ONI! i . rtf'. '.ill,;: w . . , I tiostlay iHvcmiM'r 1, l!)2o EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH WfcLtS, OREGON Page Throd "' ' : -r i? Theatre Lon Chaney in his greatest role ill mill whii could I liriiw III voice from tirlilml doors, inguthor atlilt " dwarf and I glanl ha lot) n 1 1 f ol fun laatlc crista " Khl "' ""' underworld OMMed wits with him. "The Unholy Three" is the uitfturp nnd ii will kjecp ypy (jtieagingl , . Thursday and Friday Mainly cvtfbout People fiva Cltvcr i( Vaudeville and ie Pre MM-. ;iinl Mi'iiu Him- in "Recompense" . , , , -,. i, . - i. i At Tlic fl LIBERTY "SHii WOLVF.S" wllh Alrnii Rubens, Jack Mullinll mill Hun t Mjfl ll A vivid drciuu about life' lit Paris. Thursday $ Friday llurk Jones In "TH K DISSENT OUTLAW" He'll enjoy tlis mi There'i a gilt value in the Cuown Army Shirt far beyond the coat a gift of fire and easy rrlaiaoon, of outdoor protection, of ifrr- ire. 1 he Crown trade Mark say "Full Value!" , ' liRUnNnaAUM, WBU a: MKHBL8 Makm ' Sam Viahoxo 'CROWN, ARMY SHIRTS M.WJlifti: .IK., liu.Tl itxs J, F Maguire, Jr . " Maguire mill Magulro, returned mi last nights irnln from Kan Fi niiilii n where he enjoyed tin1 pui two fwki with relatives mil friend. While nouih lin vlnl t -(l with a number of rolloK" ii en who piinl the putt summer' In KUiiinth Falls and '''ajl guet at :i number uf their hotmn. He rc jinllH tin- wi'lithef Ideal ull til" time hi W1IH Ht'tlltl Wlt.'l tilt: ffXI't'Pllllll llf Sunday when the rain which Klmn Ith Full. Ik iihw wllni'Hhlni; seemed to H III all along the route homo. I KOM l'l)llTI..Mi i if . mutter brought It. !t. Moore, A. J. i.aenicke, . I), itu-h- iniiiid, W, St. lltil. noli, I-:. M. I'URb. J. M. Marlcuy and C. II. Chileon, ull uf Portland, to Klamath Polls over Monday. Among tha guoata ut the hotel White Pelican thole men ware registered. t HAMS PASS ARRIVALS fed winctroui, Bam ll. baiter and ,. n. Davis, all registered at the hotel Willi,- Pelican ia( evening from Grants Pass. Mr. wrnetrout u tin1 Ford daalar lit Grants Paaa and Is ii'.iiii-ncilim business while here. Hus-in.-,:, mat torn brought Mr. Baiter sn I Mr. Duvla iih well. MISS HORIN ILL Hadden Attack of Appondlcltlt Causes operation Vaatwday MIhf Marguerite "Ituliln of th.' Hlr vl llakcry company, wan taken sud denly III on Stinday mid yoaterdav Nttlimllted. to a major operation for appondlcitla at tbe Klamatb Valley hohpitai. Her condition waa m bOrted an very much Improved this atternOOB and bo pea ure held for her Mpaedy reedverjr RUHtNBSS CALIiRR .i v Coretn, of Hcrrnbrook m arapBR the bualneaa caltera in the idly today. IIKM.s RKTIRN Loelll Collide llelllrii PfOm Molillo, Trip to old Home lii Krbraaka After a dollfhlful month's irlp io i lii lr old home iii Nebraska,, Mr. and Mrs, Jaek Ileal have retniie-'l to Klamath Falls" At flfwd la laud, Nonh Platte and Lincoln ill -, vlnlted wllh relatives and frlenda. Mian He Hi Wat era, slater of Mr. Heni, raturned with Mr. ami Mrs. ileal iimi v ill ipend (he arlnter iniiii' Iim III Klamath Falla. Ah a whole they found the roada (n Splendid mtidltlon. with consider iihiii miow In the reRlon of the nine Moiinialna. Mrs, Ileal re Umed her position In tbo county clerk 'h officii today. HRBTIAO TODAY Tnli Bfterfaooh tie- nirN of Ho BiincVdbco ftroup of the Camp Wre KirN mei in no, Pirsi Presbyterian I'hnrcli for their renular meednk. Miss Floronce Horter spent the uf. (arnooti wlih tlia ulrla, nivinu them Imtructloua in making llk tlosera for the holiday season Rlfta. I'dSTMAMTKIt LKAVKM Postmaster John A. Mcl'all left Ihla mornliiK for Portland, culled north to nppiiar an u witness before the federal Krnnd Jury In Iho eaa': of M. T. Kehinldt, who wan axTaStald a abori while alio In Klamath I 'alls aargeel with an attempt to defraud Hie tnulla. The cheek puaaed hy Kehinldt wua on Montgomery Wiird and company for Jewelry. WILL NOT MKKT THVItSRAV Friday afternoon at i:S0 la th". eorreel dal of the meeUni of the American AssocUtton of iTniveraity VVomea of the pre-achool ur divis ion, to lie held at the home of Mm. A. L. lllcc. Whether a member of this dtvJeldn or not, ell .members are invited to attend the ueetlni: Mrs. II. Itudcliffo has prepared n paper on "The Nervous child." AT COI.LIKIt IIOMK Members of P. K. O. To Meel ill Alfred Collier Home Tonight IX POH WINTUR F, C. Nlnin aiul W. I.. Thamei, both or the Poll) .in liny ooninaiiy, arrived In the City yesterday and will upend the wlntor montliH hunt. 