ftTB six THD EVENING HfiuALb, KLAMATH FALLS, OttEuON Monday, July IS), 11)2(5. lisued Daily, except Sunday." by The Herald Publishing Company. Office: 119N. Eighth Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon E.J. MURRAY . H. RAYMOND Entered aa second class matter at the post office at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on August 30, 1906, under act of March 3, 1879. Member of The Associated Press Ilie Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use or re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of re-publication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. The Evening Herald is the official paper of Klamath County. SUBSCRIPTION BATES Delivered b7 Carrier Out Year J. I6.S0 Six Month! S.60 Three Months 1.95 One Month .65 Monday, July ' " A JOURNALISTIC MARTYR QfSSASSINATION of Don R. Mellett, publisher of the Can ... ... ton Ohio, Daily News, again demonstrates that criminals, in addition to being cowards, are almost invariably creatures of low mentality and weak reasoning powers says the Portland Telegram. Mr. Mellett was murdered because of activities against the gambling element in Canton. ' He had received fre quent warnings of the fate which was planned for him, but de clined to aoanaon ms ngnt against tne gammers, a spectacular tragedy of this nature is often a more powerful' influence for reform than all of the publicity which the dead publisher could give the evil which he was fighting. " ' The Canton gamblers have killed Mellett but they have un doubtedly awakened a public sentiment that will avenge the death of the brave journalist in a manner far more drastic and effective than any punishment which might have followed the bloodless warfare which was being directed against the crimin als. The silenced voice of the murdered Mellett is a more powerful plea for the cause for which he died, than any that he could have made while living and the jeopardy in which his murderers have placed themselves will be increased accordingly." ' r -v - Stewaifs LETTER By CHARLES P. STEWART '. WASHINGTON Pennsylvania and Illinois are normally so strongly Re publican that a Democratic nomina tion to the United States Senate in either one ot them generally Is a mere gesture. Due, however, to the activities of Senator Jim Reed's slush fund in vestigating, committee, the sentiment among Democrats fa congress is that Oeorge Brennan stands a reasonably pd chance ot electlqp in Illinois this year and that William B. Wil son Is at least a possibility in Penn sylvania. ' Ot course, so far as Illinois Is concerned, this is condltfcroed on the testimony the Reed committee suc ceeds in digging up. That there was widespread corruption in' connection with the . Republican senatorial pri mary - in ' Pennsylvania has - been aV -y: OUT OUR WAY . (IrfjrMe up, wiLLj)r " . . -V i "3T MA? I'M A FAT MAM .J'j.W ' IN OOR SHOW. , . ' ,r Wm J OS FELLERS CAMT ' ' ' ?ff W&$ Qrf T naTuRuL.. ' W Wm'r- WOO KWOW HOW. .' , ! .ou Wmi x MEAM Mfl so S ,, 'Jxb.'r ! 7 scui-p-nip& - Publisher News Editor B; Hill One Year ; . 18.00 Six Months . l.il Three Months , 1.15 One Month 46 19, 1926.' shown already.' ' That the' Illinois Republican senatorial primary was just as bad, or worse, has only .been charged, not established. , , . Assuming that tue committee does establish the subsunUa,l truth of the Illinois charges made by Senator Caraway, naere are various reasons why politicians think more of a, lift will be given to Brennan,' In that state, than they believe has been given by Wilson in Pennsylvania. 