; ;;.tt. T tff. ' rtf EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Tiimlay, December UL!, V.K'J Page Threfl Mainly About People NO ( 'HIllSTM.ts hKKVH'KH Rev. A. I. Rice 'of ,. Flral Pres byterian church uiiuouncad thl Till: i:.riii;it Tiic ' i'ii-t;i i iiiiu j-. in UdiIi r wood's rhtii iinic: i 1 1 1 1 w i . ttto bnro- . metric prawnifi tun lutiu'.i'ii iji" IliHt report. Tin' iri ii'iil disturb- UiOl Ik ii "freak" Inasmuch iim ti camo in mi a riHiiiK prisur. RprWiii 'r ih'xi si hours: cloudy "nil unaottlad wlih i. iim" indications favbrablo for claarbii sroathor tomorrow, Tlir Tjrcoi n. online i In i ntomi u r roglatpfud maximum mid mltflmtiin I in n ra 1 u n h today ah follows: IIIkIi i'pi low 10. j.vm; HTUIOKli iif.ui; Juki' HUUior, "n of J. J. Kleiner, will known I il iiilicrlN rut ul liili Hon, arrived in Urn oliy from Mad tori) lam avonlni mi a combined buulnnwi anil plenum" trip, HI'WIAI. UIHISTMAS KFIIVI' l. SS 10 N l.rl'llllllAN t'lll'llCII chamber of Cotoaiorc iionum fj, v. 1 1 off in it ii , Pastor Bpadltl ablldrea'a HrVit Ubrlatv in an i.vn, December 24, ul 7;. in. Hi'ivii.' ciirii.iiiiun morning i IttlQi Bormolll "'l'li' Hory of Hi,' Chrhii child." Buodny lohool, morning worship und mill" Meat iii iii" iiiiiai Urns iiuxi tfuaday, bocombor 27. ICKTI liV PROM HKIIMi I'AKTV Hi'iiul Kxocullvn K. 0, Nurd ami iivo oputmaatora returned Monday train mi attempt to nUI iii Crater 1,11 In'. doing wun rough, according In N'ord, lb" wculher won bad ami Mil pitrly wan forced to return with out , aatinji Uin hike. Another ut- icmpt lo inako II lo Hi" Ink" will Ii" mail" Iiiiit on. ;-K'-:''V ':'. ' .' 141 ML mi,i ti.vi; ' A appoint mooting 'if Mamml lodge, No. 77, wun ll"ld last oven inn when clociWo officers f ir tb on mlii,: yt.ni' Installed. Wan) ntreatna CkMwd . Cloarni r cartain isolated stream Md latUm In Ihu '! ' of fish eniiservutl ii wan iinki'd lust night ill a i-i.ioluli.il picpnrod hy ili.j Klamath ;l;;'i: i 'nii'n'a nsisoclniluti for fon a nl in K io Stui" Oiimn Wiirtldi AvitIII. rinsing wum .1 inn In Uin nana pi Was i.uka, Maiden Lake, iili-ll ir.-"j, Crooked crook from th" hatchery to tho highway, North Fnrk Of Hpiagii" river. It wan nisi requested that Upper IClajpath Lake pud i.uli" Kwuliun bp opened (Dp year around. Si Western Autoes r3icM i- j . - vtjlwa . :i - -" - Last MMCjijf Sale Ends December mm ti Auto AccoHsorlcs uro always apprcciatcxJ. They add to the comfort, pleasure, economy and safety of motoring. Only a few days left to take advantage of the additional sav ings offered during this ule. Your selections will be wrapped ready to present. Many articles not shown below are included in the sale. Our Qift to You - an Inner Tube Wear-well Cords 30x3 Igdt $8-95 30x3' ViTirKi" 9.75 30x310 ggS 10.95 30x3'. jjgi 13.80 31x4 $gg 16.95 32x4 17.85 33x4 j&8: 18.65 32x4'- JJ8f 25.75 33x41 MS 26.85 34x4'o y;;,:': 27.90 WILL BE GIVEN wllh rvrrf Wtaor-woll. W?trn (ilant nr.rt WVatcrn Olunt luloon !ir boOKtrt ftt onr rpRiilar low prtotpt WhiUiir "ovi drfvo a light, aMdlm r hotivy OWi a "Western Auio" tin will meft your rwitilr PWltii Thry tiro TnnnuftuTtureil ac OOfdtnf to our hjfftl ntniultirdw of tltiallty and f:tU1 (Urect to you, Thin nifthfKl of dlirtrluutton pnaMt-M tin to Hl (Ihw high grade, de rendiihto ttr' at lowr prleen. Our HLi'nii trti'Lranle fully proteins yon, BLUE RIBBON Tube with Woor-wcll Corda JUMBO Tube with. Western Ginnt Corda This offar good only during thlaiala - JnLWv if . Glovei and Robes 15 Off Olovofl and ChuinUotl nf vnrtouii ntvli'i' In hltu-k, tun and Knty lruthiTH nml nll WOOl, warm. 'Vunfy" Auto HohcH mnke excellent Etfl. A re'luctlon from our rojrular low nrico durim; Kid ) ;ifi H ili'." ' 1 5 -I nan 0 , Wedge Cushions A girt that win 1'i ing houn tr oomfofl hii-ai tor wom en driver dr bfirfldni of m;ill Hi at uro rt-.ttH tho Liu k on loutr" ilrlvofl. .mi. (ilt't Sfih jirlcti In . ai ond nt S1.C6. $1.23 Windshield Cleaner ftlundurd Modol A timely gift for Bofcty uno nhould un on every car. ThO Btondard In un auto mat lo inodi'l- cUuir vision I'l II!" 