gi Eight EVENING BBKAU), KLAMATH, FALLS, ORBGON Wednesday, December H25 ilOO-HI.AVIA ROCKED JIELGItADK, JuRO-SluvIn, Dor. 10 Hp) Karln shocks occurred to dy In tunny parts of the. country Considerable damage ... reported You can't expect your engine to give you the best service unless you give it good crank case service GENERAL and FIRESTONE Tires are the best Klamath Tire House "Cap" Calkins Klamalh Ave. & 6th St. Firestone, Genernl and Oldfleld Tires. Plenty Of Speed And Action To Feature Heavyweight Mix On Thursday Boxing Program Both McGreer and Keeler Have More Sneer! Than Usual in Heavy Men; Main Event To be Hard Fought and Fast; Winner to Fight Nig Yeager When Sugar Willie Keeler and Jack McGreer clash in tneir ten-round mam event at Scandinavian hall. Thursday night, they will be fighting for more than the winner's end of the purae. According to Matchmaker Sylvester, the winner will' be signed with Nig Yeager of Portland for a return match on a New Year's 93rd. Nig Yeager, seas.-ned ring vet - IB, is known all utenjr the coast , prising the fans by their ability to from San Diego to Grays Harbor, and both boys are anxious for a chance to squelch him. Fans arc turning out to the work outs In greater number than for any previous card held hero this summer, proving, for this once at least, that local talent likes to see heavies in action. Both McGreer and Keeler are sur- ttep. With both men the 200 mark, and with both of them fast and experienced, the fight, should be the best heavyweight mix ever seen here. McGreer in bis workouts sho.vs up as a real simon-pure hard hit ter, lipping them across in a way that shows he has been tbore aud ulso supplying a rer-son for the fact that he was ' such u good drawing curd down below. Jack Crlni and old Herbert aw working hard and mylng not much, In preparation for their six-round "battle of the century". Herbert has been out of the ring for soma tlmo and figures that Crlm Is a g.od peg o climb up on. Crlm figures otherwise, and that's what fights are for to settle such argu ments. Kuockcut-Hogan of Mullu, local budding world-bealei. stepped n tew fast rounds with Sugar Willie Keeler yesterday and as a resiiit Keolor Is prophesying fame, fortune and flock of gloves for the local lad. llogan Is matched to go four rounds with Jim Flomlug. whom be knocked out on the last fight curd with what Fleming calls u fluke. Fleming Is ' In excelleut shape, says It really was a fluke, and Is milling to abide by the re- suu ci mis ngni ior a public ver dict. Which Is as It should be. Kid Olson and Mike Mussollno will-start off the firoworks with a four-round preliminary. t 5 f I X 1 ? x Monday, duo to the meningitis epideml.-. all activities, except out door hikes, iwero called off by th,o scout executives. Open Every Evening Until Christmas SIZE UP TO THE OCCASION Sugarman's Before the Holidays Sale 1 - .'- if-- " SUITS and OVERCOATS Thrifty men are taking to these prices like kiddies to Santa. Measure up to all the social occasions now in order. Entire H. S. & M. stock in cluded at these prices. - Select any garment in stock and stick 1-4 of the price back in your pocket. 1-4 Off Styles Single Breasted Double Breasted 2 Button Sack 3 Button Sack 2 or 3 Button D. B. Slim, Medium or Stout Fabrics Twist Worsteds Fine Metcalf Ombre Checks Cheviot3 Serges French Backs Etc., Etc. "Your Size at Your Price" L- I :' fit l HrtS4aa I9JS Han Scliiffncr Mir Santa's Gift Distributing Station Dress Gloves A gift that a man will remem ber. Choice of Mocha, Kid, Suede, lined and unlined, all sizes and all colors. Price $3.00 t0 $5.00 Pajamas Any style that a man would care for. From the cambrics to the finer grades of silk and silk stripes, crepe de chine $2.50 t0 $10.00 Linen Handkerchiefs Fine hemstitched border, also with the drawn thread border. The finest of Irish linen. Plain white, a man's gift 50c, 75c, $1.00 Smoking Jackets In a way of a finer gift what would be more pleasing than one of these jackets. An all wool garment made up (1ft (f as men like them 1 U.UU Men's Belts Novelty belts in bx, $1 and $1.50 Ties, of Course No matter how many he has, one extra is always welcome. Choose from several hundred beautiful $Sand. $1.00 Scarfs A nice French flannel in checks and plaids.' Large assortment of patterns, fringed ends. For the man that dresses QQ Belt Sets Famous Hickok initial sets. 3 piece sets, belt, buckle, belt mon ogram. Any initial you want in several different io Aft styles f :PO.UU Suspenders Dad and big brother wears them Of the finer dress kind in dif ferent colors and in a nice holly box ready to (1 ff present f 1 ,UU Initial Handkerchiefs Fancy borders, 3 to box Garter and Tie Sets complete in a nice Christ mas box. Various colors to match. For those who wish to give something and fc 1 ff yet very inexpensive Men's Sox A man's favorite sock when it's Phoenix. 