The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 24, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tagc Four.
fZtiz Einmimj morals
Issued Dally.
except Sunday by
Jfflco at 11
t North Eighth
Entered at second clam matter at the poat office, at Klamath
r'alla, Oregon, on August SO, 1906, under art of March 3, ls.
Delivered by Carrier I By Mall
On Year ... f.B1 On Month .(5
KU Month S.SOlTbree Monthi 1.76
Three Months ... l.SSJSlx Montha t.7S
One Month 6jOne Year . 15.00
Associated Press Leased Wire
Member5 of Audit Bureau of Circulation
' Member of The Associated Press.
Tba Associated Press h exclusively entitled to the use or repub
lication of all new dispatches credited to It or not otherwise
r red I ted In (his paper and also the local news published therein.
All rlfhts ot re-publlcatlon bt special dispatches herein are also
Thursday, Feb.
t-tt :
The Herald's Program for
l Parks for the Future Klamath.
-2 General clean-up of streets, alleys and va
. cant property.
j -
! 3 More oiled and improved roads for Klamath
I "; County.
j (tModern street lighting system. x
!!.5-?-Revised. building code. .
ifc-Adequate police and fire protection.
i 7 50 Carloads of clover seed annually.
The Jolly Elks
J; "Hello, Bill, you son of a gun"
. ; How many times has the "gude Elk" heard this warm
hearted salute? ,
i" How many times has the friendly slap on the shoulder
ieminded a brother Elk that he is not forgotten? ,
Tonight at Harry Poole's theatre the Elks are going to
frolic for the public. 'They are going to show the "cross
eyed" world that the purple is vivid and bright, that with
that purple color is mingled the sunshine of happiness.
': And it all centers around a beautiful extravanganza
entitled "Purple Flashes" in which the youth, beauty and
talent of Klamath Falls mingles in a grand exposition of
fun and humor. I ;
r -' This is the Elks' way of doing things and Elks do
things just about right. Tonight Harry Poole can sit in
the audience and enjoy the show for he is replaced in re
sponsibility by the Big Bill Elk, McNaughtbn, who handles
he show, sees that scenery is adjusted, that no one walks
out among the help, and in fact does all Harry does every
night, and besides,. directs the show.
Beating The
.;' We never thought the success or defeat of the tithing;
bill was of such general consequence as some of the news- j
papers insist that it is. The tithing bill dealt with money :
already collected by the state for different purposes and if
it took it from one pocket and placed it in another we fail
to see where the general scheme of life in Oregon is deeply i
affected. , ' j
'"' But the bill was beaten by the state senate, and that is
its end. . ' '
This leaves this session of the legislature running on
overtime with one measure of importance passed the
state income tax law. .
j Without the tithing bill Governor Patterson's admin
istration will wade through debts galore unless the chief
executive has the gizzard to veto every bill passed that car
ries appropriation of money for buildings.
i Defeat of the tithing bill may force the chief executive
to do this very thing, and if so, theij its defeat will be wel
comed by the state at large.
Erasing the building program will leave the state in
. rather strained but safe financial condition, and that ii
all that is necessary. '
Defeat the state income tax after Patterson cuts out
the hew buildings, and we will all run along together like a
band of brothers and will build new buildings when the
state becomes more prosperous.
Once a man has military training it never leaves him.
This was shown by Captain Applegate Tuesday night when
he led the grand march at the Daughters of the American
Revolution ball in Altamont pavilion.
t Are you thinking about what you can personally do
trv a "clean-up" campaign this spring. By "clean-up" we
mean cleaning the' tin cans and rubbish from the streets,
alleys and vacant lots in the city. . Rather an important
thing to do if we are to have a flock of tourists and other
folk in this season, don't you think?
! Even the mighty railroad
when nature decides to have a
get busy, no work of man can
than twenty-four hours.
8tret. Klamath Falls, Oregon.
24, 1927.
Tithing Bill
system of Ess Pee gives way
deluge. When the elements
stand against them more
"Can We?"
.. . i .
"Can we make Klamath Falls a city of 50,000 in the
next ten years," writes Ed. Browne to the Evening Herald,
snrThe continues his communication as follows ?
"Yes but not as we are now headed. I am not new
to the west and as I see it, here are some of our faults
and also some remedies. We are all a little too selfish, not
inclined to look at matters in the broadest, way for the gen
eral good. There is too much inclination to help a. 'tran
sient' rather than think seriously of home workmen ; espe
cially when a slight differenc in wages are at stake, fre
quently overlooking quality of work done.
