The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 21, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    Saturday, November 21, t!)2.r
Pagg Fiv
sfi SSP JlB If '2) M: Jl3i 3
CTTl'KHMAY oviiiiIhk Mm, John lluvl.
unit Mm. B, i. Wliif" urv. r aajjf
Joint litiNii'KhKH n( ilu bycouu lnill
(o Uin IihHoh of HI. Mury'H Altnr iO
ftnty. At tht conclutloa 0( Hi" blUk
Ilii'Kn mi'i'tltiK, (luring which imrlod
plmiH wkio illhi'iuiM'-il rut- tin minimi
baaaar which the ladlat win bold mi
Dcri'inbiT twelfth, tin' liuHlmiKi'n
iMirad laa ud wiifi rn. Thirty firs
mt'ttihtrn of tli" Holiiy worn iir--ni'iit.
An annoacamant win bo mdo
hortly which iii uu the place from
which thi' bnzunr will bo hold.
athi.etkh OP HIGH HCHOOL
FRIDAY i-v.iiini; mark-d Hi" first
annual btoulty reception for tiiu
nthloloa of tho Klamath futility ligb
m-linol, tht urfiiir Ih-ihk l'"'1' lb tM
Manilla hull, wiii'ii tin- maaberi and
tbolr frltndi BDjoyod daneinc. fho.
lrrit" Li-win orohfitra turnlthod um
1q ihroughout 1M dancing noura.
Thorn, honored wero the pu'tnli"!
of volloy hull, iiooltcr ami fori'
hull Inn, Including: loo Vottall!
Allili'iin llurrln. Evelyn I ruput,
BUon Bradford, Gartrudo Vpn Dor
thoUMlort, Juno Oarcaloa, wiuirr.ii
May, Klin Radkar, Loroiia Walti,
Vorn Moon", : r il t;r. .-, BTOlyn
Hiiim, Halibut I."". Arthur Mooro,
Bryant Williams, William Rnykoa-
tlnll, Herbert Dennis. M,tIi' s.
i.nuu Btawarti Bdward AWBaaon,
i.orin Ooborno, Kylo llarryrnan,
Norrilla Hamilton. Jimmy Boyd,
Laurence wiiiinm. Archie Kraaona
bare, Blda Dakar, nnum Hamilton,
baland Oulll, WOllani Batalor, tm t
Oouan, Charlei Mugniro, Uoorgo
('niiiinrn, Zed llnrnaa, Lniioii,-,,
roll. Leslie Kl III nr.-. Kuvmoml Yaimvi.
wiiiimn smith, lien Bouls, Angus
Walsh) Donald Harian, Frank Hall,
Jim nihil, Harold JohnaoD, Carol
Get the Most For Your Building Dollar
H. R. Perrin
209 Hopka Bldg.
Phone 250J
Do You Need Money
to build that home
If you own your lot, and have some money, wo
can loan you half the value of building and lot
eomhffed, payable like rent. Monthly payments.
Make four .iiTimeeliieiils now( before the spring
tush begins, so Unit your dream home maybe a
reality Before snow I'lies again.
There is no quicker way of making money thar
by real estate investment in a growing town. You
in' in the growing town the rest is up to you
Momy er &
Insurance Real Estate
Hopka Building
Viuiruy, Wiiyim ".'Intm , John Mor
gan, Gordon Loinnu, Waliloon t'l'P
tin il Itiiliiml ("of, r.
Patrons) n,"i patronaM for tot
nvi'iilna wrii Or- Mr. I'n'il
Noel, Mr. mill Mr.i r. II. I'inl"r'i'i,',
Mr. mill Mm. II. I). Mnrien ion, Mr.
iiinl Mrs. ThotDai W. DaUall, Mr anil
Mm. Hurr Poole. Mm. Uaac (Hay
Sdolo, ,.vm. Norn Fraaub, Dr. and
mm. o. a. Uaaaoy, Ur. AM .v.r. c,
I. Roberta, Mr. and Mm. it. ' . '!n -lii'ik.
Mr. mill Mri. i.ynn Siiliin, Mr,
nml Mm. Lpnli BfAjUord, Mr. ii"l
Mm. Bdward ( Inrk'i ami .Mr. anil
Mm. I'uiiI larhji
Tnoiday aitarnoon, paaanibbr
i bth, Hi" primary mntlo pupili
f Hi" tln inil Heart iicailumy will lui
poai in racltal nt tho hohto r Mri
(i. ('. LoroPI lit til" hour uf :Q
'O'clock. Thu purcntn of tho ' pupili
bra extondpd an Inyltatlop to attand
tin- rmiial.
