Pae Six EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON And Every When- Thnt Mary Went- I WHAT OTHERS ARE DOING I Issued Daily, except Sunday, by T h e Herald Publishing CVimr...,,. ( lV,e. l 1 0 V TViolitl, Ctraot k" I-. ,, 1 1, K-.IU nMn E. J. MURRAY Publisher VV, II. PERKINS News Editor Entered as second class matter at the post office at Klamath Falls. Oregon, under act of March 3, 1879. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use of re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also . the local news published therein. All rights of re-publication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. The Evening Herald is the official paper of Klamath County. Delivered by Currier One Year J6.50 SIX Months 3.50 Three Months 1.95 One Month 66 siusrHii'Tinx rates B y Mull One Year $5.fb Six Months S.75 Three Monihs 1.50 One Month .:. 65 Tuesday, December 29, 1925 MIGHTY POOR BUSINESS At a recent session of the city council of Cottage Grove, according to the Sentinel, the statement was made that parents are purchasing cigarettes for their children and thus defeating the purpose of the law which forbids sale .of tobacco to minors. If that is true, it furnishes further proof of the ( frequent charge that much of the juvenile delinquency of which com plaint is made in these modern days is traceable to the parent The parent, of course, may have his own ideas as to the merits or demerits of smoking. It is true that the weight of authority is overwhelmingly on the side of the statement that smoking is harmful to the young, but there are many who do not take much stock in the weieht of authority. Such, presumably, would say to them selves that if their children want to smoke, why, let them smoke that the doctors don t know much about it, anyway. j - But there is another anele to the situation that is worth considering the angle that bears upon the law -and its observance. The law of Oregon says minors? shall; not purcnase cigarettes, liut it the parent purchases the cigarettes and gives them to the child, the law is circum vented. There are some who will say that ,if the parent wants to do that the responsibility is his and he- must 4ake the consequences. But muse he take all the consequences? There is involved in the transaction the circumventing of law and the consequent promotion of disregard fdr law. One of the first fruits of disregard for law is crime, and crime and its prevention are the 'business5 of the public. The parent who abets -his child in circumventing the laws is, to say the very least, in mighty bad business. Eugene Guard. mittce needs special mention. The! should bo taken Immediately. SI GODDAF 10 URG STREETL ft H TS (Continued from Page One) gon Avenue, the estimated costs of which are not available at the pres ent time. Sewer improvement has been con spicuous by its absence. The san itary conditions of the city, and the health ef our citizens, depend on the adequacy of our sewer sys tems and disposal plants. The fact that the United States government contemplates making a survey of the variouB cities of the Pacific Coast during this next year emphasizes this beyond ail dispute. The maintenance, improvement and repair of the city ball, the city Jail and other city properties (ex cluding the streets and the pres ont inadequate sewer systems) has been neglected too long. This work must be done in the immediate fu ture. Harmony Prevails The work of the various depart ments of Hie city, the committees and boards, has been excellent as a whole. One factor that has, in my opinion, contributed more than anything else, is that the head of each department, with few excep tions, has kept strictly to his own department, and not allowed him self or those under him to Inter fere with the work of other de partments. This policy will be more strictly followed during the com ing year. The your lias been marked with the absence of great fires such as this community has been afflicted with In the past. No doubt one contributing factor has been great er humidity of Ufa atmosphere than is ordinarily enjoyed In thin, com munity, but It also speaks well for the business ebndltlonn of our city. It is ii notable fact, familiar to those Willi ;nv lliornughly versed In fire Insurance, that fires arc inn;" frequent when there is business do 1 pression. One authority tells that when, (lew jiud. Improved structure.: B 1 ! tit spring from the -ruins;, of j the old, the jitizens have confidence . la the stability of their city, but when the ruins lie in a scattered heap for years, there