s ti itd i ThUiscloy, Dte'rhher 3, 1925 Patre Six EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 1 1. LEADERS FIGHT ORUFOLLETTE WASHINGTON. Dec. 3. Failure (0 fur of a number of their jinny colleagues lo fall In line with the plan of senate republican lead ers to recognize the republicanism of Senator-elect La Kollotte of Wiscon sin, Is threatening to produce some troubled waters for the party con fen nee next Saturday. Senator Butler of Massachusetts, chairman of the republican national committee, Is one of those apparently still oh the fence on the question of treating the Wisconsin senator as a party regular in committee assign ments and other matters. He has de clined to commit himself, however, further than to say that the matter is still one for "consultation." Loaders who are endeavoring lo submerge the issue include Senator Curtis of Kansas, the majority lead er. Senator Moses of New Hampshire, president pro-lempore of the senate, and Senator Jones of Washington, the republican whip. With some senators insisting, how ever, that Mr. l.nh'olletle's speeches in his recent campaign constituted attacks on the prcidor.t and the re publican party, Senator Watson of Indiana, vice chairman of the con ference, is still studying his cam paign utterances. Buy her a practical Christmas ,:ift at Bee Bcgin's Dress Shop, 1 l So. 7th St. (Adv.) 2-5 Cussing tight shoes will not help you in a pinch. Everything you want moat Li a glove, durable leather, fit that insures warmth and comfort, genuine good looks,1 Hansen Thorobred" has ai! of that. Every pair sold in a sanitary, glatssne envelope. Be sure that you ask for it and get the HANSEN Complete line of Hansen Gloves. Prices 2.00 to 8.00 THE TOGGERY All Of Us Want You and your friends to join us in a SOCIAL DANCE and Card Party at Alcove Hall, at 8:30 p. m. Friday, Dec. 4th Les Sai'lmg's Orchestra Admission .Free Don't Discard Your Worn Tires If ticv have .'i spuntl body wo cnn retread theni. If they are injured orrockcut we caii rejiair litem and sec that they ffive you service. All our work guaranteed. At- The . ', ) oACE ' TIRE SHOP 115 South Eleventh M. ft If Action Against Cafe Dismissed Suit of ('. A. Pauley against Hen- ; ry On, former proprietor of the I Ting lllug Quay cafe was dismissed tin circuit court today by the plain tiff because On has removed trout tba state. The First National hank has a chattel moVtsage on the fix tures, and other creditors of On must sue him personally. Hoopsters At Oregon To Be Speedy Squad BUG EN E, Ore.. Dec. 3. With the appearance of Hoy Okerborg. Lift year's varsity on the universit lmsketball team, prospects are very bright for another fast and hard ptay inx aggregation of hoop stars this Sanson. Qkerbergor was high point Un of the Northwest conference lnt yeth and was one of the best j tip-off men in the conference. Thirty five aspirants for the team ate out this season. Six lettermen from last year's varsity, which lost to). A. 6. in the final game of the j tMH contest play-off series to de j t limine the championship of the ! northern section of the coast con ference, are included it) the list. iThe lettermen back are Okerberg; Hobson. forward: iillenwators. Jost and! Gunther. guards, and "Sv fedi " Wastergran. last year all-const guard. Kiminiki. Reynolds and Harrison are thu moat likely candidates among the new men. Shasta View-Malin The entertainment and pie social glvrn at the Shasta View school house FrHay evening was a success both socially and financially. The ehil drca did very nicely and the proceeds wcji over $30. TBtre were a number of Thanks civTnj gatherings at homes in