The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 29, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tuttoduy, December 29, 1925
Page TKro
I 17 C.
e u vogue store
8th and Main Streets
Mainly About People
Babe and liny Llghtfoot of CUlOO
have returned to ttfeM home tbore
after spending the Christmas holi
days horn with their parents, Mr
land Mm. I). Pi Llghtfoot of 1305
i Wonien. .
i ltoM ODKM,
.1. A. Mi-Alpine of 0dll in here tr
iiny mi business nation;
ftltKI'AKl) item:
w. m. Bbepard, connected with the
California Oregon Power company,
located in Medford, la a business call
or lit Kiiiinitih Fulls today,
will iialdwiv il,l,
Will Baldwin ot tin. Baldwin
Hardware store in confined to his! body
homo today wlili on rttiaek of lii
K rlppe,
CF.LIIIllt.vriO',-, plan.NF.Ii
.Voiii Amiotiiicaa celebrations Vqt
Kach liny of Kiohi itnnlYcmary i
Nutloniil Scout nnnlvaraary week
will be hi Id froi:i February 7 to
!.';. will be observ i by local scoots.
The tentative pVosrsm bus bean out"
lined u follow1!: ,
February 7 Hi outing and the
Church. TroopM churches In a
county superintendent of Clack i
miiK and Rice to ajtcooed himself.
k I). Bossier will bg returned to
the position of secretary-treasurer
without opposition.
(Jcnerul assembly tomorrow morn
ing will hear addresses by Cornelia
J. Spencer, the retiring president,
Dr. Elwood P. Cubberley. of Stan
ford t'niversity. Mm. J. P. mil. trice
president of the national eOftajre
Of parentu and teachers, and H
muoieal dramatization of familiar
I, liile Allen llyan, daughter of Mr.
mill Mr. Lloyd Kyan, who submitted
lo ji in In i j r operation at the Klnninth
Valley hoepltiil yesterday, was taken
to the home of her parent taut ove-
Fchruury H Scouting Anniversary i sooga by boys from Klllot lehoOl
Day. Ilc-commltm' ml Day. 8:15 p. j directed by Ml. .Mabel Hurley,
in. I Department sessions will begin
February 9 Scouting the School lit 1 ::to tomorrow afternoon and will
Day, Kpeeial .pi .!. at the 'be carried on throughout the r
February in -s.-outing and Home
Day. A inotheyK and Suns banquet.
February 11 Scouting and k.t-
Beautiful shatlta and Ihc latest modes characterize these
lovely dresses, Thcj come in lotlt silk and wollcn mater
ials and are very unusual offerings ;it
12.50 19.50 24.50
A svonderful line f dainty handkerchiefs is now being
shown. We alsn carry a very complete line of sweaters,
3.95 5.95 7.95
nlng. She Is recovering nicely from i vUt' Rn'l lurn day for nil
Ihe opelltlloll.
iinilndir of the convention:
Kebrpary li-rrScoutlng and Put
' rlotlim Day. A scout Pllgrlmum
i day.
February 18. lutldt and Good
Health Day. Outdoor .Scoutcrati
i dar-
Scoutmasters are urged to get In
Announcement was made toduy of ' m"" noiiuuiiaricrs ior peips
mi Of the Mattery Service stn-! "" hls program.
lion by William .Mueller to V. K.
if.. i .. . i. i . i . . .
iiiiiui. ... v. iii, iniiiin in iuiii' out oie
I i. ... ..t .. , . ;K. ins ....,1. 1
1,(1 IM...I 1.1 I..I M....II... I.. ' '
................ UG
umMng plana to attend college
AI.I.I'.N () lll'HI.VKHK
i. H. Alien, located at the engln-
eeni' camp nf the .Southern Pacific.
Ik here oti a nhort biinltietm trlti.
Tlif- Cyclo-Stormagraph at Under-
i woorl'a Pharmacy Know the re.4.
) sure to be rlslnif, ullghtly today. This
! will probably reiiult In lower Cem
i peratnre
KorecaHt for next 24 hoiira:
t'lear and cooler.
The Tycon recording thtrmometer
regletered maximum ami minimum
temperatrjfrea today aii follow-n:
High it; low 25.
NEW HAVEN. Conn,, Dee. 29,
The p-'.l)leitl of the origin of mail
i engaging the attention of Home
! "ii)o .. i' .-i', . , hero today for the
: dedication of tbc.Peabody Museum
at. Vale.
