Sftturday, DecdtabM 12, 1926' Page Poitr EVENING HEKALDrJkLAMATH JLUsLSOREGON 1 gggfe jlgia Ernie Nevers Will Become Professional NEW TAX LEVY FOR STATE IS New;Senatorand?HisiSon Ms4 ( 1 SAN FRANCISCO, 1X0. 12. (VP) Another nationally known to tbull Btar In Uic person of Ernie Nevera of Stanford IJnivi rslty, lias loft tho amateur field to join tho ranks of professionals, wya the San Fran cisco Examiner, today. The newspaper says the champion end fullback of the 1925 cardinal football team has 'signed a contract to captain an all-star Jacksonville. Fla., aggregation and will receive a consideration in excess of $50,000. Tho contract was closed by tele graph lost night with a group of Jacksonville capitalists, who have ar ranged a schedule that will bring together Nevers, Who la the candi date for all start Pacific fullback. Red Grange of the Chicago Dears. Nevers entrance Into professional football, he declared, was to enable him to repay his parents who sent him to college. f $7 AUSTIN, Tex. "Political thugs and assassins are leading the im peachment," writes Governor Fergu son in her husband's paper. fVTR eye-examination and our advice will give to your per fect information and freedom from worry we will fit you cor rectly if you iifeed glasses. Dr. H. J. Winters Kyo-Siirht Specialist We Grind Our Own Glasses KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON "We will write a pre scription for the glass es you need and prop erly grind the lenses." Says HhSttediofif SET 81 BOARD SAl.K.M. Ore. Doc. (I, The state tav commission late yesterday pro mulgated the state tax levy for 1 2 . announcing it at J7.200.S30.::. This Is j;si.?30.6S less than the levy of a year ago. and includes both millage levies to which the six per cent limi tation does not apply and tho amount to be raised within that limitation. Th decrease Is accounted foi by the fact that the 1925 loclslature reduced the millage levy In the sol dier bonus law from a mill to half a mill, so that only f542,2CS -v ill he levied for that purpose next year in stead of over a million. Tho total to fie levied to which the 6 per cent limitation does not apply is (5.112. .199.07. The amount to be levied wlriiln tile fi per cent limitation is li.OSS.lSl. 72, which is an Increase of $115. 3S2.93 over last year 'when the amount was $1.923,04S.79. In mills .the comparison is 1.93 made a year ago for 1925 to a fraction over 2 mills for the coming year. It was the low levy a yaar ago that brought upon Governor Pierce much criticism in the legislature and Subsequently, charges that he and former State Treasurer Jefferson Myers arbitrarily cut the levy in retaliation ior the repeal of the state income tax. Regardless of whether these charges were justified, the leg islature made necessary appropria tions in excess of what can be levied under the 6' per cent limitation, and this, in the new tax levy, is calculat ed as a deficit of S4S0.S63.25 that the state must face the coming year. Governor Pierce does not agree that such a deficit is certain and will is sue a special statement regarding it. The estimated deficit was arrived at as follows: The amount required for the expenses of the state govern ment for 1924 and 1926 and pay ment of special claims was $9,376. 085.65. The amount of expenses es timated for the year ending Decem ber 31, 1925. is $4,757,154.73, leav ing $4,618, 930.92 to which the state will be subject for 1926 and the payment of specified claims for which appropriations were made but not levied. From this amount Is de ducted $2,099.635.95, which is the Delaney Loses To Berlenbach This is Gerald P. Nye of North Dakota', npiwinled by Gov. Soillo to the; senatorial post vacated by the death of the lale Senator Ladd. A contest Is due In the senate over bis apiwlntiuent. He is shown) holding his young. cat son, Janice, estimated receipts for 1926 from i various spurces. mainly fees to be met by direct levy. But sinoe this is $4S0.S63.24 in excess of what can be levied under the 6 per cent lim itation, the latter amount is calcu lated