Tli" proaratn to ho roudfri'il will
he mi loltowii:
"lllnlii In tho Wood" Hurt U. An
lluwiy, "Hu'ih l.lttln llltiii Kyet," llnr
o!i! I,' ".uu Ji'ati t'onnom; Mornlmt
Boat, Charlin Ituorta, "OamiiiK on
i!," Baaoh1 Barl it. Anthony Joan
Baardj "What Orahdmothtr kbhk
to i i.t Bablaa," i. Watta-Nora Me-
Aullffi'; "At tin, Harcii,-' Hort It. An-
tbony, "ratt ii Mi'ii." Arnold Bartorlo
Kmi'llilui Hill; "A Kariui-r Went
TrnttliiK," Oeo. P. Kainor, "Daaoa
of thu I. llil" Indian," Florence Har
bour Donald Kirkputrick: "Salllai
Dolly in ih" Bathtub," Mathilda hii-
bro Mary Thranlier; "Playful
Hands," Jane Maltlnsly Warren
Whltloek; lllnl'M Voloas," Arnolil
Hitrtorlo Mildred Hickman; "Tho
Roorulta" oitu Barth, "Hnntlni
Koiik." e. ktoDoarall Richard Our
rln; "Over tho Wuvo," cinuit Shaa
for - Lorottii Hrott; "Hluo Hell
Walt?.." M. I.. Ahiarn, "Hnronrollo,"
Arnold Snrtorli) Merlu Crawford;
Building and Loan
Phone 3G6
i .
Bungalow of Decided Western Style
HOUM A'o. 012
K?nrc wide-spread gables, the dor-
r-w- yw. . ini-i , me vvvr-naogiag caves, lite
H low, broad porch suggest the or-
fh tain nf lhi rvnA in tho RnrifKtmMrfc
where protection
in r sum is always grateful. While the attic
might, on occasion, be fitted up as a low
room, its chief function i:s to provide venti
lation and insulation from the heat.
The roof line is very pleasing with its low,
rambling sweep. The porch in this case is
made somewhat more secluded by the pleas
ing brick parapet which would lend itself to
very artistic treatment. A few dollars added
hero to the skilled craftsman's pay could be
marie to enhance the beauty and desirability
of the house. Hear in mind that very often
a little more expenditure at the beginning
will pay for itself many times, in the long
The living room, occupying the entire front
of the house, is accessible from the porch
either on the front or side. The fine brick
hearth is flanked by bookcases which suggest
delightful winter evenings.
"Aliout Itiittorfllos," JnitH'R 11. Rotf-t'rs--Oloo
t'liuinpamie: "rollviinna
Walts," Anna smith Bdith Almetar;
"Woodan simo Dancn," Janu'R iiok
srs, "Holiday Tlim" Kreatilln
dwandolyn Lorana, "ChVrotte," juUjs
Dsvaax, "Sanshlnsi" Bart n. An?
thpiiy- Vlrclnln Houston: ''Hlvos,"
Jamas Hogoi'ts, ''Periwinkles," Bort
11. Anthony fellotin Hargravas.
HONOltlNC! 1 ho inmnbors of t!io
Art NesdlU Work club of inhton
ho la a nentbsr Mis. W. Jones on
tertalned on Wednesday aftomoou
nt hor homo on High, Tho uminl nteot
Int? of tho cluh took place Willi the
oxohnno of hooks. Tho decOratloua
wars oharmlngly oairried out in tho
various shades of soft browns, pom
poms unit foms boiiiK attriu-tlv.-ly
plticed. At four oVIork tho hQStoSN
served dainty lunoheon, Amoug tho
momhera prosont woro Mosilamcs C.
M. Rainsby, J. P. Qoeller, R. B. Wat
tenburg, dlaude Martin, J3, a. WJrU,
i.. n. Truag, P. Hill Humor. Jonntq
Httrn, B. S. Phillips, lioso utoy
Boulii 'A. Powell and tho iioslo. -..
W J! j f. - - llo ''
Asiumc.vx Gittii iniltorNK
for a noc lira In I lie Near Kant
u I'd Kraplilcally porlruyoil In a now
book, "Osman Pasha," Just publish
ed by tho Century company. Tho
mil hor, Wlllliim Jourilan llapp. I? :i
nowspaper man who hns spent many
i years In Turkey, anil iWhOSe recent
I articles In tho New York Times
havo attradtad tifidaspread eommenl.
Ill his hook ho tells, in ilrania
form, a stjry of love, jeep rbllgloui
experience and' great herqtsnt, sot
niialnsl n hackgrntind or nie.ienl
il.iy Turkey In tho throes of a He
ualesaiice, a Ieforuintjoq anil a
Designed for American Face Brick Association
The dining room is entered through fold
ing doors from the living room or through
the hall, and opens to the kitchen through a
pantry, with cupboards and also butler's
sink, which, if desired, could be converted
into a breakfast alcove leaving the present
breakfast reom for other purposes. The
ample kitchen has all modern conveniences
and an enclosed service porch.
