Friday, Dot-ember A, 1925 EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Seyert Saycmick-our MAGIG .HOD ADO HAVfiN'T lU'fcN cuwcd oor OF THUS ' MAOAllNCfl VST BtTTeR OtT Busy SO . I CAN MAM! Olir HERE M iV' -OJl ..n' j HERALD'S American Legion Klutmitli I'iimi No. 8. kfeetlnga 1 hi mid 3rd Tuviday, Coiirt House ilAini'i)i. F, R. OLDS, eomm'nd'r. phone BMW B. P. O. ELKS Meet Thurwduy evening. Visit Ihk member vi-l nim. Butt Toraplo, ! r! I 'Main. Charlton Currtn.i Exalted littler. Tom DslloMI, 8y, K. of C. Council No. 2255 Hawaii K l". M. inil and "Ii TtiPilajr, ycantn Hall, '8ih and HlHll -- VUlllllK Knli 'ilr iralodtna. Cljaa.i Pntwriton, ti. K. PBWMANCNT CONOTOUCTIOM Kxt'lutivo Llcanaad Mmhu liHiiiiiiH for -The flaw Cpnonpto HoltoV-Wall Btttldlnn Brick for Pounda U6n, Walla, lliilldlnKi, otc. -AbBplUtoly I''lrn and WoathSI Proof at a cbaf vhk than any othor form of liuiKonary. -Stone-Tllo construction ollm limtoa upkoep oxpnnapi Ih in dostructlhla, and in approved by the Nat nrohltocu and bulld.'ni. llno.vrollcd as n paap for Bttieoa rinlah. LOt I'n BftllrihtO Vour .loll ConCrete Pipe Co. nih nml Miirket. Phono B8BW rODAK SilE I Leave Your Filtus 73ore 90clocK-Your V I. piciuras are H .fWi6 a B i iKv t I HA it 11 w I WW KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR A Lot to Look Forward To tEJJtS a heck of a turttkAl JOB-WCOOLAR Of-FICl: BOV ftt)FFV-JHY don't I GET MORE IMPCK'ANV s ENQAfitMUOT I've JU6T "irtiNQSTODOr EM Five bucks TO LEARM (Ht BUSINBBS -.-,nV. h J.1 1 warn ' J HELLO LOCETTA- I'VE JUGT BEtN DOlNfi "Yt 'aliWl QHOPPlWG-OH Scm-SIhinS FORVOU- I fiUE65WHAT-M0H" - YEP THAT'S RIGHT JUST 8 PATiCNT A DAVOR SO TILL 'T 5 cnnm S-"? .vjhv PEOPta !.... , JUC TSuintfl (jjwfto fiuVSCES V WHliPJ IrVCl WWKnt it-vr ----- - JV .t, fy A BUSINESS DIRECTORY Mrs. Willard Johnson Teacher of Piano Kruiduni'o loco California P h o ii o 7 S 0 V Siudlo 503 3rd St. l'h.JR l.M Dr. Philip Cole General Practice of Dentistry Opon Bvanlnga by Appointment Phono (ill!) 5M Main over Moo's Soro J. C. CLEGHORN CIVIL KN'IINKKlt AND SUHVBYQR Phong :ot.M lis Hlih st. DR. J. G. GOBLE OPTO .MICTIt 1ST -OPTICIAN Too Main St. Pboae r.enw Hake and Ki'lnd kIukkuk. DiiiiII cnio hrokvn lonaoa, roiuilr frnmna. DR. F. R. GODDARD OSTKOI'AtIIIC PIIV.SH'IAN AND BUKtiBON Offk-o and Roaidenee Phono 321 I. O. O. K. Templo A. W. Schaupp 212-2H 1. 0, 0. P. IlldR Mary Coe Peterson Teacher of Dancing Gall SMi for appointment Vochatzer Bros. w i:i,i. DRtUiBRB . Phono 225 R 17.51 Mo I rose ECsttmaton uivon on Va,tor Syatoma, Prlcos RonBonnhlo. WORK ready at" 6 p.r tie r& a. ,n& ORUGS fSSffilES Baled Straw m M if Y w unuffjin mi vjhm ';. iHi'.i' Anr. i'-;k BtEN WORRYING MOW I COULD G6T AN KING FOR LORLTTA- cor too iuiim -' J I Longfellows Club Meets Saturday Eve. Klamatb FuIIh chapter No. o. of Hip l.onKfpllow cluli. Will hold Us first ftrfaoUatlon niPPtlnK at tho pliainlipr of ronimorco offlco on Sat urday (ivunlna, Dooomhor C. Evpr ett O. Nord. actliiK "a chairman, har. called llii' niLHthiK. All men wTio ur" r.lx net or ovor, who havp by this time itotten tired of having their Data knocked off by low i"vilor. or wlio Iiuvp suffered lorini'w .u iitianca uy tryhiK to find repose iu a bed a foot or two too ttort, who find