The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 02, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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Published Daily at
"An Empire Awakening"
Associated Press Leased Wire
EiKhteenth Year Number Mm
Advocates of City Manager
Form of Government Set
Forth Arguments
Chamber of C o m m e rce
Luncheon Scene of Open
ing Move for Plan
An I'M" ' i' n. i head, a limn who
will bo hired to devoto hut entire
lime tn city affairs. In other words
u city manager, la Ihe n ce .1 A
Klaaatt vm.
Thla was tbo statement made this
noon boforu tbu chamber of com-
morro forum luncheon by It II
Dunbur, an ardent n.lvo iito of tho
managerial plan of city govern
ment, Mr. Dun bar, us I ho principal
speaker ut thv luncheon, outlined
arguments favoring th establish
mont uf tho city iiiuiiukit plan In
Klumath Knlln. Fallowing his ad
dress, un open dhciisiilon wo hold
during which Interesting ; , ut
tbo plan worn discussed.
HuMim . . corporation
"Klamath Fulls la n corporntlin
Juat na u large business I) mr
poratlon," Mr. I mil bar said. "A
audi It la ohtttlod to un export
hi-. nt who can devote tila entire time
lo thu 'Wulfuro of the city. A bur.
Ineaa corporation hua lla general
manager and Ita board of directors.
Thla city should huve tho sumo.
"Tho affalra of your city aro bu
ms conductod by eallmablo and
ablo bualnona iiiou. Hut these aain.i
mu ar worklnx all day long at
their own bualnoaa. How much. I
ask you, la loft uf thoao mvn to give
you, aftor tuny buvo luborod all
day Ions ut tholr own bualnoaa. H
Is not tholr fault. It i not a mat
ter of Indlrlduala. It la tho syalem.
Would Aid Council
"Tho city council under tho city
manasor form, would bo relieved of
tho perptoxlni problems thut take
up ao much of tholr time. They
would retain tholr power but would
act moro In an advisory opacity.
Tho ovory day problems of city gov
ornmont would bo solved by tho
city manager, a man competent In
handlo thorn.
Absolute PorVTOt1
"Tbo city inunagor wcml.l bnvql
tho power of appointment of do
partmont hoada. Theao heads would
not bo aubjoct to politics, but to
tho city manager. If their SOtS are
not approved, tho city manager In
"Tbo city manager would bo u
man paid to dovote his entlro time
to tho affairs of tho city. Ho would
bo a trained export, with probably
an engineering training. If nt any
tlmo his work was dissatisfactory,
bo could bo flrod by tho council."
"In a sense, your school system
la conductod un thu city manager
system. Tho school board hires a
city school superintendent who Is
responsible for tho exocutlvo dutlus
of tho city schools. Ho confers
with tho school board which advises
him on school matters and which
reiiovod of tho detail executive
work, Is batter ablo hi bundle ques
tions of policy."
Mr. Dunbar's talk was warmly re
ceived by tho 70 who attended the
lunchoon. It. v. Uroosbock pre
sided and at tho close o( thu lunch
eon stated that tho chamber could
not tako an actlvo part for or
against tho proposition.
"I suggost to those lntorosted that
thoy form a fltudy club or somo
kind of un organization," ho said,
"ao that tho advantages and dis
advantages of tho city mutator
form of government might bo In
vestigated. Protect Radiators,
Urges Weather Man
If you want to proloct your aula
radiator, olthor drain It or drapo
It with flannels tonight.
Thnt's tho advleo of the voracl mi
weather man, who prodiola colder
woathor for tonight wonlhor that
will crack radiators and make lire
mlsorablo tor caroloss motorists.
IIURWAEH, Kng. Don. 2. bP)
Anxiety Is folt over tho condition
Rudyard Kipling, who Is 111 w.lh
Kiddies' Fund
Is Boosted By
Boxing, Legion
Fighters And Ex-Service
Men Help
Poor Tots
Due ohlsfly to tb" stormy weather
which ban prevailed III the city for
I he ii. ! t few days, boxing fans did
not come out In large numbers lo
ihe henetli card for tbu Kiddles'
phrlStll)M tuna last evening, and as
B result the fund has not reached the
desired n mount,
rroiimter Johnnie Itylvestet' and
his partner, Jacli .Meehnii, however,
did their bit In the face of financial
reverses, and turned over the sum
of is to the fluid, which is slightly
more than the 10 which they had
promised to give to The Hersld's
The Hauta ('lulls editor hanked (his
money thin morning In the name of
the unfortunate youngsters of Klam
ath who will be made happy on
Christmas morning.
