Monday; March 22, ' 1020 EVENING HERALD, ' fcL AMATII' FALLS,' OREGON Page Fiva KLAMATH COUNTRY CORRESPONDENCE ; : ', : ; ! , i LORELLA liun Duiiluls operator of tho Drod or fr lh U. H. II. H, him return ed tu Lungel! Va liny tu roaumo his duties, tho dredger having aturtotl uporutluna. Milton Kullnr bun returned from I'lirtluml where lio vlnlloi with lilt ful bur uud li now vuiiiploycd ou tlio dredger. ' llubblulto Tattlo returned to h(ir boino ufiur a month' visit la Sun Fruucluco with her nUtvr Lou Tuttlu. R. F. Tuttlv having Buffered nuv oro attacks of broiichlut nil hum lit much linprovutl, lilt cumllllou wnn serious fur a iiumbur of duys. Mrs. It. Ulschotf purchased a now Incubator Slid 'hopes to bo abln tu taks otlvmitiiKO vt tho good wouther by batching chirks otitly: ' Tho Luugull 'Valley Community club mot lit Lnrolla Community llouno (or tbo first limit In auvuritl weeks, tho regular lurutlniSH being postpunud on aooounl of alrknttss l;i Pti,t4 For ., , . . , Special Features in The- SUN AND LUMBERLOGUE Watch for it every Sunday A. P. News Sports Dr. J. C Coble OPTOMETERISTS TOO firounu in uur own factory to your Indl vldnal requlromflnt. Quick lorvlco. Wo replace auy lunao JQUKtt HIAIN i. .. .. FTtESNO, Cullf., March 22. P) i John Tti'no. 87, rnnch hand, la dead becatiao ho nngornd Oncor A. Holt, amtoiir pnlhtor, 6y remarking his poor markmnnnhlp In ehnotliiR Jack rubbllH. Holt ahot nnd klllod Itono at hlH camp on tho San Jonqutn rlvor near Flrobaugh. ; ': IIII.I.H !t.IHi:i ' SEATTLE, AVaah., March 22. (.ip) Ono nnd two dollnr bllln maaquoradlng no tans and twenties aro In clroulatlon horo, nnd n warn ing hda boon Innuml by tho pollen, What Are You Doing For Your Puny Child? Ono hoy gained 1 1 pound lu 7 wookn nnd la now NlroiiK nnd licnltliy. ' Kor wonlc, frail, tmdor-dovolopod cniuiren anu onpuuiunj muw n,iw. bnvo rlcknta, and nood a miro hulldnr' that promotoa tho growth of ioothi and bonoa, cod liver oil ts tho ono modlclno aupromo nothlug holps llko It. , I Hut It la noHty nnd ropulalvo nnd ovll amolllng and nonny niwaya up notH chlldron'a HtomiiohH ao now up-to-dato ohomlala ndvlso McCoy's Cod l.lvni. nil nnmnnunil TllhlotB. Children lovo 'thorn na thoy do can dy, bocnuao thoy are Biigar coaled nnd onay to talio. Ono boy galnod i 11V4 pounds In bovoii wnoks, and In linntlltv nnd hiinnV.i.ll01IHIindH of othor children have grown strong nnd robust, " , i Sixty tablolB for 90 cents nt un derwood's Pharmacy nnd nil drug gists but ho auro nnd ask for Mc Coy's tho original nnd genuine. (llvo'tlic-m to tho Blckly, frnll child for 80 days, and If thoy don't help wonderfully, your druggist Is author , Izod to luiud ou , back tho monoy you pnld for Ihem, A0V. tliu vulliiy, A good uttcudaiiio'pruv od tliul Luugull Vullny puoplo wuro anxious tu cuiitlnua tho mooting mid discuss Hi ii possibility vi f a uuw Com- muulty hull or muvu tho old building mill repair It tu meet thu dumunds of tho cumiiiuiiliy. A nodal wlll'bu liu id lit tho , Community hull on Huturdiiy evening, March 87th, when cuku, cuffuu and sandwiches will ho old. program will bo iilvun In ooiiiioetlun with til 0 evening. 1. Monroe who with hi brotbvr L. W. Muiiruu nro purchsuure of tho lluury Ylnnon ranch, him niovod Ills fiimlly to tho rnni'li iiftor spending tho wiiitor In Cullforulu, 1 Thu nun houso In u I in jut complutud unit tho family will noon bo comfortably lu cutod. Mr. Hm I Lli, purchaser of tho Dun soy ranch and tho Hampton ranch lu Lntigell valley ha arrived In tho vulliiy. A iiumbur of truckB woro um'il to haul equipment from Klamath Knl In to tho (Smith pro perty, Mr. Hmllb having shipped con- The Whole Family Magazine Section Colored Comics Mala Dr. L. J. Goble KLAMATH FALLS, OR Eyea Exnmlnod