Cum. '' i :S? SPRBAt) WORD OF KLAMATH SKI RACE; EVENT WILL MAKE KLAMATH WINTER SPORT CENTER Tb I oral news 10 ibis paper In founded only on trulli. We vouch tor It. Tha world news In ttati nspor Is founded onlf in truth The Associated I'ru-e elands buck al HI VVn vouch lor II. Head the The Evening Herald Oslo wbiduto fli rough Id columni A. P. KLAMATH PINE IS THE -STANDARD OF THE WORLD KLAMATH FALLS U THB IJUUMMT PINI LB-BER MAMVPACTCUMU OBNTBR IN THB WORLD "Wisdom 1 1 on 1 7 found tr truth." QOETHI . a r . r. w sr- "-- f 9 -i f- a v it i TV 1 V a 1 if The Old Home Paiier ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Price Fivo Cents KLAMATH FALLS OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1927. Twentieth Year Number 6950. Universiiv iliri'iy , Kusrenc, Oregon in mm mmm inn JlV. nn A FIND BiYHSK nr CO VCAD.Or PEACHES TO Ul" JO YtAK! MFI P RRn,MMINR OD Grewsome Discovery Made In Riter's Wood. PLATTEVILLE.. Wis., Jan. 28. (AP). Riter's woods today gave up several parts of the dismembered body of Mrs. Hattie Males Coffey, as another Jink in u. the Itate'l chain of evidence "" rclli-r.lrd hl di'nlal of hl throuch which it hoDC to w,f''' ch",m uf " ! tnrougn wnicn u nopc to hlllllM,lf , vllUm of ..lo) ,,. end her Digamist nUHban! moihr-in-law," rxprfnird d-lir- ami confessed slaver to nis.',",n,,",", lo ',,,u hl" 10 y,"r t1'1 On for life With Wm. N. COtley, Madison bond salesman anl wiaoison Dona salesman ana cuniesscu stayer Ol nis uriue. officers recovered the re- mams. (luarded clonely by o.'tiier. fofley, ahuwed no emotion aa Ii ' ld the- party from one anow on rruated mound lo another, and aaw Ibem dig Into tha Iroua I ...... ......,. .n. ...elnlta whu ,Br(Mt nl, mother-in la.i O. iober I In Urant coutily . - ... The procee.llng, were watched by I.IIUU peraona. t l omlur aa cllluax In a week iMr.wgiion oi ino many ver- Klona of hla romance with I In (1 year old I .a t'roimo widow whom he married deapltn a wife and three children ii Madlaon, tha recovery of tho body ea.j liahed the corpua dollift the body of the crime. K.C.H3. To Meet Chiloquin Tonight Klamath County High achool'a poaltion aa leader ot Ibo high achool league will bo In jopardy tonlghl at linll when tha Amerlcun legion the local aggrega-: lion will meet tho fast Chiloquin iiulnlet Tho game will be played en the American Legion floor nhil will ha preceded by a game betwoen tho girls teams of tho two schools. I.lno-up of the hoya team will Ihj as follows: Harold Olson and Frank Mall, guards; SSed lis rues, center: H. I'rullt and J. Orrell. forwards. Tomorrow night the K.CMI.8. five will meet tho Pelican Day Lumber company loam, leader of tlio south division of tha Spud and Timber league, on tho Amer ican lA'glon floor. Huge Railroad Sale Approved MINNEAPOLIS, 3nn. 28. (fll Final approval by the eighth fed u.ul judicial circuit of the ro- conl aalo of tho Chicago, Milwau kee and St. Paul Railroad to re presentatives ot Ktibn I .net) and Company, tho National CMy Com pany, wns granted by Appnllnto Judge Wilhttr P. llooth lii nn or-, dor signed yeatoraay. Klamath Falls May Crack Another i Threo more days Including today will tell the tale of Whn ither or not Klamath Falla will crack another building record. If f 12,000 In building projrclii la Initiated In these three days, tho January building 'record es tablished in January,-19211, wilt be beaten and Klnmai'h will be off to another flying start of breaking Ita own building rae . ords. If not, this month's build ing activities will - take second plum In the long lint of January building records, IIL.I.I UIIU IIIIIIIU R, e p,- eauor secure rormcr PftU of Child Wife to T-.:fi A-.ln. H- i cswiy .gains, ricr NEW YollK. Jan. 