The sleeping quarters two bedrooms, a
sleeping porch and the bath room are se
cluded. The sleeping porch can do duty the
year round for it is entirely glazed and has
a good closet.
The basement is provided with laundry,
heating apparatus, vegetable cellar, and
proper storage space, but may be restricted
in area at the option of the builder. The
ceiling height is 8 feet 6 inches and the con
tent 38,000 cubic feet
Altogether this is an unusual house, both
outside and inside, but above all it is de
cidedly a comfortable and convenient house
to live in.
from the sum-
Nationalist Revolution. , Hla hern
Ine Is an American girl, ihe director
of a Near Ka3t Relief orphanage !u
iho tntartor of Anatolia.
Mr. Rapp transcribes with the
fidelity jf un annalist, the sympathy
of an understanding trlend, ami Hie
touch of an artist, a fnsclnatlitg
page out of contemporary history
wiilch Western Christendom has not
even glimpsed hitherto.
A thousand battinatcs bare been
spread abroad of what the post-war
fermea'l In humiliated but reviving
Turkey meant and prcniUedl This
is a new ni'.-ount. of il. dttferent
from all tho test uad as thrllKng
us a prophetic vision.
The old Islamic contompl for the
Christ inn Infidel is here. So Is tho
blttor repayment In hai" with which
tho persecuted Arenmian fills his
full measure of retaliation, togeth
er iwlth the drawing li.Klit of a bro
therly nnd forging spirit mediated
to both Christian and Moslom, not
by the theology of eider church
or mosque but by the nii glc of the
words of tho Great Teacher. In the
fonsei vatlKin pf entrenched religion
pAges of "Oilman Pasha," tho Iron
violently battles to protei-i the land
marks of bigotry. Hero also are
tho onvy of power and t ho aspira
tion aftor ideals which mingle In
n how nation's Impulses i nvavd pro
gress. All these tho playwright
lias woven inio n Vive stoiy. of un
usual character and stark convinc
ingness, Mr. Happ's travols is Ihe Near
East, as uewspuper correspondent,
Introduced him intimately to the
highways, marts, forums, mosques
mid homes of the now Turkey. Of
tho story he tells of them, a lead
ing Turkish historian says: "This
picture of the historical background
of the new Turkey nnd this presen
tation of tlio religious and phlloso-
phlcal trends'in my c:un:ry aro nt
only skilfully done, but absolutely
authentic. play shows a know
ledge and un understanding of Turk
ey Rnd Islam whkh 1 have iarel
found in a Westerner."
j I'r. G. D. An.liews, chnirmun of
'the Federal Council's committee on
'drama, says of the play: "It is ab
sorbingly interesting, and at the
Isametlme is a profound religious
Like Hen Hur. It will provido a
delightful evening for anyone Inter
ested in a thrilling story of a
strange-land and a strango faith, in
religious or educational drama, In
Turkey or Islam, in missionary vvotk
or Near East Relief activities, or in
the Fundamentalist-Modernist con
troversy In the churches.
A WEDDING of much intorest
to people of Klnmnth Falls
was that of Miss Dorothy Currin,
who became the bride of Otto .
NtChblb, at the First Presbyterian
church parsonage, last evening at
eight o'clock, ltev. Rice performed
tile ceremony.
Tho bride, one of tho voll known
young women of tho city, . is tho
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Cur
rin. She holds the position as as
sistant to Judge L. Li, Gaghagen in
the city hall. Nichols is well known
hero, having been connected with
tho Crater Lake stage company, act
ing as driver this summer. Ho Is
now In. the automobllo business
The young conplo wero attended
by Mrs. A. I,. Rica and Miss Lois
They are nt homo to their friends
on Meulo Way in tho Hogtte apartments,
VAUQWTBR OV dOB 1 1 l.Mi.iv;
gXrJ tii tut ihf.w mi i.i- '.K f 'i I mom
Inga whlcb tSa Daughtern of
j Job hav,; held during tho premint
'season, WU4 thut of Tuesday even
jlng In tho Ma3inlc hail. Two cm
I dlilates wero Initiated Int j the or
der. A number of the moth;n of
, the giris were guests. A social hjur
. with refreshments clozad t.. I 9VTO
Inf .
I During the .winter and oirl.r
' spilng months, a number of eocljil
' functions a:o beinj punned by tho
lyounger set.