"Home building is what finally builds a city rather
than bargain wages and transients. Rents for the poor
man are out of line here in many instances, and this shout 1
not be, for the men who work in the industries have a right
to live comfortably on their wages, i
'Lay aside the little spites and malices and all work to
make a city here, also take recognition of the back country
which is not yet scratched. Our potatoes are on the 'top
of the world. Our county
with close markets. People
inferior imported vegetables
actually produce a far superior
jeas and strawberries. If proper marketing is engaged in
our country would supply the city with lots to spare.
4 "There were three quarters of a million dollars sent
i out of here last year for sash and doors, yet a good plant
; here could supply many cities this size with this article of
; trade. The short, clear pine stock would be much more
profitable in sash and door than in boxes and that profit
would remain here. Our wheat makes wonderful bread,
and yet imported flour is in many homes. Why not have a
) potato chip plant here, a pea cannery and a lot more
things? '
; "Now comes a matter under everyone's eyes. Let's
clean the old town up. Get rid of the tin cans, the weeds,
'the filth in th harV vanli Wnrl. fx. -
I " - " J " uj.
j and get rid of the cow paths
terences and all work to make Klamath a city. Try it.
Try treating the other fellow as we would like to be treat
ed if we were in his place. Boost for Klamath with a great
big K. I am just one of you and willing to do my bit."
, 95c :
Considering the weather conditions and the
big snow storm which raged all day last Sat
urday our 95c Sale was a big success. Many
of our patrons took advantage of this money
saving sale in spite of the1 bad weather and '
they were so well pleased with the bargains
that we are again having a much better
' Bargain Sale this Saturday. We will prove to
you the saving if you come over and see Our .
Bargain. Window. Come early while picking
is good
The Northern Fur Store
Pick OP voae
is A-l for dairying and cattlf"
here eat thousands of tons of
each season wlien our farmers
quality in cabbages, onions,
.vvan ivi SllVtV AlllfJllVClllCfll
and mud. , Bury personal dif-
Crr-n-E'.sTiF this
IrAAsN.OuT-! Rfl-P-R-
roUTLAND. Ore., Feb. 24
W) Cattle and calves nominal
steady. , '
Hons receipt 410 (.145 con
tract). Sheep and lanitia (slaughter
Mock) nominal ateady.
PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. !4
W) Uutter( wholesale prices!.
Standard ami firms up l-ie:
firm. Extra rubes rlly i'c
standard 4T; prime first 4 it,
firsts 45 1-Sc; prints 5L'c; ear
tons SXe. 1
Milk CM. il la farmer)
Host churning crtm, nflc In
valley, 51 to &Se net shippers
track In ioiio 1; erf am tlellv
ered Portland 64c per pound.
Raw milk 14 per rent) II
cwt fob Portland.
Eggs weak: receipts Je low
er: current receipts Sic dncn:
fresh medium 20c: fresh stnn-
dsrd firsts I3c; fresh standard
extras ISe.
Poultry (less 5 per cent com
mission) firm scarce: Hunt hen
up cent. Heary hens 24c: I lit h I
19c; springs nominal: brokers
SO to' 81c: Pekln white ducks
SOc: colored nominal: turkeys
lire 25c; dressed 40 to 43c,
Potatoes and onions firm.
Onions local 3. l0 to 13.50; p-
tatoes 1.26 to .1.76 sack.
At The Liberty
A hsmperful of Isundry enabl
es Tip O'Neill, the resourceful re
porter on the Planet, to enter th
house of Andrew White, the bro
ker from whose house valuable
bonds were stolen the prevlo'i"
night. Once Inside, Tip nets a
new angle on the mystery. Then
events more with lightning-Ilk
rapidity toward a logical and do
llghtful finish. There's a greil
cast nod plenty of action. You'll
like "Quick Change" a lot! 11 s
at the Liberty todny and tomor
Kny HoKUn Wrlti- Serial
Of more than passing einterest
to residents of Klamath Fnlls
Is word from the south, telling
of a serial to appear In Treasure,
Chest, starting - In the March
number by Miss Faye llogue, I
daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. ('.
C. Hogue, formerly of Klamath
Fa I is.
Oil for fuel is not new In
our business; we have han
dled It fourteen years.
(lurners have been improved
recently so that you mny
, now use oil In your cook
stove or heater burners nro
not expensive nnd we
will- deliver oil to )Ttn
in barrel lots at 9c per
gallon. ,
Ask us about oil. and
burners, that la part of
our business and we always
have oil In stock. '
.501 Main
Phone 635
1 ?iti
' J v ,iTiy'"'jt "v v ' fJ HI
. ... m-t , r -J
iJfr- - '
Robert Knglor. 12. of sisdlson.
