II Ml r . "i i FILE SUIT IN MB SALE $56,250 Commission Alleg ed Due in Sale of Siuslaw Boom Holdings EUGENE, Ore., April 7 (P) Oeorge T. Mlcklo nud W. T. Culvor bare filed suit la Ibo Lane county circuit court against T. C. Starret, ' of Detroit, Jllcli., seeking Judgment la the suih ot 156,250, alleged due as a commission on tbe talo ot the RICHARDSON SPRINGS "Tho Homo of llio Soft Slilrt" ! ' Near Chico, Butte Co., Calif. Was just in your city for a day, and do not blame you for leaving in the summer but our baths and mineral waters will do wonders for your health this spring. LEE RICHARDSON. wn, Ay ivitk DRUGSTORE Relieve Your Painl ELECTREX HEATING PAD 7.00 A uniform heat that can vastly b applied to any ' part ot the body. Gives quick relict. . Guaranteed Steer Drug Store torn Loa5X Drag KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON San firanciScoS finest new hotd exceptional DINING ROOM SERVICE Rath Sa$j TAYLOR 6 O'FARRELL New Beauty Cream Gives Lovely Complexion , . Amatlng new kind of cream quickly gives the texture and ap pearance of a wild rose petal. You'll notice a startling change the moment you put It on. The effect Is lasting you cannot wash it off. whitens, nourishes, purifies. Can be left on ail night or used as a powder base. Not a bit sticky or oily. Oet this now wonderful beauty cream called Mollo (lo and try it. Underwood's Phar macy. Adv. BED PEPPER FOR RHEUMATIC PAIN Concentrated Heat Penetrate! Instantly and Brings Quick . est Relief Known Rheumatism, Lumbago, neuritis, backache, stltf nock, sore muscles, trains, aching Joints. When you are offering so you can hardly get around. Just try "Red Pepper Rub" and you will have tbe quplckest re lief known. , . Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppers. In stant relief. Just as soon as you ap ply Red Poppor Rub you toel the tiagllng heat. In three minutes, It vtrma the sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circulation, breaks up the congestion and pain is gone. Bowles Rer Popper Rub, made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a Jar at once. AI tnost Instant relief awaits you. Use ft for colds in chest. No matter what yon hare used tor pain or conges tion, don't fall to trp Red Pepper lino, - . For Free. Sample Mall This Adv. to WHITEHALL I'HARMACALCO.,Ino. ill I vmm I mm It i iiaa ii U. A Lxnu, ownm HOTEL mm Starret and Mover timber and boom holdings la the SluiUw river last winter, 1 Tho holdings wore sold to tho Stout Lumber company ot North Bend tor approximately $1,600,000. Tho plaintiffs In tho suit allego thai they had a contract with tho de fendants to furnish a buyer, and that the contract was fulfilled on tholr part. Tho contract, according to tho complaint, called tor commission ot 175,000 and $56,260 ot it Is held to be payablo now. lllows from a two-ton hammer arc administered to railroad car coup lings and drawbars by a machine developed for testing them. ; L Many Sheepmen Take Price Rather than Wait for , Advance Later on PORTLAND. Ore.. April 7. (&) With abearing now well under way disposing ot their fleeces at best of fers rather than to hold for a better in eastern Washington, wool men are market later in the season. Ap proximately 150,000 pounds hare been sold in the last few days it prices ranging around 16 cents. In the Taklma section fully 75 per cent of the new dip already sheared has been sold. Shearing will start In eastern Oregon the latter part ot the week if the weather remains favorable, and then a more active market la an ticipated with . growers inclined to sell promptly. One lot ot 35,000 pounds of John Day wool stored in Portland since last season has been sold at 30 cents, the grower having refused 41 cents . last November. Bayers are focusing their atten tion on the Mountain Home. Idaho, sale schedule for tbe 21st of this month, and from the 6th to 19th of May. SALT LAKE, City. April 7. (VP) Wool buyers stationed here to cov er the Inter-monntaln territory con tributed over the week-end the first genuine activity seen In the local wool market this season. It was unofficially estimated that approxi mately 110,000 fleeces had figure! in the three days transactions. For the most part this represents un shorn 1926 wools and was con tracted for at 35 cents, a new high price for the season. Two clips figuring in tbo activity were hold over wools from 1925 and brought 33 cents. One clip from Wyoming in tho lot brought 34 cents. Contracts In tho transactions wero tor wools in Utah and southwestern Wyoming. Dewey-Qould company, Boston, contracted far 35,000 Utah fleeces for 35 cents and 25,000 fleeces around Rock Springs, Wyo., one of the Wyoming clips was bought