The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 24, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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Mr. Kllisbeth Mirknian, wife of
fd liy a
on. Everett Hickman
of tho Earl Whltlock Fuuoral M,.-Jmm . ,JL,-MJ ! r J f L "
M'illn ilalirhter Mn llial !r- 111 ti " , ,w I iriuinKi wi.vafgwvi 1 VIIM bUHIVCr V (
" ' i iiuiui", iim n'iuu" iiiMM, khvii, - i ftt F .
Cormlok of Medford. and three ,pi....i. ... ,.n i,.,T...... TWO Local Men UfflCialM Here to
ter Mra Pm ma pplr. Mm tttnlta .
Jackson and Mra. B.-ll lil.ok all of .,'1 arroeront will
Jaoie Rverett IlUknian. panned j Karlton. Kansaa. Mra. Illckma'i
aarar at bar home near Malta this vii In her 6S(h year and a reslilen" J
VxvolBt at (:1S o'clock. In addl-lof Maltn (or the pat Hire .roam, j
Hon to her husband, ahe la eurvlv- The remains are In the slumorri
iiiade Utr.
ItAlltlARl KI.KK.N MOltAMiK. 1
funeral service (or Barbara
tCoutluueU From I'mte.l)
Kil. Illxon waa exonerated of tho
Inspect Big Milt
Is Our Motto
rliarao or nolaonlim a doc owned by
Kleea Morande, Infant daughter of ... . . ,
Mr. and Mra. William P. Moraode, w- U ' w exonerated .ot
was held from the Karl Willi lock j the charge of eiabosileuieut of in
Funeral Home. Pine Avenue at I empleyn with the Intent to defraud
Sixth, thla moruluR. Interment ' t employer, which In thla case wa
made In the family ploa lu the Keuojthe, White I'ellran hoti-1.
cemetery. 1 Jury Cimtliiura
1 At, the personal requital of Circuit
HOltKRT WI1J.1AM DIXON. , Juilk-e A. 1.. l.ravltt and District
Rolert William, the beloved In- Attorney . M. Duncan, tho (rand
We use strictly
Fresh Eggs & Butter
in our pastries, coffee cakes and rolls
theft why they are good.
If there is anything new in Bakery Goods
we have it.
' We also cater to
Parties, Luncheons and Afternoon Teas.
Bwigalo Bakeiy
& Groceiy
llth and Washington.
Phone 1273
(ant aon of Mr. and Mra. Jack W
Dixon. pa.wd away In thla city on' tn un" rB1 of ""
Monday afternoon. The child wat ' "n Pcd and (arllltatoa the die-
, taken to the llaby Nook of the Tow- Poaltfon of criminal caaea to have a
cy-Mortuary on Pine Arenue at ra'l Jury which he had experience
Kiahth from where the profession capacity," JiiiIko Leavltt
wended Ita way to Llnkvllle cenie- o' he luqulsalorlal body. Just be
tery. Key. Forester officiated at before thoy were dlamlaaed. It
the aervlcea which were held at the would bo a ureal help to the court
(.rave aide. j If you would continue In aoaaton
j . throughout the June term. I would
MARY MAG DA LINE RODUiKKM. estimate that you would be called
, At ten o'clock the remain, of ! ,wlc now and next Novem
Mary Mairdallne Kodtgrea. were re-(D,r"
moved from the Baby Nook of the I 1 The grand Jury haa been In eev
Towey Mortuary to Sacred Heart ,ol llJr- t la one of
church where Iter. Father A. F. lh Pllt and yet one of the
Loeeer pronounced the benediction. " Important aeaaiona of tho Jury
Following the service the little one 'n Pt three yeara.
waa taken to Llnkvllle cemetery I Personnel of the Jury la aa follow
where" the last rltea were held.
On one of their vlntla of liec
lion. It. II. White, W. Orenuou, J
Urennon and Mr. Rhepherd. all
memhera of the board of dlrerlora j
ui ine r tirrni i.uuioer company in
tereata, are apendlug aevernl daya
at Pine Illdite looking over the com
pany pluut.
The group of llmbermnn from
Kniuaa City rcprenent one of the
moat exteualva and compreheualve
llllnhAF maniirarlurlna rnnrarni In
!the I'nlted Htatea. Una of the lea-
Jury. agreed to continue throughout ! ,urt uf lh conrern la that It de-
uiea ine aame rare ana lornaiam
In the retail end aa It doea In the
.' tl I'fiitMrarnAil fhairaian II ftrrv
Telford, C. H. Turner. K. D. True-
F. C. Broadway. Kanaaa City,
traffic manager of the roucern la
expected to arrive In Klamalh Fallaj
tumorrow to Join the party of 1'iiu-!
bermen. The Foreat Lumber com
pany two yeara ago bought the Mo
doc Lumber company, then partial
ly controlled by the Mvnefee Inter
eat,' and formerly operated by, J.
O. Uoldthwalle.
Rumor of Equipment .
Arriving for Modoc
Northern Dispelled
Tho Weather . H. H. Bogga. J
The Cyclo-Stormagraph at fader-;- 8- McClelland.
wood 'a Pharmacy ahowa a allghlly' r '
lower pressure today but no mark- l-tor i allfornia
rd chance In weather conditions la! Mr. and Mra. Qua Jobnaon
Indicated. Probabilities aro that ' looking forward with pleasure to an
tomorrow will be warmer.