is always a suspicion as. to the origin of that fire. It is notable that all damage done by the fires in Klamath Falls during the .past year. were repaired or re built as soon as possible. To those who know, this is a demonstration of the dauntless spirit of- our citi zens and the futurp. of onr city. The work of the street department has been excellent. Streets have been repaired and the old, worn- out and inadquate sewers kept ia working order under-most adverse conditions. In a city where com moo laoor receives the wages it does here, it is, a marvel that men could be secured ,to perform such obnoxious labor. .Need More Police The police department has don excellent work, when we consider there are not sufficient men to pa trol the streets and secure the- jjto tection to property and to the homes that citizens- are entitled to. To serve the public as it should, there should be at least four mon- men on tile police force. .During the coming year this -problem will be come more acute, especially when we consider the prospective railroad development which always -brlnj a class of criminals ranging from the sneak thief to- Lhe '. culture! plunger who will not heslatte to rob the unsuspecting. - The service of the city attorney's office has been of the highest or der, it being a notable fact that if an attorney were to perform like services for any private corpora tion. In would receive a salary far in excess of the $100 per month paid by the City of Klamath Palls. Most of the regular committees have worked with diligence and self-bacrifico, and have cobperoted with the heads . of the various de partmjpais to secure i he 1 best-iiser-Ucc to the ojty. Especially is this (rue of the Street- Committee and the finance committee. Any ncg le'tfl "f any oomiiiilloj)i..lh this re aped will' be rBhiedica ''during lhe ensuing year. While all special committees have iloiie gortect work, the budget com- city has profited by the exnerlenc of these business meu, and owes them a vote of thanks for their gen erous service. The Public Recreation Commit tee has done a good work in se curing the services of Miss Brad bury, who. under the guidance oi Mrs. Ackley, brought many hours o, pleasure and joy to tie chiMjten Oi this community. In, my opinion, nothing lands to develop good elt; eenship as much as the memory oi a joyoivs.. childhood-., No one con estimate the good done by this com mittee. The Park Boanl i While the park board is not under the jurisdiction of the City of Klam ath Fairs, I think it well to men tion the work of thnt body. This board! secured the services of Mr. Sbidler who has done much to do- Sewer System While we have contemplated In stalling a modem sewer system and disposal plant we have come to no definite plan whereby these union needed improvements will he In stalled In lhe Immediate future. . Some thought has been given to securing or building ti pest house so that the health of the comnlunity may be protected by quarantining contagious and infectious diseases. This should be hastened as much -as possible, , ... The condition of onr city jail should he Investigated. It should be enlarged and ieW beds should be Installed. At the present time we have only beds for eight pris oners: ami .vr'- have had as hitch ay twenty-eight confined In this Jail at one time. These are a few of the many velor the parks of the city .and in i things we must consider during the timo put them on a par with the j cniuinn year With the proapeu pajjw of, other cities ot our state. !oJ railroad development ttBd lhe The future will show the wonderful i bll!l(lin r '"ills and factories, we foundation built by these men. ,low have far greater problems than those which wo have fathomed. It beehovcs'us to remember "lhe gct-togethox spirit," to put our j shoulders to the wheel, with greater zeal and harmony than we have CJ During the past year our .attention lias- -been .called to a number .of needed Improvements on which. -no actionr.has been taken, among them the .imrchlismp Of WIPic nf 111: wnn ,,-. . ... , . i done during the past year derful springs to the north of our , . city that we may "have a water sup-, ply unequalled by any city of the I Pacific coast. Another, the un-j sightly poles and powor Uiies that'; are found in the business section! of our city mar the beauty of ourj streets and are not in keeping with I the civic pride of the citizens of onr community. These poles should be removed and modern under ground conduits should be installed. Our street lighting system Is a disgrace and steps to remedy