Members of the American Legion
post last night responded to the wist
ful appeal of the poor tots when a
fund of ti'l wus subscribed fur the
Herald's Christmas Kiddles' fund.
Thin maken a total of $71 which has
been subscribed to date to this fund.
Although the Legion members are In
need of funds for their Memorial
building, they felt that the cause of
the poor youngsters was of equoj im
pel lance ut this particular time.
68 Spuds Fill
Sack To Top
Remarkable Record Is
Made on Lacey Ranch
Near Merrill
One more testimonial lo Klam
ath's pro-eminence na a potato pro
ducing section Is the report received
today of u sack of potatoes taken
from the fields of Jim Lncoy.i
ranch nenr Merrill.
This particular sack, and It wns
a regulation suck, was filled to the
top with OS potatoes. Hut tho
most remurkuble feature is that
tho potatoes weighed 1U5 pounds.
Hitch a stir did the sack rrento In
tho Merrill district that It was
placed on ill' play lii a Merrill store
and aroused considerable comment.
Tho potatoes wero picked by F.
Tho nearest to this' record, ac
cording lo reports, was a sack of
potatoes harvested by Dennis O'
Callngban In l.ukevlcw. which held
Ds potutoes and weighed 104 pounds.
Medford Service
Station Employe
Bandits' Victim
MEDFORD, Oro., Do.-. 2. (P)
Tho first holdup In the' city dur
ing the past year occurred lust
night shortly before nlno o'clock
when F. J. Wllmot, servlco station
proprlotor, wus bound, gagged and
robbed of $50 on his way hmo, ly
two men, bullovod to bo between
2,'i and .10 years of age. Uot'itUSO
of darkness no description of the
men was obtained and the police
have inndo no arrests. For over n
woek now, Medford hua had fcjiao
robbery or small theft every night.
Irish Boundary Report
Is Ordered Postponed
LONDON, Dec. 2. (VP) Tho Irish
boundary commission has agreed to
postpone the Issuance of lis report,
Premier Baldwin announced today
In tho houao of commons. Ho se
cured tho agreement, after consult
ing' with William T. Cosgnve, presi
dent of lite free state executive coun
Defense Testifies
in Murder Hearing
MHDFOH1), Oro, Doc. I!. (P)
Omar W. Murphy, on trial In the
circuit court, chnrgud with niiin
slaughter as tho result of the death
of It In wdfo lust spring, following
nu alleged heating administered as
tho climax to a family iiunrrel, mid
Dr. J, J. Uniinons, wore tbo chief
witnesses Tuesday and today, und
tho defense scored by tho testimony
or the physldim,
Method to Take Care of De
linquencies in Ochoco
Project is Approved
Land Owner Ordered to pay
Levy in Opinion by State
Supreme Court
HALK.M. Ore., Dec An uhschh-
monl made by the Ochoco Irrigation
district to cover delinquencies on
iissensments is held vulid by the
supreme court toduy In the original
mandamuH proceeding of A. J. Noble
against H. V. Yancey, sheriff of
('rook county, anil John K. Kollock,
inlervciior-defc ndaut. A demurrer
to the alternative writ is sustained
In an opinion by Justice Bean.
fly vote of the owners of land In
the district bonds were issued in
November. I91C, and sold to the
house. These bonds were refunded
by vote of the land owners In Feb
ruary, 1 922. At the date of organ
ization of the district there wan no
statute granting authority for levy
ing upon lands in the district for
the purpose of paying delinquencies
in the payment of assessments upon
other lands in the district. Stub
legislation was subsequently fa
ulted. Noble voted against organization
of the district and Isauunce and re
funding of the bonds. When he
went to puy bis tnxes In 1924, he
tendered to the sheriff the full
amount of bis tuxes less the 5 per
cent, levied to cover delinquencies.
The sheriff refused to accept pay
ment nnd Noblo brought the original
proceeding In mandamus to test the
validity of the assessment. Kollock
intervuned na bolder of one- of the
district bonds Issued In 1922.
Husband and Wife '
Meet in Courtroom
(Special to The Herald)
YltEKA, Calif., Doc. 2. When
George l'tippns of Mount Hebron
Stepped into superior court yesterday
to face trial on a charge of first de
gree murder, be was greeted by his
wife, who bad Just been arrested on
a charge of possessing intoxicating
liquor. The reunion, however, was
brief, as Pappus was bustled Into the
courtroom In custody of deputy sher
iffs. Pappas Is accused of the murder
(if Andrew Degnrls at Mount Hebron
on August 20. last, during a quarrel
over a box of crackers. The case Is
expected to reach the jury by Ihe
hitter part of the week.
