EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON Page Five ) mallfheivorld no values like these Tuostliiy, November 24, 19121) "Allien tiituli jut lieita Unaklatu" tv ; an jww. Fl.ipjnck and flavor I r-Jn other pancake (lour can pope togiva you HaBjack'a flavor became no other flour in h'lfiiclril the Il.ipjack way. To begin With, ,( wc UM no eornmc.il 01 other heavy ingredient. , , 1 lie iiMveiung i" w" ""y- baafinc-tcxturcd an the Hour itarll. Tl. .'- ntliu RlartiarW itmmrlv madr. arc ihh wm; n . always lu,lit and tender, never i'o,y "r harJ' tD-digrM. rlapjack lic.ul r.tui',lii lor your hut cake appetite in a bijj llavor way I "'.V ..... .. J News of the Klamath Country MERRILL Mm. It. II. Limrontbe nnd ilnucli tor vlnltod with their utini unit uii-l Mr. h iid Mm. Kit Huwood, tho put week. Tluiy returned to I h r bone i In Klamath Fiilln Friday evening. Thursday vkiiIiik Mr. and MM M. I.. Mooro imtiTlnlniiil in dinner In honor of thu iwtndtth anniversary of their marring" OuMtl ut din Mr went Mr. and MrH. 0, N It. I h Inn. Mr. ami Mrn. J. W. IliinU'ii.i. Mr. anil Mrn. 0, Howmnn and Vt, and Mm. M. A. llowuutti. In tin? ovoulng a fuw friend who had !.--Doljslitiorn of Mr. und Mm Moort In Washington Kiivn them I surprise. Tho uvunliiK wan npi'iu In playini gauion and refreshment were i rv d. Thorni koIiik In tho evening worn Mr. and Mm. J. I.. lliiikliiH nud family, Mr. and Mm. ('. I. kins nud family, Mr. and Mm. ('. M. Mvrrltl. Mr. and Mm. J. W. Taylor and Opal and Arluni' Taylor, Mr. and Mm. J. II. Kldwell an, I daufh tor, I., mi. i. Mr. and Mm. Mooro were presented with it gilt by their t friends. Mm. Howard Wynunt wai In Klamath Fails Thursday ibopplnf. Virginia, little daughter of Mr. and Mr. Vt-llon Iluklnti, Iiiih born ill tor nveral days. tiuurge Wright spent u few days In Morrill lui.l will;. II.. returned to ti Im bona In ('I'lilriil Point 8at unluy. Mlaaaa Malta ami Thlrta Andaraon spent tba week-end In Klmnuth Falls thu mi'-ut'i of Minn Ann Selsor. Mr. and Mm. 0. Merrill have returned from n trip lo California tuwiiH, going na r..r south as Wil lows. Mr. .Morrill drovo homo a new Studebaker Qoacb. Kilns anil F.ugciio Merrllt woro tba inspiration fur n Farewell parts' Friday evening whvn Mm. K, F. Morrltt and her sister. Minn Alia wiikoii vara hoabaiaaa ut tin. boina of thalr parenta, Mr. and Mm. Geo. Wilson. Thi, evening wan spent tn daaefni and card, tatnaa. Ra(raah- nattta wen- aorvad hy tho hontoen. ' Tbono prunont wcro Mr. mid Mrn. j 0, M. Morrllt, Mr. nnd Mm. H. Hundrickaon, Mr. and Mm. j,. Ttirn baugh, Mr. nnd Mm. Oeo, Wllaon, MIuhuh Bwea i.iiiiKduiii. Bllen Me-! Velgh, Carolina VdaralU, Ploranoe MeClay, Qladya Andaraooi Union An deraOB, 't'lilrzu Aiolonion, (.'loo Gruy- Ij.iiI. Miriam Offlold, Helen Drown Nalllo Chayna, Bva Murray, Loulai Dalton and Batin kikot, Carl Klger t'lnm. Stukol, I.ylo Morrill, Clarence Woodlioin'i', ilorhi-rt (Iraybeal, Ooo Rudolph, Bud t'hoyno, lull WUaon Tom BarTOWJi Robatt Kunn, Donald llalli y, Hii liaril IIokup, tho honor gtloata and tho houtoHHOH. Mrn. W. F. Hill. Mm. J, W. Tay lor and Itnymond Taylor woro In Klamatb Fallfl Haturday HhoppInK Mr. and Mm. 0, P, HunklnH nnd daughtera, Lioralne and PbVUa Jean, loft Saturday iiiornlnc for Loa Molo ill.. Callfornln. to apend Thanka- glrlng with Mm. Ilunklnn' parents. Tin;' woro accompanied by MIkh Kn tber Mooro who will -llt hor sl. lor, Mian Ilallli', who la attondlng 111,' Clilco Normul. Amobg tho Morrill people shop lint! In Klamuth Falla Saturday Wore Mr.. It. II. Andomnn, MIhb Gludyn Anderton, Mr. and Mm. F. N. Moy Of, Mm. It. 1,. DaMon and dauiihter Louisa, Mm. W. '. Unlley and Miss McCluy. Arlene Tuylor was tho dinner nnoiit of MarKuret