Friday, Doi'onibcr 4, l'.fcfi Paeo Two EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Dr. Massey Chosen Kin- nil's President Pr. Ot-orgc A. Mn . war --icried i . ; i 1 1 1 1 of (ho Klw.mis club for Iftje hi i in- aiiuunl banquet ami duck feed or the organisation, whlili was hold at iho White Pelican hotel lust night. Other officers elected wore: Vice president, Marion Nine: Wynn Southwell, trustee: K. K. Puterson, treasurer; directors, HI mo Balslger, Chris Hitman, Dr. L. L. Trunx, Percy Murray, A. K. Pi-asloy, Pat llnrko and V. H. Lodge. The banquet, lit every detail, was declared a success. Hvory member of the club consumed one complete duck, with all ibe necessary trim mings that make u duck teed a suc cess. leather Coupeli of Grants Pass and Charles llhickuiau are enjoy ing a bunting trip ut Tule Lake to Gash Grocery Phone 484-J Pure cane sugar, 10 lbs 69c 6 boxes matches 25c 3 rolls toilet paper 25c Red Mexican beans, 3 lbs 35c Lima beans, 2 lbs : 35c Small white beans, 2 lbs -25c Bayo beans, per lb 15c Bulk shortening, per lb -'....22c Bulk cocoanut, per lb -...30c Bulk peanut butter, per lb 1 -25c Seedless raisins (bulk) 2 lbs 25c Soft shell No. 1 walnuts per pound - - -40c 3 lbs . $1.10 25 lbs - , $2.50 Dromedary dates, package - 25c White figs (bulk) per lb 15c 4 lbs. Snowdrift $1.00 2 lbs. Snowdrift i 55c. Skookum carie and maple syrup Per gallon ; -$1.90 Pint tin ----- 25c 5 lb. tin $1.05 2V lb. tin : 55c Rosebud syrup 2 tin 40c Strictly-fresh eggs, per dozen 55c Gem nut or Wilso olemargarine ..30c 6 cans peas- 6 cans hominy, 6 cans corn, dQ QC 6 cans sauer kraut, 24 cans for pO.70 '' ' '4 ' ' Why carry your order home yourself when you can get prices like the above and have them delivered free? Wood BLOCKS Our blockwood is ample for the present. Wo are taking part off the yards. DKY Our dry slab is not entirely dry, It is good for the heater, but not for the cook stove. MMII WOOD Is first class dry limbs and tree tops. It is dnny wood for heater, furnace or fireplace. COAL Sure, we have coal. Lump coal, best on the market. HF.HVlCi; Just a llttlu behind with deliveries. Order early. Wood Coal & Fuel Oil PEYTON 8C CO. "WOOD TO BURN" 601 Main Phone 535 Visiting Hunter Will Fight Case That he did not violate the game (awa and that I he report he had pli nded guilty and paid a fine ijt JIHI is false. Is the statement yester day of V. Ms lleebe of Ashland. Beeho was arrested on lower Klam ath lake near the Hopkins ranch and charged with shooting over th- bag limll of game birds. lleebe claimed that the arresting officer, Chief Deputy State (lame Warden P, M. Brown, was wrong in making the statement that lie bad pleaded guilty. Bcebe declared he would fight ibe case to the limit. NKW YOltK - -Nicholas H. Put nam is seekiug court permission to change his first name to Israel. His rather, Major Israel Putnam, was killed in the world war. He is a descendant of tin- famous general i of the revolution. 123 N. 8th i i T I V f .1. HOOK CHAPTKR TO MKKT .Monday .Uterinum At 2:30 o'clock Al Library Club Rooms "The Matrlach? by O. B. Stern, will be discussed by Mrs. Thomas White Defzeil at the monthly meet ing of the study club of the Library club. The meeting has been called for 2:30 o'clock sharp and Mrs. Del Gammon is especially anxious that all matrons be present at that hour. The book is declared lo be one of the most Interesting of the year and the review by Mrs, Delzoll Is being looked forward to with much interest. POSTKItS ABOUT CITV Students of the Fnlrvlew School have placed posters in most all the business house windows of the city, which tells of Iheir school play on Friday evening, December 11, at .the Falrview school. From the ticket sale, It Is expected the school will be filled to capacity. Following the play, refreshments will be served. BANQUET GIVEN mm HIGHS FOOTBALL TEAM Mothers are Hostesses at Crowning Event of the 1925 Athletic Season Some twenty high school boys members of the Klamath high foo. (ball team- broke bread last nigh; with their mothers and their dads: sat, a bit red-faced, perhaps, when Dwigbt A. French, football m. n lev and Paul T. Jackson, high school principal, extolled their manliness, their spirit of fair play and their prowess upon the football fteJd; Bullied happily wh.