Wis., Is prcpsrlng ( nut lbs
Vnivcrslty of Wiicoasin nait Ml.
He already has piwd Urs4 sC
the prescribed exsmlaatlooa. Itob
tit Is sn athlete as ll aa a man
lal "puenoin," Ills father is sec
recary to Oovernnr r.liomanuan of
Kreisler Passes
Through Klamath
Vrtii KreiHlir. wiirld's srcstist
violinist, pawed through Klumslli
Falls yesterday by train en liU
way south to San Francisco w'ler
he will fulfill n i'iiKSi;ei?ie:il 1,1
the hsy city.
The famous 'tn k a f".v
turns up and dnwu Hie t-tri,it
platform und then ni!llnied his
Journey southward.
K. J. KOI.H, Manager
now Installed In our shop.
MAKK your appointment'
Nestle Method
'.Soft, Smooth Waves
Kp-cliil Introducing Prlio
Phone 3
Fitted, Ground A Repaired
700 Main 'Kt yoUk HiTvlce
Clear viflon hclpsto retain
the conference of youth.
Thus one grows old' grnce
r ' fully. '
Those past mlddlo sg'i
should have ttrelr ' eyes
tested frequently so their
' glasses ' may be corrected
when necessary.
When You Catch Cold
Rub On Musterole
Muiterolc It easy to apply and worlct
right away. It may prevent a cold from
turning into "flu or pneumonia. It
don ail the (rood work of grandmother'!
mustard plaster. , '
Musterole it I clean, white ointment,
made of oil of mustard and other home
simples. It It recommended by many
doctors and norm. Try Musterole for
ore throat, cold on the chest, rheuma
tism, lumbago, pleurisy.stiff neck, bron
chitis, aithma, neuralgia, congestion,
pain t and aches of the back and joints,
sprains, tore mucle, bruises, clulblaint,
frosted feet colds of all eurtt.
To Mothmi Musterole Is also
made la milder form for
babies and small children
Ask for Children's Musterole.
Jart A Tube
Btttnthana muttard plasUr
Tho imin whu ImeiitiMl ne.'r formerly nna of tlregoii s gr-i--beer
ns a poor Judge of ill-l gold mines. I lie llreeiilmrk.
Ism-. ' near Placer on llrnv creek, Is
liinnoiiliced yesterday for the vni v
l'nt.1,1. v., I, .1,1 I,,,, v..ii
nm.ded the al.olnl to clean Hie "". ' " '
windows with nnd here I find ' lr",,,f f'
yim drinking It." ' "
"Ftlnl.b, mum. It's dilnkh.i; 1 A socl.,1 lion mu.t be very en
It und brentblnk It on I tt glsis " .'
ul'itl a-doln',"
The t hicken crusted lbs ru!i I
because there was a enke eat'-r
n the other side.
"I'm a very bu) man slr
W'tiMt In your- proMMdilon?"
"I want to makn ou rich,"
"Well, leave )uur rvelpt ltl
me ami I'll IimiK II mit biter.
Iiki iioiv I'm eiigniiitl In clos
ing; up ilciil by Milled I r
ie t lu mnke T III rrnl money."
Well, I've heard my shnrn o'
An' 'It's stirred my heart o
That I sometimes dream o' an
gels Twsnglln' lisrps while, I'm
I can sit an' listen, quiet.
For a m.nlli or two ut leati,
To a male quartet .awhlnln',
Willi lly-lr tonsils point In'
An' a band that gits to lilnrln
On n platform or the street.
Is a plumb entlncln' matter
To the bottoms o' my feet.
When a pretty girl's a-stngln'
From a throat thst's like a
Well, I kind o' git to sn:min'
An' I w nit t' k'is my frjen't.
Hut from, nil the kinds o' m i
sic That appeal to me at all,
I'll Jest 'choose park of hen
giis Chimin' rabbits lu tile full.
Our Idea of an npllinUt l
a limn who takes a frjhig mii
ob fishing trip.
A local person wniitj lo know,
and courts an answer t l)ls
"Why does the telephone or
the door bell ring when yo-i
are In the bath tub In the house
' A girt often Increases a man''
happiness by. Just one word. Oc
casionally It la "yes." hut mor
frequently It Is "no."
Tho Rulvatlnn Army is a
friend when all others fail.
Kalil lie, "I o your ee of
blue, .
(Ill, kindly he my queeu."
That might , lutvn lec a lovel)
Kicept, lier eyes were groi n.
. There are two kinds of skunk,
one of wich writes Insulting
anonymous letters.
I once iook gaxolino for a
cough, Klamath man tells JIM
llrlscotl. It stopped the cough
but It made me bonk. .
It Is easy to
for Intelligence.
mistake nnl.
