The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 11, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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I'Yitlly, December .11, 11)25
Berlenbach To
Fight Delancy
NEW YORK, Dor. 1 1 . (fl Paul
Dorlcnbnrh, of Astoria, N, Y., Mshi
heavyweight rhmnplon of flu- world
faces the greatest test ho over has
known when ho meets Jack Dclaney
of Ilrldgoport, Conn., tonlBln in
tho Madison Square Garden arena
More than 20.000 persona are
expected to attend this engagement
scheduled for 15 rounds to a de
cision. Delaney knocked out Hor
lenbnch In four rounds at the old
garden In March 1924.
Tho Asloria champion is a much
improved boxer. When he met De
laney tho power of his fists was
great but ho had not developed a
method of defense against the sharp
shooting tactics of the Bridgeport
man. Dclaney stands up straight,
at times drooping his arms to his
aides, his speed carrying him out of
Boxing followers are divided In
their prediction! but Uerlentinch ap
pears to be a slight favorite.
The men will enter the ring about
10 o'clock custom standard time.
Farmers Asked to
Aid Chest Workers
Fanners' produce of atiy sort will
be welcomed by the Community
Chest, was the word received from
headquarters in the now Smith build
ing this morning. AU sorts of pre
serves end C&oned ROOda are needed
as well as wearing apimrol.
While donations are coming In
slowly, those taking fen actio pari in
the drive expect this coming week
will bring its rewards in the various
articles and eatables wblt h are need
ed so badly.
This coming week boy sconls of
tho city will take jm active imrt in
the campaign and solicit from house
to house.
Mrs. Vance is a', headquarters nil
day long and can tic reached at phone
HS3. v
As a depositor of the American Nat
ional Bank you have at your bidding
a retinue of fourteen faithful, capable
servants, they are the officers and em
ployees of this institution.
The members of this group of trained
and efficient workers were individu
ally selected for their character, cour
tesy and willingness to serve.
You will find it pleasant to do busi
ness here and we invite you to come in.
The American National Bank
of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Member Federal Reserve System.
PORTLAND, Ore.. Deo. 11.-To
expedite tho granting of applica
tions tot- extensions of time In which
to file iiuonio tax returns. Commis
sioner of Intoruul Revenue David
II. Blair has delegated to Collector
of Internal Kevenuu authority to
grant such extensions. lleretofor,
under tho icwutie tut of 1U2I, ap
plications for extensions have been
addressed to tho Commissioner.
Extensions are granted In cases
of absence, sickness or inability to
obtain data to make a correct re
turn with certain provisions. No
extension will be granted unless np
pllcaUon Is made therefor on or be
fore March 16 the date prescribed
by law for filing the return. The
applicant must stnto specifically the
reason for such request, which will
be granted only If the explanation
Is satisfactory to the Collector. Ill
ness or absence of a particular of
ficer of a corporation or u mem
ber of a partnership does not con
stitute. In Itself, a sufficient reason
for granting the corporation or
partnership such extension.
In no case will u particular ex
tension be granted for more than
90 days. The usual time Is from
30 to 60 days. Where a taxpayer
requests au extensiou of more than
90 days, the extension may be grant
ed only for 90 days and the Collector
will advise the taxpayer that if
he is unable to file the completed
return prior to the expiration of the
90-day period, a new application
should he made before that period
expires. In this way. extensions
may be granted, in meritorious cases
for a period of not to excoed six
months from the prescribed date by
law for filing the return. No ex
tensions may be granted for more
than six months, except in the case
of American citizens residing or
traveling abroad, non-resident alien
individuals and foreign corporations
having no office or place of hti"lncsa
within the United States.
In the case of corporations, no ex
tensions of time usually may be
granted, unless conditioned upon the
filing of a tentative return and pay
ment of one-fourth the estimated
tax. on or before the tlate pr scrib
ed by law for filing the return.
However, if tho application for the
extension was made on or before
such date, but it was Impossible to
grant the extension in ample time
to enable taxpayer to file a tenta
tive return on or before due date!
the date for filing such tentative
return and' paying one-fourth of
the estimated tax may be advanced
In the communication granting the
extension to permit the taxpayer to
comply with this requirement.
Individuals also are required to
file a tentative return and pay one
fourth of the estimated tax. on or
Chinese Civil
War Continues
1-EKING. lice 1 1. t.Fi Eight
American BMaengors were on board
the International iraln which loft
tor Tientsin with a ilelatchtnont of
American Infant ry as a special
guard. The train ro.tehed Yangtsuu
this morning. Pour tulles to the
south General Lichlag-tilnt'o troona
fired on It. 'the official report al
leges that the Chinese tried a ruse
In the use or foreign flags to cover
the approach of tlenoral Feng Yu-
HalanK'a armored train, The train
relumed to Yniinmuii. where loina
I -
of tho passengers trumped several
utiles and secured motor cats In
which lo proceed to Tientsin
T1UNTS1N. China. Doe II The
forces of General 1,1 Chin l.lny..
civil governor of Chlhll province d
foatcd au advance column of the
Kuotnittchun army t followers of
General Peng Vu-Halaug) near Matt'
cluing yesterday lit au all day bat
tle. The railways neur this city have
been cut and Poklnu-Tlontslit motor
road destroyed In several places,
ST. P.WI. Is Implied" that
the ring will he returned to the giv
er when tin engagement to marry is
broken, n district court judge rulcU.