-n Mrs. Rose Otey Snub-, speaking on behalf of the mothers, told of the high hopes which every mother lias for her boy, and radiated comradeship when Fred K. Kleet, spokesman tor the dads, told or the mingled feeling or pride and love that is cherished by the fath.-rs of hoys. It was the crowning event to signnlUo tho rejuvenlition of Klam ath In the high school football world. It was a football banquet a turkey dinner, if you please which thoughtful mothers gave In honor of their sons, and which, fathers, though not so emotional, perhaps, were glad to attend. As is always the way with bouy- ant jrouth, members of the football team declined to take credit unto themselves for tho football victories they had wrested for their school this fall. "Our coach, 'Dutch' French, and Mr. Jackson deserve most of the credit," declared young Carl Yan cey, captain of this year's team. "It was the fightrng. clean-play spirit which Mr. French drilled into 1 US.' vouchsafed "Ally" Connejl. I heralded by Principal Jackson as I the orator of the team And these sentiments were echoed by Roland C'ofer, who paid a tribute to the mothers for the thonghtfiil ness which prompted the banquet: l Coach French gave the mothers and dads a brief history of the foot ball ability of each of his boys as the bashful players rose to their feot as their names were called. "When I came to Klamath Falls, I was a bit skeptical because ofi me reports wntcn nad preceded mo, explained the coaclu "I was told the boys were hard to manage; that they would be a troublesome lot. But 1 want to say, and say If In all sincerity, that I never saw and worked with a finer bunch of boys in my life. They .are good, clean boys. They are eager and quick to learn, and are a credit to their parents and their school." Don Fisher, high school instruc tor. .complimented the boys for their clean sportsmanship, and declared it had been a pleasure to aid in any way possible the work of Couch French and members of the team. Principal Jackson presided as toast master. Members of the football team present were: Coach Dwight French, William Bessler. Frank Hall, "Azzy" Car roll, Carl Yancey, Harold Johnson, "Fat" Loomls. Zed Ilarnes. "Budge' Mctiuire, Leslie Klmore, O. Con nors. Don Sou 1c, Joo Bliss, Waldeen Upp, "Whit" Whitney, Roland Cofev, William Smith, "Fat" Walsh. Yell King .Valium McMulIcn i Mrs. Paul Jackson, Mrs. Nora French and Mr. and Mrs. Don Fish er were honor guests. Parents Included Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Whitney. -Mrs. Frank Yancey, Mrs.' Charles Loomls, Mr. and Mrs. T. X. -Sherman. Mr. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. BarneB. Mrs. William Bessler, Mrs. Charles P. Magulre Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Fleet, Mrs. Hose Otey Soule, Mr. and Mrs. It. T. McMullen, Mrs. R. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bliss, Mr. Walsh und W. D. Cofer. MISS t'PP HKTTKIS Friends of Miss Jo Upp are glad to see her back at her position at The First .National Bank after an lliness of several days. ANCE at Altamont Saturday, Dec. 5th Music Something Different EMPIRE ORCHESTRA Violin Lead Be Sure and Come D New Safety Zone Will Be Created Ten teei or Hi el In front of the Western t'nloii otflce will be declar ed It safety tone and automobiles will not he allowed to park there hereafter. This was the assurance received from the city council lust night by a delegation of Western Pylon mes senger l6n Inst night; The boys com plained that despite the Hut that part ol tho streei in front of the tele-1 graph office was marked "no park-1 ing." that automobiles continued loj park In the forbidden ground. They asked for a Specific safety tope slip-; illation In the parking, ordinance so that drivers of automobiles could be si rested. 