as a probable deficit. SHSSSH- i ,-y--,JV-Mu-w-u-uJ--JJ Everything in Electrical Fixtures For the home. Irons, washers, Lighting fixtures and accessories, etc. -see tis for expert house wiring. Link River Electric Co. Roofing High Quality Slate Roofing at Mail Order Houses Prices F. 0. B. Our Store 422 Klamath (Old Dodge Garage) See it before you send your money out of town and wait for deliveries. Now is the time to give your old roof a new coat, will add years of service, inexpensive, easy applied. Have it in stock in 5s, lOs and 50 gallons. I f A. F. Graham Office 420 Main St. Store and Warehouse 422 Klamath Ave. Phone 526 Legal Notices ' St'MMOXS In the Circuit Court -of the State of Oregon for Klamath County. Dorothy t. Ilosking. Plain- ' tiff. vs. Sidney R. Hosking, Defendant. To Sidnsy XI. Hosking, Defendant: lu Dig Name of the State of Ore gon : You are hereby required to ap pear and answer th) complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks after iho first pub lication of this summons in the Kve ning Herald, a newspaper printed and published in the City of Klam ath Kalis, County of Klamath. State of Oregon, on or before the 26lh day of December. 1925, that being the last day of the time prescribed in the order Tor the publication of this summons, the first publication there of being on the 14th clay of Novem ber, 1925, and if yau fail so to ap pear and answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to. the court for the rolief prayed for in the said complaint, to-wit: For a decree of the said court that tho bonds of mat- rimnnv nvtollnn -,.l-.:r, "i . .... uvtvrvw plan, mi I and defendant be dissolved, and for! general rener. This summons is published in the Evening Herald, pursuant to an or der of the Honorable A. L. Leavltt. Judge of tho Circuit Court for the State of Oregon for Klamath County made on the 12th day of November 1 925. W. S. WILEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Nov. 14, 21, 28, Dec. 5, 12, 19, 26. I he nhnv.i nntltied miff or nr ltofnrn i the 14th day of December, 1925, that being the last day prescribed for such appearance In the order of the Conrt for the publication of this summons, and If you fail to so ap pear and answer, lor want thereof tho plaintiff krill apply to tho court for the relief , prayed, for in his com plaint, to-wit;- for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing borWeen plaintiff and defendant on the ground of de sertion continuing for more than one year last past, and for such fur' her relief as to the court may seem equit able. This summons Is served upon yo.t by publication In the Evening li r ald. a dally newspaper printed, pub lished and of general circulation in KInuiath County, Oregon, fo- si successive weeks, pursuant to order of Hon. A. L. tvnvitt. Judge o tfio above entitled court, dated Novem ber 5. 1925, the first publication be ing November 7th, 1920, and the last publication being December 12, 1925. EDWAltD B. ASHUR8T, Attorney for Plaintiff, o Loomls Bldg.. Klamath Palls, Ore. Nov. 7. 14, 21, 28, Dec. 5. 12. NKW YORK, Doc. 12. (P) Tho world's 1 1 K lit heavy weight tlnfl championship crown still rests on i he bend of iuii Bsrltnbach after n fiercely contented 15 round battle last night with the man who knock ed him out la four rounds than I wo years ago. Jack Deluney, of Bridgeport, Conn., was several times within touch of another sensational Irlutuph over I he Astorln, N. Y tltlo holder before the 23,000 spectators In the nt,.v Madison Sciuare Harden. hut at tho paints whoa sin aggressive offensive would seemingly have swept the 'champion to decisive de feat, Delanty hesitated, and waited to his sorrow. floored for a count of three In tho fourth and punched groggy la tho sixth and seventh, llerleubucu closed In tho Inst six rounds, with a stirring rally which saved f.:r III in the title he iwroatod fr 'm Mike Mc Tlgue. Ills margin of victory was close, for newspaper men at the ringside, gave him only seven rounds to ill for tho challenger while two were even. llorlenbacli proved