MISS ROBiiRTA 11ARR, repres
entative of the National Doard
of .Missions, proved herself a most
delightful perso-n, when she spoke
I before local people at the Flr t
Prciibyteilan church on Wcdi.e:lny
evening. For her topic she u.
tho colored people of the south and
her years spent among them hive
made her a most capable pr-.m 'o
discus-, their problems. A greater
.part of her time, Miss Barr la on
the western coast, making Portland
her headquarters.
r-.tiE D. atomic section of the Am
A erlcan Association of University
Women met at the home cf Mrs.
Charles Wood Eberleln on Taurs
day evening. MrB. Avis Connell
conducted the meeting. Miss Ra
chael Cronquist gave a most inter
esting paper cn the 'Primatlve
Greek Drama" .which was followed
by a paper on the "Mechanics of
Greek Theaters" given by Miss
Aubra Bradburry. A general dis
cussion of the papeis followed. A
paper cn tho Greek play "Elektra"
by Eurripides concluded the evening
: : -
THE Episcopal Gu.Id ladles will
bold their annual bazaar on
Deocmber eleventh and twelvth in
the McCarthy building on the cor
nor of Main and Seventh, was the
announcement made today by mem
bers of Ihe Guild. A cooked foou
sale will be held in conjunction with
the bazaar at which various novel
ties and hand made articles made
by the members .will bo placed on
Mrs. Charles Martin, Mrs. C. C.
Seeley, Mrs, D. V. Kuykendall, Mr.
Dinsbaug'a and Mrs. Cottrel are in
charge of the bazaar.
oAt The Churches
First Presbyterian Church
Sixth and Pine streets.
10 a. m. church school.
11 a. m. Morning Worship. Ser
mon: "From Blindness to Sigh! "
Anthem: "A prayer of Thankss!
ing" Kremser. Organ nuojbs'.:
Lohengrin" Wagner; "Last Hope".
6:30 p. m. Thanksgiving meet
ings in the two C. E. societies.
7:30 p. m. Beautiful pictures:
"Too Gospel Under the South vn
Cross." Violin solo: "Melodle",
Tsohaikowsky, Mr. Harry Borel.
Vocal solo: "Grateful. O Lord"
Roma, Mrs. Georgian Babcock. Tho
women's chorus will sing "Bles
sing" by Pearl Currau. Mrs. Eb
erleln's organ program includes
"Marche Solenelle" Gounod, "Intar
mezzo in E Flat" Bohannon, "Wleg
enlled" Austin Dunn. This is the
annual Thank-offering meeting in
charge of the Missionary Society.
Tho annual Union Thanksgiving
Service of the Klamath Falls chur
0-minute floor paint in all wanted
shades. Easily applied, dries quickly.
W. P. Fuller's Paints, Valspar, Varnishes.
W. P. Fuller's Paints, Valnpar Varnishes, Wallpaper,
Stains and Calcimines
ches will he held thin year at S
o'clock on Thanksgiving evening at
the First Presbyterian church, cor
ner of Sixth and Pino streets, lie--.
J. Henry Thomas, who has recently
arrived to take up his duties a)
reotor of St. Paul's Epl.n.'ipal rhur ,
will deliver tho sermon. All DC i
plo of tho community are welcom .
to this religious observance of what
is essentially a religious day.
Suired Heart Church
Sunday, November 22, 1925.
Children's mass: 8 o'clock.
, High mass: 10:30 o'clock.
I Sermon: "Hall Mary."
Rev. A. F. Looser, Paster.
On Monday afternoon at tho
home of Mrs. W. L. Sanders, 70S
North Ninth, a Past Noble Grand
club of the Rebekah ledge will be
formed. All past noble grands era
Invited to attend tho meeting.
Society 'Personals
Mr. and Mrs. Chaales Riley are
leaving tomorrow for Santa Clara
where they will, spend the Tha .ks
giving holidays with their son,
Charles, who is attending college In
the southern city.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brldgefor-J
and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Pike left
, Thursday by motor for southern
'California, where they plan to jptni'
i several days visiting. Toda- they
attended tho Stanford-California
game. f
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Krauso mot
. ored south this morning to spend
the Thanksgiving- holidays in Cali
fornia with r Mends.
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Rea are
among the local people who are to-
day attending tho Stanford-Califor
nia game. Mrs. Rea expects to re
main south for a fortnight visiting
with relatives and friends.
Mrs. O. M. Hector will be hostess
on Tuesday afternoon at her home
on Ninth, to the ladles of the Happy
Hour club, of which she Is a mem
ber. MORTON im
Treasonable HOSPITAL'
Our expert doctors and surgeons
excellent food and quiet lurroundtaca
bring you real health.
1055 pmm ST.. aaw raawciaco
Don't Discard
Your Worn Tires
If they have ,7 sound body
we can retread them. If
they are injured or rock cut
we can repair them and see
that they give you service.
Al! our work guaranteed.
At The
115 South Eleventh
Phone 843J
W :
Paint Store