John Barleycorn may be dead,
but tils funeral never seems In
pass a, given potnl.
No Rladys. Ilurhank did nu
develop a fruit called the Alio;
Tho chronic kicker eventually
kicks hlmsolf out. ,
In the universities Hull Wetk
is the period when fraternities
abuse their prospective members.
Outside the universities of course
w have our own Income Tat
Year. The country needs mo.-e
weeks, sn why not lake tip Hell
Week and mako It national, like
Apple Week, Watercress Week
snd I lie; rest? During the. week
we could go about with a plte'.i
fnrk over our shoulders and
whenever somebody snld "When
you enrry nn umbrella It nev -r
rnlns." we roiild let him have It
in the ribs. A flock of tines
would be a fine weapon for Ihn
leaping pedestrians. Tim fellmv
Who tolls you nil about how h't
radio works could he placed ji
a hnt-plat'i In the mirketplnce.
Committing suicide is the Inst
thing one should do.
I tend the Herald's Classified Ads, '
rfgg Reducing Weight
Also prescribed by
1'hysli-lant In ih
Ircoansnl oi
High Mood Pressure
Ac(d Conditions
Kidney, Liver and
CladJsr Troubles
Coat tlpa tlon
' J
Great Mine Will
' Be Opened Soon,
CIIANTH I'AHC, Ore., Feb It.
! ..()). ItimiiipiJnn uf ,wnai wiu
Uer lUlliro ny I.. r niuiniin,
Girl Couldn't
Sleep On
Left Side
"I had gss on the stomach o
bad that I riuldn't lie on n-.t
left side, and could n t wul1!
two blocks wlihnul resting I
have taken only half bottle o.'
Adlerlka and am better ul-ready."--I.lllle
Ilersuse Adlerlka acts upon
IIOTII upter snd lower bowel, it
gives the system a IIEAI, clnsnn
lug. and clears out old poisons
which usually rause sour, gas
sy stoiua h. nervousness, sleeo
lessnis. headache. Just ONK
siMionful sl ips tl AH, and relievos
that full bloated feeling so lli.t
you ran est better and slep
better. . Kven If the
move .dally. Adlerlka brings out
much addltlonul poison whldi
you never guessed was In your
system and which may have Ion
caused trouble. No mslter what
you hove tried for stomach and
bowels, ' Adlerlka will surprise
you. At Whitman's Hru Co.
Are You
Too Thin?
Writer Kays Fulks rwderwelgbt
Mioubl t'onsjaler yuesilon
- Kerbiusly
One does not need tv be "fat'
In order lo be healthy but folks
underweight should try to correct
their keakness at once!
You do not need to be a lloei
tor to understand this danger..
Common House, and tho fact that
to insurance tu folks who are
"too t i In " furnish ronvlndng
dslly proofs!
In tho opinion ot the writer.
If yon are fire or morn pounds
underweight you ought lo try a
few weeks' ue ot SlcCoy's Tab
lets at once. Tiny, tastelesa tab
lots, contnlnlnt Ibomorlil knowt
(jesh giving value, tho phyalrsl
power and strength of Cod Uv
r (III. At C. II. l.'nderwood and
other druggists (tu tablets sue)
on money bark If Bit satisfied
plan. Adv.
Menlho-Hulpbur, a tfileasant
cream, will soothe and Ileal skin
that Is irritated or broken out
with ectema: that It covered
with ugly rash or pimples, or is
rough or dry. Nothing subdues
fiery skin eruptions so quickly,
ays noted skin specialist.
The moment this sulphur prep,
nrsilon Is applied the llihlng
stops and after two or three ap-
iillrsllons, the eciema Is gone
nnd the akin la delightfully clear
nnd smooth. Sulphur Is so prec
ious as a skin remedy because II
destroys the parasites that cause
the burning. Itching or disfigure
tnont. Menlho-Hulphur always
heals edema right up.
A small jar of Howies Menlhn
Rtilphur may be had at any good
drur ttore. Adv. ,
For r years, millions hsvn
rubbed rnolhlniT, penetrating 81.
Jacobs OH right nn 1ho tender -
spot, did by the
time they say Jack
Itohlnson ' out
comes the rheuma
tic pain and dis
tress. Ht. - Jscobs
Oil is a harmless
rheumatism and
pain liniment which
never disappoints
and doesn't burn
the skin. It lakes
pnln, soreness nnd
stiffness from ach
ing Jnlnls, musrlns
lingo, hncknchn and
r. cent boll In guaranteed by all
nnd bones! stnnn hiiii.,, . im.
druggists. Adv.
Iten tho Ifcrnld't Classified Ad.