troiilile In tnklm: a bath, Who have tii crush Hieir bones for lack of knee room when Beaded In a moving picture theater, are ask ed lo become Chatter members of the Lent-fellow club. Officers are to hp elected tomor row eTeningi constitution ami bylaws to be drafted and songs to be adopt ed. H.4SL77My Gift to You IIFE will be far sweeter if you once and for ail time rid yoursclt of these annoying, uncomfort able and diingcrous P1LKS And other Rectal and Colon ailments . MY FREE 9(i-page Uouk tells of my unqualified WRITTEN GUARANTEE to cure your Piles without a hospital surgical opera tion, or refund your fee. Many personal letters arc also contained therein prov ing how 1 have given back health and strength to thousands of others. Start the New Year Harm and Well. Send (ur m Unok TOpAY. 3888! M y" """" i DEAN. M.D..Inr. kd firr.iccs: Seattle offices: ..., (d 1 ni'iiH iwo.'iilt i Everything in Nursery Stock FrUlt tree:;, shade trees, nut trees borrlea, Bhruba, vlnca and rpses. Spoclul illl of bartly variety suit-: d (or nlantllig hero. , J. A. FARLEY Will glftddW Klvo sdvlto on "what to plant and' when to plnrtt" Phone rK-.l Z. Peters (Ornd. Univ. Cnllt.) Timelier of Piano and Violin Accredited by Statu Hoard of Rdtietttlou. -Photic 45 IW - Murphey's .7 i v w r v wi US. . VA . i - . PORTIA THE EVENING HERALD'S ciwiHHii'iFH) ai itvrs;n Wrut Inaoiilon . pr lino UK) Two Insertion.) per lino 1 tic Threii Insertlona por line BOe four Insertion per Duo 25r Ww-k (fl times) - per lino tide Ono Mouth per line 7tVc Minimum cnargo tie, A0m not consocutlvo are charged as new fol lowing each omission. First Insertion Is In "New Today" column without extra charge, but all Innortlons In that column are at first line -i i Ion rate. (Continued from Pogi- ono) . if he eould take Orovo's equip ment, not If bo would." "Well, I'll leave it to tho coun cllmen us to what you said," Powell concluded, "They weru hero." The council remained idlent. Powell XeJtca Blond "I don't caro whut you do," Pow ell remarked, hut I do know what I am going to do end that is snfo-n ejuard the interost of the people at this council table. Also I'm go ing to make It my business to pro tect drove, .the present garbage man." William Duncan, attorney Tor drove, attacked the legality of Ihe proposed garbage contract ordinance. He pointed out that the charter slip-1 ulaled thai all mstttcra pertaining to garttB&e should be handled by the city health hoard. He also ques tioned thn right of tier city to lot a contract for more !ban two yearn. Ho pointed out to tho council that they were treadinj; dangerous Kround when they proceeded con trary, to the charter. The council held that the char ter stipulation Included only tho execution of matter pt-rtuining to garbage, not garbag" legislation, l)uncnnH Tlreocy Scouted "Surely the city health board canf not pass nn ordinance." Alderman ( Balslger ejaculated- "That is anj action only tho .council can take.' It's my Idea thut the Kiirbage ordl nonce is perfectly fair. There is no discrimination against drove or any body. Wo neod a better Barbate system and Ibis la a good way to get one." "I havon't heard, many Sicks," Powell returned. "Those people that nre crabbing haven't gone to tho trouble