Dempsey and Wills
Will Meet in July
KANSAS CtTVt Mo.. DM, II (4p
'file proposed he.iv) weight chump
lonehlp matob between Jaak Damp
ley ti lid Harry Wills, negro, will In
"all likelihood" ho held defer t'hlcit
go sumo time In July, Knv Cannon,
attorney for Dawpiey, told the Asso
ciated Preil hero today.
; M1NNI0 APUtlfli ('rod Pulton '""I
knottier deo(lori. The houvywolahl
pugilist it application (or reinstate
ment e.i tho police force WHI do
a hail niooao wniiiiiiK tho tfwut
neur t row wtia hit by Iho Noulliorn
I'nouio train laal alibi and knocked
Into the lake.
Whether Ihc iiiooai- wna aerlotnly
Injured l 111,1 ",' W"N ,,,"t
seen swimming aWfe Into the dark
ness, '
Bevoral moose have been hit ul
ibis place an tbt animals W
have a decided fliuduoH.i for lulling
thtilr ovonini troll aoroai the iron
lie. The Hoiilhern Pacific crosses lie'
trestle slowly bill was unable lo
slop In time last nlitht In avoid slrllt
Ing the 01000, Bind lb" Halt) wai
lllovloa slnvly. II In believed the ani
mal wuil not seriously hurt.
Gifts From The
Men's Gifts from Beck's Manstore the store for men assures that degree
of quality and correctness which the careful man insists upon when doing
his own shopping. Starting with our famous CLOTHCRAFT CLOTHES
and ranging down thru numerous desirable gifts items, a few of which
are listed here:
York Model as Illustrated
Pay 5.00 down, make your own terms on the balance. AH we ask
that the terms are reasonable.
Stock on this special is limited and deliv cry is subject to prior sale
This Model Sells Regularly at 150
Now is the opportune time to get your Ch ristmas Phonograph
Traveling Bags
Suit Cases
Wool Hose
Cuff Links .
Gift Certificates In Any Amount
Aside from being a good place to buy your Christmas gifts
for men, this is also a mighty good place to purchase your
work clothes and shoes.
Remember You can save 20',, on the purchase of your
Overcoat. Better step in and get it TODAY.
In the heart of the ffinMcm Where the ladies
.mama FAiis-tmoDBuan.oni
. In I
nivc iu iraue m
t- z
before the date proscribed by law
for filing return, whenever, In the
opinion of the Colleetor, It Is possbli
for the parllotilar individual to do
BO. Where, in the ease of such In
dividuals the application was made
on or before Ihe date prescribed by
law for flllni; tho return anil where
It is impossible to grant such ex
fenslon in timo to cnablo the tax
j.iyor to (lie a tentative return,
nn or before the duo dale for fil
ing ami payment of one-fourth the
estimated tax may be advanced, as la
done in the oaso of corporations.
In all. ratios of requests for an ex-1
tension conditioned upon the flllm;
of a tentative return and payment of
one-fourth of the estimated tux
shown thereon, such requirements
uiuat be met or the extension Is of
no effect. The taxpayer mod only
show on his tentative return, filed)
on appropriate blanks, his name and .
adtlresa and estimated amount, 'f
any, of the tax due.
Jim Coyne Leaves
to Attend College
James l(. Coyne, son of "Hob"
Coynn of Swan Lake valley, left
yesterday for Eagle Hock, where lie
will resume his studies at Occi
dental college. His going is the
result of tie appeal of tho students!
nt II... ,.,.11, U HTImII i. I
u. liiU lu dull III 11,111
and help them out In athletic events i
this winter. Young Coyne has an
enviable n ford as a Bitot putter,
hammer ami discus thrower, his rce
ordt) In these events being right up
lo those of the champion of the
world. There U a big contest on
among the universities of California
for the production of a champion
team of athletes. The winners will
have a trip east and twenty-six of
tho Occidental boys havo sot that
as their goal. When It was put' up
o Coyne along this line, ho said
to his father that loyalty to old
Occidental demanded that 'lie re
spond, and assuring him of his be
lief Hint the ranch would stay on
lop of Old Mother Earth until he
could reliirn next Juno, ho Jumped
Into his "bug" and headed south.
A telegram received from hini to
day states that he made tho trip In
twenty-six hours, which Is "going
"Brrr"! (iocs Ihc starter "zip" I goes
.1 .... ,.,:.... "H,l rmuin"!
Smooth and full powered crowded
with mileage.'
The new winter "Red Crown" 19 the
achievement of our 47-ycsrs of gasoline-making
On sale at all Standard Oil Service
Stations and "Bed Crown" dealers,
from the red, while and blue pump.