Page Four EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON. Wednesday, Dgcembgy 1(3, 11)25 OKHY HI c hm It.l.VliOX CIIIUS'l M AS I'AKTV MONDAY NUW YQRK, Dec. 111. (V) A The iinniuil Christmas party r rumor that I ,cfin rrt Kip Khlnclnnder j tho Kcdron club members will bo had returned to his mulatto wife. tmltl on Moinlay evening at the Alice Hcnlrlrn Jones, was denied to-homo of Miss .Mary Hall, providing duy by I. una 1(. Jacob, New York tho meningitis epidemic la not con iiltornoy for ttrhtnolander. I sldored too serious. Richardson Springs J "Tbo Homo of tho Soft Shin" Near Chlco, Hullo Co., California A woundorful place In winter for any one soeklnc. health. Steam honied .hotel. Housekeeping or lamping. Address Lee Richardson, Chico, Calif. Excited by Majric, U. S. Official Dies WASHINGTON. DM, ll!.- ?V A heart attack coming at the high point of tin1 performance by n stage magician caused the death last Right of Frederick C. lllcka, alien propMN ty custodian, Slumping in bis chair at the llelasco tbealer just as the magician hypnotised a woman and caused Iter to apparently float over the stage, Mr. lilt Ks died before a physician could reach him. Mr. Micks, who Inst April sue ccded Thomas W. Miller as custo dian after the latter s resignation, hail served in the house of rvpre-.-niatlvos from New York from 1(12.1 lo 11S. Mr. lllcka was born at Wostbury. Long Island. FREE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES With Every Purchase of 50c or More Tomorrow (Thursday) Underwood's Pharmacy will give away three hundred boxes of Miss Savior's fine candies. A fifty cent purchase will entitle you to a box, but only one box will be given to a customer. Do your buying early as these boxes will not last long. Miss Savior says her candies are "Highest in Price and Highest in Quality." Let her prove it. One Box Free with a 50c Purchase IJMerwowfc pitaroijfY WSv KLAMATH FALLS OREGON wiS I Frigid Clasp Of Winter To Close Dredge Ice Forming on Upper Klamath Lake Im pedes Operations One more exceptionally cold night, and the California Oregon Power company dredge on upper Klamath lake will be forced to suspend oper.i lions for the winter. "The dredge is working at Modoc Point now," John Boyle, divlaion manager of the power company, said yesterday. "Otiorntlons ituvo been slowed' down le-cause of the ice on upper Klamath Inke and It will take Just ope move cold plight to force! complete susitenslou for tie winter." Tin.' dredge, which is operated by j ten men. has scooped out a log pond for the Algoma Lumber company and has practically completed the pond lor the l.afniu Lumber company. 'V, JVUrtt irtl 11 1UJ0 VM.I-.UU1T KB7 V WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE It if I puarfv- I BUY THEIR DRUGS UccuSac-vI feller, Jr.. back from u ten weeks j will abroad. The reason: vacation in Europe, has revealed j was here and ho ii worth that he left strict, orders not lo of me." 'Fa, her : dozen BainBridge Colby 1 ana wire to Zi plit CHEST l l Nli UOXKS Among the local store- where cheat Rtnd boxen have been placed by tho coiumunlly chest committee are: Moe s store, tnderw.oili Htuk Store, The Moccu Pool Hall, The Star llntK. The PaitUQti The Wol- dorf, McDonalds. The Eagle l'onl Room, the K. K. K. Store and the Gulden Rate, The soltclttiiR committee in lanrgol of the drive includes M. Savage. chairman: O. M. Hector, Percy Kvan, B, W. Vannlce, -3jrge l.lnd ley. a. M. oilier, W. M. Mo'ntaliaa, and W. W. M. Neeloy. Mils. CAIililE lit It.MAW Funeral services for Mrs. Car- lie llurniun el this city will be held tomorrow morning at Sacred Heart j church.. The Iter. Father A. L. i l.oeser will offer up a re'tnlem ttia: at 9 o'clock. To night at 7:30 the ladles of the Altar Sarlety of Sacred i Heart church, of filch Mrs. Ilur manu was a member, will meet at Wbitlock'a funeral h )mo and roctto ine mnarj, Jury May Report Today at 5 p. m.j Klamath's ;.rv.i-.l Jnry will report' to the circuit court either this af ternoon at 5 o'clock or