Friday. Juno 17, ;027 Page Two THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON For Picnic THE CAL-O-REX Vacuum Bottle excels fn efficiency, ttreillh, cleanliness, Implicit and form.- t Painstaking rare, thor ' loasa Inspection and rigid ,,test, Insures the quality. On picnics you mar . want hot coffee or soup. " If so. you can depend on tbe Cal-O-Rex. Perhaps you prefer an . ice-cold, (lass . of milk. . ' Your Cal-O-Rex Bottle I will keep it that way. - lei ns show . yo the numerous styles; we eaa - ' meet your needs.' 'Star Drug Store A :,- - : .J,- Klamath Falls. Or.- : WIRTZ MUSIC STORE 1 1 PeIican Bay Liimber Co. 1 22 S. 6th St. Just off Main ! j Summertime and ' Ukuleles ' j: ' ' ' vv 1 1 New Line of. Beautiful Ukea and a Month 'a Free Lessons ' ! ' If -""' ; ' -.- - -- ,: . V j . Pianos VictrolasEdisons Up-to-date ' T ' " " l If Eddi wr under the , 1 1 ;V Popular Sheet Miisic 3 for $L00-" i! ' 'HH 'l: : wtW - . t i? We'd hare to unite all We have a few balgtins' inttsed fcanoiY ! ; H' " . together ! PICJORE FRAMING , . 'I tlffib ' ! ', ' r , , '"-NOS TPNED AND REPAIRED ... -j Jv ' Tk) A western5 greeting and: a cup of Hills Bros Coffee X i w Koxke forgets a western welcome. It's so honest whole-hearted and. enthusiastic. t Likewise no-one can forget the irresistible - flavor that only a cup of Hills Bros. Coffee . has. You marvel at its richness its "life." It is Controlled Roasting) Hills Bros.' , patented process, that produces this inimi i table, uniform goodness Ask . for Hills ' Bros, by name and look for the Arab on the ' .'can.' Send for a free copy of "The Art of "" Entertaining." Address Hills Bros., 2 Har risdaSt.i San Francisco, Calif.- ; '-; HILLS BROS COFFEE !tlltfif3fl:! rri IN 'THE 11 J l-T aV S . V fMMsnaaw 11 " ana BIG SENSATION Yerkes 1 LetaOl Sacramento Down Witlv. Two Hits Hollyvoo4AWin y , (By the AiexM-lated rrow) Yerkes. recently obtained by' Poruand from-the-Athletics, msde -an auspicious roast league debut by jwhltewsshlng Sacramento. 4 to 0. Two hiu were all the senators could gather , off his deliveries. Ratter jles: Yerkes and Wendell; Keatiug and Severeid. Hollywood woa her second , straight time from ths Missions. S , to 0 chiefly because Shellenbach's . Eyes Examined, Fitted snd the Glasses Ground in our own factory Id suit yomr hulnidiul tcifmhtmtmli. Broken Lenses Replaced ! or: COBLE'S- TO MAIN STRUT Genuine . . . . Trtih frtm tht , ifiin'iV vacuum If act. Eaiilt tftuei, ' vith c ktj. GLASSES REALM OF was a Chinese P- 111 to T. K. Hell's wrecking crow. . lialterles: Khrllciihark snd Murphy: Ludolph. Krkert and Whllnoy. A. ninth Itinlua Scsttle rally tell Jone short of t'elng the score aud.poneuts. Osklsnd won & to 4. Mutterlee- Kd wards and Schmidt: Cooper audi " . " Bool. j l-eavlnai For A-Jilmid , , . Two - homers by Karl AYerl!l . K., V. Ituulck plans to leave ,,lo prored .sufficient mirgln for i, the, morrow for Ashland, to spend the Seals to win from 1a.i Angeles ?-S;wek end with bis wife, snd dangn tn a free hit tin ismei . llnttru les; i tur. llotuonu, who Is suffering from Mitchell. Msy and McKne; Pierce, j a nervous break down. It Is hop Hamilton, Smith and Hannah. Sand-jed the lower altitude will prove berg. heneflclul to her health. - ' ' i .. SPECIAL LUMBER' SALE . i it. Shiplap 8, 10 or 12 inch $17.50 Just, the thing for Sheathing . 