'I'hey lire nlOppini: lit tlic Hotel Luke. KLAMATH A(jRCY MKN Tranaaotlrtg bualnaaa in the city yesterdy tjro.m Klamath Agency were .1. B, Pots and Sam Lamb, Thoy l.loppeil m Iho Hotel, Atvnde lii:,. bore. ENERGIZE! Grown people oflen over estirnnte ineir strength nnd do not 'realize that they are running short on energy. ( Scott's Emulsion energizes and invigorates the body through its power to nourish. Re-encrgizc, oriVf your sisfcm, Sfflt ktep strong'with Sedtt's Tflf Emttfsion. JJ.. Scott a Kuw tie, Dloamflelil, K. J. 2J BXROLTE TO REND , Mrs Don Dohklns of Weed visited for n abort lime in the city Mon day ctiroute to Bend to spend thu winter months with relatives. LIION MRKTS TOMt.'HT At the regular meeting of the American Legion post No. S tonight, nomination of officers will take place. The meet lug has been called for 7:45. ctft the TINE TREE Tod llrowulng's "Tlie Unholy Three" a-'JJrOdtiCtloh that lias been balled as the greatest crook film of many years, will hi' uoon tonight tit Hie Pino Tree theater. UrOwntag has long boon tamdua as n director of underworld stories and he has excelled all past perforyv ahcOl In Hie making of tills tliTilllng molodratna, "its pure melodrama," anys Drowning, 'tout there is ho villain with a mortgage mid there Is no wid ow whoso home is afloul to he taken from hev. Also there is no i n at atorni scene and no erring ilaiiRhter kicked out to (he mercy of the rng Ing elements hy nit enrriged father. N'eiv York Crook Flint "The unholy Three" is a Him adaptation of c. A. Robblns' story of the same inline and lis locale Is New York city nnd vicinity. oAt Tfie LIBERTY PftrtS -gay capital of frolic ami fun, broken hearts nnd blasted for. Innes fofmi the picluresiiae local 3 ol ' She Wolves," which opens tit t ho Liberty thotitor lotiiglit. Paris- finned to the rat comers of the garth lor Its eternal spirit of i.aiel.v, Willi Its fdveriah nltrncllvo beaa oortceallng packs of she wolves is vividly brought lo the screen lit Hils latest l.lhiM'iy attraction. Mrs. Alfred Collier will lie host as lo the members of the p. K. O. lull ut her home, 829 Cauhy. UttS evening. A debate on the stihjoct "Resolved that the Philippine Is lands should have free and inde pendenl government" gives promise of being most Interesting. The neg ative will tin upheld hy Mrs. it. 0, fjroeabeck and the affirmative by ,irs. B. L. Cramblltl. MEETING TONIGHT Plana will he completed for the anntfal bagaar of the Bt, Mary's Altar Society at their regular meet ing this evening at Lyreuui hall. The meeting will conveno at eight o'clock. rtl'XDKKLl'KD HBRG J. B. Sanderlund of the Wabo,ab railroad company, who makes Hi- KeaidQUlrtera in San Fruucisco, was among tne arrltall last evening at the hotel White Pellran frm thj south. Mr. Sunderliind iwlU spend several days here In the interest of Ull company. ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY Friday evening at the hour of 7: .10 memhers of the Senior Chiis tlau Bitdeavor of th-j First Preaby terian church will stage a "kid Play". A program nnd recltatlona will make up Hie program. The play will lie staged at (ho church. CITY MANAGER IXIRM RveoutnietiiiiltiotiH of Last City lludget COtliuliHee to lie Discussed Af Wednesday's forum luncheon Hie city manager form of govern ment will he discussed. This will he a splendid opportunity for each nnd everyone to become faintllar with Ibis subject Which Is one ot the recommendations of the last City lludget committee. Calloway's orchestra will furnish entertain inenr for the luncheon. OF ILLINOIS CF.NTHAt, W. .1. i nilli Hanged, traveling freight and apssehger agent of the Illinois Central r'nilVoid,' Who makes his Headquarters in Bah Frahcta'crji is back to Klamath Falls for a few days on bualneaa. Mr. Unngod makes this territory every six weeks In 'be Interests of his company. Since las: visiting tills vicinity, Mr. Itancod 1ms suffered a hroken thumb on bis right hand, necessitltatlng his hand being placed la n cast. AT CAltN ARAN HOME I, tidies of Hie A. N, W. cluli, one of the oldest social cliilis of Klam ath Falls, will moot tomorrow after noon in the home of Mrs. J. II. Car- hnhnhi KnoHha-KJbBcd-Krotch Union Suitu. Guaranteed union suits for men We have your size and style $2.00 to $8.50 The Toggery Opposite Liberty Theatre Sale L Complete line of Buckhect Hi-Tops $8.50 10 $15.00 . Of Men's Shirts About 200 fine shirts included in this sale. Collar attached, collar to match, and neckband styles. Sizes 14 to Wz $185 each 3 Shirts For 0.00 Sale Of Men's Pajamas A good grade of Flannelette pajam as and night gowns. A real bargain at , :. . , $165 each 2 for 3.00 Everything you want moat in a glove, durable leather, fit that insures warmth and comfort, genuine good looks, Hansen "Thorobred" has all of that. Every pair sold in a sanitary,1 glassine envelope.