tomorrow morn lot ft became known this af ternoon. Throughout the morning the jury questioned wiliv-fses on tho Frank TechoU case. Une of the ! principal witnesses wu William Cole, who participated In the arrest : of Techolt on the. dIkM of Novem her 2S. HEpTlKti is i osTinnki D.mrhfrr.s of Job t to Hon vein Tomorrow as I'hiumil BOXING Main Event Heavyweights 10 Rounds SUGAR WILLIE KEELER , 4 Champion of Coeur D'Alenc's Weight 212 Pounds Keeler has beat Frank Farmer. Tiny Herman, knocked out Chet Melntyre, also fought Tommy Gibbons and others. JACK McGREER Of Texas Weight 200 Pounds HcMcGreer has beat Max House and Bennie Ford, who was lim Jeffries' protege. Ho generally wins his fights by the K. O. Route. This should be a real heavyweight battle with iota of action. Semi-Windup Six Rounds 145 lbs. JACK CRIM, of Chiioquin Remember Crim's last fight? lie always gives the boyj! a run tor their money. SID HERBERT, of IQamath Falls Sid Baid "Get me somebody tough." We have Extra Special Event 4 Rounds, 165 lbs. KNOCKOUT KOGAN, of Malin Jim Fleming, of Klamath Falls llogan kno- ked Fleming out Ibe last fight anil Fleming said it was a lucky punch. So liogun will try to do it again. PItKLIMIVAltV FOCH liOCNOS KID pLSON vs. MIKE MUSSOLINO Tickets on sale at The Mecca, Waldorf, The Smoke and Itev jUUlanl Pallor. Klitgaiflo 9rt.U0, Boa. S2.20, Gen. Adm. flJU) Ladles welcome Under auspices Klamath Falls lluxing commission. SVIA'ESTMR, Matchmaker. Scandia Hall Klamath Falls Thursday, December 17, 1925 NEW VOltK, Dee. IC. . yP) Dainbrldge Colby, secretary of slate during parfqf Woodrow Wilson's administration, and Mrs. Colby have greed lo an amicable separation. Mrs. Colby sailed Inst night for Paris to join her daughter Kathcrin". stating emphatically that she would not seek a divorce In the French capjtal. Mutual friends confirmed news of the separation. Although they have been reparol ed for several months, the Colby have maintained friendly relations, Mr. Colby even visiting his wire fre quently at her apartment while Ho maintained a rcsiuen"- at the Plaza hotel. ttKOBQE McIXTTRE LBAVINfl George W. Melntyre of the First National bank Is leaving tomorrow for the stale of Washington where be will he the guest of his parents, fir. anil Mrs. J. If. Melntyre and friends over the holidays. He plans to return to bis position here shortly after Christmas. GLASSES Brighter Vision Clean vision enables a person to do much bet ter work than when the eyes are laboring under a strain. Coorl vision Is assured every optical patient that comes to us for eye help. We have helped hund reds of your neighbors and friends and can help you. DR. GOBLE 709 MAIN We grind (lie glasses In our own factory to suit each in dividual requirement. Repairs tjAick Service !'.! lo the meningitis epidemic which Klamath Falls Is attempting lo erase, thaj Daughters of Job will net hold Ihelr regular meeting to morrow night. The next meeting will he announced through the press, af t r it la believed the epidemic has passed. HRft MAGUIRK LEAVING Mrs. William Maguiro Sr. la leav ing tomorrow morning for Seattle win re site plans to spend tho Christ inas holidays with her son and itaugli-ler-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hoyt Ihd little son Jackie and her daugh ter Miss Mamie of tho coast city. She will stay two months in the northern city. Loan Funds Under Control of State The. Hull ml States Savings s Lean association has taken liver the assets of 'tl Oeuorad Bond and Mortgage company and ptii'chui'or of its ill!. lull atom bonds will be given Savlniis and Loan contract) la I he aattHjIntlOD In place ot Ibe bends, thus brlugtog 'be inent under the control of tile slate. Jgmtl D, Smith who HrtM district manager for Hie Western Sjuvltigs and Loan eam puuy has taken tho p.islllon of vie field supervisor for the association. Tlio local icpresi'tilallvo Is A. II. M n Inun. Eastern Star Party to Be Postponed Tiio Hasteru star has canceled its CBPd party abd musical program