8' patterns in either the silk or the silk and wool. Buy by the box, j1 OC all sizes, pair .. Collar Cases For the man who travels thdse cases are invaluable. Designed to carry ties in as well. Keep ties, collors d0 C fresh and clean 6,JU Toilet Sets A nice assortment. Genuine leather cases with 4 to 11 of the most essential articles men use. Appreciative gifts $4.50 t0 $12.50 Comfort Slippers All sizes, cuff top, pr $1.50 Stationery is always needed, you'll do well to present her with a box from our charming display. Paper, of linen, rizzletone and water wave. Also some with feather edge, ajso gold and silver edge, price 19c to 1.49 ciulc a nice worm mulller or a flitfnl Colortd lumlirrjack iwcnlei Who it the Kill wlio will nut welcome dainly, soft, ilk underwear? Who it the man who doci not rejoice in a new collection of necktici? Ilcrc at PilcWl we have an inclusive aorlment of every thing for the man, woman and child. Shop curly 1 5! Yon Can't fii'vp Him Too Many Good Shirts $1.79 to $4.98 Handsome ties, bows, cut silk and knitted, in Christmas boxes 49c to $2.39 Modish Socks 49c to $1.98 t Heavy and light weight socks 19c to 69c X Soft handkerchiefs ea . 10C to 49c A Luxurious Mufflers 98c to $2.49 A Fine pajamas, the best sleepers use them $1.98 to $4.49 Y Sweater coats to keep him warm Y $2.98 to $6.75 X Warm union suits ..$1.39 to $6.49 A House slippers $1.19 to $2.75 A Bath robes $4.98 to $12.50 I To Cheer The X Feminine Heart She'll need silk under-things Y trimmed with lace and color com- Y binations of radium silk, crepe de chine, in all the latest colors and French styles 98c to $9.90 Handkerchiefs, give her a lot of good ones, 10c each to, box $1.29 A Under arm bags and beaded bags, A we have a large assortment from A 98c to $11.50 A Fancy silk novelties, powder puffs, A pin cushions, sachettes etc if 65c to $1.49 Y Jewelry de luxe Chokers in col- Y ored beads and pearls 49c to 98c J? Pearls, single, double and tripple strands 49c to $3.49 A Pins ,in all the latest styles and A colors 25c to $1.29 A Bracelets newest styles 49c to $2.49 Y Kid gloves with fancy trimmed Y cuffs women's auto gloves, wool Y lined to keep hands warm $3.49 Make It One of These For Christmas Practical Luggage A Welcome Gift All Leather Bags Steel Frame There's some thing snappy and trim about these genuine leather luggage. It looks neat and wears. Price $2.98 to $18.75 Ladies' Suit Cases Steel frames, silk lined, patent leath er. Just an ideal gift and useful, too $5.95 to $15.50 Travel Hat Boxes Silk lined", patent leather and other strong materials. Buy her one and save the hat $1.98 to $6.98 Suit cases, all leather, steel frames, good substantial handles and rein forced corners for better service. These will please $5 to $20.75 Compact Handsome Strong Trunks j Wardrobe trunks, 5 ply, 3 hinge Extra heavy reinforced edges and brass corners braces, good fabric lin ing. Built for hard handling. Nuf sed. Prices $37.50 to $47.50 Steamer and Standard Trunks best grade made. Price $9.75 to $22.50 Fiber Suit Cases Metal reinforced corners, good durable tough fibre. Substantial hand crips $1.98 to $5.49 IN OUR TOY BASEMENT toys and wheel stock Y You will find many useful and interesting Y that will last Built for hard service. V Wagons, Radio Steel Flyers, Roller Bearings A. Wagons, our Kite Coaster. Roller Bearinora Doll Buggies, Best Grade Rubber Tires Carts with Disc Wheels, Metal Body Wheel Barrows, Disc Wheels, Metal Body Don't Wait You'll Be Late Tricycle Electric Train, American Flyer - - Best Grade of Workmanship '. Don't forget we have Christmas Decorations i 1 I t f I A. $8.90 $6.75 $4.49 to $8.49 $1.19 $1.39 $5.49 to $14.50 $7.49 from 10c to 25c PILCHEKCO INCORPORATED cDenarttnent Stores 1 I lM L V H 4 i 4 i i) o T 4 f 4 A i A v V V A A t 4 P P iiz Vvhereo1j