that lie has become a new and vastly Improved fighter since Ills stunning defout by Deluney In their first meeting. But tho outstanding factor in his suc cess firsts Indomitable courugo In the face of almost certain defeat--courage which bore him up under n gruelling exchange and which en abled him to even the score of knockdowns by dropping Delnncv. In the twelfth. Delaney was reeling under punch es In the thirteenth unci fourteenth but stuck to his task gamely and finished fighting buck strongly. Clever Sencio Is Winner over Pelz POIITLAND, Ore., Dec. 12. -(II Clever Btvnoio, Filipino flyweight, won ii slashing 10 round ftghl from Bsnny r,i. Portland, bote las! night, Although BenolO swarmed Over Pel landing oouuttess blows, ho could nol knock the latter from hi. i feet. Pel took only one round, the eighth, in which he put losse ! with . burut of speed unci carried the fight to his opponent. In a leu round Mtnt-WtndUP Jack Iteddlek, Canadian light heavy weight champion, won an easy decision over young Peter Jackson. Portland negro. PUBLICATION OP HIMMOXS In the Justice Court for the District of Linkville, Klamath County, Oregon. O. L. Spencer, plain I Iff, vs. Everett Criss, defendant. To Everett Criss, defendant, in the Name of tho State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you in tho above entitled action on or before; December 28, 1925, that ueing cue expiration of six weeks publication of this summons pre scribed by the order for the publfca- nuii uiereoj, anil ir you fail so to answer, the nlnlntffr ln ,-,c c...i ment against you for the sum of logeinor with interest there on at the rate of six per cent per-an-! num from October 1, 1 925, and for the cosis and disbursements of this ' action and that seventy head of sheep attached In this action an vour pron erty be sold In H.nlxre ih c,i obtained. This publication Is made by order i the Justice of the Peace of rho above named court duly made ,, the 13th clay of November'. 1925. The dale of first publication" of Ons summons Is November 14 1925 B. X. KKNDA I,f Justice or the Peace, Linkville District, Klamath County Ore gon. " . Address: Court House Klamath Palls. Oregon Nov. 14, 21, 28, Dec. 5, 12, 19. HI MMO.VS In the circuit Court of the Stale of UlV'L'nrt in mi. ..- in-. ... .. ?l.PY8i,M'. I'lalnllff, vs. Astred Has.ien; Defendant, ' thJ0vf"'r"i",H1,'n' "efendant: In ........ i ul0 fitaiB ot Oregon vwuvmuit op me m oAt the TINE TREE A picture of undaubled Importance to the motion picture contribu tions is "Sun-Up" which comes to the Pino Tree theatre on Sunday. "Sun-Up," us conceived for the stago by Lulu Vollmer, created a sensation on the stage In New Y.irk and on tour with Lucille La Verne playing the part of ".Ma" Cagle, the same role she Interprets In the screen version. Tho screen version Is even' more powerful In Its dramatic sweep than tho stage play. Those two favorites, Pauline Starke jnd Conrad Nagle aro feat ured in leading roles. Nagle pluys tho part of the lawless mountain boy to whom understanding comes through contact with the outer world gained during the war. Miss Slarkc is his sweetheart, and Is said to give her tlrst and moat sym pathetic performance ia an exceed ingly difficult role. George K. Arthur gets away from the type of role he has been play ing as the "stranger." Ho char acterizes an army deserter who Is sheltered by "Mu" Cagle during her son's absence in the' army. Other members of the cast are Arthur Rankin, Ham Do Orasse, Edward Connelly, and PjInurd lleck-wlth. Murray Appeal j Is Filed Today! SALEM, Ore., Dee. .12. Will n. King, attorney for Tom Murray, : sentenced to hang for the' murder of Guard John Sweeney In the pris-l on break of August 12, today per fected the appeal to O10 supremo) court In Murray's case by filing the! transcript of evidence Al tho same time King served up on Warden Lllllo at the penitentiary formal notice of the writ of prob able cause staying the execution of .Murray, Issued by tho supreme cout yseterday. 