this contgrunity. C. SI. Kirkpatriek. H. E. Wilson, and VI A. Layman are finishing up their'diiebvork in the Shasta View iiTigavteSi district. OlivRiMertin .has returned from Belllngb&ni. Wash., where he was called bytie serious illness and (death of 'Ills' sf6Jr. who died "Just tiefore he reac bfdj her. Mr. andMrs. Goluworlhy and two sons of &kvmath Falls visited Mr. GoIdwortBjrtB sister. Mrs. JohnI1tom as, Sunday.! .Mrs. J: A. McComb and son David of Malin "Wrc Klamath Falls visit ors Saturday, when Mrs. McComb had dental work; done. Mrs. Masflln took the cooking and dining roomi work of the Malin ho tel the first; of the month. The ladhjjs' of the Helping Hand society metjWlth Mrs. Y A. Thomas Wednesday saWh a large number of members pripant. Last, plans for the entertainmcaMnd bazaar to be held" Friday evenin5'wcre made. The next meeting arill be held at the home of Mrs. John liaifey. Dec. 16. 9tfA$KETS fOKTLjJND., tyra., Dec. 3. -(P)- Egga weak, 1 to 2c lower. Current receipts '40; frsh medium 370 371 fresh standard firsts 41 H3 4 2; fresh iftandartt, extras 43&43 14; frcrh undersized 2Si&28. Butter slow, weak, unchanged. Extra cubes, city, 52'; standards 51 4: prime firsts 51; firsts 50; undergrades nominal;', prints 55; cartons 5 5. Milk steady. Best churning cream 53c pound net shippara track In zone 1. Cream delivered Port land 57c. Haw milk t-tj per cent) . o r.ft ...... . A t. rn'.w,n.i fn.uii nh. t u ii , :,ui'i. Poultry steady; unchanged. Heavy hens 26; ligfft'l'J: springs 24ft2; broilers 29 fi fH young white ducks 24S25; dressed- turkeys ' 38040; live, nominal',, feese nominal. Potatoes quiet, ?2.50 ii $2.80 sack. Onion qnlet, ?'l,75. Nuts steady. Walnuts number 1, 3O0.-12; filberts 21); a!mond' 27 Ft 31; Brazil nuts 24528; Oregon chestnuts 1C. C'ascara hurk nominally steady ut t 1 i (i ' Vz '; Oregon grape root nom irfnl. Hops duiet; rro trading, new crop, clusters 2Z: fuggles 25. . Reserve Ban!: Head to Resign Shortly. . .. v- i i, . vr . SAN FRANCISCO; yallf., Dec. 3. OP) The San Framiseo Chronicle says today that John Pen-in. chair man of lite board of ih redernl re serve hunk for the twomh district, has resigned, .Mr. I'cmn rused to affirm or deny the report. Mr. Porrftl liar, hen an taMitlve nf the hank lance its esiMhiislimAm In, 1914. He said that any formal ann'Mnrc ment of the resignation would ltii-. Ut,capje from Wiuihluttum. A T-.vo's compaur arr(I""thIro!tf,,V Ford load. iniTr-Lin i Tni A I mi i lulll i rv i Mi, IS NEARING END i WASHINGTON, Dec, 3, t.-Vl- -The Mitchell court martial followed the trial of the Shenandoah chart of Inquiry today, Inquiring in many places the same field previously ex plored by the navy court. While the naval Inquiry sought to fix responsibility of the Shenandoah wreck, however, the army court had as Its ohjectivc the rebuttal of t'ol onel Mitchell's charges that the Shen andoah accident was the result of general incompetency and criminal negligence in conducting the national defense. Lieutenant Commander t'harles E, Hosendahl, senior surviving officer of the Shenandoah, and navigation officer of the ship during Its fatal mill -west flight, related to tba murt martial today tunny details of the wreck. He was called as a prosecution witness. County Schools to Decide on Vacation Within the coming week, teach ers of the rural schools of Klamath county will convene to decide wheth er or not pupils of the county schools -will start their Christmas vacation on December 13rd and reconvene on January 4th.. or start their vacation on the 1 St h of De cember ami reconvene -on January 4th. Should they decide en the first above stated