'M. (.r. jltvuiu W. Ill-owning iiimh . Imvr twelve former "buy Mewl" I of tlti former "INwImV lliriian Icsilfy imulii.t hrr when his i PoKtinaster Mi-Call in bla t re f..r M-iiai-ailim r.t-i ut White, 'murks to Itntarlans said: "It. la I'laliia Monday. Ill, rouiiM-l aaya 'not hwauna you havo a ondcr- lliut ! "iM.y friends' are uui- loug lm itniMM-a who aro ' inuly tu uiH.rt llrownli.K. WMlit bla linal ballary wan im-imrlna a coanii-r bombard- m. iil to IVarh1 i harRpa. llrown-! Inac dlaruau'd tho ra aa bo aaw;i ,aloilml claualiUT. Iorolliy nwiarra a icouriiiution with bla 10 bo ,",no,ul- "I'eraecu- celpia were 6S.4 16.47. ahowlng ,,, ,m hlllw) my ( (of hir,.ji he , ,r ha aald. "ihera will poaitlvely l.e un reconciliation. I don't bow I could po.lbly be expected l.t forgive I'eachea for what ahe haa Uoue to me. llrownlug r.illi uli il lemluiony of Sim. Ilet-nau i.hat he bud eo Her to live with litem. "Kid you ever hear of a aano lay ami :,,,.. ho A brief aeeklug admlanlon i.a i ,,,.llr, of . Ulliry krnl ,,y , ,llm llrownlng couul. If tho" ,, lB .mll ,.,.,rhTO- ,. . ,-,,..,... w,. lu, c,.ll..,l . the wltneita alunil I'ea. Ilea, renting ut her Weal Knil Avenue niMrlment. dclired her dlaiy meri'ly rnulalurd "the kind of ravlnga any flu p per mlghl write.' Closed Season On Steelheads Sought In Z?f7 - . STATE IIOI HK. Salem. Ore.. iJun. IAt Anallllg fur steel- brails In tbe Itogun river and lis Irlbiitarlea mould lie lirohilit CI I holweeir Kehruiiry 1. unri April llS. by bouno bill 3U4. IntrtKluced Main yenlerduy by Itentesenlatlvo Theodore P. Cramer, sephlno county. Jr.. cf Jo. Zuckerman Ranch 2700 Acre Garden To gaio upon the fntuoun Zuckurman Unit hum ranch, IS miles from Stockton, Calif., Is to view a wonderful garden of 1700 arrea. Thla la Ihe reartlon of Ev erett Geary and E. A. Hoary, part owners of tho w;r.ud"i ranch, on tho Hock Creek northwest ot Klamath Falls, who relumed from a brief visit in California lust night. , Tho two men took occasion to visit tho fnmotis ranch on which the world's record production of potatoes waa established Inst year and wore, asto'imsed at the magnitude of tho oporatlon, The Zuckerman Drothera own a largo acroogo In Klumalh which they oventuhlly plun to dovolop to Us fullcHt capacity. Building Record To dato this month; 34 building permits, aggregating a total ex penditure ot 368,340 have been Issued hy the city council or ap plied for at the city hall. Moat of the pormita were for construc tion of homes ot from $1,000 lo 16 000 In cost. In January ot 1920, total per mits aggregated 37B.S84. Jan uary, 1A25, building ntiilvlty ag gregated, $60,430; . January, 1924, $29,841; January, 1921, .$4750. . .... n ii am'i Need Of Large P.O. Is Shown By Postmaster Extreme need of Ibo new fcl- rrul building which will be bi' ! III Klumalli Falla llilit ycur, waa !liown by Postmaster ' John Mc- t.tfl ou(iy h0 Uolary clll, 1Hl jlo back up hla assertion bit gave ;'! vvry Impo-.taut figures oa Iposiuftlce business here. These 'flgim-a Instilled faith n tha coin- jiuunliy. and at onr becime a bolster document for evervon.i ath0 believe u the future of the city. fu noa: master t hut business la increasing, neither I it b-fausc r. ptltl. parly la In powi-r. 0r lh World C'o-irt ldi-a la or In not populnr. U la brcuuw w mve tt r .j , community lhat min n.i mm i,.n.r.. nwd a fdrai bulldlnx for ui and not rnvrply for appea.-ancc. "In lha paal ton year period it ,,. ,0 knw thtl rwrlpia bava itrown frrnn IK.- tK9 annually o ts7,4ii.ii. Kun-jhnw flgurM ara for flacal yta. ' rn.l.d on I)-i'i-inb 31.1 tha re- of Jl percent. , 1A ,, , , WM ,,, , , loiallon It waa thought (hat ara- ,iiu apace bad been aecured for aak-'aomo lime to aouie. but we find lit now crowded even In normal 'uerloita. . i K'onMiiued on Tune Four.) . Minute Drive by Klamath Falls Team Unsuccessful I Klamath Agency wiped out a I IiImcIt mark nn t hftlr pnnr.l Inul nlalit when they defeated the 1,-1 K-i. n.nth Voii. en tn . : ru. l,,ll ...n. ..n ih. American Legkm floor, ti to ii a i,.. t min.. m r.iiv hv . the Cardinals brought them W lo wlTiilii alriklng distance of victory. t.'urley Swunnon. Cardinal guard, desplto an Injured hand, was high point