for 34 cents. B. Harris and company. St. Louis, contracted for Draper and company, Boston, forj 10,000 Utah fleeces. I Magazine Not Obscene, View Mencken Freed, Had Sold Copy of Am erican Mercury BOSTON, April 7, (P) H. N. Mencken, editor of the American Mercury, was acquitted in municipal court today on a charge of possess ing and selling obscene literature. He was arrested Monday when he sold a copy of . the April issue of bis magazine on Boston Common, In announcing his decision Judge Parmenter said the story was "not salaclouB and did not tend to cor rupt the morals of youth, as charg ed." The Judgo sustained tbe argu ment of council for Mencken the.t the magazine was distributed prim arily for an intellectual group and that the article Itself "would not. tend to bring lascivious thoughts to any person of that type." To enable one person to make measurements' with long tape meas ures a sharp pronged clip for one end that will hold in wood has been t 6 CENTS I OLD "Long Boy" Tries a Pie or Two k vvJ Wily vi;r'. i 5 $S4- J JL-K-i ,.. i f ; i M .v I J Jack Earl one of IBs longest Texans who ever got out of tin nativ uil. ! u shwvr. just after hu arrival in rhlcaso. whlthvr h went to tnwt elr-. ! cua. Earl, who u eight feet six inches tall, had to sleep on the Hour of t fbe diner on th way up. the berths were too short. He is shown rating . j a pie that DuUng Cat Steward Virgil Bachelor Ulghti gave ttun. I New Zealand has formulated a de velopment plan as the result of esti mates that more than 4.000.000 horsepower can be obtained from its water courses. Plumbers and Steam Fitters ScandiaHall Friday, April 9 Complete Bath Room fixtures given away Bath Tub full of Punch Tickets 1.50 Including everything jven care of your babies TWO IN ONE DANCE Old Time Steps and Latest Jazz Largest hall, Jollieat Crowd, and the most fun, with music by Barney Kropp's Orchestra At Altamont Auditorium Wed. Apr, 7 EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WHEAT TO T Garnet Variety Ripens 10 Days Earlier than Mar quis; More Hardy WINNIPEG. Man. April 7. (P) Forty million acres cf virgin land In western Canada will bo opened to settlement through the discovery of garnet wheat, now early maturing variety, tho dominion department of Immigration announced today. "Garnet wheat rlpons ton days earlier than Marquis, tho present staplo variety of Canada and the United States," said a bulletin, "this means that it will bo possible to grow the new wheat successfully In areas further north where Marquis wo if Id never mature, by advancing harvest tlmo ten dnyu, O-irnet wheat has opened a vast now agriculture empire 100 miles deop by 900 miles wide stretching n-rass Manitoba, Sas- ketchawan and Alberta. Growing an dcr practical faruing conditions has demonstrated that. G-irnet stands dry weathor better than Marquis, that It Is more immuno to the dangers of rust, and is not injured by oxcus Hlvo moisture." ; IS E (Continued From Pago 1) circulation Dun either suburban or country districts," he explulnod. "This is because advertisers have come to teallze that it It the city circulation that brings the business.-' I'crhaps it Is hard to realize it, but on a Saturday night, newsboys on the streets of Portland sell 17 tons of Oregonlaiis, that on tho fol lowing day eight more tons ore sold at news stands, that In country dls- I trlcts SO tons ate sold and in nuli- ' urban districts CO tons. ! "I think we hold a record in trucking newspapers to patrons. Every day of the week we haul Ore gonlans 254 miles fixm Portlaii'l to Itend to nerve 1200 subscribers. "Just the white paper In a flun- day Oregonian costs seven cents, In i other words you are receiving seven cents worth of paper when you pay iivu i-emn i.;r I no u t-'K'"" mi Sunday." Mr. Hopwood's talk was enthusi astically received by a largo forum. A brlof talk was ninilo by Jack Kimball urging business men to cooperate in the boy scout move ment, . Galloway's orchestra provid er musical Pukrlalumpiit, . ' NEW 0EN UNO NT ID SPEAKER HER Half Million Leave Farms In One Year Exodus to Cities Shows Steady Increase During 1925 WASIilNUTO.V April 7. UV) decreaso In lliu farm populutlim of tho I' lilted States of nearly n mil lion lu 1925 Is reported by Iho de MEETS Auction Sale Of Rail Line Is Postponed Judge Issues Restrain ing Order Halting Action Today LaGHANDK, Ore., April 7. m Tho Central Hallway of Oregon, a 18 mile road connecting Union nnd Cove with the Oregon Washington Hall way and Navigation company's line at Union Junction, will not bo auc tioned off by Sheriff Jesso IlrcshcarB today, as was scheduled. An order restraining the salu and providing for tho appointment of a