- Be sure that you ask for it and get the HANSEN J w JorMen We have the complete line. Compare our prices before you buy $2 to $8.50 Let us take your measure for your next suit we guar antee -satisfaction or money , back. It IWKJNS RETCRXH Sheriff Ilurt Hawkins returned this morning from Medford where lie attended u meeting of the pence officers and the sheriffs of northern California upd southern Oregon. The meeting was held In the valley city yesterday. HO.MFCOMIXti MEET THURSDAY What will he known as Homecom ing meel lug will tie the gathering of all circles of the First Presby terian cliurcp on Thursday after noon in the church parlos, Mrs. John Sargent and Mrs. J. V. Hous ton will act us hostesses for the afternoon. FROM DAIRY SHOWING - Mis. cilliert Anderson and daugh ter of Hairy, are visiting with rrlenda and shopping in the city today. Miuuttacturiitg', Coat Rmodelinp;. All Work Guaranteed Mrs. Win. Bessler Phone 112-M I'll! Klntnntii Ave. ltd ween (fourth and fifth Next to iMuoso Hall THE WF.ATHF.R The Cyclo-Stormagraph at Under wood's Pharmacy recorded a steady fall in barometric pressure during the last 24 hours and indications are that the storm will continue for at least 12 hours longer. Forecast for next 24 hours: Unsettled with increasing winds. More rain with moderate tempera tures. The Tycos recording thermometer registered maximum and minimum temperatureB today as follows: Hlgh,46; low 39. U. s. Weather Report Oregon -Rain tonight and Wed tiesday, moderate temperature. ROUND TABLE TOMOHT Seaut Leaders Holdftlg Iti-Weekly .Meeting at Maislinll House The Scout leaders round tiible of the Klamath council will hold its regular hi-weekly meeting toni-'it at t:30 at the Marshall House, wheie dinner will be served, fallow ing .which the members will ad journ to thu chamber .-f conimerce rooms for a business meeting and t: nlniug course. Frank Moser Is the president of the Scout Leaders Round Table and urges all scout masters -f the county to be present If possible. two NEW MKffRERS Haael dlakemore or the 'City Creamery and Floya Henriot of the Battery station are the two newest members of the chamber of com merce. VAXDEXHEIH) RRTURtfa Attorney David Vundonburg re liiraeii by motor last eventbg from Portland where ho has been since Thanksgiving visiting with relatives ami friends, NEW OltCHKSTKA PIT pine Tree Theatre to. Huve New Orchestra Pit Work Started Work started today on a new orchestra pit which Is being in stalled in the Pine Tree Th.atre. The orchestra scats will circle around the pipe organ and will be buiit low in the pit, having enough space for a full sized orchestra. Harry Poole, manager of the theatre is getting the pit in readi ness for the orchestra which will furnish special music throughout "Tl-.e Ten Commandments" which will show here w ithin the next ten days. TO CH1I.OOUIV w. J. Rungard, traveling freight and passenger agent of the Illin ois Central and S. A. Nelson m nor ed to ChilOqutu early this morning lo transact business matters. Klamath Sheepmen Meet December 15 To discuss their mutual problems and the general proposition of bet tering the condition of shijep men, the Klamath Wool (i rowers', aosocia tiou will conveno in the county court rooms on the afternoon of December W. according to announcement made today by the association secretary, A. M. Thomas. Another question thul ijil come up will lie Hie lowering ofjduesi It is the feeling of ojftcers ojj 'lie or ganization Hint the does ol the as sociation should be so low that not one sheep owner, however enibarrasH ed in financial condition, could be precluded because of dues. : 4 i FORRES RETURNS V. ICorbes of Forbes Puro Drug Store lias returned from a. wecka visit in Portland with his family, Big Storm Coming Prepare by having , Connolly Bros.' repair your curtains or make a new top for your car. 912 Main St, Ii