... v.. Tape Four THE RVENINTt HERALD,; KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Saturday, Juno 11, 1027 311)0 Hunting Hrralfc T. n. MALARKEY.. W. II. I'KHKINS V. B. ENGLISH .i KiHtor ...Advertising Manager llustness Manaaur Entered second clan matter at (be postotflce at Klamath Falls. Oregon, on August 30, 1908, under act ot Congress March 3. 18. Delivered by Carrier Itjr Hall On Tear . 8 50 One Month. ,, . . .(S Biz Monlha . - 3. SO Three Months 175 Three Montha - 1.95 Six Months 3.75 On Month 65 On Year 5.00 cvft The Churches lull l.llltlcl-HII Chllivh. There will be no tiiarnliiK ser vices owlim lo the pastor's absemv from tho city. Sunday school ai 9:30 a. hi. . Associated Press Leased Wire Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Member ot the Associated Press The Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the use or republication of all news dispatches emitted to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republi cation of special dispatches herein are also reserved. SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1927 Letters And Character St. Paul's Kplciuil Cliurrli. Iter. J. Henry Thomas, pastor. Due to the critical illness of Iter. J. Henry Thomas, pastor of St. I'aiil'a Episcopal church, there will be no services on Sunday except morning prayer at eleven. lleber lladcltrte will preside. A slisht improvement is noted In the condition of Iter. Thomas who is suffering with Influmatory rheumatism. 4: SO on Tuesday. -Thursday anil Saturday. Tho public Is cordially Invited to attend the services and uo rending rooms. -l IiuiiiMiiuel llaptlst Church. 11th and High. K. It. Muluolland, pastor. Ilible school at 9:45. Final an nouncement concerning our Vaca tion School. Don't miss It. AI 11 o'clock an interesting, luslrated Children's Day addrcsa that children can understand. B. Y. P. T. meeting at T. The it o'clock service will be. musical program. Special vocal and Instrumental numbers. Our Dally Vacation Dlble school begins promptly at 9 a. in., .Mon day. Hours 9 to 11. Ages 5 and up. Come once and you'll come back. Parents welcome to visit. Mint Ctii'Nium church. Ninth and 1'lne. V. K. Allison. Pastor. Sunday services: 9:45 Children' Day Program. Orchestra. hymn prayer, reception ot distinguished visitors. Ilible study period In elnsM's. Attendance reports. Com tnunlon service: processions!, son by primary department, children' day play, pastor's Invitation, hymn, benediction. 7 p. "'.: Christ Inn Endeavor ser vice. All young people welcome. 8 p. m.: Kvangelistic service. Choir led by "Vosler Clark. Ser mon: "There's a Itcasou." . One usually looks to private correspondence for the re flection of the true character of the author. No sooner is a t public figure laid away than his correspondence is collected, , edited and published for the supposed enlightenment of the .. public ... . - ; .. - , ; !.! i - When the man of the letters differs from .the man in actual ,v'life the public is prone to assume that the letter-writer was other than he posed to be in life and that his true self only came f,.' to light with the publication of his letters. In this the public too often is in error. Letters, unless j; they are1 read with a' thorough understanding J of and acquain- V - ' va scholars of the Sunday school are ; ' sre masters of English, but only the 'master- of English can asked to gather promptly at 9:45 v . indicate with pen and ink the emphasis and' inflection of speech, ! ia rdor lna' 'it'ent of de- . , , i tr- -i . r partments and clashes to the new v, uic iwuikic in uic eye, uic iaini smiic ur me uuic ui suiicuiy locations may be made with as lit' - 2nd seriousness. I tie delay as possible. Dne to the First McthodM Church. Fremont School Auditorium. Frank L. Weuiett. Minister. Morning services on Sunday will be held In the Auditorium of Fre mont school building. Teachers and Letters are as much a reflection of the character of the !ihanJse ' made this j week. Children's ; person to wnom tney are aaaressea as oi me cnaracxer oi ine not be held until 'writer, for. with rare excerjttons. letters are writen to a Darti-.l9th, ' cular person on a particular subject for 'a particular purpose. No one is more aware of the false picture a letter can paint than the person who writes it. One shudders at the thought , of letters written in the past and which'may be resurrected in the future, but one shudders not at the thought of the truth they may reveal but at the deceits recorded in them. The mendacity of epitaphs is proverbial, but far greater 'is the mendacity of letters that are read but not burned. Day exercises will next week. June Glorifying War ' Mr. Wemett will speak at 11:00 o'clock on the subject: "The Inspir ation of a Croat Knterpri.se." There will be no preaching ser vice at night. Christian Science Society. Tenth and Washington. Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Sunday service, 11:00 a. m. Subject: "God the Preserver Man." Free reading room and free lending library open from 2:30 to of First llnpttM Church. Sth and Wan. St. A. D. Simmons, pastor. Regular services next Lord's dav, S. 8. 9:30 a. m. A class for everyone." Morning worship and sermon. 11 a. m. it. Y. P. I'.. 7 p. m. Evening preaching S p. in. Wed. evening of each week regu lar in Id week Ilible and prayer ser vice. On Thur., June 16. at 10 a. m. Tho Kastern Association of Califor nia and Oregon meet with us In their Fifty-fourth annua! session. This Is one of the oldest llaptlst Associations In the state. It Is an old fashioned Missionary llaptlst Association. At these meetings we discuss our own peculiar doctrines. and pluna ot doing Ilia Lord's work, .Meet with us. We expect to huve wild us, be. sides our own preachers, several men of considerable note In llaptlst ranks, vis., J. T. Moore, of Port land, lately elected secretary treas urer ot the American llaptlst As sociation, J. Lewis Smith, of Cali fornia, a scholar among us who Is devoting his talent In defence of Ilible against Modernism and Involu tion. We will also have with us lien M. Ilogard, editor of llaptlst and Commoner of Little Itock. Ark. One of the outstanding men of Hie South In the llaptlst ranks, Association meets from June liiili to 19th Inclusive, oil are Invited. tlerirmle llllyurd, Kdmi Jones, lloli Louis Williams, Hilly Utile)',. Joycn Wiilker. Venni VYhltlulch, Donald wliUlnlrll. , Frailer. Cluiidle Shuck, llliiiirlm . ,,.udors: Mrs. II. vieira, Helen Alclils Kiilu Hurry. K.llu.r Al.hl..,,, U'r lllilu.,ll. Tlilisa And" Wanda Kandiu. Arlem. Taylor, lloy ! Mis. Nellie C. WhUlulch. Helen Meanly, Phelps Lewis, tlrace Drown, Anderson. II. Aubra Anderson, llrndbury. KLAMATH MEMBERS OFF SUNDAY MORN (Continued From Pago One) Louise Hawkins. Meryl Short, Anna lliirnett. Catherine lluruett. James Stevenson, Ijiwronio Frailer. Julius Sunders, Clifford Shuck. Pearl Ar rant, Winifred Dewey. Anna Steven sun, Dorothy llludgct! Wllma of field. Fay Jliiuette, l.oreue Measly, Marlon Munch, Lucille tiorden. Al fred I'urleton, Kvelyn Slroky, Hal Peterson. Frances Sexton. .Marrella Selgel, Elva Lewis, Janice Newby, mm Japan is being held up by the World Federation of Educa ' tional Asaociations as an example which the other seventy ".-KOriaterl nations michr well follow in deletincr from school text books such chapters and expressions which tend to gionty proo, lemraiiy located. r : .:1 JPPJlar Prices and Service are? .the demands ot the day. w ! 5 war and warriors. Spokesmen tor the international associa tion believe Japan has done more than any other country in revising school books in this direction. Incalculable harm has been and is being done by text books in use in public and other schools which seem to go out of their way to picture war as the most glorious of pursuits and the soldier as a transcendent hero. One wonders if to these pseudo-historians war is ever unjust and dishonorable and if they can imagine a situation under which the heroic thing is to refuse to fight. Those Americans who "went over" and those who lost loved ones in the World war and most other Americans would be opposed to another war unless there was actual invasion of American soil. And it is doubtful if the descendants of this generation will feel any more warlike. But time erases the keen edge of bitter and terrifying memories and the whole trend of public opinion may change in a generation or two. It is highly possible that if school books continued year after year to inculcate into successive generations of impressionable children the idea . that war is never inglorious and ever to be engaged " in by nations and people, such reiterated teaching would breed in this country a generation of chip-carriers and militarists. - it why the Sutter that's la patronized by? tha discriminating. Management Geo. Warn a Hoopei ', Dave Smith, who participated in the killing of Newt Burgess and George Parringer, two prominent Umatilla county men, at the Claremont roadhouse near Portland, died at Salem, lie was in the penitentiary for life and death claimed him. Had the capital punishment law beenon.the statutes then as it is now he would have gone over shortly after he committed the crime. - ' ' The North China outlaw is suing for peace. He was not to bad as he thought he was. ; ' ' $ $ $ $ Fair Acres Sub-Division IX TK.it TS KltOM OXK To TKX .tCHKH,' ' FIXK HANDY KOIL, SO WET Oil ALKALI LAND. CLOHK IX AND A WOXDKKFIL VIKW. Priced to sell lo rlo estate, buy direct hikI save HMcula tors' ami promoters' profits. You will 'make a km1 hi testiiient If )ou buy in FA lit .K ICKS. Located northeast of Altamont Camp $300 per acre 30 per cent down, .