Hill Sundny. Mm. B, M. Itulili und daufthtom, Virginia Juno and Janice, spent tho Weekend In Merrill, the Kliosta of DddbeBrdthers COACH Smart and staunch, chummy yet roomy a refreshing example of advanced coach design. Full balloon tires quality whipcord uphol stery deep blue lacquer finish cartouche yellow body-striping exceptional vision areas low-swung body lines long resilient underslung springs. Now so attractively priced that wiuVDodgc Brothers New Credit-Purchase Plan, ownership is made possible for practically everyone. WAKEFIELD MOTOR CO. 170 MAIN STREET Ten minutes of your time will prove this to you by any standard you may set :'Ncvcr before so much car for so little money'' "As fine a car as anyone would wish to own3 Tint Im the Ovrrljnd Sundurtl Sdan -a fuli-tize 3paMcngcr car, with room and in iparc for 5 full-.'" pop!t.' fa ride in . . . a rr rl - Mi'.r- ti car, clean cut, rakiih, low, extraordinarily good-looking o a Wider 5tf hc widest of any tiht car butlt . . . Big Wide Windoi more than 20 iqu.-re feet of window space . . Extra Wide Doors easy entrance to both front and tear eats . . . Very Lafcst One-pteee Wind-shield-" gives) clcjr, unobstruct ed driving vision ... Cowl Ventilator a modern re finement in dated-car body con struction. Triplex Springi civc you 30 added incites of ipring support on a 100-inch whcdbaic . . . A 27 -U or te-power Engine sturdy, fast, reliable. Notable for its power. Commended by own ers everywhere for its amazing economy in gas and oil . . . Sliding Gear Transmission Three speeds, selective at the lowest price ever available in a closed car . Autolite Starting and Ignition . . Borg and Beck disc-type clutch, one of the finest dutches made ... A rear axle system, the equal in size and weight to that used in cars carrying double the . weight of this one . . .Axle shafts of Molybdenum steel, the tough est steel known ... In the entire 3 years in which Overland has used this axle system there is no case on record where an axle shaft has ever been broken Visit all the showrooms of this city. In none of them will you find a dollar- far-dollar value even approaching the value yon get in this Overland Six Stand ard Sedan . . . At $89$ it stands absolutely alone among all popular-priced sixes . Compare It for beauty. Compare ft for style. Compare it for power. Compare it for comfort. Vour conclusion will be exactly the same as that of more than 40,000 owners who have gone through the same comparison, process ... A 38-horsepower engine, with a performance record that has won for this car a place among the engineering masterpieces of the automotive industry . . Porer enough for your every need ... a getaway in traffic that is a delight to experience ... the lowest gasoline and oil con sumption you ever have known in a Six . . . A handsome, distinctive car long, low impressive a beauti ful two-tone color combination giving a note of rare graceful ness to the entire contour of the car ... Exceptional comfort because of exceptional spaciousness ... big, wide doors for easiest possible entrance and exit ... big, roomy seats pitched aC exactly the proper angle for utmost riding comfort . . . rich upholstery, very long wearing . . . deep softly-cushioned scats that mean pleasurable rest fulness in a spin of 50 miles or a crois-countrv tour of 5,000! LOW DOWN PAYMENTS - EASY TERMS YOUR CAR IN TRADE OVERLAN D OVERLAND -KNIGHT SALES CO. 4th & Klamath - - - - - P h o n e 8 9 9 WILLYS OVERLAND FINE MOTOR CARS Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dnlion. Mrs. Dubb attended the card party nt tlio Morrltt home Saturday eve ning. Sunday Mr. Uubli drove down and was the dinner guesl