c5fALIN Mr. and Mrs. Poto McNeill of Clear Lnka wero In Malln Saturday calling on friends and attending to business mnttars, ' Cecil Hunt of Klamath. Falls is visiting a fow days with Dyrum aud David Myers. Mrs. Charles Iteardsloy was lu Malln from hor homo south of town Both Mr. and Mrs. Boardaloy bnvo boon having tho grlppo nnd confin ed to their homo for tho past 'week. Mr. and Mrs. John It. McNeill aro making Improvements and re pairs on thotr ranch houso throe mllos southeast of town, where thoy expoct to novo tho first of tho month. Their land comes under tho now Irrigation of Miillu district. Mr. and Mrs. Ooorgo Emorson and little son moved to tho Midland dtslrtet whoro Mr. Emorson had a few days previous niovod tho em tio of tho Klamnth Packing com pany, which ho has boon caring for In this section of tho country for somo months. . Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Tho man spont Tuosdny In Klamath Falls whoro Mrs. Thomas Is having dental work done. , Mr. Hnueoek of Siisnnvlllo, Calif., superintendent of tho LnBson In dustrial bank, and Mr. Kollorbniikor of Deobor, woro wook-ond gnosis of Mr. nnd Mrs. J, W. Snndors. IllosHOii and Ilowlnud Tumor enmo In from tholr homo nt Tlmbor Mountain to shop last Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Carl D. Gentry and family woro countod among tho visitors lu Malln on Thursday af ternoon. Mrs, Wm. Dnllpn nnd Infant duugbtur roturned to their homo on Monday from Klamnth Falls. 1 Tho members of tho Christian En bin of his Implements from his Cullforulu runuh. itulph Lyons, wiiu liun boon em ployed ut tho Ourbor lunch for thu past flvu year bun runtod thu It. M. Touro lu Lower Luugull vulloy wllli hm family la now onguged In furmliiK. It, M. Touro and famll huvo mov ed to Klumuia Fulls whoro tho Touro glrU will contlnuo school, aftor tbo schoul toim In clued tho family arc pluniiliiK a trip to Kngluud for a sojourn of about u yoir. Mr. ii nd Mrs. Jim Grimes of V.'ll II iiiiii river and Mr. Chun. Faith of Curry County spout Tuesday visiting at tho Cowley homo. Mrs. L. llurber ban returned to hor ranch home on Horsefly aftor spending t'ho wintor lu Klauiuib Fulls. Mm. a, P. Keller ban returned to hor homo aftor a throe weeks vlull with relatives and friiudi In Pjft kind. II. J. Tlcknor hna announced hlu deavor of Malln were guests of the Endeavors of Merrill. Several cars luft Malln at f:30 for Merrill where they wero eerved to a delightful lunch at the church ball before the mooting held at tbo Presbyterian church at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey woro In from Shasta View for supplies Wednesday night. , Mrs. Ed Kendlg Is visiting at tta i home of her daughter, Mrs. D. C. Hulhrook. . The smnll attendanco of the farm ers society of Tulo lake valloy at tho mooting a week ago resulted lu tho business mooting boing post poned until Tuesday evening. March 23 at tho Malln community hall. . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grayson ware attending to bualnoss mat tors in Klamath Kails on Tuesday., Lilt la Jano Smith celebrated her birthday with a, party Tuosday , ot tornoon at which hor. lltUo friends wero guests. , Mr. It. L. Hamor of GllloUa, Wyo. ronchod Mulln Wodnosday where bo will bo employed nt Raima's store. David McComb has recovored from having his tonsils removed. . Bessie Draall was anothor patient of Dr. Trout, having had her ton sils removed. Sho is back In school again. , Mrs. W. C. Dalton's slstor, Mrs. Fallihcr and son of Lakoview are visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Dnltou for several weeks. SPRING LAKE Mr. and Mrs. John Koonts and Mrs. Harry Booth called on Mrs. Frank Stewart Thursday evening. Walter Folsom retumod homo lust woek aftor several months visiting In Sacramento. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Choyno vlsltod Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Otto Wab hles. Mrs. Dan Kaylor and Mrs. Ruby Cooper visited nt the Stewart home Thursday afternoon. Gladys and Graco Forquor and Tholmn Sotnk and Mario and Blllle Sohrolnor vlsltod with Marjory and Evolyn Choyno Sunday. Mrs. Ivan Iconblco and children visited with Mrs, , E. A. Schrolnor Sunday. Wm. Choyno and son Lelnnd made a buslnoss trip to Ashland Wednes day. Mrs, Frank Stewart and son Kon noth woro shopping In Klamath Falls Thursday, Walter Folsom nnd Konnotli 8tov nrt woro among tho many who nt tondad the dunvo at Morrill Wodnos day night, i c i ' doslro to run an couiily'commlsslon- ,. f.unviill Viitlni in triflfil-d iinvl.I ous tu loo Mr. Tl;knur started an tho l..l .......,. 1..1...M I.I Ar.n.M..n.l Hy br Mr. Tlcknor anHiircii tlio people of gratlfyliiK rcniiltH, lillly Irwlu liuvliiu tfjld hli ranch In LuiiKoll Vulloy baa moved to bin Doiiunzn ranch. Hilly 'buil boon a rouldout of Laiixoll Valley fjr flf toon yoara and In mlaaod by bin neighbors, Wlllard Keller, Hon of Alfred Kel ler l entirely tocovorlng fiom bin recout cune 'of spinal menlngltla. TENNANT ITEMS Mrs. F, M. Flleon, thu asolstunt postmaster, and smull daughter, .Maude Ann, left Sunday for Anil land fur a ten days visit wltb Mrs. Fllaon's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hquiro Parker. During ber absence Mrs. O. O. Wingfleld is assisting in thu poutofflco. Mrs. Ruth Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller, wbo for tho pant four months bas been In San Francisco, Cul., tdking a beauty culture course, arrived homo Satur day evening. Mrs. Bailey Intends opening a beauty tbop In Ashland In the near future. Le Peucboy of Ashland Is a guest at the E. F. Miller borne. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Parker motor ed to Klamath Fulls Sunday and wero accompanied homo by Mr. Par. ker's mother, Mra. Louisa Parker. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Glover of Klamath Falls were In camp Sunday on business. Carl ; Korstoln, assistant camp superintendent, returned Wednesday from a trip to San .Francisco In a new Jowctt coach, Ho was ac companied by bla mother, Mra. Ho gina Kerstoln and brother William Korstuln, both of Pittsburgh, Penn.. wbo are visiting friends and relatives at different California points. Mrs. Joo Collins, Mrs. Ruth Bailey and Lee Peachey motored to Klam ath Falls Wednesday on a shop ping trip. Mrs. Clay Parker entertained the Tllllcum club Friday at luncheon. All enjoyed a pleasant social time. : Mrs,. B. L. Glrard nnd Baby Carrol left Sunday for a visit with Mrs. Girard's mother at Little Shasta. ; A delightful affair of tho week waa tho silver tea social given by tho Wlldwood Women's Guild on Wcdnosdny afternoon. This social was alao a shower for tbo guild ba taar to bu held In tbo fall. Mesdamcs day Parker, Alvan Op pcrud nnd Wm. Natiney were the hostesses for, this affair and were assisted during tho ' afternoon by Mrs. A. L. Barker. This being St." Patrick's day the decorations wero green and whlto. White tablo linen striped with green, green shamrocks at each cover, green paper harps and cut flowers were the tablo decorations. Tho hostesses served brick Ice cream with a green shamrock clear through the centor, delicious cakes and coffee. Those who enjoyed thla charm ing affair wero Mesdames Boyea. Baughn, Barker, Burke, Borguis, Caster, Dlskin, Erlckson, Grimes, Hansen, Hatfield, Henry, J. O. and E. F. Miller, Munn, McDonald, Mur phy, Nnnney, Opperud, Clay and Louisa Parker, Stroud, M. H. and J. E. Templeton, Upton and Wing flold. ' . Too umch' praise cannot be