man, with 17 nolnlH. Henry Dihlstrotn, Agen cy pluyor, accouiilvd for 16 polnls. At the end of the half,' Ihe Cardinals led 23 to 22 ; at the third quarter Agency was ahead 39 to SI; final score was 46 lo 11. In a pre-season game tho Car dinals had defeated tho Agency team SI to 24. Major Arnold Takes New Job Major William E. Arnold, wl.o for muny years has been the local head of tho Warren Con struction company, has been ele vated to I ho position of dis trict manager for Iho Warren Bros, company, which is the par ent of tho Warren Construction company. The diatrlct extends Eugcnn south to the state lino -and will cause tho major to dlvido his tlmo between tho dlffernt cltls. In South Ore gon. "I feel a llttlo sorrowful when I can't call Klamath Fulls my homo very day in tho year remarked the Major today when asked about the particulars of the new appointment. "I laid the first pavement here In 1910 and havo been on the Job con tlnuously evor since. Under stand, I am, not leaving Klamath but mv work will causo mo to be over tho entire district. T,he Major Is now In Hie Fred Rriidy class for Fred Is a dis trict manager of tlio Portland; section. AGENCY BEATS CARDI AL FIVE r . i nmririi nf munnin 1 n m i in rurm iii'ii''J OF GITY ON PEST HOUSE TOLD BY MAYOR ProtettanU Will Meet With City Council in - Special Session. Antloua lo luivr Hip rlfjr Im.I. lion lHmillal ri-movnl fiom llicbr ii. lKlilK.rhm.!, a lantn .l. l. ga- lion of rlllu-na ni.liiiK along n, p, l0 (, i tirr-o which had aoval of a coiilrart with the On-Koii ntvnun inn) n.ljiunit f,.n ,y g . ra t noon the reclamation burrun for llio dl-Mn-t'lH Mill aM-ar la-fore I lie fK(- ,,1, an(j ttl& Bun Bhone K ' main drain ditch In Uie II y rounril IoiiIkI"! lo furtlirr JTorth and broUKhk a alight thaw. Galley to open up the channel of their cauiw. I Minimum temperature last ,Uv"r- ' , Their cumi la brief and pliti a. nitli t waa 2C degreea. In (Ilia-1 Inaamuch aa tha contract waa Kiral, they connlder tho iaola-itiona point to colder weather ubmiltel lo the Lanitell Valley lion boxpltal a bcallb menace 'brouitlit on tho wing of a brink jlrrigatlon diatrlct by the recla lo the community: and aecond. Iwlnrl. t'lear weather waa fare- matlon bureau, approval of the they h slil that properly raiuea U-iuited for tonight. contract by the buieau will pro- on land near the ho.pllal are! The atorm did rtlimii Ibably merely b a matter of form. Iniured. Mayor Walters otilllued lbeT,,i0)rs workins throughout the clly'a poHltlon yeaterduy arier.(niKhli w,.re k,.pt op(.a UtWIl, Vnwelcomn Necriwlty -To city Isolation i boapllal la an unwelcome nccemity," Mpmd "The city la obli gated to maintain one. Ac cording to atale law Infectious illAcaae caaea can not be treated Jn regular hoepiiala. In caav It hrrnka out whero the pa tient I as no borne lo go to. It in up to the city lo take care of him. II ia liable. It la auhject lo damagea If it does not take caro ot the patient. "The Oregon nvunue hoapltal la but a temporary Lffair. Hy leluv- of the npi-clul tux . levy nulhorliud by the people, funda haro been raial by the city i and will lie matched by Ibo cum ty for the conat ruction of a modern isolation hospital. . Aa (Continued on Page Seven.) Klamath Elks To Play Return Game Successful In repelling Klam ath Klka last Sunday, the Med- ford Elks bowling team will' play a return game with the local lodge"a bowling experts ln( Klamath Falla Sunday morning. Al Ihe sumo Ume. California (livion Power roiiipany team oi Medford will uluy tho bowling leant ot tno I'ower company .Hoth games will be played on , Ibo bowling alley of I Elk's lodge. ',- . I hu - f 60 EASY f") AISv ' v UtiQLP, SOME t-SSU- ' PAV THE WELL rV&fflF ( '&&s38msgmk& asm?