1 For one- thing, Illinois Is not so rock-ribbed a, Republican stite as Pennsylvania Miile Republican most . of the time'; the Sucker State alays Is a ' little' doubtful; - the Keystone state almost - never the least bit so. ' " ' ' ' .' . Then, too, 'prohibition, , from all Indications, will be the mala Issue In both states, and, according to Kbe political sharks' calculation. It will be a good Issue for Brennan and a bad one for Wilson. ;' ' This is on the' theory that, both states are wet. Election may prove one or both of them to be otherwise. Nevertheless,' such is the ' "dope," bere In Washington. Ask $100X25lor Him J -'Pw Y Y- N f iv tfi n A Whin Bob Moms Orove. stnsstlona Maoklan (linger, cost the lata and lanky Mr. Connie Mack llDO.tOO It was thought lb hlsh price tor baa, ball players had been reached. But along conies Otto Uorchert, owner ot the Milwaukee Brewer, aakln even more for tils youthful centertekl phenom, Fred Scbutte (pictured above). Borchert has placed a figure of IIO0.MS on the youngster- services and only a year ago Bcbulte was i i. v just a semi pro pastlnwr oo the tendinis ot Iowa. 1 MINISTER SAYS HE KILLED TO SAVE OWN LIFE Forf Worth Slayer Released on $10,000 Bail Follow : ing Gun Play POnT WORTH, Texas, July 19. VP) The First Baptist church ts In possession of evidence that there was a conspiracy to kill the par.tor of the church, declares a brief stato nient issued today by J. J. Mirklx nf the church anil Searchlight staff. ' Dr.l. J. Frank Norris,' the pastor, shot and killed D. E. Chippx, lum berman, Saturday. :. The minister said he shot In self defense. - "When the proper rime comes," the statement concluded, "this evi dence will be proven by unimpeach able witnesses." After giving the statement, Mlck- le, who described himself as a for mer United States secret service and newrpajier man. Intimated thnt there were three principals In the alleged conspiracy. - "They sacrificed the beat man of the three," he declared. "You mean Cblpps?" he was asked. ' ."Ybs," said Mlckle and declined to say any more. ' K6v. Mr.' Norris preached to overflow audiences Sunday as his attorneys drafted a self defense plea a tax sv iiu sisvict wc for presentation before the grand Jury Tucsduy. Using as his text "There Is no condemnation' to them that are In Christ Jesus." Dr. Norla refrained from any direct mention of the shoot ing, but told his congregation" that his faith was stronger than ever. Nelthur did he mention numerous messages from bis friends in var ious parts ot the country offering nld ami -quoting passages of Scrip ture similar to his text. Dr. Norris accepted converts as usual, his only show of emotion corning when many of his morning audience assembled near the pulpit to express sympa thy. llnlensed on 110,000 bond shortly after the shooting. Dr. Norris made a statement to. authorities declaring he shot'ChHpps in self defense, Chlppi, according to Dr. Norris, came to the First Baptist church study and threatened his life unless the raitor discontinued remarks about Mayor H. C. Meacbam and other city officials. Chlpps, the pas tor said, took exception to the stand he had taken on the administration of city finances. ' ST. I-OUIS SW.UIPKD' . American at New York: St. Louis 2 10 1 Now York 11 16 1 Giard. Davis, Nover and Schang Shocker and Collins. CHICAGO WINS American at Boston: Chicago . . 