rocolvor was Issued yostorday by Cir cuit Judge J. W. Knowlos of La Grande, following tho filing ot a complaint by A. W. Mlddlctnn nnd tho Dlue Mountain Lumber company, asking for tho court to tnko this action. Wilbur D. Davis of Union was np pointcd receiver. This ends an attempt by the Ray Woodbury company and Kd Wetzol ot Spokano, to have tho railroad sold to satisfy claims of mora than 12,200. Tbn sheriff's sale was echo duled for March 24, but was twice postponed for seven day periods, at request ot owners. Tho railroad was recently apprais ed at moro than (114,000, according to a report (BBUod by the slate pub lic nnrvico commission. MARKET BRIEFS PORTLAND, Oro., April 7. IP) Following seven 1 days of price cut ting with a weak and unsoltlod tone generally throughout tho local Job bing territory, the chceno markot do cllned throe cents a pound today. Tillamook led off by announcing a readjustment in resale prices and Molowest promptly followed. Other makes of Oregon chooso whipped Into lino. The new prices on Molowest choese rango ono cent below Tilla mook, while other Orogon. mnkos not so well advertised, range from two to four cents under Tillamook. Cuttlo stondy. Hogs extremely woak,choleo 13.25 U 13.75. Sheep motive lambs medium to choice 92 pounds down 1 l.OOfli 12.00 lambs, spring,' medium to choice 13.r,014.50. Eggs I cont lower. Current re ceipts 21c. Duller unchanged. Milk steady. C'roiiM delivered ut rorjliwil ASP. 'm . partment ot agriculture whleh esti mates the number ot pornom living nn furms Jittiiiury 1, 1U29 to have tieeu atl.Ofifi.OOO, entiiired with 31, 134,000 J iuuiiry 1, 11125. T'.io entlinuted not iiiovoment uwny from .fiiniiH hint D'eiii- ninouiited to 1101,000 iiiitKons; hut Ilium wus un imtluiiiled oxeeHs of farm births over re n deaths iiniiitliillnK to 423,000 which rediieed Ihn toss due (o city .il.l Mioveiiielit to 4711,000, Kmuliiyliili rapiilly revolving mil- rors, a selentlHt Iiih found n wuy to iuku inouii'.raini wttu an expoi lire ot one tun mllllu;ii!i of u seeoml. No question about it! We've tiken all the doubt out of collcc-contcntment. How '! lly keeping the tUvorof M J D roiuMnt. This means that no matter how you make it no nutter how you drink it strong or mild, with cream or without the same rich, full bodied fla vor will always show up in the cup. The same contentment cup of codec will be there to satisfy you every timel M - J EVERY TASTE IN You'll IMPERIAL HOTEL Announcement I am a candidate for the republican nomina tion for representative in the state legislature from the twenty-first district, comprising Deschu tes, Crook, Jefferson, Klamath and Lake counties. I make this announcement after having been urged to again seek the office by many of the people from different parts of the district. If my work during the last session has been satisfactory, I trust the republicans of the district may see fit to again nominate me.' ; If I am nominated and elected, I shall seek tho passage of safe and sane legislation for the dis trict and for the state at large. Bend, Oregon, March 31, 1926. R. S. HAMILTON. Poultry steady. Potatoes steady 2.7B & 3.25. Onions quiet 1.75 2.00. Hunt Prisoner Wearing Hobble SALEM, Oro., April 7. (VP) With both feet shackled, Lojnord Mono!, 18, an Inmate of the state Institu tion for tho feeble minded, is win dorlng about 3inewhoro In the en virons of Siilnm, Tho hoy Is al most completely devoid of mental ity nnd it is necessnry to keep him hobbled at all times Willi light shackles to keep him from gottlug ton far nwuy from the Institution. Ho succeeded In escaping IuhI night, however, nnd has nlso ominpod bo forc, Tho authorities expect to find him today, i Crying at' movies lu foolish, Tho snmo ton in used lit home will get n yypWHii a yfctlHg hat-. Wi'dnewluy April 7, 192(? 90,000 Bond Issue Passed KIKIKNK. Ore,, April 7. (!') A propoHed bond Ihhiiu ot 100,000, to priivlilu fur lliu building of twp nw grudo sehuuls hern, was approved by voturs of the elly. 833 to 158. The total of 402 votes cul Is tbn lightest in many yeurs, . allien llivra. wro mire I linn 2500 nuullfled voters.. Ants mid pnluon Ivy nro eager la meet tho picnickers nnd summer boarder. - B COFFEE enjoy VISITORS always enjoy Portland the far-famed City of Botes, but they enjoy it doubly when surrounded by the comforts, conven iences and service of this Hotel. "Ritlit in the renter of rrerythmg" Wood Block wood is coming faster and we are now delivering at once. We can also make some deliveries to the coun try, none is being sold at the bin however. , ' We are delivering green slab on the night shift. Phone us your order. PEYTON & CO. "WOOD TO BUIM" 601 Main J?hone 635 '.cf"