'I "0- dili'Pil to A llon.l f M i nt rntupnit prlorri ranging from 680 to $1.69. tuir vision $2.15 Flower Vase K-ipfa'lnlly ui'prt't'i.itrd 1,;, wonirn uuikon tho en cloml cur inoro hOmey en hajicea Hh appwiranoo U10 hti.Mtlflll cut gliirtn boly l.'i nimovabla Biokwt4itod Rale urlce. mch, . 1 1 I D Othen mluced to $13 and Flashlights lloro'a ii Rift that plOUoa pvoryoofl ti high tjuttUty tuhular, L-ctdl (lafihll)UU ! e&xlVfr, with 9-Tnoh flare, i'muiiuoIo with hat- tiry and bulb, roduood CUft Halo irkHfi mi other fUmhllk-hw Joe to 2.49. $1.26 1? Stop Signals Drum type Mturdy noat brilliant and dependable no boloa to drill faateni to tall Ihrht or lloeul brftokot. i :Mpt'.'lally rO- fl 4 QQ duoetl to. ........ V I id J OJthdl ntop algnulH $1.48 and $4.C5. Have a Radio in the Home This Christmas Complete $110.00 Kiullo nn you want it. Tone, volume, st' loi'tlvtty. Blmplldlty and beauty. A live ttlba tuned radio frequency .nt.-t. built es pfilally for tho Wc.-Uern Auto Supply Company by one of the- largest and uiomI reliable manufaot urer.H of radio porta. All that the VVeatorn Aut6 Supply Company hofl In resource8--aIl ibat It ban In reputa i lop for raaponalblllty and looderahlp- -tho good will 6t hundroda of thoiiaandi pt motorlst.i all over the W'oM stands back of this Ideal radio set. No home is comploto without a radio. Suggestions "Williams" Fooi Accelerator for Ford owners. Clocks, Courtesy Lamps, .Bumpers, .Motometers, Wind Wings, Electric Cigur Light ers, Radiator Ornaments all at reduced prices. IF YOU fflS can'1" JSr DRIVEg -More than 125 Stares In the West' 9 TAT a Ai JL. SiipplyCo. SEVENTH AND PINE STREES Klaiiinth Calls, Ore, , It SHOP EARLY Store Open Until 9 P. M. 1 Saturday, mornlns ibat tii" i i.' mil i aafylcaa in" ti un- apldamlc Kltla. At thn lima tho nhunli iihmiM I i Ii inc. a iim cantatii ildored aafe f'.r puli. for thin rouiion tho . bi oarrlod oui. ir, llnv. Illc.i will carry man acrvlre In hi i will ho no 1 iim cbnrch iplnal mania i chlldran of r hen prur- araj not cou iralherlnitH no Kram cunnol next Sunday ut the Cbiiat-moa. A HANK ! ( II IIIAtTEIi In n tnnk, aa In i man. airoui; charactor aaaartd u- In meaJy Krowlh with no loan ! IdeBUtXi If baukliif lilintliy u 'i, tha'atTenR ih of obaractar la Impulrod, Tho Identity of tha lllhernla flunk of Han Krai, "i hui heon malntainod during all the Klxty nix youra of lia life. t wan the I II her nia In 18.19; It In ti,.- lllhernla tto- nay. In thh yenra wn t.'j other liankii 'have come anil none, have la-en inerKed and ahicuhed; Identlt Iium boon leat, charaiter haa tbaof "il. I lie lllhernla n-iaina It, orU- Inal name, preaervi Its Identity aim crown uti.-adlly la mrciiRlh ol iharaetor. MOVBlt HOME .Melvin Mjyer aioi of Mr. and Mrs. V. N. Jloyer f Merrill was a brief vlnltr.r In tbe rliy enroute to bin home at Merrill. Ho will apend the holiday mllh hl parents. COt'RT OF HOMHt TON'ICHT Tho Tourt of Honor will meet tonJfht at tho court honw In tb plretnl court room ai tha hour uf elRit o'clock. 8cOuis ar.' to meet In the rooms of the Ami rkan LcrIoii H aeven o clock to iia-in the exiini- Inlcg hoard. I'areu1 r.nd frlcndx of the boy mre aak' d to he Heated In the courtroom promptly at eight o'clock. All scouts who are able ar" aoki-d lo com dressed In their uniform. Klsht bora will pasa th court tonight.' FORMER RBWDSST IHK3 Word has Ikoo recelred in th. Ity telling of tbe death of an old Klamath resident, Jay Yurdy, who passed uwny at his ranch home "asi of Iteddfng, California, on last I'uesdny. Mr. Sturdy will bo re- iii" in I" red I" re by a number of the old-timers wlieri he lived fur many iir.i. A nnmbor (f yearn ago but health failed and he moved to Ited illiiK where be npeut bis last days. Cancer was the cau?e of bis death. lie la aurrired by hla arUe, a daugh ter and two Bona. Hla daughter is teacher in tbe schools at Seaside. Oregon. Th" two sons reside in southern California. an nuo chjiistmas party Mr. and Mrs. Harry Poole will be host and hostess on