to contract with) drove for the disposal of their gar bage. I think the present garbage ordinance is all right." "Well," Charley Roberts spoke up. "Nothing can be done tonight, so let's let It go over until another meeting night." HAt'K FROM HEAKIXG M. Slilscheubachor and C. T. Darley returned today from Salem .where they attended - the drainage district meeting held In the capital city. EVERETT TRUE Feed Store. I1C NKW TODAY BOOKKEEPER of wide experience would like a permanent position with some firm, or to take sorc of ft fw SDtall acts of hooks. Phone 'J80W. 4-8 FOR BALE Breakfast set, table, I Choirs, dressing tfiblr and chair; reasonable. 113t (Irani. 4-7 PARTY DOING: to Portland next week, closed ear, would consider passenger for company. Write box 823, care Herald. 4 FOR RENT 3 room furnished flat will) bath; elose In. 1120 High. 4- FOR RENT I with garage room furnished house close In. 1120 High, 4 TRADK YOU DONT WANT IT It Is In the way. Ooodlng will trade. 2.10 Main St., below the Court House. 4 HAVE onk-Hoilsk General Electric motor for sal-; rs:i ;:( deys, less than cost, 324 N. nth St. Phone 03 7 W. 4-6 FOR RENT FiirnlslK-d Apt. 3 roomn bath and guragc' adults only. 234 So. Riverside. Phone 4734. 4-5 DOlfr Cold rlnK tied to handker chief: leave at Herald office. 4-0 SALESMEN WANTED Big money year around in selling our complete line of bank supplies, Including check covers, pass books, savings pass books, checks, cte. 1000 dif ferent advertising novelties; 300 exclusive calendars; exclusive con tract: commissions week!;.', big money on repeat orders. Twenty sixth successful year. Sales Mgr . Hankers Adv. Supply Co., Iowa City, Iowa. 4- , TRY MY COMPOSITION soles. They wear twice as. long as leather. Jack Frost. 6th St. 4 HONEY-5 lb. pail, 75c. APPIP Choice, box il to 1.75. SPUDS 100 lbs. 83.50. EdGfi Select local, O0c & 50c. PRUNES Fancy Italian. 20 lb. box, $2.50. Complete line of Groceries. NOT A CHAIN STORE: WE BUY AND SELL ON THE MARKET RASIS. ANDERSON'S GROCERY Jo. tli St. Phone 795 4 FOR RENT Apt., with furnaco heat, also sleeping room. Phone 16SP., or call at 112G East Street. 4-6 FOR SALE ?11 00 Lyon & Healy Player end $250 Sonora phono graph; 50 player roll3 and about 150 Victor record:), cheap for quick sale. Inquire evenings, 7 to 9. at 1329 Lookout Ave. 4-24 FOR SALE CHEAP Light weight touring car. The tires are worth the price I am asking for the car. Apt. 9, Brannan Ants., S12 Oak St. 4 WANTED -5 or 6 weaned pigs. Call 547M. 4 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED E. Burke, in Hopka Bldg. PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 4. (JP) The Oregonian today celebrated its 73th anniversary with a special pro gram and dinner in the Auditorium at which early residents of the Northwest, and particularly old sub scribers of the paper, were guests. MB By CONDO Phone 87, KA CLASSIFIED AD SECTION FOR RENT First class furnished FOR RENT apartment, steam heated. McCar thy Apartments, 630 Pine. Phone 800. 29tf FOR RENT First class furnished 4 room cottage; no children or dogs. Call at. 215 Lincoln. 7-tt FOR. RENT Front sleeping room for ouo or two people; furnace heat. 514 Walnut. 28-5 FOR RENT 1 sleeping room, pri vate entrance. 