White House Cop
Injured in Fight
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. (P) An
attempted mutilation of Paul A. Mc
Dutffe, a white house policeman,
was disclosed hero today when Mc
Duffle walked Into a hospital Buf
fering from loss of blood.
McDuffli) told hospital attendants
thnt ho was stopped last night by
several soldiers who declared ono
of their number had been robbed.
He accompanied them Into a house,
taking one drink.
Ho said he vaguely remembered
one of his companions was engaged
In a fight but ho did not realise his
own Injuries until he reached his
home. Hospital attendants said
the victim would recover.
CHICAGO, Doc. 2, () -Vico Pre
sident Chnrles a. Dawes departed
today for Washington to preside
over the senate at the now session,
firm in his Intention to continue his
campaign for revision of the somite
rules. '
108 ANGELES. Dec. 2. (A) It.
L. "Ited" Curious, auto racer In
jured In tho 25(1 mile race, coltnln
uting the 1925 season of the Am
erican ntilo association, Sunday at
Culver City, ntnr here, died nt midnight.
State To Lose
Small Amount
In Wheat Loan
Farmers Who Got Help
Are Repaying
SALEM, Ore., Dec. 2. Tho total
loss to the state on leans made to
fanners whose whoal was frozen
out u year ago will not exceed 2
percent of tho total or $34fl,42l'.:i9
loaned, says a report I Hit- beard
today by James Stewart, Investiga
tor fur the board. This would bo
a little under $8.010, and It Ij
said thla will bo cut down by excess
Interest payments.
All but $49,3(8.20 hua been ie
pald the state. Of unpaid loons
fivo are in Sherman county, total
ling J.1610, and It la believed '.ncae
will be paid this m nth. Gilliam
county has 31 loans, aggregating
$17,4(2.50, and Morrow county 47
loans totulllug $28,306.70 that are
All loans are due January 1, but
a few may have to be carried aver
to await another wheat crop.
Howard Dynan Honored for
Saving Life of Fellow
Worker Here
MEDKOUD, Ore., Dec. 2. The
4 5th Insull medal to be awarded
In the nation and the first in the
northwest for life Baving by rescusl
tatlon. was presented to Howard Dy
nan. prominent electrical engineer
of Spokane, Washington, who pre
ceded the presentation with a speech
on accident prevention and rescusl;
tntlon before several hundred mem
bers of the power company force.
Dynnn saved the life of Burt
Green, n fellow employe who was
shocked with 34,000 volts in Klam
ath county some time ago. The
power company also has two other
applicants for slmilnr honors.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Dec. 2. (?,
The house of the Washington legis
lature ngaln upheld Governor Hnrt
ley today when It sustained his veto
on a bill introduced at therUssl regu
lar Bosslon. relating to the deposit
ing of the state's money by the state
treasurer by n vote of 81 to 0. IS
members being absent. The lower
chamber yesterday sustained Gover
nor Hartley's veto on the Banker re
clamation measure which would have
put state reclamation work under
the elective office of state land com
missioner. Accessory Thieves
Loot Wrecked Auto
Accessory thieves looted the small
runabout of Dan Melhase lust night
after his car had overturned in a
ditch near Pelican City. In company
with another hunter, Melhnse wns
looking for n duck marsh on the
upper lake when tho small car
swerved from the roadway and over
turned. Neither occupant wns hurt.
Before a towltiR car arrived at the
scone of the accident thieves had
taken the tires from the wheels and
about everytbinit else from the car
which they could tear awny.
McBride Returns
From California
After on absence of over u month.
State Prohibition Agent L. L. Mc
llrldo returned this afternoon to
Klamath Kails and will again returns
his activities toward the prevention
of illicit manufacture nnd sale of
Intoxicating liquor. McBrido spent
several weeks In l ong Heuch, Calif..
with his wife, who is convalescing
from nn illness. During his absence
Spoclnl State Agent Colo has been
Dairying on his work in Klamath
NEW YOKE. Dec. 2. (P Di
rectors of the Willys-OverWuid coin
puny toduy declared a dividend of
$211.75 to clear ui) accumulations on
tho preferred stock. Tho dividend
is payable In common stock priced
nt $25 a share,
Attorney for New York Heir
is Making Final Plea
to Jurors Today
Declares Marriage to Negro
Girl is of Concern to
People Generally
I&) Isaac N. Mills, chief counsel
for Leonard Kid Ithlnelandcr, who
Is suing his mulatto wife, Alice
Beatrice Jones Ithinelandcr for an
nulment 6 their marriage, today
began summation of evidence for
the plaintiff. Almost with the
first words of bis burst of oratory,
which Mills had indicated would
continue fcr a day and a half, the
plaintiff attorney appealed to the
white Jury on a. bash of racial dis
tinction. "Leonard will hail a verdict fir
the plaintiff as a prisoner cn the
steps of the scaffold hails a' pardin
from the governor," Mills djclired.