- : , - - - - "i'' Snow Carpets tr . o I I i iMamatn; ioia Snap Forecast lllue aky and brlxht .aun fall-. Jl to vradirata wllb a foar-lm h , foiiow fall whlrli'tad ejrlV thlaj inorninic ana coniinuca Intormii-i , . ttuiiy until nhortiy before noon. ( Construction or Main . Accompanied by brbk windj Dra;n to Open Up Chan-rtii- anow alorm thla tnornln . - , . wept Into Klamath and cltl- yna awoke to find the ci'y IgarlM - rt In beautiful whr.c. x ,...,. wnM ,in. t(j about I a. m. with .n.rD .,., ,hll, nAA.A ...h bi.i hi.k.. i. .iM . Appointed. With 1 WO. A I . lifi.i a I Others to Represent House at Grants Pass STATE IIOL'SB. Salem. Ore., COLLIER ILL BTTrwnpmiv, n I LIIU llnLLI ...... I Jan. 2H. ) Representatives of the blcgest agricultural pro rrumer. Collier and R. S. Ifam- ducing centers lb southern Ore llton will act aa an official com- gon. A drag line excavator la on mlttec to represent tbe bouse the ground and will be nut Into i at a celebration of special in- forest to southern Oregon, to be, Continuation of development staged at Crania Pais over tbe 'of Tule lake by excavating of week end. The committee was drain ditchea la contemplated In appointed Curkin. yesterday by Speaker - Tbe celebration , will be in the;ath basin countiy for the remain naluro of a rejoicing over the.der of tbe fiscal year, appropriation in tbe national riv- "Al'er June 30, I can not era and harbors bill for Im- elate exactly what will be dona, provement of the harbor of but I antiripato that tbe present Crescent City, Calif. j projects will be furthered," Mr. ' ! Newell commented. WEEHACKEN. N. J. Having ; tarrltul n.llll-a nf Mhml. 1 the Hudson river during 4i year, aervlce on . ferry boa,. I Including Koosevclt. Hughes and Joffre, : Captain . tiring -at 70 Ho haa steered been beyond Sandy Hook. WASTE jDIP 'UIU DRANAGE APPROVED IRK TO "ei or lon liTer I AwHImt ""V "' H-eiP- lincnt of LanKrll allry. one of 'hn (tanlrn apota of the. Klamath jcouulry. baa hn taken with lh ill. I'. Newell, head of be local reclamation office, said today. The contract calls for work on the drainage ditch for the re mainder of the fiscal year June 30 and will bring an expendi ture of approximately ISO.euU. The contract stipulates that tbe reclamation service shall not ex pend more than I6H.000. "However." Mr. Newell Quali fied. we can not apend that much money in the time men- iloneu. rne total cost win oe approximately $20,000." :ly 120.000.' f Major Wop.. Tbe contract is a major step In the development of The Langell ; vaiiey irrigation aisinct wnicn. it la predicted, will In time be one operation in lie near future. tho construction program of tho Steamer In Iistrese, f SAN FRANCISCO Jan. 2S. OP) !, '"'f"".? " miles off Muroran with her tail '(shaft broken and ber propeller . iinnuB urwiiiuruk " nu.ucu here that Ebo vessel waa sending cAit signals of distress. Klamath Spuds Advertised' By Menus of S.P. Thousands of travelers, from every corner of the nation, are reading of the phenomenal rise of the Klamath potato. For, dining car menus of Southern Pacific trains between Portland and San Francisco, are featuring the Klamath netted gem. On the frontapiece of the menu ia a picture of Misa Ruth Lindsey, beautiful Klamath girl, holding two prize Klamath netted gema in the exhibit room of the first annual Klamath potato show. And below the picture is a short but clear account of the rise of the potato industry In Klamath, how but a few years ago It waa a negligible factor on Klamath farms and how last aeaaon hundreds of cars of 1 the product were shipped to outalde markets and commanded - top prlcea. FOR K. F. HELD i TflUTH BOUND Suspected By Eugene Au.;awardine of text ; thorities of Looting Pool Hall - i EUGENE. Ore., Jan. IS. W. M ' Hweetlnnrf 14 nt r.r.nt. Paaa waa taken into custody here 1 meeUna; in Angwat; 1IM5, lla today charged with Mealing chalTman,kMiUon A. Mlllef, an Iride an dis awaking word f rom . Parhert him Ith a proposition i police offlciala at Grants Pass. ,to f"w " " '" , I Sweetland. it is alleged, con-'I8" ,he tofe-enre If be woald ap , .M.rin. th. .w.ihP"ov of the text thm Mllle.