6 S 1 Boston ' 4 8 1 Thomas, Lyons nnd Grabowskl; Schalk,' Heimacb, Welzer, Ruffing and Stokes, Blschof f. 5 , V MALONE: N.' Yi July . l9,-() Acting on orders .. from the post office department at Washington a postal inspector from New York City was on his way hero today to question a man arrested Saturday near Gabriels, suspected ot being Hoy D'Autremont, sought in Ore gon for attempted train' robbery. ; Captain C. J. Broadfleld of Troop B, state police, said tbat since his arrest the suspect has become sul len nnd would give the troopers no information. : D. E. Van Vactor Lawyer Odd Fellows Building INSPEraTc Kooak WoifK Leave Your Rlitvs r-v ii S A.M; Pictdras aw nprwooffs Phaf marv XJ fv? KLAMATH FALLS OREGON TrSy I BUY TMtif? , . WINS NET TITLE LA GRANDE, Ore., July 19, (T) Juok Ahoarn, ot Milton, Oregon luHt year's title holder, won the Union county tennis rhnniplonshtp nt Union, Oregon yesterday by lo tent In Joan Taylor, ot l.ii Grande, 6-.1, 6-4. Ahoarn didn't lose n sot th entire iluy. lUttry it tlrnrrutor it Magneto W.IV I'hllro Rattcrlra . 724 Klninalli Klamath Patla-Weed Rtugu Leaving 699 'Main Rt. Dully at 7:30 A.M. l'HONR 185 WMTR STAR LINE Office nirl Main St. . Klamath Falls. Ore. Phono INrD " Offlco RUa Depot Mrxlford, Ore, Phone 809 , TRAVEL BT MOTOR BTAOH HOWARD AND GRIME) HTAUBB To Ashland - MeUford - Portland Uarshflsld Direct Connection at Junction With Pickwick Stages to . All Points South' Farea. Klamath Fall! to: Ashland I.f0 (DO Redding Sacramento . San Francisco Los Angeles ... San Diego .. Ban Jose 1J.70 ... 1S.00 .. 2.7t SO.OS 11.8S ... 34.86 El Centro Leaving Time Medford. t. 19:36 a-m.,l:30 p.m.; Klamath Falls, 7:45. a.m. 1, 1:46 p.m. We use heated Cadillac busses). Trunks for California 8ee us we handle Stop - over anywhere on Pickwick System. Folders Mailed on re quest. .. Come in Today and Have ' Luncheon and Dinner at LINKHAVEN 560 Conger Av. ':: Phone 762 SRMANCItr - CONSrrnUCTKM . Exclusive Lieeased Mjuibk factoren (or - The new Concrete Hollow-Wall Building Brick for .'ounda tlons. Walla, Buildings, ato. Absolutely Flro and Weather Proof at a cost leas than any other form of masonary.. Stone-TUe construction . elim inates upkeep expense, la ln . destructible,, and la approved by the beat architects and . builders. . v-v Uaexeelled a a base too '.-2 Stsjcco finish.. Let Us Estimate Tow Job ConCrete Pipe'Co. flth and kUrkeC . Pbone MUW OLD FRENCH WAX MARCEL " Guaranteed ' to tay ',: ' ' ' ' ag done by : ' Lottie Dortett ' an now b,: v iy ' bad at The Pearce Beauty Salon Bale's News Stand '' Phone Sao -j v Phone for Appointment We specialize in hair tinting and facial work. rad at 5 - p. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY ItOIKII, rfUTKHNAL NOTttfRS AMBRIOAN LKOION Klamath Pom No. I. Meets 1st and Ird Tuesdays m Vet. Memorial Building O. D. Matthews, Command' r. Pboaa II9M. If. of 0. COUNCIL No. 1161 Meetings 1st Brd Wednesdays. Moose Hall, 4th and Klamath. Visiting Knights welcome. ID. W Ronlck, 0. K., pbont 141W ABSTRACTS, HAPS Abstracts-Maps-Plats-Title Borvlot WILSON ABSTRACT CO. Arthur Wilson. til Hals Street t: Phons 160 AOOOC1ITDIO Aocoontlng tad Audltlni laoom Tag Servlos RBNICK O'AIiBDil 101 LO.O.F. Bldg. Phone 141W ADDI5Q MAvatNKH L K. TBATNOR Phoas IIU Burroughs Adding, Bookkaeptsf. Billing and Calculating Machines ADVERTISINO AOKXCT Campaigns Planned and Executed Confersnca lioura 4 to ( p. m. The ALLAN W.MoCOMB Co. Advertising tot WU1IU Bldg. Phono 10 Latura.rolden : ; Direct-Mall Berrtot ATTORNEYS D. B. VAN VACTOR Lawyer Odd Fsllowi