it Sales of National Cash Register company in October exceeded 00O.0U0,, the third largest month la the company's history. Statistics on drug store sales sho-,v a steady increase In demand for sandwiches, soda water, electrical appliances and hardware. Hcneycomb coils, absorbs mois- j turo. They should be dried out if I they fall lo'perofrm properly. Committees Make Chamber Reports Genera checking up of the various CQ.mmttl let of the chamber of com merce for the year of 1MB, took up lhe major part of the time the noon lundo-on of the board oJ directors today. Through the vucinus reports which pvere given it was found the pro Kraut has been carried out in ;- moat sue, essfnl maimer throughout th year and that much lias been a .cotaidli'led. (jno of the most Important activi ties, which the cotitmllleci are work lug on now, is the compiling of an Industrial surrey showing thu vari ous Industries of lite county. Thl will be ready for distribution sont lime during the early mouths of 1020. That til l publicity committee has been OB the job was brought out In the report, showing that- Klamath county had been sold through motion pictures and various other forma of publicity, j Others to make reports were railroad, roads and highways, fed oral building, merchants bureau, civic, welfare, schools, agricultural and Innds settlements and the motor bureau associations. An Invitation will be extended to the new division englnoer at Bend to attend a noon luncheon of the local cnamoer sometime in the near future, so that he might better ac quaint himself with the situation In this county, since Klamath and Lake county have been placed under bis Jurisdiction tit the' Bond office. College Financing Is to be compllshcd v.lth bond Issues. Out Our Way SIP . JTT I J ; Mfe.2tV.-'-;', ' :-..'.. t-, I "SK - ffi " yiiffiftE?! mome-mt. .,.wLit,w 1'', .,11 ' . Bits of Nows From Towns Throyghdul an State FROM ALL OVER OREGON iti'coiii) is iiitulii: a record fr tlie siiecdy rofovery of an uUtUUAPblta Wirl made ItCfC UU Rftllll(la) when y.u Nelson, 16, wn" l)rrptud In Yreku three hours ufli r lie had Melon u Oliovrplbl cur on llio stt'eiiiH (iero, The car Is owned in 11, Ainloisou. Coaulllo bttrpeoter, BhartM llulpli Johnliigs brdughl (KB lad to Jiicltsonville in face charg e's, on his perktA w, re found wvergl car keys. Anderson had lust parked lhe car wh. n the boy look It. Thirty minute Inter, officers of Klamutb Palls (Hunts Puss and Yreku nre noil-fled. Nei'Min haj lived iii Medford tor n month, coming here from Callfornlu. Mgilfon) News. ItTOHHT U I SKD A charge of assault with Intuiit to kill has been riled agalnll Krod Alto of Hunker lllll by QlttTtBCl Jl cii toda; afier lib was attacked with ,i bfltehel at the Ulnbtad (tore in Itaakor inn last nigiu by aiu aiio hi tl evaded officers and was not placed under arfenl vet early this afternoon. According to the slory lold by Jewell, he was Iii lhe store waiting tor the bur: to come to thl ItrOftllBJ matt h. While waiting bo started playliit: the iilionogruph. placing u record on there without looking at it. PiteovejifiBg II lo be a Finn record mid tint understanding It, ho itopped the methlno and itartcd chaoglrjg records. Tin apparently offended Alio, who Is u Flnlunilrr, uud who sitirlort after Jewell uiiU a hulohul. lie struck blin liiick or the eat, uud also Inflicted wound i on the bond and chest, before lie was loppi'd. Oscar Olson was colli lo be n Ifttnes to the aits. Alto eotild not ho found this morning. .!, -ii stated Hint W came atogi reral teekj ugo because ha liked the von ii and planned to settle hero tie i a inutubor of the American I.' .mi ai Kl. Paul and ulxo of the illsubled veterans tlutre. lie served i! months with the n&th artillery over ea: . Coos Buy Tillies. COMIIsSTlOV IS Pltom.KM Problem of coAgMttOn In the Hoary cbool is one of the main topics being studied by the school officials during the lknlida.n. On view of the Inoreaagd number of children In Che tieary school district, the school hoard members arc considering rent ing a nearby building for school pur poses, or regulating the school tin y according to the platoon system, of having two different groups of pupils is" i lie : .ime room al ultcrnittc tlnioi Some ot the school board momln r have hien centralizing their activities and thoughts upon the Geary el i situation. Even though the problem Is solved for this year, some change will have to ho made for the coming years. It is announced. W, A. Elklns. chairman of the edu ailonal committee, predicts that n new building will have lo be erectid soon to relieve the congestion. Eugene (itiard. i.k.wks i.AittiE rorrn vK Peiltlon for Mrs. George Alvln Upudi widow of the Mlcblgnn con gressman and lumberman who was killed here several weeks ago. to he made ancillary executrix of her hus band's estate In Oregon, Is being fll- id by Attorney Claud II. Olios. Mrs. Loud wllll reside here, It was stated. mnking her homo In Myrtle Point. In the will of Mr. pOUp made pub lic today he names Mrs. I.oud irtnl Edward F. Loud, his brother, as ex editors of lhe estate. Edward F. L0U,d resides In Bay City, Mich., and plan.