Saturday, December i!, 1025 EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON Page Tive Ouster Move Is Started in Bend 1 IIKNI), (He . lii,', I 'i PHI Ilium unking mi oloetlon for tlm ra mi! of Mayor I!. II. Fot nnd itl members of bin council wore filed I horo with iIim i lly recorder. Tim pullllonii DOM III" liamiMi ill VII i i' rn- r the oltjf, it win atl4 that caiidlclnlun In pit UKUliint IIiii seven would nut ho imimtd until the five ilny period allowed. ly law lor iiio ril(Dtitloo oi iii" board non bin hnn olnpiicd. TBI fight Dllf In llm outcome of n Inn,: controversy ovor rlty wntor bonds recently or dered mild. I. urn drennon on mil" at don l!u gln'n DfSM Shop for only 10. tAilv) I-III House Working on President Coolidge WASHINGTON, M(, 18. (P) Colonel K. M. II Jim", fur yonrs Prwidoni Wilson's oonfldsnt and appoint.' 1 by him n member of Hi" V"i-i:illl"!i pence commission. 1 1 u liouii" Kutat of President Cool IiIku II tbl Whim House DRAIN Hcwiai, WASHINGTON. Dm. 10. (JIV Ariji'iiilii" Amhuuitudor Piieyrr-don Inn, t"l"i:rutili"il George Saund rn of ChlClgO, who mail" charge Wod iniiliiy ilnii Argentine i:ovirn imti I train reports hmi bun tnsnlpalstid, 1 1 fin it," information on whicii 'liiTK' i wit" bused for names of .'.rK ii 1 1 ii ii official whom It" accused. i Everything in Electrical Fixtures l'ir tlic lioiiuv Iruiis, washers, Lighting Rxturts and accessories, i i. tec "s fr expert house wiring. Link River Electric Co. A Christmas Gift For Readera of THE KLAMATH SUN and LUMBERLOGUE The Klamath Sua will be increased by the addition of a New Eight-Page Magazine Section With front page in colors Effective Tomorrow, Sunday December 20 This section will be a permanent feature of the Sun and Lumberlogue, with others to be added later. A good present for your family a ood present for your friends. Lumber news, local news, wire news. Magazine section and comic section in colors $2.50 Per Year Delivered to You THE KLAMATH SUN and LUMBERLOGUE i 121 North Eighth Street P. 0. Box 1018 A Colonial House, Economical i 6-ffxtt'-3' 9 DEO ROOM I nJI BflUKQ ROpM 1 J Kfe'xlfo jLmm KITCHEN fcrjjE Tf 1 BEDROOM 1 " Livestock Prices Show Some Drops PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 19. JP) No livestock receipts today. Ke celpts for the week (approximately! Cattle 3515; calves 640; hogs 8195; sheep 2315. Cattle Compared with week ago: Mostly steady; calves and vealers unevenly steady to $1 lower; week's bulk prices: beef steers $7 to $7.85: top $8.25; cows and heifers $3.75 to $5.75; top heifers $6.35; can ners and cutters $2 to $3.50; bulls $3.60 to $4.75; calves $5.00 to $7.50; best vealers $10 to $12.00; others $5.50 to $9.00; limited move ment of feeder steers at $0 to $6.50. Hogs Compared with week ago 25c to 50c lower; week's bulk prices light butchers $12 ta $12.25; top $12.50 Monday for 'a part load; heavies and underweights $12 down. Packing sow3 $3.50 to $9.50: slaughter pigs $11.50 to $11.75; I feeder pigs 50c lower; mostly $11.50 ! a few at $12.00. I Sheep compared with week ago: : fat lambs 50 to 75c higher; other ' classes nominally steady; medium to j good Willamette aVUey lambs $13 -150 to $14.25; medium quality fat ewes $6 to $7; nothing good offered; one double deck of broken mouth breeding ewes late Friday at $7.75. BOOS DnOF PORTLAND, Ore., Doc. 19. (P) Eggs 1 to 2c kwer; current re ceipts 30; fresh medium 20Wj28'4; fresh stand firsts 29 U 29 14. Christmas story: "Mama, can I hang up one of sister's and lot Bantu Clans think It is mine?" i Buy for her a practical Xmu gift 'at Bee Begin's Dress Shop, 129 So. 7th St., next to Shasta cafe. (Adv) 15-191 IK ejf.KK a Christmas present o: a pair of glasses to the eye that need them. Tell your mothei or father or sister or brother to have their eye3 examined that It's a Christmas gift from you. Dr. H. J. Winters Rye-Sight Specialist We Grind Oar Own Glasses KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON "You can not have un alloyed happiness at any time of the year unless you enjoy an unobstructed vision." says IthffaiediyAf Vint Floor Home No. 1 1 2 I L ...... IHE builders who developed the various styles of Colonial architec ture laic! as much stress on economi cal building as on pleasing design. M That is one of the reasons why the types of Colonial architecture continue to be ixpular generation after generation. A Colonial house is always simple in its de sign. But that does not mean that it is devoid of charm. It is after all the lines of a house and its proportions that determine its architectural merit. Its details, such as doors, windows and cornices, of course, can add much to its attrac tiveness; but only as details and not as the center of interest. That is why gingerbread porch ornaments and stained glass transoms over doors and windows are no longer the vogue. The jigsaws have been laid away, and the longer they stay in storage the better for American domestic architecture. The face brick house illustrated at once makes an appeal as a substantial, dignified home; and its first impression will prove