Christmas are lo the employees of the Pine Tree and the Liberty theaters with Christmas party at the I'ino Tree. A Christmas tree and gift exchange along with musical acts and a mus ical program will be features of the evening's entertainment. CHRISTMAS I'l. AY TON ItJHT The annual Christmas party of th" -..indents of tha Henley school will take place tonight. A program has been arranged und a Christmas ircn with an exchange of gifts has been planned. . FROM PASADENA H. Hamilton of Pasadena. Cali fornia, on business mutters arrived in Klamath Kalis last evening. I.AWSOV COINfi SOI I II It. l.awson. brolheirltt-law of Hav Poole of the l ino Tree theater leaving tqraorrojv morning for Oakland after sn 'tiding the imi siting with jMr fortnight hart and Mrs. Toole. Tins is Jlr. Lawson . first visit to Klamath Falls and In expressed himself aa very nun l' impressed with the city. visiTiNt; u noi.s home Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Ki'te of Ku- uelie are the house gliosis 01 uieir parents, Mr. und Mrst O. A. Nlchol ol the Peerless lunch. They plan to remain over the holiday season. IJSK HAS I A OR1PPK Frank l.ee, well known lumber man. is eontined to nts room at ini hotel White Pelican suffering an attack of la grippo., Willi MAI.1N HAVOHERH Mf, and Mrs. W. M. Ireland, well known ranchers of tho Malln section, among the out .'1 town visitors in the city today. FltoM MFItltllil, ROAI) Business matters brought L. F. fjQOrtaon of Merrill road to the lily ivver Mondny. ItlCH.MOMI liFTI ltS (I. Fl, lliehmond. land agent tor the Oregon Trunk line, rotnrned lust oveblnit from Portland where ho has been on mfltters connected with hla i omiuuiy for several days, to- Give Wearing Apparel ' t So many gifts are diatributrrl during the Chrislmas season which may be expensive tokens of friendship, but yet are more or less impractical. Wearing apparel, on the other hand, is always acceptable and yet always practical. Who is the boy who will net appre ciate a nice warm mutller or a flaring colored lumberjack sweater) Who is ihe girl whr, will not welcome dainty, soil, silk underwear) HWho is tin, man who does not rejoice in a new collection of neckties? Here at Pilcher's we have an inclusive assortment of every thing for the man, woman and child. Shop early I 4 Exceptional Dress Values Beautiful shades and the latest modes characterizes these lovely dresses. Excellent selection of 'oil et Twills, Flannel Stripes, Pen cil Stripes, Crepe-back Satins and Velvets. In black, toast brown, iienna, tan, brown and blue. Sizes 16 to 50 16.50 Nothing Is Left Undone to Satisfy Every Need in Christmas Buying. Every member of the fam ily can lie supplied with presents and wearing ap parel from PilchcrV Your satisfaction i.s su preme. . Scarfs In beautiful col srs and fancy figures. 2.39 ' 3.29 Ladies felt comforts Women's Footwear Patent one-strap, satin $5.90 one-strap, buttoned Patent Colonial, Silver buckled. Satin Colonial, $5.85 silver buckled 79c to $1.89 LADIES' COATS A large selection of stunning styles and marvelous values. Latest winter colors in Bolivia, Velour and Suede cloth. Large fur collar and cuffs. New flare models. '. " . '..-: . ..' ';' - 10.00 to 125.00 A good ninge of sixes. Ladies' Undergarments ':i Radium silk, crepe de chine md glovjs silk, nicely trimmed ivith lace and embroidery in color comhfnattpns. Vests! I Ii miners. Teddies and gowns 98c to 39.98 Silk Umbrellas attractive colors, best grade silk covering, slrougly made, 4.98 to 9.49 Utile from SI. Jit lo SM.DS Gloves Kid gloves with fancy trintnifti cuffs, wo men's auto gloves, wool lined to keep hands warm . $:S.-lt Wnslmhlf BueGC 40c to $i.lt) (hildit'ti's fXool and Klllt KlOTOH tlllC ChMdivn's Washahlo ucdf n'vos Ilk' Ladies' Hose A most useful and worthy gift A gift of all year service. Rayon silk in all coloi-s 98c Pure silk in full fashion hose in all latest colors 1.49 to 1.98 K-APILCHERCO INCORPORATED Department Stores :: k ? 1 1 It i Y f f i 1 t t T f f f t I f T T T T Y t Y Y Y Y Y aWW