-, lo toko care of the Michigan property. Mr. Load's will divides his estate between bis widow and children To the widow he gives the homesfond In Bay .City, $2,60 a month us hlH exe cutor, and half of the remainder "I the estate. On eighth of the remainder of the state Is given ii each of his children, Dorothy, Esther, Prlncllln and Mnry Elizabeth. Two children by a former marriage are given flutitl each. In Ills will he tiskfl -tl)0t bis Orgeon nnd AttSftbla river property not lie sacrificed for nake of quick sale. The net estate of Mr. Loud Is -tlnialod at about S2II0,II(I0, Attor ney (i I Ion this week sold two million foot of cedar logs thai worn cut at lhe ft me of Ills dentil, to the Western Lumber ManufgetaFlnR company for about mi,0oi). -Marithflold .News. M.WV ATTllMI I'ROtiltA.M The Coiiullbt commiinlly liulldlng was (lile'd wllh iiiiprnxliiinlo1;.' Slid personal who attended the first oiim rminlty ClirlgttanH iirogram, which wag given itnijdr the ituapices of the Llonn uiitl Dtlellicss nnd Pi'pfooslohul Winnc i'u clubs of I Ills clh. A Ittl'.' o il. romled Chrlslniii" iron sinia plncoil In the tr p( ill" mm (lour. Bnntg Olnus wbi priuonl and di trlbutoil Kill'' io bllfli 'B botwoeri the ug s of "litilliliig und 1 1." WEMts HTTtAAV M.f so engrossed w.e, re u mcf ! of Hie Bend Hardware 0e in his work of di llfbi ltiK tuicltages Oils at tOrilOOp I lull p'gl ' ' Wife being or dered because tomorrow in Christmas. ii,. rotgol just as complotolj that December Is three fourths ovor. and lhe balmy We. lib, -r llldn'l help llllll io remeniber, II wau so wartii. nnd itllogellier I eiiJoyiihlo Mini n i.iraw hut unnmeil quite ibe proper thlug, Itollud up shirt shcvos, loo. learned entirely in trooping wlih Hi" Dead climate. Mi t'lui yon took both aforeaald lib erties with lhe winter Stylet lOI man's ittlre Bend DutletlB. iTOAI?,i, J a. j.i vvjl a.jis.iij' .I . 'r WASHINOTONW) LETTErLr,fr Ml l l Mil l s I . STEM AltT WASHINQTON Ktep perfeetiy Uiib i Iioti'l even breathe. Out ul lhe govern inept ' bureau of sluiidurds. en lhe edge of Wash ington, they're meesu'rldg the flta meter f .. mir hind leg. Will- your name on a sheet of paper, Keep ajnlel nualn. and they'll weigh ihul signature .and loll you how Dtpch heavier lhe sheel Is than It was while It was Still blank. ii.. nm. lei abcral u. ao'e nol to iisi,e up llio works, und they can determine ai the bureau of siumlurds how much the tii-tn of u man's body arMett tbc itemperatnre of a good ilied room. dojienillni! no wiiotner lie n iii or oui- side. l liev inn do all these Ihlnss, and more ion. equally marvellous nt tbfr of atendarda, provided every body keitps unlet onoiigh. The trouble Is thorn's vory little of the iiiii" hon ovoryhody will. The least llttlp thing Joggles Hi" dnyllghis out of the Infinitely deli cate machinery wilb which ihn bu reau's selentlsta'do their exP'Tiia- iii Ing. 'Unit's why the bureau 'e group of hvjlldlpgs Is on the edge of Washing ton. It was open country when It wan built as milcl as anybody could ask. Alas! H's quint no longer. Wniihlng ton hits spread out in thai direction until It's tt regular holler factory. , 9 A .layman probably wouldn't call il a holler factory, to be niirc. Tim finances am he'd consider If a very (iuiii spot, ii isn't actually in the .t". only, as previously remarked, oh the edge, Hut the way those scientists look at II Hi re's a very bedlam ot con cuvdoiiKtiind shocks. .MEMPHIS. Ti nil., A young Mein phlan. who confessed to havlnn stol on HOD worth of Christmas gifts from Hie home of Mrs. J. It. Taylor, was released yesterday when the lat ter refused to testify against hi m A dreary Christmas spent by himself and his wife In waul was given as bis reason for lhe theft. Candidgtel IM I SI I-. ."Bathhouso flumes," famous sti-am. gninn and physical culture cvnci BVoungstown, 0 Is a cniiillilnic for diuyoi- ot iiiui cuy, i ir (M man above bis bead wlih one hnmi r, aa shown In tho iihotograpb, can no ajraiironn spiko wlthhls.bnie y .