Mills asserted there is a third
party at Interest in every venture
In matrimony; that party is the
public. He asked the Jury to be
guided by a consideration of the
effects ihlch their verdicts will
Admit - Subtcifuxc
He admitted that subterfuge h.' I
been practiced by the Rhlnolarder
attorneys in gaining Leonard'3 con
tent to separation from his wife
until the matter of her cilcr conld
be investigated.
"The question which starte 1 this
battlo has already been settled be
the defens attorney." ha stated.
"That Is the question or o!.;r. It
has been confessed by the defense
but it has not been elimiuale j from
the Issues."
Lovcl His Wife
Referring to the interviews with
the newspapers immediately after
the news of the murriage became
public. Mills asserted that "Leoiur l
then stood by his wife. He loved
her, that Is the wander of th.'s
Mills referred to a letter' writ
ten by Rhlne'.ander in September
1922 in nns.ver to a letter Irom
Alice in which she threatened t.,
biOak off their friendship. Itnlne
lander In his letter begged Alice not
to "throw hi:n down."
"He begged," Mills slu ttted, "as
if he -had been breeching an alli
ance with a girl of the Four Hund
red; or the daughter of a queen."
Vessel's Fate
Not Yet Known
Fate of the United Stat03 shipping
board freighter West O'Rowa, re
ported rudderless and helpless in
Federal Telegraph company dispat
ches received here from Mid-Pacific
last night, was in doubt today. The
craft wns more than 2,000 miles off
shore, bound from Portland ti
Japan. The West O'Rowa lost a
rudder post and part Of he.- atom In
heavy seas, her wireless operator
said id radio cast messages last
night. At'four a. in. the us'iul h ur
of communication with toe vested,
the Federal opu'rat r here w.13 u-t-able
to obtain a Wireless llltker
from the disabled vessel.
The latest niesstice from tho ship
said: ' , - - ,-j
"We arc helpless. Drifting ithorlt
for hours and unable to suir."
Renewed inquiry lias been made by
the state department of Governor
Pierce of Oregon as to the progress
being made In the settlement of u
enso arising out of deportation of
a group of Japanese some months
ago from Toledo, Oregon.
F. M, Havens, in the paint nnd
varnish, business in Ashlnnd, la on
business matters In Klamath Falls
today. Ho Is stopping at the Hotel
Arcudu while here.
Furious Woman
Hits Man With
Liquor Bottle
William Rivers Severe
ly Hurt in Alleged
Too much whiskey.
An Irate woman.
A bottle lying nearby.
These, were t'ac three can -H, ;e -
cording l police, which led to 'hu
severe Injury lust night of William
Rivers, who resides at the ilildw.'n'
hotel. Rivers was found neat- the
Central hotel bieedlng profusely
from a bad cut in the sca'p. He.
was taken by Patrolman Paltctsjnl
to the Klamath Valley hospital. I
where his wound .was dressed Lat-!
or he was escorted to his roini n
the Raid win hotel.
Fr m what the police eouid lean
last night, Rivers was In a. bMse
on Eighth street. During the even
ing a woman of the alleged dive
became incensed with him and pick
ing up a whiskey bottle struck h:.rj
a terrific blow over the top of the
Rivers, dazed from the blow, wan
dered bleeding and groggy toward
Main street. Police were Informed
of his 'condition and came t hk
The blow from thr. bottle cut
through Rivers' cap and severed
certain main arteries of the scalp, i
Beyond being weak from lias of
blood, the victim of the assault
will suffer no ill consequences from
the experience.
Convict Makes
Fourth Escape
John Delaney Breaks
Out of Nevada
RENO. Ncv. Dec. 2. ) John
W. Delaney escaped from the Ne
vada state prison at Carson City
for the fourth time early today af
ter breaking five locks on various
doors in the building. Delaney is
serving a sentence for burglary,
'."hen he was committed he boasted
that the prison could not hold him.
Delaney is an ex-service man and
claims that the government has
never given him his due in the way
of adjusted compensation. Follow
ing one of his escapes about two
years ago, he went to Washington.!