dates. It would mean that with the closing of scaoal this summer, thoy would be allowed to leave t'oeir studies one week earlier, where If the decide to accept De cember ISth to January 4th. u their holidays.they will have to re main in school one week longer dur ing the summer. Sacred Heart Event Tuesday Afternoon Pupils of the Sacred Heart Acad emy will appear In recital at the home of Mrs. G. C. Lorenz on Tues day afternoon. December S, at the hour of 2:30 o'clock, when parents and friends at the pupils are asked to attend. This will be the first recital of the pupils this year. The program to he given in cludes: "Birds in the Woods." Bert R. Anthony. "Hush Little Blue Eyes" Harold Lcston, Jean Conners. "Morning Song "Charles ftuer- ta. "Dancing on the Beach" Bert R. Anthony, Jean Beard. "What Grandmother Sang to Her Babies" I. Watts, Nora McAullff. "At the Races" Bert R. Anthony. "Catch Men" Arnold Sartorio, Estellene Bell. "A Farmer Went Trotting" Geo. F. Hamer. "Dance of the Little Blue Indian" Florence Barbour, Donald Kirk patrick. "Sailing Dolly In the Bathtub" Mathilda Bibro, Mary Thrasher. "Playful allnds" Jane Mattlugly Warren Whltlock. "Birds' Voices" Arnold Sartorio. Mildred Hickman. "The Recruits" Otto Barth. "Hunting Song" E. McDowell, Richard Currin. ' "Over the Waves" Grant Shaf fer, Loretta Brett. "Blue Bell Waltz" M. L. Ahearn. "Barcarole" Arnold Sartorio. Merle Crawford. "About Butterflies" James II. Rogers, Cleo Champagne. "Pollyanna Waltz" Anna Smith Edith Almeter. "Wooden Shoe Rogers. "Holiday Time' Dance" Jam-s (Krentzllni- Gwndolyn Lorenz. "Gavotte" Jues Devaux. "Sunshine" Bert R. Anthony, Virginia Houston. "Klves" James Rogers. "Periwinkles" Bert R. Anthony, Eileen Ilnrgravts. Buy her a practical Christmas gift at Bee Bogln'fl Dress Shop. 1 2'J So. 7th St. , (Adv. i 2-5 Manufacturing, Coat Icmodeling. All Work Onaranteed Phone 1 1 2-M 43(1 Klamath Ave. i!.tv.Ton Fourth ajid Pif'f'ii NextVi Moose Hall if .Mrs. W in j School Banquet Given at 7 P. M. Mothers of the gridiron ptnveN will be histesses lonlglit at a ban quet la the chtynber of cotnmene in honor of the Klamath County nftb. achenl feat hall team which tor I ha rirsi time In years performed cred itably in the aoutharll Oremm foul' hall league. Dwlght French, (POtball conch, who is lnnelv responsible tor the cv collent leant, will preside, and the high school's new principal I'aul Jackson, will make a short talk con gratulating the hoys on their flue showing. qA Crown Army Shirt for Christmas 5 m Chuck Sams Goes on Northern Trip Chuck Sams, welterweight, and his in.lnorl "t'ete" 1'eters, left by an to this momine for Portland and He alth! where Kn'ms will continue Ills t ampaiftn in the boi-dUgbtlns pro- fi lion. Status Is one boy who has iliown marked Imprbyqaibnl here during l he past six months, and with proper trulntisg should be nhlo lo rive a Rood account of himself "1 can't Ret uned to' this high al iunde," aaid Hums. "I' thought I would et used to It, but Ihe longer I May the more convinced I am that Ii can't be done. That Is why I am leaving for a lower altitude." Sains will carry with him the best wishes iOf many locul boxing faitK ;iMi II ii lit For Sale Hupmobile Touring fcatc M'i'lt'l. Qallapti Xivc, I3tini))crs, Side Vltlgs nnd ntithy other est re C(if lopft BW5i new. See il at ' , f; Pospisil Motor Co. Sfiovv Riicnn Heavy Snowstorms ' Ave Reported from Mountain Sections D!:nvkr, Colo , bee, Winter laid n aunwy covering over the liocky IllQUHlnUl slates today jyltb nrqiugo ortly tiirm, oqnlin tllnfe toBlghu" 'fill siaow fttfl ex tebdad from Montana to New Mexico In the sotttherii