'itie shipment nl new silk dresses just received at Bee Kevin's Dress Shop. Its So. Tib. next to Sluutii Car--. i dv. 2-ii SATURDAY Dec. 5th, 9 a. m Gigantic Disposal Falls Mercantile Klamath Falls Own Store I Two full pages in last night's Herald equal in Southern Oergon. Every item is first class merchandise may be confident that you are getting COMMIYTKKH NA.MLD Ladies or I'll .1 Preshylerlaii Church Name Cominitti-i'H For Bazaar At the homecoming meeting of the First Pre: nyterinn Church, which took in the lour circles or the aid, held at tin- iliurch Thursday after noon, Hie following committees won: named lo le- in charge ol' the ba zaar, lo lie imiii iii tin- basement of the church on Saturday, In-ci in bcr.12. Marking of goods-- Mrs. Marion Hanks, chairman! Mrs. DoUle Virgil and Mrs. Percy Kvnns. Apron booth Mrs. J. B. Reedj Mrs. I). S. Shell and Mrs. O. D. .Mathews. Fancy work booth Mrs. Albert Mny. Mrs. C. 10. Jay and Mrs. W. it. Boyd. Miscellaneous booth Mrs. George Ciizb, Mrs, li. G. Pearson, and Mrs. A. I). Lund. Home rooked fooils Mrs, A, M. Langley Dented Another Hearing CINCINNATI. Dec. 1 .(Tho application tor a rehearing In the case of Congressman YV. Lang ley, of Kentucky, convicted ou chorgia of having conspired to vio late ibe Volsleiid law. was denied by ibe I'nlted State! eln-ult court or appeals here today. I.angley Is un der sentence of two years in the At lanta penitentiary, hoys ii d books Hoy scouts of the city who ar--anxious to learn more and all ahum scouting can secure the Hoys Hand nook at Southwell s according to announcement made today by scout i:.-inllve K. O, Nord. The book contain! an tue inrormatioii on scoiitcruft, woodcraft and other sub jects which are of Interest mid bene fit to the scouts. Klamath Falls' Our Big Sale at This Time Makes Christmas Shopping Easy Everything Reduced. COME-BRING Not a Member of any So Worden and Mrs. John Sargeanl. Tea table- Mrs. It. ti. Veutch, Mrs. Warren Hunt nnd Mrs. Fred Fleet. 'I'll i- display of the 'goodk which will be on Main streei sometime during the coming week will be In charge of Mrs. ('. L. Harvey and Mrs. Lambert. The locatlbn of the display will be In Hie hands or Mrs; Jennie Hum, Mrs. Koyos and Mrs. Doilte Virgil. MKKTIKO PIINTPONKD 'I' li In ullernoon, a lominlltee meet ing of the Klanialh Slop Forest Flre:i association was to have been 'held. But this morning it appeared that tOO many members of the commll toB were mil of town, so the meeting was ttOBtpDlfnd, Buy her i practical chrisimus girt ei Bee Regln'H Dress1 shop, 1211 Ho. 7th Hi. (Adv.l 2-5 You never learn much from any one whimi you can read like a hook, Mits. h am lic i t man-: Southern mmi-oh Uuit of Mrs, Mulllo lleldlliR This Week .Mrs. Alice Carson liamlett of Atlanta, Georgia, Is Hie house guest of Mrs. Mollle lleldlng. tin Sunday Mrs, llanilelt plans to leave for Applegate to reside with her bro ther, I,. V. Cftrsen, of Hie Cnrsnn Vineyards, Ibe lui'gesi vineyard In outhern Oregon. Mrs. uarson ex pects In remain north to live with her brother, since the death of thel: uiotber, which occurred about one year ago. She has many friends here whin- she has visited before. I'luiM Mi:ititu,i, .Mr. and Mrs. M. dim' ill t it 1 of Mer rill are attending business Interests lu Klamath Ftiiin today. They vis-Itod- for a sburi ilun- while here with their daughter, Mrs, Lester Offfeld of the McCarthy upurtnionts, Own Store are full of bargains that arc without purchased by our own buyers you the best. THE FAMILY - Called Buying Group vsvvwvvvivAAvivvvvvyv ----- EGGS AND APPLES Anderson Grocery and Transfer Co. 335 So. Sixth St. Eggs from C'isc'k, nry.-mi's, l.sayloi's anO StevtMis' I'oitlt'ry ('"ai'lllS, 5i t 1 ' I'M' APPLES --Several Varieties o( Choice Apples. krAcked corn and poultry supplies Ml. Aslilanil Egg Mash, Always l-resh. LONG AND SHORT DISTANCE HAULINQ Spanish War Vets Name New Officers The annuel election of officer! or tin- Spanish War V runs was held bua ovenlug in the Legion building. j wit ll 10, (I. Argraveo elected as ctim I ntnnder for the ensuing year "lid, 1 Frank C. High, senior vice prmililonl. ! Among ii"' nth'' offleers ulebtorl were ft E. Ankeny, Junior vice Him i mandor, li, 0, ponratl, officer of the dny, llobert MeDiinald, offlrer of Ulu guard and A. 11. Wilson, trustee for a three year term. February I, which murks the du'e or the blowing up of the Main- will be the date or the annual hliluiiiet Of tb- loeel vets. III'CONICIIS LBAVH Mr. und Mrs. V. V. Ituconleh have returned t tholr home at Oregon City after visiting ul the home of Mr. and Mm. I,. Iliiconkh for the ptisl two weeks. Co. -fi-i-Vi-AMVrWri i-.r, lAfuwil Phone 795 S ae