2x4 No. 2 Dimension $17.50 2x4 No. 3 Dimension. ... . . . $15.00 Vi I E. Bevel Siding V.. $10.00 We have many items to show you. .' Drive out-) and.?, look them over. , Cherries . . Cantaloupes HURRY CASH GfeoCERY Phone 576 Saturdiay Phone Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Fall's Own Special Blend Coffee, lb.:...........45c 3Ibv for $1.30, Try Our Oatmeal, Cookies for Lunches' Cherry CakeNut Devils FoqdXakeiU Whole Wheat. Raisin: Bread. - . ' Nut Bread The "Originai"' ' Health Bread - Try it once You'll always order, it F A L L S Grocery1 and: Bakery- " 6th' and Main St. TWO ZtJNIS ARE NARROWING GAP (Continued From Pn Onel jZiint runuere In Ills marathon. de- j tud rellslounly on the aid of the spirits ot sky and earth to keep .,.., fi-i of limh . body: to enable them to run Tur without sleep, or rest, snd even - tually lu finish at (Irani rase, Oro.. J leagues ahead of their Kurnok op- ( Hut the spirits must have , gifts. And ait on hi head To keep- him in bed, ' And t bind .' him , with leashea of leather. . . - a m - w: Xf'rt ntx Attention : Our. Store is awaiting your or--der to deliver High-Grade Gro ceries. Your dinner will not be delay ed by a belated delivery and your dinner will not be a failure be cause of poor Groceries if you call 576 and tell us just what you want. t Fresh ' Pineapple Strawberries 83 Specials TI-XKtiltAM KOI.H. IHlUTI.WK, Ore., J u IT. (A I). Tito I'ortliiMl Teli'iirnm mw tnM today hy llrferev til llaiikruptcy t'siimm to lievlil I. lofKirn, an attorney, nrtlng a a trustee, fur :Ml.mrO, i Mm . ' . I j. iitlwr Mil wim rerelveil, I7M,. e; MMI. from the 1'iirtliiiiil News. ! Popular Couple of- - Klamath - Married Just how I.nysl William Christy 1 and Miss llesHl Tull, two of Kln-j nmth Kails' most nopulHr young i ptople, uiunugsd to kmp their mnr rlsse a secret for almost a wiM'k, still reiuslns a mystery. i ne young coupie were uuieiiyf married on last Saturday evening al the First I'resbytertnn parson age. Her. 11. Y. Halgut performing I ths ceremony. Mr. and .Mrs. Dave (McAulllfo attended tha young coup le. . ! Immedlslely following the rere- , mony they left tor Chllouin where they will reside until their horn al , ;Plne Ridge Is rompleted. Mr. Chris-: ; ty holds a responsible position with , j the Forest Lumber company. I i The bride ts one of the moat' 'chsrmlng young womea ot Klamath county, and the daughter of Mrs. J. 8; Dntemaa of this rlty. i Excavation Starts L ' 1 ,On Pine- Street Lot Opportunity to have cn-avatlon tn thdr lot accomplished free i,f charge by the Warren Construction company which needs the dirt, la the reason for excavation work In pro- (gn'ss this morning on the Musonlr j Lodge lot on the corner ot Fifth 1 'and Pine streets. v Eventually It is tha plan at ins Masonic lodge to erect a building on the property but excavation now does ; not Indicate Immediate prosecution of tbe project, prominent members of the lodge said today. " ' ' J HIGHWAY OILING ! IS PROGRESSING (Contlnned From Page One) Alxoma and the Fort Klamath junc tion will be started. . The Williamson Rlver-Algoma ; section of the highway has reoelv-. ied its first coat and will receive a second coat next week; nine miles! 'of the Williamson River-Fort' ! Klamath section of tbe highway! has been oiled. Thai which bat not been oiled ot this 'section will re ceive two coats and the nine mile section-will reoel-its second. coai, and in some sections a re-treatment , with the first cost. j Next more of the hlghwsy oiling; crew will be to move to Klunistli j rul nod start jTorsatnvent of the j Kluniathr Falln-Algoma section . of Tha Dulles-California highway- and i 4he Klamath Falla-Keno section of the Ashland-Klamath Falls hlgh wsy. Doth these secUeos .ware treat ed last year. ..--.. O. T- ENTRANCE LINE. DEPENDS ON AGREEMENT (Continued From Pace One I ' 0. R. Kli hmond. ropresentlnx the j Oregon Trans: land department, al so arrived this rooming to attend to eertaia rlsht-of-war matters. Mr. Rh bmond will be Id Klamath Falls for several dars. yiuml To MrrHll - Mr. aad Mrs.' Ian Colwt-ll and family of this city have moved to Merrill for 1h summer months. They will reside? at the Hammond ranclr.' ' . . . 