. "- ,"7yC -fa'.1" V'' Save $ $ $ $ on your new spring suit. 'Just received anew shipmeht." ; ' ' Father's Day, June 19th--Give Dad something to wear You can't afford to miss these bargains, our prices are and have been" the best in the city, owing to our. lower overhead.- . . " , - v , ; It will pay you to buy at - , , - -' - Beck's Manstore MERCHANDISING; In the riiodern Wa' with mddehi equipment : "PAY CASH IT PAYS" ; cm Edge I Heavy Hens ' I . -' p ' ls?C !l3aClt WIIITK I.KtillOIIV UlYKIlrt ' ' Grdnta Pass VAN CAMP'S . KLAMATH Peas Pork ' fiC Beans 1 Fresh Spinach ! j Found . . , 3 Medium Cans 3 Pounds v . iOc K.25c: r;25ci r I , r ;r . '-'J ;, ' . ; , ; "1 . K.T T i . , ' DlCWlOPKli'M nMl THAH; i.iJt '-l .'.'" i INew Jrotatoes m.ckB tiucti.y vmu .y ,4-J3f6oms . i 3 pounds ; ; .'3gS..; Regular W'v I'cr Ioam ,,. ' 25c 25c . : 59c ' , ' , - I: ' ' : .''. ..' " FOLGER'S . ARMOUR'S GRAPE BESTFOODS., . ' -;JU1CE, DAT,ON , DEMeTioN , REMONSTRATE : ... A Sandwich for . . GU of ,ce CoId . Everyone . ' A Cup of Coffee for ; Crape Juice for ; r Everyone Everyone 1 ' - ' ' I : y 4 i'.'-l--'. I - a V Plenty of Phrking Ro om on Walhut Street' . . PUBLIC MARKEfF "Why worry about parking space?" ' ; , A ixth Street ati Walhut ' - Phone 169 'is r - ,:v 517 Main Street 517 Main Street T - 3L t : , ;