a lasting one. The wall surfaces will prove particularly attractive in buff or red face brick in a variety of tones laid in Flemish or English Bond with a fairly wide mortar joint. This house is especially suited to a lot with its Irontain: on the West, thereby givina a southern Second Floor Dtiigrud by Emery J. OhUr Courtetjt American Face 3rkfc Auocimtion exposure to the leng side of the living rocn and an Eastern exposure to the dining room. The porch has been placed on the garden side, thus giving it as much privacy as a rocm in the house and also giving it the advantage of overlooking the garden. The kitchen has been placed on the front of the house, with an entrance on the side. Notice how conveniently it is located to the front en trance as well as to the dining rxm; and also how conveniently the porch is connected with both living and dining rooms. The first floor is compact in its arrangement, not by crowding the rooms together, but by utilizing all of the floor space to the best advantage. The second floor has been especially well planned for a house of this size. The principal bedroom is exceptionally attractive with its fireplace and windows on three sides. A sleep ing porch could very easily be added by carry ing the porch up two stories. The other two bedrooms are also splendid rooms, one with windows on three sides and the other with windows on two sides. All of the bedrooms are provided with ample closets. Altogether this is a comfortable and con venient six-room house. The rooms are un usually large for a house approximately 30 feet sauara cyft the TINE TREE "Never the Twain Shnll Moot." Peter B. Kyno's enchanting story of tlm South Sen Islands, will he shown at the Plni Tn'u Theater Sunday and Monday, according to an announcement nidi by the man- Igemmt yesterday. This plcturo was plcturlr.ed In Tahiti and Moon'a, two of tho fam ous Islands of the South Sen group. The cast Includes such prominent players as Anita Btiwirt, Itert Ly tull, lluntly Cordon, Justine John stone, George Seigmunn, Lionel llol moro. William Norrls, Kmlly Fltt roy, Princess Marie do Hourhoti -uud Florence Turner. Perhaps never In the 'history of moving pictures has thero been a story tlliriod against mu ll gorgQOUlty beautiful backgrounds as UkOII which appear in "Never the Twain Shall Meet." Filmed with all the magic and romanco associated with , llfo in the South Sens, this photo-1 play "sounds an entirely new not -! in tho literature and drama of nio-1 lion pictures. Safeguard Your Home It does you little guod to scrape and save to build that homo of ycrj1., salcsa you take tops to see that It la protected. rile 'ine sine wav to bo protected Is to take out tiro Insurance. Wo are nitents for tho world's largest companies. Our rates nro ronsonublo. Wo glvo poiaonal service on ovary claim. J. H. DRISCOLL HART BLDG. Surety Bonds PHONE 432 Life, Fire and Auto Insurance oAt The LIBERTY If you like the sea with Us cruel ty nnd beauty, if you wish to get : awny from the ordinary play of society life and the hustle of cities, if you appreciate great' nctiug nnd I wonderful photography, then, by : all means, see "The Storm Prenker" starring House Peters which is play in;; at the Liberty Theater Sunday anif Monday. You will not regret going, for you will see one of the most forceful and thrilling picture j plnys of the year. floutio ivirs has scord many ' triumphs during his Btagl nnd screen corner, but it is safe to say thnt this splendid actor has never equalled what he has done with Hie character of John Strong. Dom inant nnd domineering, supplement ing his great strength Willi an equal ly strong courage, deuyini; thl pow er of Hod and man, Strong, In tho acting of Peters, blODmes a living forceful reality. Peters makes you want to crush John Strong, he makes you laugh with him and to ! ward the end lie makes you sym pathize with him. Only a great lltor can do all tills, and such is i House Peters. Beanty secret: tNot sending your laundry on timo will make your shirts look dirty ns everything. Federated Board Fails to Convene Absence of the. president, U. S. 1 Rooder, nnd the busy rush of the . holiday season prompted the post- j ponement today of t no regular meet ing of the Klamath Federated board, which was scheduled to convene in the chamber of commerce this after noon. "The board won c convene again until the first Saturday In January." Lynn Sibtn, secretary of tho cham ber, said today. Roofing High Quality Slate Roofing at Mail Order Houses Prices F. O. B. Our Store 422 Klamath (Old Dodge Garage) See it before you send your money out of town and wait for deliveries. Now is the time, to give your old roof a new coat, will add years of service, inexpensive, easy applied. Have it in stock in 5s, 10s and 50 gallons. A. F. Graham Office 420 Main St. Store and Warehouse 422 Klamath Ave. Phone 526 Give Ypur Family A Real Treat at the Club Cafe "BEAUTIFUL BUILDINGS are BETTER INVESTMENTS" Get the Most For Your Building Dollar See H. R. Perrin BUILDING DESIGNS PLANS ADVICE ESTIMATES SUPERVISION 209 Hopka Bldg. Phone 250J