431 Main St. cleaning pressing; Work called for and delivered; Klamath Cleaning , & Dye Works' Profit by Others' Experiences IN ouf 'man year' speclallzai tion in the treatment of Piles , and other Kectal and Colon ailments, we have collected a vast amount uf data of uatsKlbmlMlsMyeMiaffllctl. Murkef IhU valtultlt Information, tnstther rtS sevke. uSS.tkpaan4jtheerMnair'l'ncdr'unttl . cores M (ormrr naf teitis, I crmulnriJ tn a IOO p.g. Hook, whlrk w will Ad VMM to anyene . revuseUnsa. DexrierS UJJiUmNinon-tursV: cai mrt son or rc.rmcni awn cm Is Ui Itol Xlkis m . Pnrtlud. Seal lie Ut4 Su. FrBrv; .o ear WHIttKN AN.SDRANCR el Piles aurrna- full, trrarad or rr.l. KKlimrf rv. wnu let tut nose toeam 1 ' eB fON lU. A HOpfJiCl 0 f AN BIJM. M (VIMAIN ni Tt i sr n -n rrm nri mmni Lake Could be Used As Bird Reserve and , Crazing Area, Belief rtillsullnn of nnvf Klnliialli Inku bed as graslng area, an adjunct of the ' Kluuialh Irrlgalloit dlxrlcl, would nut Jeupurdlae the bird re- swrve of that seclluii. In the oplnlnu of Hay C. Steele, 1'iilted Stales game warden and rnunected with (lis I'nl tud States lllologlcal Survey. . Creation of the praslug area in district depends upon the suncllon uf tha V. 8. II. 8. as tliut federai lie. pnrtmeiH holds priority rights. ' By roonvratliiu, 1 HhuliV llioUKrtt, tbe tracts, rould ,b uvd c by tha slieepmvn for graslng and by lb SATURDAY TACKLE SPECIALS t Telescope Steel Koda .;:..J51.95, Jointed Steel Rods .95 Double Action Reels :.. .. Fly Casting Reels Double Taper Silk Line, Enamel Trout Line, 23 yds- Oil Silk Trout Line, 25 yds L.....7.,......'.. Alleock Flies, (imported),- dozen...!..-.......''. DcForest Dry Flies, dozen Colorado Spinners, 4-0 to 2t each , Joe Welch Leaders ; Klamath Sporting j Goods! i Go 117 So. 7th St. , Save this Coupon IT WILL PAY HALF On, Any Ladies' Purse SATURDAY NIGHT ; june 18th' : , Between 7 and 9 o'clock ' Positively no pittse sold withbut 'a coupon " Undeiivood's ? QIFTS rpm Thing to Wear" d. 'gift. Dad, WIT . Xr most enjoy. Her are exclusive furnish. v ings that Dad would never buv for himself. Our displays of new merchandised include the finest qualities and designs from foreign and domeetic makers. - Shirts o't Knsllnh brondeloth In hand some, stripes and pluln blue, tan and white. $2.00 up Ties . i t ot heavy silk In soft roll (or summer wear; Triced nt i $1.00' Socks a . wide diversity Also golt socks. Bilk, in colors. plaids. 75c up Justin 8C Montgomery Men's Wear 718 Main Street ' William. Bldg. federal department, as a bresdlnf ground fur wild fowl. An Instsnca of amh rnoperallon would bo timillflel. I IM'Inlnil ..i.i l.v shuuiiinnn keeping their lllo.ks; from Ilia friti, of tho 1.. . i. i...Millntf sessiill. Ilinisiiw umiimp ..... THE WEATHER. Thel Cyclii-Slormugratih at t'nder-g wood'i I'lmrmaty rontlliues lu reg. Inter (n the fair wealher ares. Forecast for next 14 hours: ' Fair wealher with brUk Wlluls j luulghl' and touiorrow, Moderali. . lemnrraiurea. I . Tv.-n. eMMinllit.. Ihermomiit : it regtMerad 'maxlmnitt whd 'nilitl- . mum tinpratures,ns follows; ! High ....,..i?! " lw if ...:... M5 40 !.75' .50 . 1.50 . 10 .''.IS' !.......;..:;a..;....f..i.i. .50 Six . j ' ,fc ' Jmt Off Main. a. - t for Dad! iX leJK MfW for Father. mak Htra ws or Foils, t . Cr . It fsiitfV Up" r Pajamas nt madras and Knitllsh broad cloth In various designs and plain colors 1 -5 ( J$2 W $4.00-' H Belt. are of the funhlonablo wide leather In tan or black' for sport and dress, $1.00 up