- Pool Hall at Crania Pasa-raome two weeks ago and taking a quantity rot loot consisting of hill fnM 'watclMHt. knlvea an.l anfti Thla ai.-fnnnH nn hlat person when searched. 1 .u- -"pities to go shopping with ;rr . a T 7l Hbatthey had made him per nolds and Chester Anderson, for g0Ml , , "bumming" ride over the new t HtMrment Bra-xW False. (.aacaae route oi ma oouinera Pacific. City Engineer To tiaVe PleW CT ICC rtiv T-n.tneeV. office will 1 ihavo a new home within the jnext few days as soon aa re - pairs of a room In the base - ment of tbe city hall are effect ed. City Engineer Don Zumwalt and bis assistant utilize a small room on the first . floor ot the city hall. Much improvement work and consequent need ot increase in the engineering force. has necessitated more room. The room in tbe basement was available and the city engineer was quick to take advantage ot the extra space.. R.E. Gilchrist Buys Small Timber Tract R. K. Ciilchrist. wealthy Al pena, Michigan timbcrman and ono of the largest timber holders in Klamath, today acquired u 40 acre tract ot pine tn the northern part of tho county from Charles V. Silvia and Flora L. Silvia, which will serve to help block out his Immense hold ings. The tract Is located In section eight, townahip 24, range cast. Foxes! Foxes! Not Horses . Provide Interesting Case When a pair of valuubln foxes cm-ape from Iheir pen and when two men not the owners ot the foxes lay traps and catch the animals, who Is tho owner ot the pells? The man who owned them before the escaped? Or J he two men. In whose traps the val uable beasts happened to step? TMs Is the perplexing question which may be decided In circuit court as the result of a suit filed yesterday by W. McVey against M.A.MILLER UNDER FIRE AT HEARING Turner Claims Un due Influence It , . , Ued ' . STATE HOUSE, Salem, Ore., Jan. 28. (AP). R. R Turner, former superinten dent of public instruction re iterated last night at a ltgi lative committee hearing pn text books, charges that he had previously made of po- i litical manipulation and un , due influence brought -to I bear in connection with' the tracts. Denials by other wit nesses ., followed - TurnerV testimony. - : Turner testified that w hem. the .tho ten book eommisalaai?M Its i rtuuiu m.'viniufjiiu , Burner W mn governor for appointment aa state superintendent the witness tes tified: Turner further testified that book salesmen had told him that Miller had given them opportun- them ' t When the book salesmen !tbe stand they denied the 1 took hole matter, branding it aa positively false. . -.ill ...iu. - at tal.JI that it waa bt opinion that Mill- e' n' De'-ell, private seo- retary to the governor had uaed I thsjir Influence to stack tUe text 1000 commission in interest of ; m"m- u"""- "":, i no appointment oi rroiessor Kent ot the Oregon Agricultural College, and Miss Wlnfred Win nard of Portland, i 1 ;; ' Turner.' (riven 1.1c. "I am satisfied Turner lied," said Milton A. Miller, chairman of the text book commission, when asked about Sifts that ex eats were reported to have given Miller. , , , . "I never recommended Turner for any office." aald Miller. "I don't consider him qualified for office. He is temper-mentally un-' fit. When he waa state euperten dent he rattled around in the of fice like a buckshot In a blownup 1 . 1 M oiauuer. Klamath Falls Man Out For Ski Prize NA. Hart of 914 Oak street has outfitted himself with a. fine ski outfit an.l will prepare, lor li' Crater Lake Ski Race. Until to day he hud not been on aklls fur 15 years. While a youth in Bwe. den he often participated 111 .ski. races. ...... ., . ' v ' "A Veruvy Hasklns and Hilo llai kins for the recovery of $1100. McVey s forth that his two foxes escaped from their pen on hla ranch. He. alleges that Ih.t two Hasklns caught the animals in traps, killed and skinned them. He brought ault yesterday ag ainst Milo and Verney Hasklns for $1,000 which he holds to be the value of the two pelts and for an additional $100 for suit money.