given theso ladlos who worked with un tiring efforts to make this the de lightful: affair it was. MIDLAND ' Tho county health nurso visited Miller Hill school on Mondoy. , Mrs. Hilbert Largcnt has received a largo shipment of baby chicks, 600 White Leghorns and Rhode Island Rods, from Enoch Crows' hatchory, In California. The county assessor, W. Tv Lee, was a business caller In this district on Monday. ' Mrt Jenkins representing tho Ford garage of Klamath Falls, was a vis itor In tbo Midland district Wednes day. , , -: Eddie Shulmire has purchased a now Star touring car. Mrs. J, D.-Hoopor spont Thurs day with friends and shopping in Klnmnth Falls. . ; Naydne Gregory was absent from school Thursday. C. R. Patterson, a .1 prominent rancher of Midland, was a business visitor In Klnmnth Falls Tuesday. ' Albert Ball was calling on Miller Island on Tuosday. . Gus Suderland of Klamath , Falls was calling at J. D. Jloopcr's on Tuosday. Little Eddlo Bourman has boon a visitor nt Miller Hill school this week. , i 1 Clayton Bishop and family have niovod to Morrill this woek. Mrs. Edna Flowers was a visitor in Klamath Falls on Friday. Mrs. Hiram Folsom has roturnod homo after a fow months visit In California with her daughter and friends. . Llttlo Georglo Flowers Is spond lug a fow days with Goorgo Burnett J on Miller tylnnd, ii!iHir 1 1 m i i i r. UUIIIIU till I I ULU EASTERN CITY JlARUIHUCItO, 111., Murch il. (ypj An earthquako wa fnlt bore at 8:30 s. in. today. The vibration luator 18 aecondar Dlxhen and win dow! rattlerd, but no duinKo wan done. Burroughs machines can be depended upon for the right answer always and everywhere one reason why the pioneer of 1 8 8 4 is the leader of today. BURROUGHS SALES and SERVICE Machines as low as $75 Ask for Demonstration I. K. TRAYNOR Representative Box 1033, Klamath Falls Phone 653M i:. Ann, eat your breakfast l-ocal Girl on Glee Club Trip ... OKEdON AGItlCULTl'IUL. COI, IEC1E, March 22. Bertha Peltt, of Klamutb Falla, will make tho annual prlng tour with the Madrigal gluo club. Mlna Peltz la a aophomoro la commerce. Thirty-two roembern of tho Mad rigal club have been chosen by Paul Petri, director of tno conaervatory of Here's cream taken from a bottle, and breakfast food got out of a box. I haven't tasted them yet, but I'm not afraid to ask. you to eat J: And in the bathroom is new tooth-paste to use on your teeth.: . Here's medicine to take before you start, off . to school.1 . . Don't forget to wash your hands that's a fresh bar of soap and maybe . dust your face with powder. No, it won't ' hurt the skin. This list of things I've seen advertised stop and give it to your father. He'll bring them home tonight. Some of them old, some of them, new . . . but what a civilized thing! To buy on faith and use on faith and never be betrayed! Read the advertisements. Their honesty is as clear as a mirror. You can believe in them as surely as you believe in yourself. You can follow their directions with utmost faith. You can use their products with con fidence you'll want to use them again. Theirs are facts proved and accepted' Use their news. . . :,;....... When guided by advertisements you can buy with faith muxlo, to take the annual tprlutr tour. Tbo club will give apodal eu tormliimoniH and a radio program In Portland before going to eaaturn Oregon. Tho Itinerary Include Hood Itlvor, The Dallea, Pendleton, La. Crande, (Julon, and Dakar, "llob ', McCourt'a Hotel Ilvntnn orcbuatid, the director, two munagera, and . threo apeclnl dnncere will alao muko the trip. Hue the pre-Kater aule of dronaxa In lk and wool at Hoe ilegln'a atom for only JK.oii. Adv, 22-87" it. . i i ! ! t I I t'vl V,:'4l . , f 1 1. . 1 ; i IX) ",it ?;'IVlff: I..) ,'Wiiod iii 'O.OS nt X