439 N. 10th St. 30-0 FOR RENT Neat 3 room house, 263 So. Riverside. 28-5 FOB RENT Woman wants refined young lady to sharu home. Call 828. 1-3" FOR RENT Furnished two room cottage one block from Main St. Phone 9S0W. 1-3 FOR RENT Furnished hoiiBe, 4 rooms and bath, on pavoment. Phone 14M. 2-4 FOR RENT -Cabins for white men. See Collins, 721 Market St. D2-J2 FOR RENT 2 room furnished Apt. Call 703 N. 9th St. 2-4 FOR RENT 4 room modern house, partly furnished; adults only. Phone 482W. It. P. Breitenstein. 3-5 FOR RENT Sleeping room adjoin ing bath, for gentleman; also gar age. 611 N. 11th St. Phone 1016W. FOR RENT Rooms, 1 block from post office; bath and phone. 840 Walnut. 3-9 FOR REX f SI c ed aparVneiu. 399W. to heated fur'iish 541 High. Call 3-5 FOR RENT Cabin and bachelor ap artment. Phono 3-12W. 4 19 N. inh St. 3-5 MISCELLANEOUS FREE SLAB WOOD Come to the Shasta View Lumber and Box Co. and help yourself. 3-4 EXPERT Wre have one of the best radiator, fender and body men to he had anywhere. Old fenders made to look new. BUICK STAR Garage. 20 tf HAVE PROPERTY and 320 acres of land in Colorado; will trade for Kiamaih Falls property, or small ranch.- Cail 238 3rd St,-, after 5 o'clock. 30-5 LAST CALL FOR P1AXO TUNING HAVE HARMONY and Bweetness for the holidays. Please leave notice at Shepherd's. W. H. Morgan. 30-5 WINDOW CLEANING, Floor wax ing, house cleaning and janitor service. References. A. M. Rhodes. Phono 360W. 7tf TRIANGLE CAFE The place to get good eats. OPEN ALL NIGHT. 633 Main street. Phono 624. tf SHOES REPAIRED BY MAIL Send them to the Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop, 121 N. 8th St. We pay the return postage. 25c BUNDLES OF PAPER office. Herald tf-nt ROBERTS SUITS OVERCOATS Hand tailored to your measure, $33.50 to $17.50; also Sollg Bros, line, San Francisco's largest tail ors. Can give delivery in one week If nn.o,M, :-. (in ,n C 9 xn CI. workmanship and wear gttaran-' teed. Highest qunlity, lowest prices J always. I'hono 109. t win call with samples, or see me at the Gun Store, Saturday afternoons and evenings. A. R. "Ace" Renner. N 7 D 7 EXPERT PORTRAIT WORK either at studio 627 S. 6 th St. or your home. Call 23 I, ask for E. Hayden Jones. 2S-5 THE METHODIST Ladles will held their annual bazaar and cooked food sale, Saturday, Dec. 5, In tho Hart Bldg., next to the Pine Tree theater. .1-4 FREE SLAB WOOD Come to the Shasta View Lumber and Box Co. and help yourself. 3-4 SERVICES AT CHILOQl'IX Rev. ,J. Henry Thonms to Hold Ser vices Sunday The home of Mrs. Tenbrook of Ohikiqiiin will be I bo meeting place of Episcopalians on Sunday after noon, when Rev. J. Henry Thomas, pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal church will motor to tho northern town to conduct the services. LEHOY ARNOLD IN TOWN LeitoY D. Arnold, superintendent of the Klamath Indian reservation, and successor to Fred A. Baker, re signed, was in town yesterday af ternoon to attend to business matters connected with his position in Chil oquin. 906 Main FOB HALE U REAL SACRIFICE- -Chevrolet a- dan in pood condition; good rubber and engine Just overhauled, 3?5. Phono 121J. 0-tf Yakima Spuds pur cwt. $3.25 A-l Onions, pp cwt. $3.25 Onions (2ndn) per cwt. 3.0(1 Applos 75c to 1.75 per box drapes 5 to 9c per lb. Sweet Spuds 5c per lb. . Eggs 50c per doz., by ct. 48c Cider 40c per gal. SCOTTI PRODUCE CO. 201 East Main Phono 927 23 tf FOR SALE New modem, 4 room stucco houso, outside city limits on highway. Phone 166. 