which was planned for this eveiiliiK. due to tho mangltU epidemic. Tho parly will he held iiiiuo time after the Ural of tho your, It win announc ed today by mam bora or the ordor, AMI III I.I. PASMIl WASIIINCTON. Dec. Hi. (f)' The Bingham (.'tnmgraral alreratl bill was paiiad by tho senale to day wilboitt a iccoi'd volt). Chinese War Lord in Decisive Fight BHANOlIAli Dec. 10. -(I') He p e l i from .l.iiiane ie sources say thai the fate of Marshal Chang Tuo- j .in. Uanueburlan war lord, prob. aid., lie ilecliled liy n battle imw rnglnj in Hie Paiklpu Motor, 40 miles iivct or Uukdvu, CHAPMAN 'ro pug HARTP6RD, Coon.', nee to. (!) Qarald Ohapman, mull robber ami slayer, must die March II, having boon denied permlanion to first nerve a ilt'-yonr (aoUUCI la Atlanta. - " a ViCjj if Worthy Gifts in Men's Wearing Apparel 50c to $5.00 Ties Cheney and Grayed silks, wool and knit ted, pleasing colors and made to wear. Gifts of merit 75c to 2.00 Initialed 'Kerchiefs Best quality grade, 3 in Christmas box 50c box Others from 25c to $1 TA CT- J& mm Slippers Finest line of men's slippers in town. Six numbers to choose from 1.50 to 3.50 Mufflers Silk and wool, plaids, stripped and plain in ideal designs and colors. $2 to 3.50 Naught Can Compare With Gifts To Wear PKAR KXOCKRIW SIEBT MEDFOUD, Ore., Dec. 10. tip) What Is believed to bo tho largest gathorlhg of pear crowers In the history of the world, assembled In Medford today for a ibreo days aes h i Mir. tinder the auspices of Ibe Ore- Ron Slate Horticultural Society. Wood BLOCKS Our blockwood Is ample for Ibe present. We' are taking part off the yards. DIIV SLA It Our dry slab Is not entirely dry. It Is good for tie- beater, but not for the cook alove. LIMII WOOD is first class dry llmba and tree tops. It is dany wood for beater, furnace or fireplace. COAL Sure, we have coal. Lump coal, beat on the market. BHIt VICE Just a little behind with deliveries. Order early. Wood Coal & Fuel Oil PEYTON 8C CO. " "WOOD TO I1UUN" 601 Main Phone 535 Bank Sells Assets for Sum of 800 .MKI')KOi:r, Ore., Dec. 10. The closing chapters in the failure of the Bank of Cold Hill. Cold Hill, Ore., in March; 19M, were written in the records of tho circuit court, win n up on recommendations of Hiiperlntond enl of Hanks Hramwell, bids for the romaJnlng assets of the defunct insti tution were ordered. , Tho assbtfl eoiniifit of a house and a lot and collectible notes of Percy II. Bell, former president, und cash ier, whose sentence of ten years In lb" Male prison was recently re duced by Covernor Pierce, followed by a parole. Walter Zimmerman bid ir,OI) tor the bouse and lot, which in oneuin- bered by a mortgage of $1700, held by the Jackson County Loan asso ciation and Albert PdOkey bid for the notes. $,100, lloth bidders live In Oold Illll and the bids of both vcre accepted. Honestly, the best policy is io let all's well that ends well enough alone. Silk underwear arid silk slips inakc practlcnl Xintis clfts at. Bad Boglh'd Dress Shop, !!!!) So. 71 h SI., next I X V EST l( .' A T I X ( i C( ).M 1 ITT E K The Invcsllpatlnr; commllleo of Lbo Community chest is busily en gaged in checking up on the various families in Klamath Palls who arc worthy of help these days, Miss Lydia Crlckc, chairman of the com mitten with Mlsi McOlollan, Mrs. Bort Hawkins, Mrs. .1. 0. Boylg and Mrs. Z. T. I'owill nro the local matrons in charge of the work. Colds Lace dresses on salt, at llee lle gln's Drbss Shop for only fr. I Adv I 1 6-1 ii Fever Grippe Be Quick-Be Sure Oct the rlfilit remedy the hen men know, So (isick, to lure that millioni now employ It. The utmoit In a bnttVt, ikomideiiinlne in Idcd form. , Coldi .top In 14 hour.. La tlnppc in j day. The ytcm la cleaned anj toned. Nothing compaiea with Mill's. Be Sure It4llf Price 30c is CA5CARA Mf QUININE Cct Red Out OH with portrait Christian Ladies' Bazaar Will be held in the Hart Building, Seventh Street at Main Saturday, Dec. 19 Cooked Sale- Home Made Mince Meat and Rummage Sale to Shasta cafe. (Adv)