One section of the mimeum ttaa
exhibits outlining the theory of evo
i lu'.fon. The visiting scientists al
ready have had disagreements at
Dr. E. P. Coddard of the Amerl-
' can museum of natural history In
New York arcased a mild contr:i
P versy by his assertion that man may
! have existed In America prior to last
, glacial period, contrary to prevail
jlng scientific belief, which holds that.
; man eroded the Bering Straits from
' Asia after the last pre-hlstorlc Ico
flood. -"'9rW
Dr: Coddard etted the finding ot
flints found under 28 (eel if glan!l
Dr. Walter Hoagh, of the United
stales natural museum at Washing
ton took exception to Dr. OnddardS
coniluslons on the ground that I'm
examples found ware so advanced M
1 1 preclude the possibility of t h-J
being old litnl Intlttlred If It wore to
bo iiseitiued thnt. niun sprang full
grown In America without undergo
lag the usual evolution is exempli
fied In Europe,
Dr. Coddard retorted ti:?.t western
Europe In primordenl tlmse was not
oriously ba'.kwaia. "He may pro
yoke nie Into saying that man oi
Iglnated n America, and I don't
' anl i i do thnt," be declared.
England has lifted Iter embargo
on foreign loonoand will eompi
with' America In matter, of K,u
ropean finance.
Detroit employment has reached
a new hlKh level, for the tenth con
secutive week. The total- l now
2SS.S47 persons.
Family washing la decreasing In
volume and laundries all over the
country are increawlng in numHljT
and amount of trade.
Tie last census -returns show a
population In Continental America of
113,193,728, and Including' posses
sions. I2.7.'I2..HS.
Mil, . Hi. r f i vine i,i i lie muni , u i i 1 1 n uuiie
ertng ol the Holiday season Iron
I the Christmas dinner at, the old
1 ilorton ranch on Lost .Itivor. tVberi
rnuiii 1..1111.1 usw
t. S. Weather liureau
Oregon generally cloudy to
night and Wednesday. Normal
temperature; light variable wlndi.
Mrs, Velina Tlllnllson of LakoVlojr
is yialtlntln Klamath Fulls today.
j Mr. niul Sirs. U J. ftortOO were
I host and hostess in lienor of Mrs.
At the hour of 2:30 tomorrow uf
ternoon, December 80, the ladles of
Ihe Ten Cup club and the Ladles'
Aid of ihe Methodist church will hold
a Joint meeting at the homo of Mrs.
Chris llarnstable at 305 Lincoln.
.Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Poole and
Lon llurke. Mrs. J. O. Hnmaker, f .Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Waggoner mot
Charles Ilorton anil Jackson Hor-!uied to Med I : rd late this afternoon
; ton, all of whom wtra... '; onnta attend the musical comedy "A
the ranch which was hoiat.ieadvd Pair O'Fools" featuring Kolb and
by their father, one of tbe olile.-l ; Dill.
and earliest pioneers of Klnmsth
Among those present were Charles charged with operating bin mo
llorton. Mr. and Mrs. JackBOn Hor- tor vcnlcje ,v,h faulty lights. Ru-
ton. Lynn Ilorton. Mr. and
Mrs. I
dolph Jchlick paid a fine of $13.50
There's a long winter
ahead and velvet is the
vogue. A timely oppor
tunity lo liny a high
priced hat at a low liij
urCi All arc velvet of
this Season small and
large hats.
i , ... .- i .'. .
A'dvapced styles in Snlin
Hand .Made Hals for
hofida'y wear
4.95 to 12.50
Each unit every member Is urged lo i Lo Rurke. Millmrn Burke. ju5tlce conrt yes,erday afi,,rnn0n.
attendythe meeting which Is the first and Mrs. J. O. Hnmaker and daugh- ;
tile tallies hnvn held in. ,. I lit, HifamI- Inn Annn nml Mitrlnrlp 'Mr. null ,
ened epidemic.
JOOalc, Iva and James, of Bly.'Eatlj
ter;. Anna and Marjorle. "Mr. and , .VrTE.M)INO MI SK AL OMKDV
Mrs. Ceorge lloyd and youngsters . Prak,ord. ,,.klfi Km.