'BLY Frank Obenchnln and son, Frank Jr. are spending a few days visiting at the home of .Mr. Obouciiain's moth er in Jacksonville. A. 8. Connor and Waller Camp bell were business visitors In Klam ath Falls during the early part of the weok. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas C.Iran of Illy are being congratulated upon the arrival of a baby girl, born at the Klamath Oeneral hospital on Decem ber 7. oAt The LIBERTY "Two Plated J.mo" tho Jn k Hoxlo stirring vehicle which plays ut' tho Liberty Theatre Sunday and Monday Is a real ho-mmi western thut lives up to Ha lit lu. With' plenty of fast action and un usually thrilling situations this pic ture moves from a flying start to n whirlwind close with a tempo thai sports the audience through all the exciting Incidents In (ho life of the hero. There Is in lot-down III suspense as the '.vull-knlt action speeds along In Its course. Hoxlo, as over, proves that he lit one of the outstanding stars deplet ing the itJtnance of the woat. A fine ailing ability coupled with six feet of handsome brawn make Ibis daring actor more than a match for I the petty vlllians who try tj frus j Irate his etfurla to break up thMr : underhand plans, Pretty Kalhrn .McOulro. his lead ! lug I cily Is un appealing figure who ! holds up her end of the acting with ! an admirable grace that wins far her (ho hearts of tho spectators. Hoxte'i unusually clover nicunt, ! Scout, deserves mention. BOX RIM IK.HT DRAW R08BB.Un,0l Die., Doc. 12. Ace Boles, Miirshl'lttltl lightweight, nnd ('hurley Dundee of llcmohurg fought a leu rpttnd draw bore last night, the leeii being a Fast, llftfn - hung nr- lair. Qtindes Ian find the creator num ber of punches, bul Holes wax given a draw Iiciuihii of his iigitronslvonuiiN. lu a tchtdUlpd sh round luunl-flnnl Tommy Williams, North Dttad high school boy, wus given a decision over Jack ltyah In 'ho first round of the bout. The fight was stopped before the end of Iho round when Hynn was hnii,;lnit ludplei 1 on (he ropes. Two Kood preliminaries preceded (he main event. fas! I I II 9 ' !f KB rlpllxc sterj. rle- 1 ,'U I 1. l, Irpi h, r. siniLITARY JACAOEMV .MAWYBtTtS usj c 1 1, - r , ,. . ii S H f l BROILED STEAK Delicious Beyond . Description Boiled Over Char-coal Fire CLUB CAFE PIUCK HKIIK H. W. Price, manager of the Crater Lako lodge and formerly manager of iho Multnomah hotel, arrived In Klamath Falls Just beforo noon today. "Just hero for a couple of hours on business and to visit with my friends In Klamath," Mr. Prlco said. "I plan to return lo Mcdford this affernoon." Price was formerly a member of tho state game commission. Do You Need Money to build that home If you own your lot, and have some money, we can loan you half the value of building and lot combined, payable like rent. Monthly payments. Make your arrangements now, before the spring uish begins, co that your dream home may be a reality before snow flies again. There ir, no quicker way of making money than by real estate investment in a growing town. You in- in the irrowing town the rest is up to you Momyer & Momyer Insurance Real Estate Hopka Building Building and Loan Phone 36fi A Home Plant The Lakeside Lumber Company, owned and managed by local men, solicits your patronage. We, as residents of Klamath County, are vitally interested in its de velopment. We are interested in no other locality. As the town grows, we grow. Therefore it is to our interest to aid every prospect ive builder. What We Offer You We offer the benefit of our years of experience in choosing the type of building best suited to your needs and to your pocketbook. We offer you prices that will compare favorably with any in the city. Finally, we offer you a compleLa stock of the best building materals, including Rough and Finished Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork, Lath, Shingles), Plaster Board, Prepared Roofing, Plaster, Builders' Hardware We are sole agents for Carey Specification guaranteed roofing. Lakeside Lumber Co. JACK SLATER, Manager Center and Klamath Phone 128 You have to cultivate go'i habits. Tho had ones grow wild. 4