-' Balance $4.05 per month , . , will -ei Real Estate W. M. MONTELIUS SSI Main St. I'hone 181 FOR SALE Timber Stumpage Farm Land Range Land All kinds of city pro perties, Homes as low as $100 cash, balance monthly. Lots 107 cash, 24 payments. Also a good list of rentals. " time is money, many are rich and don't know it" WOOD To Burn VYe aro delivering Dlock-wood at once, uo delay. Country Orders for block solicited. Quick aervlce f uarauteed. Summer Prices on green slab, buy now. Tbero will bo uo cheaper prtco. Dig stock of Coal. Fuel Oil and Furnace-Oil Always on band. Pjpgy 601 Mala Phone G3S j Av.rvn McCORMICK-DEERING is a High-Lift Mower ; KxtrtMiii'ly high lift i.t a feature of McConiiclk-DetT-iiilt roKtilar lift ntowent. Tho driver tun riiinu the cut ter bur utuply hitrh with tho foot lever to pww over moHt obtitucloK. on if a higher obHtruction li encoiinterbd. tho huntl lever pulled back to tho first notch u.iuully rulnes tho bur hih enoiiRh. Extremely high lift enn bo itc cuied with tho hund lever in tho Meeond notch. Thin lit more than i.t needed for any cuttiiiK except in iitumpy fieldn. For cutting aiiionjf tree, roikn, mid around buildiiik'H, tho vertical life mower should bo ordered. With tho 5-ft. mower, by pludnir tho hand lover in the tterond notch, the cutter bar enn bo raised o that tho outer shoe is 4 Pi in. ubove tho Kfountl nd the inner shoo 13 in. above tho ground. There in no detent to irrip on tho ruiiiiK mid lowerinjr lever. Just pull the lever buckwurd or push it forward. Tho latch fall into place in tho xeu merit utomuticully. There have been more im prove menu inudo in McCor-mii'k-Deerini? mowers in the last ten years than in tho thirty ycurs preceding. Uo you know what all these improvements nre? Mnny of them mean a biir saving in hay. Come in unit let u.-ccxplain these now feature! to you. J. S. MILLS & SON 6th and Klamath Phone 9 Ico President Dawes DO YOC 1IAVK TIUHIll.K ST AltTINti YOl It FOHD? The Bosch iKnltlon System eliminates all timer troubles and produces blK. Intense, per fectly timed sparks that make the engine run amoothlr. Kasy starting-, smooth running, economy and more power are the big advantages at the BOSCH SYSTEM Always ready to sell serve you. and W.P. JOHNSON'S Auto dC Electric Service 721 Klamath Phono SID 1 ? T f r t ? T t t f t t YVe show FA I it the flay ACItfcrt' any or evenliiK time during 609 S vt to ?. t ? t f SELAK & TRACY EXCl.l'SIVE A'lEXTS 6th St. Phone 969 Aetna-ize It is almost as important to set up the method accord ing to which the proceeds of your Life Insurance poli cies are to be distributed to your family, as it is to se- -cure the Life Insurance in the first place. A contract and mode of settlement for every neecLV ' ' . v- , " ' Jas. H. Driscoll William Building Phone 432 "Write. All Kind, of In.urancei" , R. D. ELLER, Mgr. Life. Dept. f ? ? t ? ? ? t t ? ? ? I t t f f f ? T t ? Sfar&rls'NEW Qwertible Cabriolet 3AST WEEK Star Car builders re c moved the price barrier on the most -'attractive and most useful quality model ever designed by introducing the Star Car Convertible Cabriolet! Today Star Car's Convertible Cabrio let is the automobile "new." of the country. Everywhere motorists are prais ing its exceptional looks and commenting on its unequalled low price. You should see this Star Car Convertible Cabriolet! Visit your nearest Star Car dealer's. Pa snuir, sporty CLOSF.D COUPE 1 ....or, in one minute, a brcoz1 nt.fl-,iltrrrj LduIum Ivu-l ens rduli tutalti t, fi, luiirimjiuli! m foiilirJ U.st'r leather u;Jkllrry . fuit.Hi neat S in.hr s ij, thffr famnteri) iis l si.lmnatk,,!!, teiit ivmtttetment rear tlei iSVf u reunfrr ltsni lo on rsnlv l. ni.,lt j, Ji nsnJicior otnamrial iei ld, New Silent STAR l our Convertible CutnioUt , . . l.(Upptl tl-u. l. Lstntir. 760 885 .... L UracyOI'EN ROADSTERj Star Cars FOURS (S) SIXES .-- Grcatcr STAR SIX Coiitaru'Mc Cuhriulvt . . . 'I...I..L.n.l..4 HAMAKER MOTOR CO. Eighth and Klamath