Teta I'nr All Scouts lo Take Place
At BeWtd All-t il) Hike
Mrs. F. Frankford. Ja.-kio Em
mons, Maude Hood and Vera Thomp-
j son motored to Medford this after-
, nnnn Inlp utteitit mnale.,1
bara of Ashland, Mr. and Mrs. Car-; ,, , .,
. i.i.i . , XI. 'i,,ih cumcu; a. i-.iir uruuis yi.. ui5 in
; Hainaker. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ha
maker and little daughter. liar
The Hucond all-city title
boy scouts will take place on Sal
iirdny. January second, scouts lo
meet at tlie chamber of commerce
Id the morning at 10:30. Second
class tests call for 1-
meat, 2 spuds, knife, hatchet, hand
Coll Crlffllb. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald
Oriez. Mr. and Mrs. Juck Hamaken
of the. Joan Ilorton unci John, Charles nndj
Juck. Hardy,
the valley city tonight.
Mrs. Stella C. Van Emon and Miss
pound of Stella Skinner, mother and cousin
of W. C. Van Emon. local attorney.
book, note book, pencil and kndnk. left yesterday morning for their homo
First class tests, articles and uten-, in San Francisco after spending the
slls for liu'nters stew and flup jack-, Christmas holidays with the Van
knife, nxe, handbook, nine book. Knions at their home on Melrose.
pencil and kodak. For Merit Badges! '
subjects. M. B. pamphlet and aril-, ItANISTEIl PROM MEDFOKD
t ies called fo- in The book. , Ora Banister of Medford is among
,lu, business visitors here today, He
' t t. ,, ..!,,,. HI III,, hnlnl .reiide
Miss Olive Wilson, instructor in
domestic science in the I cal schools
returned from the north Sunday,
where she has been tbe guest of
relatives and friends during the
Christinas holidays.
Edwin V. Andersdn Is plaintiff lit i
a suit for divorce against Bertha L. :
Anderson, whom he charges with ex- j
I c. K. ueeoe returneu trom .Meu-
ford this morning, where with Mrs.
Beebe and the children he spent
the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Beebe
and the youngsters will icmain in
Ihe valley city until after the New
Year's holidays.
Magic! Music! Mirth!. Mystery!
Magician and Musician
in a delightful and unusual program'
. ' .. . . .
Rupert Hughes' famous novel and pluy
"Excuse Me"
Every Minute a Thrill And a Laugh!
Matinee, 10 and 35 cents Evenings, 10 and 50 cents
For the New Year's Eve Midnight Matinee
Special Vaudeville Program and N'oise
inaking Contest. A Real Parly. lots
oF inn and refreshments.
Starts at 1 1 :00 P. M. Don't Miss It !
Tickets on Sale Now.
Mrs. Huff and children of Ctillo-
iteine cruelty. They were married at ! rtuin are visiting in the city today
Yreku. Cullf., two years ago and have "ltl friends.
no children. l ,
Installation of officers of the A.
O. I'. W. will take place in the A.
O. V. W. hall on Tuesday evening,
HOSIERY Rayon Ipswich Hose, in all
' ?
the late shades, 2 pair for 1.25 J
Ipswich DeLuxe Hose
In all the desirable colors, 3 pairs
to hnx. Per box
Kismet Pure Silk Hose
In heavy and medium weights. All
popular shades. Box of 3 pair
Fine silk chiffon hose,
,8 pair m$ -
For slyle dtld economy, irsWICII and HISMHT HOSIKItY nri
iliiinalched. Mveii lliough you pay twice or three llineii 1111 mtiolt
for your lioso us you will pay lor these ovo well known nml nation
ally; advertised brands, you will gel no heller looking or more
HCi'vlceiible hose,
tip- lall. ..h mmmm Hnalnift.M In i.l... .1 en I, I II " , ,,f ill,, l'e ift II el. S hie
Vt C III! Ill- HID l" ' i,n, . n , ...... .... n --
priciiH Hliown nbqyo. We are confliont Unit you will ptirpnaaa 4.
no other briind In Ihe fnlitre.
Kddle Matthews, arrested here on
Christmas night on a charge of pos
sessing liquor, will lie taken to Coos
county to onswej- an indict utent
charging him with non-support. A
Coos county deputy arrived here yes
terday to take Matthews Into cus
tody and will return' with him lo
Coos county today.
tieoige Mdntyre of the Kirsl
National bank, who left ten days
ago to visit his parents nt Aiuboy,
Washington, returned to his po
sition this morning. While north
Mr. Mclntyre surprised his hosts of
friends In this city by being marrlv.l
to Miss Kloise MclMierson, director,
of music in the Klnutnlh cOttnty
high school. They were married
ut I lie home 'of the bride's parents
In Portland. Today the popular
young collide are receiving con
gratulations from (heir uiiniberless
friends In this city.