D. C. and was recaptured when he!
appeared at the veterans' bureau to
press his demands.
Captain Shepherd and Lieuten
ant Christian Lose Lives
This Morning
SAN DIEGO, Calif., Dec. 2. tP)
Captain Harry H. Shepherd and'
Lieutenant John D. Christian, air-1
men attached to United States I
marine aviation squadron number t,
were killed shortly before 1' o'clock
this morning when the planes th-jy
were flying collided at a nolght it
3000 feet .over San Diego Ray
Salvation Army Workers Save
Tots When Laundry
Building Burns
SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 2. IIP)
Thirty babies were carried through
clouds of smoke to safety by Sal
vation Army workers when a fire
broke out In the laundry of the
Army's home fcr women here today.
Tho damage was slight.
j WASHINGTON, Doe. 2. ()
President Coolldge received today
the report of the special board ap
pointed by him to investigate the
aircraft situation.
It was personally presented by
Dwight W. Morrow, of New York,
head of Ihe board. Its toxt Immedi
ately wus given to newspapermen
by the white house, hut under a
pledge that It would not bo publish
ed uutll morning papers of tomorro.v
George Nye, New York Boy,
Boasted of too Many
Feminine Conquests
Gordon Pirie, Who Admits
Killing, Gives Authorities
More Information
NEW YORK. Dec. 2. OP) A
woman in the background of the
killing of 19 year old Ceorge Nye,
Jr., by his 20 year old chum, Ood
on Plric, has been found but Dis
trict Attorney MtrOeban .Wants moro
Information about habits of tho
woman before he will rev -al her
Pirle said In a second confession '
made lau night that Nyo had boast
ed of conquests over every zlrl
whose name was mentioned. An
noyed by Nye's siatement of a cer
tain girl, he invited him to spend
the night with him and killed him
as he slept. He denle!, howetcr,
that either Violet Smith er PlrleV
18 year old sister Margaret was
Girl Giver Aid
Violet Smith, 17, who "iad been
going with" oordon Pirle, but de
nies she was his sweetheart, helped
Mr. McGehan to get the second con
fession from Pirle after a first state
ment In which he declared he obey
ed a sudden, irrcstible and inex
plainable Impulse to kill his friend.
Urged by the district attorney, s c
advised Pirie to tell the truth
A sense of chivalry, perhaps tin ;
ed with jealousy, was the- motive
that Pirle said led him to batter his
friend's head with a hatch-it and
then t.i hide the 'body tinder bis
sister's bed, where it was found
Sunday. j-
Revoltlnx Plans
"Ho had a plan for disposing of
the body, but it is too revolting to
tell about" said Mr. MeQohan.
Sunday evening, aftor the billing,
iPirie went .vith Violet and two
other girls to a show. "The papers
are all wrong when they talk about
our drinking and wild parties" said
Violet In telling about It. "Our
bunch doesn't drink and not oao
of us girls smoke."
Pirie Tieuts Girls
At the movie Pirie acted natur
ally and treated the girls to hot
chocolate afterwards, with $5.60,
he had taken from Nye's pocket.
"I just can't believe he did it,"
said iViolet, "I just can't. That's
why I urged htm to tell the truth. '
Pine's "gang" still believes in
him and will stand by hl,n, in her
opinion. Mr. McGellan expects to
ask a grand jury for a first -le-grco
murder tndiotmont. Pirle is
u .v held on a homicide cha.';;e.
Big Wool Sale
Starts Monday
PORTLAND, Ore. Dec. 2. (P)
The fourth annual sale of Idaho
wuol in Portland is scheduled to
start Monday. A million nnd a
quarter pounds ot wool In the orig
inal bags is now open for inspec
tion. Officials of the Flint Nation
al bank cf Roise, Idaho, nre in
charge of the sale, tho wool belong
ing to cusomers of theirs. Among
the offerinss ere the large clips
Of the Dig Sprlngsland and Live
stock company, Van Peuscn broth
ers and Andrew Little, besides :i
sore or more of small 'lips. The
Bale will be conducted unde.- seal
ed bids.
Farmers Ask Aid
in Horse Malady
8ALBM, Ore., Dec. 2.- -Governor
Pierce Is urged In a letter from
F. D. Ingles, representing the Was-.,
co county livestock association, to
give that county stnto aid in slop
ping tie spread of a malady that
for a year haB been killing off
the horses. Veterinarians so far
have been unable to dlnbnnse the
disease correctly or find a remedy
for It, and the work herds of somu
farmers. It Is declared, nre deplet
ed by death from the malady. i