of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton. They returned to their home in Klamuth Falls Sunday evening- Sunday morninK Mr. and Mrs. Joa. Stukel left for Whontlnnd. California, to spend tho Thanksgiv ing holiday with Mrs. Stukel's mother. They may drive to South ern California to visit relatives. Turkeys have been In great de mand tho past fow days. There have been some outside buyers in and a number from tho Vails. The price has boon the highest, siiu-i tho war. Prieea have varied some but up to 4 3e, (tressed, has been offered. Saturday evening a large crowd attended the first rani party of the season to bo givon by the library club. The party was given nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Merrit. Bight tables of "500" wore played. A very ploasant time was had by those present. Refreshment! wore aorvod nt a Into hour by the host esses, Meadanics J. S. Stovcnson. Win. Walker, Ed Ilarwood nnd B. F, Morrltt. Mrs. Uoso Davis entertained at dinner Sundny. Gnosis invited wore Mr. nnd Mrs. l'aul Lewis and child ren. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Jonnelle and Karl nlid Fay Jlnnette. Mr. and Mrs. Ed' Hanvood were hosts at dinner Sunday. Their guests woro Mr. and Mrs. ('. M. Morrill and family. Mr. and, Mrs. Morrltl are tho in spiration for many social events as they expect to leave Merrill this week. A dance will bo given at the com munity Hall Thursday (Thanksgiv ing) evening. A turkey supper will ho furnished by the girls of the sophomore class of the high school. SCOUT EVENTS rOMIXfi VI Program Planned for Lo.nl Scouts Mouth AJicad, Is Report HII.MO LEFT Among the coming ucr.ts nf the boy scouts is the pow vov. tamp and conference riflly. Orator ;.r.i; bike, photo contest, boy scouts' circus, employment agency, scont chamlos of commerce forum nec;in.r. de? oplng historical background 'or the Klamath country, iree planting and various other affairs arc lielng plan ned hy Executive Nord for iho I oy scouts during the winter (nontlta. It is expected to be an aciive season for the local boys who are showing keen interest. FIFTBKN HOYS IiEAVlNtt Fifteen local boy scouts and lour adiills form the delegation leaving to morrow for Portland to Attend the Portland conference. The boys will have the opportunity of visiting the battleship Oregon nnd march in tho city of Portland In the scout parade. During their stay In the northern city they will study patrol methods and real scouting. O. Hllmi teit this morning for southern California, to spend the winter months. Mr. Hilmo has been 'connected with the Concrete Pipj company, while located in Klamath Falls. RECOVERING NICELY The many friends of Miss Audrey Yancey will be glad to learn that she is recuperating from a recent major operation for appendicitis. Miss Yancey is bookkeeper for the R. R. R. garage. LOUISVILLE Margaret Mornn'.i poor oyo saved Clarence Agnow when ho fulled lo produce football tickets. hor ,32 nutoniatle missing him three JImMm Manufacturing, Remodeling. 1 II Guaranteed Mrs, W'm. Ucsster Phons 112-M 43d Klamath Ave. ' Between Fourth and Fifth Noxt to Mooso Hall Lordly Goodies for the Great Feast IVy THANKSGIVING SERVE STELLAR CHOCOLATES An ideal gift assortment because of the great va riety it offers. Bland, rich crcmcs; delicious chews; refreshing mints 16 differ ent kinds of centers all double-dipped in smooth, mellow, perfect chocolate. Krause's Stellar Choco lates are priced SI, S2, S3 and Si. POR MACiNIFtGENGEi choow ' Ktauie'i Ptjnthy Chocqlattj !:wry piece the package too a mailer oieco SI. $2. St The Blue Bird "Sweets and East" M m UM . I I Ml 'A m 'm - m sa' m M sa si m M m m m m m u m in . M tit ur if' r My m limes, -laW-'i'A.-... Wariii' .-