30-5 FOR SALE China closet; glass doors. Phone 951J or call 806 Front street. 28-4 FOR SALE Four purebred Durham bulls, three years old. VVrPs or phone Ovillo Elliott, Klamath Agency, Ore. 28-tf FORD COUPE, 1921 Bargain, good every way. BUICK & STAR OARAGE For Dependable Used Cars. 28 tf STAR 1925 Sport model, used loss than 4 months. In excellent condi tion, for about $225 less than new. BUICK & STAR GAR'AGE For Dependable Used Cars. 28tf FOR SALE Flat top desk; oak; practically new. Price reasonable. Phone 280J after 7 p.m. 2-4 WELL ROTTED garden manure for sale. Phono 503M. 3-4 FOR SALE 1921 Chevrolet touring, fine condition, driven 5000 miles, $375. Phone 851J. 2-S FOR SALE Studebaker touring ear, good running condition, $100 for quick sale. Call Peterson, S36J. 2-15 FOR SALE Limb wood. 16 In., $11; body wood, $10. Phono 848. 2-8 FOR SALE Hemstitching machine and art goods. Call at Singer Sewing Machine Co. 3-3 FOR SALE 5 pass, car, good con dition, with 6 good tires. Will trade on city lot, or what have you; phone 330R. 3-9 FOR SALE Equity In lot, partly furnished cabin; price $150. 625 Poplar, near Mills school. 3-9 FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 acres near Altamont park. City Water now on property; also good patch alfalfa. Will consider car as Part first payment. Phono. 610. 3-5 DRIED FRUITS AND NUTS We can save you money on dried fruits, walnuts, almonds, fancy packed boxeG and fruit confection. Write for descriptive price list. Cherry Glen Orchards, Va'co-yUle. Cailf.2-8 O R A N G E S, ORANGES, Oranges. I will ship you a 40-lb. (net) box of tine oranges for $2, f. o. b. Corn ing, Calif. This fruit Is tree ripen ed and can't lie beat. H. H. Phil lips, Corning, Calif. 3 t'. SALE OR TRADE Doerlng mowers. Plows, McCormick rake, Jackson fork, derrick rigging, harrow and cart, Fresno, De Laval separator. L. J. Cooley, Merrill. 3-5 WANTED HEMSTITCHING All fast colors; satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. H. AUender. 514 Walnut. N 12--D 12 WANTED Work on farm or dairy; experienced. Phone 16F24 or write A. W. Schultz, Malin, Ore. 28-4 WANTED Capable stenographer and office assistant: answer in own handwriting, stating exper ience, education and salary ex pected. Box 222, care Herald. 3-5 WANTED Laundry and house work by day or hour. 1624 Division, or 2327 White Ave. 3-5 LOST AND FOUND $100 REWARD I will pay ono hundred dollars for Information that will lead to the conviction of tho thieves who stole a trunk and wearing apparel from tho bunk house on my ranch. Information will be considered confidential. Rex E. Bord. Nov.4 Jan. 4 FOUND Child's glove and shell rimmed glasses. Inquire Herald office. y-3 LOST Bunch of keys on ring, be tween 2227 Reclamation St,':and So. Pac. depot. Return to Herald office: 2-3 McAllister, Okla. Johnjay Washington, negro, whom a war den forgot to execute last June, has at last been electrocuted for klirng a watchman. When the warden dis covered ills oversight there was fur ther delay by legal proceedings.