Forecast tor next 4 hours: ' I
Fair with moderate temperature. '
Tha Tvivi. Mmnllnfl hannMnal P i
registered maximum and minimum i
temperatures today as fnllowa:
Hicb 73 Low 3;
Humor of construction equip
ment ahlpped Into Klamath Falls by
C. Kdnall and I the Southern Pacific move.
which If true, would Indicate the
Immediate construction of the Mo
doc Northern railroad were Ute
aro yesterday found to be erroneous.
When queried by the press. 8.
P. freight officials aald that sever
al car loada of dinkey engines and
southern California point rars, naed here last year by the
I'tah Construction company In tho
extended trip lo Long Beach and
hlch they plau to take a! the close
cbool term.
I America Is a country where a
censor ran always aee a good movie.
Mr. Railroad Man
Mr. John Farmer
Mr. Tradesman
Buy at the Store for the Workingman
Of Interest
to the Ladies
We know the women of
Klamath Falls will be
Interested In the new
Correct Style In Social
Kngravlng. partlrulurly
the new styles In engrav
ed plate .for Visiting
To popularity of the
Script and Old English
In type la on the wane
and the tendency la
toward distinctive and or
iginal styles In engrav
ing. Among" tho -new type
faces which are leading
In popularity are:
Shawled Arabic. Mallory.
Helmont, Congrpsa. Cath
edral. Masonic, lUarfc
Frrnrh, Hollil Xnvran.
New Italic. Alexandrian,
HeMal tiinhlr. New York
Text, Fraternity Text,
UrWlan, Alor Text, ami
Antkuei limbic.
You ars Invited to Inspect the
new style sheets of Cored
Styles for Social
W. 0. Smith
Printing Co.
Phone 08. 182 fio. Fifth Ht.
building of the terminal yards here
land held here since, were bring
'sent back to the construction com
pany headquarter in Salt Lake
City. I'tah.-
"We have received no word cf
construction equipment being ship
ped north to Klsmath Falls lor any
purpose," J. J. Miller, district
fre'ght and passenger agent, aald ,
thla afternoon.
Boeton-New York postponed, rain
Philadelphia-New York postponed,
St. Loula-Chlrago postponed, rata.
(blrago-St. Louis postponed, rain.
National :
Brooklyn 1 I
Philadelphia II I
Khrbardt. Doak, Csntrell and De
berry: Carlson. Wllloughby. t'lrlch
and Jonnard. j
Natlonil: .
Pittsburgh ........II I 0
Cincinnati 1 I
Meadows and Smith: Doaohue. i
Lucas, J. May: and Hargrave. j
'OAKLAND, Calif Mrs. C. C.
Noble la of the opinion that we
hear more about the escapsdoe of
young people today because our
publicity fscllltlrs have developed.
! She might also bare told the na
tional congreea of parent and tea
chers that for Ihe same reason w
bear mora about young peoples'
achievement Llndy' for Instance.
A New Jersey woman bad bar
husband arrested because he held
out So cent of hi pay. A capital
Hard to Fit? Try
Never Take Chances
It never pays to neglect an aching or
Infected tooth. Many times a serious
breakdown In henlth is caused from,
poor leeth.
Wo will be glad to give you a free
examination and will give you an
hen est verdict.
Portland Painless Dentists.
Dr. Haven, MnnngerV
llth ami Main.
Phone 04
We'll guarantee to please you
HERE IT IS, "if a man or boy ever
comes back to you with a pair of
Oshkosh B'gosh Overalls and claims
that they are not entirely satisfactory,
whether he has worn them a week or
, year, no matter how unreasonable the
claim may seem to you make them
good with a new pair and send same
to us for credit"
K. Sugarman
" Ain't Mad At Nobody"
'T f:
Dollar Day
Saturday, May 28th
Shop Our
. i
; ' "The Merrio"
""The Donora" '
' 4 I
Buster Brown
Shoe Store
'V-'J I
pan Bireadl
is made this way
InN Alabama Try it!
(see coupon below) is full of
surprise dishes for the alert
Try this delicious recipe for
corn bread and learn for your
self why the Modern House-'
wife prefers Mazola for short
ening a3 well as for frying and
salad dressings.
Southern Cera Dread
- j atuiMw I n
JMk Avg I n
i 1 1 if 5ALAD U
w MofMTt Tinmmi o, 1
kw "rIl ( rwOT sjil I
1 cups eornmeal I fabeapowi Ktro
1 tabbtpaont Arga I ti. we bffn
1 -.f . '
4 mini vii tvtttk k
.... i.ej.jvn WLKJaW W DUI tSVIII 1 1 H
COMBINE the Ingredients in the
order enumerated. Beat well,
pour Into a medium glzed dripping
pan oiled with Mazola and bake thirty
minute in a hot oven, 375 degree F.
Send onlv iOt .
--i ,.7 in viiija or coin; wun tntt coupon I
St 111 '""Y0 of "a Bailey Allen', vwnderftil
new Book, attrnrtivrlu innn.1 . .. I
usual recipes. Write lohn cm-.,,, v I
4 1'urlUnJ, On. , j
Addres .