I). A. It. TO .MEET
Monday evening, January 4. the;
members of the D. A. R. will meet j
at the home of Mrs. R. E. Wattori
hnrg on Pine Co- their regular bus-f
inoss session.
Mr. mid Mrs. Louis Nelson left;
Ibis morning for l.akevlew lo reside,
after spending the past week In tills
cily visit ins. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
were miiriled In Portland recently
and luive been spending the greater
portion of their lime in Klamath
Fulls since their innrvlnge. Mr. Nel
son Is In business at I.akeview .
Mrs V. K. 'llopktns, wife of V, R.
Hopkins of the hotel White Pelican,
uh'nilttad to an operation nt the
Klamath ileuernl hOBpitn! yeatptta)
afternoon. Word from (lie hospllul
late thhi afternoon is most favorable
for her speedy recovery, Mr. and
Mrs. Hopkins euino here from Los
Angeles several monllis ago and dur
ing I heir residence here have iiinde
injiriy friends,
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 20. (rf)
- Hustness routine and reception of
reports of various officers and com
mittees of tlie Oregon stale teacher '
association occupied' the full session
today of the, annual convention her 1
Tomorrow the convention will diviiK
Into groups for depart inent study.
Election of officers will he the
outstanding feature the latter pari
of this afternoon.
J. S'.l Landers, president of the
state normal school m Monmouth,
is expected to advance to ihe presi
dency from Die vlce-pre -ndeney uuto
matlcally. Tie- only contest will
be in the election of vi e president
for l!12ii.
' 1 County mill meat In s send In,
nominations tor vice president, Four,
names were sent in this year anil
these lire Mrs. Alice Bacon', super-j
Hi ton dent .of schools in Josephine
county; Mrs. Susan lie Homes-Carter, i
county school stfpl'
Jackson county; Mrs. Mayhelle Wil
son Church, leuchor in the Rose-I
liiirg city schools nnd'M. S, Hnmni,
ejty school superintendent of close-j
.Nominees for successor bto-J. O.
McLoughlln on the executive board
sre S. W, Bnhcock, superintendent
Seaside school,; Frank Huumiiii,
fluperliilendeiii McMlnhVillo schools;
Mrs. Kniniii liryani, Washington
county superintendent; L. N'.
Turiilnill. TlllnmoojJ cily Mtperth
tenileut and J. O. Mcl.iuighlln of
Corvnllis, to smceed hlliiself.
' For successors lo C. A. Hice on
the executive lioard, It. E, Can
Bbn, ptlrtilpnl Union high school of
Qresham, .1. L. Onry, of West Linn
union high school, rti'cSfiton nredder,
.Mrs. E. E. Hayes and youngsters
who left the day before Chrislmas
to spend the holidays at Prinevillo
iwttn Mrs. Haye's mother, Mrs. C.
Ayers, will remain away for the
month of January. Mr. Hayes re
turned home. Monday and will re
sume his position with the highway
Big Double Program
Two Widely Different Pictures
ami Sloth Kiitertainiii";.
lias lots oi good conieilv and some exciting moments.
is a qtiiclcnipvihg western.
New shipment or new spring dress
es, just received at Bee ltegin s
Dress Shop, marked nt $16.75 to
SIS. 7,'.. (Adv) 2S-3U
With the next fOrnm luncheon
planned for the first Wednesday in
January, which falls on the sixth.
plans are being made by the local
chamber to make Ihis one of the
Jffggest meetings of the year. There
will be no foitaln tomorrow.
SMITH To Mr. anil .Mrs. BerriaW
Smith of Klumaih Falls, boy,
S 1-2 pounds, at the PriAta
McADOO To Mr. and Mrs: Ivan Mc-
Adoo of Klamath Falls, hoy. Sifi:'.
pounds at the Private Sanitarlil
'' & id, i, ".' .'v'
For The
Dinner Dance
at the . ,
White Pelican Hotel
December Thirty-Firl t
Dinner Six to Nine Dancing 8:30 to 2:00 a. in.