Building AVTOMOBIUI DEALERS Pranklln :: Oldamobllo :i Gardner Bale and BervlcOood Used Can KLAMATH VALLEY MOTOR CO. Seventh Klamath Phone 6(1 Genuine Parts i: Quaker State Oil Repair Work, Battery Servtoe. Ttrea Agenta (or Nash and Oakland R. R. R. OARAOI 111 KLAMATH Next to Post Office Phono 111 Uoodyear Tiros Fireproof Storage AUTOMOBILE TTAKB Bring In yoar worn tiros get 6000 mile more at ths usual coat. ACS TIRE BHOP 116 South llth St. Phono 14 tJ Guaranteed Vulcanising ; : Retreading India Tiros The Tiro of Barrios HUB TIRE 00. Everything (or The Wheel 101 South Sixth Street Phono 111 BATTERY ELECTRICIANS Battery-Magneto-Generator and Compute Electrical Service . W. P. Johnson's AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE f 14 Klamath Phono 14 Solo Agent for Phlleo Battery BATTERY 8EKVICB Battery Service-Magneto, BtarUr and Oenerator Repairing ILOTB H1NBIOT 00. - ' WUlard Battery 8 rv1o 114 Main Street - Phono 1ITW 1 BEAUTY PARLORS Marcelling guaranteed to stay in. ; MBl UNLET i Beauty Shop with Bee Begin' It South Seventh Phono 631 Expert operator, Individual booth, violet ray, marcelling, hair tinting BOSTON BEAUTY SHOPPB tClntor Bldg. Phono 111 Facial ah 4 scalp treatment; water, Vretieb Daper curl. Olorenna Warren .v. BULDIMI MATERIALS i iyii iiriii'srii'in srsr rgranr'srfAAj. SWAN LAKE MOULDINQ 00. Quality Building Material L kUsla Blmt u Ebsm If CA1IIVKT WORK KLAMATH CAniNRT flriOP ' eid Rprlhg BtnW.t 1 Window Frame, Screen. Sash, Cabinet Work. Hiillt-lna a Specially OlVIli ftVNUINKEM J. 0. OLCOB0RM Civil Bnglnasr and Snrvoyor Phono IKK 111 High Straw CLEANERS, PRERHBBJI Personal Bertie. W oall and d alive CAPITOL KLEANBRS 161 South Seventh Phoa 1611 OOLLECTIOlf, CRKDrr AOEROI W Collect Honest Debt Anywhere la the United State and Canada . ' " " KLAMATH COMMERCIAL ' SERVICE .. "Ill Booth Firth St. Phoa III Collection ri Crodlt Haling oonnconofiBut Our own maks-tresa, deUotoM oaad 'Iweet tad Eat" Tasty Luachoa Courteous Samoa Fountain Service. Hot Luncbes-MeaJhj ROBERTBON'B Ualon Bouo : 101 Mala Btroot 00KHCLT150 KNOUUCKM) a'D. KELLET Consulting Civil Enginaor Underwood Bnlldipg . phoa 1671 OIUtOPRACTOM Twelve year oxperleno In Oeoulaa) Swedish Massage: Specialising ta Nervou and Chronic Din a a . .. . -, DR. HOMER A. LA L1BERTE Cblropractlo Physician I .-il.;. 204 Winter Bldg. Phono 14IW ' " PEJITUrf I DR. a O. WISECARTEE ' Datltry Undorwood Bufldlns Pheao 641 Oensral Practice of Daatlatry BR. PHILIP OOUI Ill Over Moo'a 8 tors-Phone III Open Evening by Appomttaoal KLEOTRIO BTORK8, RADIO Frigid Air, the Complete Retrtcr6- , ug riant, Electrical Supplies UBXIO'S ELXCTRig ITOBE , 1011 Main Street PhoBo III .EMPLOYMENT OmOM' Employment (or Workers la Trad, M1U. RaUway and FanM KLAMATH EMPLOYMENT 0 17101 4 a m a n y a a, troprMtOC j Sixth and Main Street Phono lit ICE, BOTTLED BJCVEAAIOM KLAMATH ICE 8TORA0E QQ. '' i "''," (.'.! - White Pelican 'Mineral nrtns Bottling Works, associated. Phoa II UVBtrRANOa" - , v Safeguard your horn Protaad your propertle and loved sat i ' J. H. DR1SCOLL Surety Bond Llfa. TIkb. abIa Insurant); Hart Bldg, Pkono 411 LAUNDRIES. "' " -ir r,nirin.)i.'nj,rinrul.mil ;cian Btlfact1on,,-Prompt Borrtoa TROT LAUNDRY L ... P )Vr' -y : n ,-1 ' : '"j Wet Wash, roush irr. aal.alak and tin lik II go. th Phoa III LIVESTOCK 1 'i'i'i'i 1 1 rirv.vifwwftw. Fresh now on hand at all time from one to carload ' KLAMATH DAIRT COW CO. W i '-' i ''t n Jvr, . " Phonei! Ranch lirii Bo. 411 ; MfiSfeOilM i, U XtlttSI Istlttt