portion or the lu- tarinountaln area the ntorm tared with greater inlnniilty. In southern Wyoming ami 'northern Colormlo the itorm attained uiinost llaaurda q proper! itma. tyatck him unwrap He just can't help the grin of gratitude when the CROWN Army SHIRT is revealed! There's more than a shirt in this Christmas pack agethere's a hint of the joys and comfort of the days to come. Winter days in the car; vacation days in the With nicetiea ot mountains; holiday afternoons of golf: busy morn lfiSt?uJTIarC around $ house or gen- Cut for comfort of genuine U. S. Army-serge flannel to shut out winter winds or cut off die sum-, mer sun! Full value in trim collar, sturdy patch pockets and refinements of tailoring. In his size! 1 It's the Shirt the Best CRO REO.U.S. Y ARM GREENEBAUM. WEIL & MICHELS Shaken t SAN FRANr who will he interested In his HUCOei in otlmr aeauongi Mlili I'ltoi'Mitrv oi l i:ui:ii L'Olt HAJLljl, AliTI'IIAH A Hinall mill with .'ip.dtiti daily cailuclly and 37,000,000 fett of limber in (ho AHuras dlstrlcl Is dffered for cil for IS, 000, accord ing in l). v.. MNkoi of Al'tirax. Tho mill In altuntbd ulmut 2ii Oiftei northeast of lladoline. In ihe moiiu talnB, Mndellnp Is Ihe railway anipplng point, The mill has a io'od locnl murkel nnd is in nliape to start opemtlnhs tit once, accord ing to Mulkcy. ' i ' t i ', ,,' i , ; ' ' Huv hir n practical ChrlstmnM gift nt , Dec (legln'a DresH BhOp,Z120 Ho. 7th HI. tiJlv.) Sr-t 1 Gil Dobie Will Not Quit Cornel! ITIUt'A. N. V., Doc, 3, UV) - - till Dohie has QQ Intention of retiring as coach of Cornell fuutljall U'BlllH, He so announced last night when quaa. Uone'd rogarUlng t report thai he hail. I ,- n tipproitolied l hecome head '' It 111 ClUvel slU of Oregvn. I "Ah far us I know I am going lo continue here uiilll the expiration of my contract, seven years henev, was Uolile'i cunnuoittj Troitb,t wiiii belnff g prlao fighter In Hint you have lo look the pari, Ti, best think nb ml u umllv It the though I thai caIIh H laio being. Dealers Like to PAT. OFF.. SHIRTS rollTI.AM) ATTOltNEY IIKHR Karl It. Hallmark, well known at lorney Ofjff ortlnnd, Is a bntlnOH visitor In Klamath Kails for several days. Mr. Hallmark in representing cllonti In I'ortland on business mut ters. j ror Chevrolet De Luxe Touring Like Now Fully Equipped This is Bent Buy in TownSee it at Show Room Pospisil Motor Co. IRIMREtiBIMIBMll The Secret of Health "An ounce ol prevontlotl In worlli preached In IIjii human race all nothing ll more slmplii and Burn lb" leeth for III" pro.YOIltlbn of the body Ih heir. .See mi for Ii R. D. COE, fPntnlcKH 'of 201 Hoplta Ilhlg. Kill Eastern Gale Wreaks Havoc . -I fii MiW YORK. Dec. .1, 'l,Ti--The gain which lii lashing lb." ' Ailuniie , I (oil ax Ijf0 "I1 I' aelleii a' Coll . i, luodi .1 rei nArania on ihu boi)rd walk and mi l led liihl"H. chain ,,,,,1 , bnlltllng on. a. yw0 , , ,.,,., , nw Vorl. harbor were lorn in from ihtjr nioorlnitg nml were drifting OUI In sua. Pollt e of Ihe mull Ilvl4lu) lc ueadgd in taking thy building lt low lifter II hall drifted Off Siuidy took The atrtictnre, l."i lOO font, cm lalKotl iMO.ooo woi ih or rniiiuMKuiid "inuli boat i, v.r, it I Sell In I'ROM HI'KAIit'K ItlVIOIl . j. : Tti From thai thriving 'and growing little settlement of Hpfagno Rlror, 10 R)1let east of Kin math' Kails, canto the Itev. Ivey Clark, a minister of the iqtUommit, The Rev, Clarfc'.wns in luwn.tp attend business aia(or,n. oaie is Common Sense u iiound of cure" lum been through Hie uges. Anil ihtiu Ihe regular care of many of the llh in which XUnilnntlnn, DENTISTS 'crmrsni' ami Muln I'hnnn 8,'IU aaMagagggaiaagggaggaggghMitUtial