: Friday, November 20, -rrrrr hev mo ap The poor 7 A SHOAL DELIVERY 77 FROM "THE HOME 7 ' OH IT'S FROM EDMUND- T7 I FoR YOU LORETTA- l ToWN-AMANT. A (5tG ITSEfMO (30ODT6 f ( fi ? HAWtiWRlTlNCT TOO- HEAR FROM HIM AFTCR HAVI.MO A U3T OF pAD LUl ME FELL OFF A 6TREE r CAR AHJD SPRAINED Hits ANKLE AMD vuRiST AMD BARtfLN ESCAPED BElWti CKUbMED UMOER, The. WHEEL - or- a pa. .v.iM(J ihiuCK HERALD'S Mrs. Willard Johnson Teacher of Piano One Hour lesson a week and privilege oT t'litsn work III composition. hllory of mu Ic, ear training, etc. Residence luou 'u II r rit In I' huno 7 9 0 W 8ludlo 503 3rd tit. Ph.tSiM Dr. Philip CoU ... L Guc -i Practice of DentUtry Opn Rvrnlngl by Appolatmnnt Phon 503 CIS Utln Orn Moi'i Store Thnrnlnv eTentni. VInlt tnc miimbart woloome. Blki Templo, 3rd ft Mala Cbarlton Cnrrln, Ki.iltod Ruler. Tom Debmll, Bee. K. of C. Council No. 2255 Meetlnge: 8 P. M, Ziul and 4th Tueeriara .liyceum Hull, 8th and High Visiting Knight welcome Chat, Pattaraoti, 0. K. 1 1 . V , i ' J. C CLEGHORN CIVIL BNOtNEBR AND RUHV1DYOR j Phone 104M Xl Hlh 8t. J V f " V American Ion flNlffl f LtTlTW T 1 Biclnelee Ueino Mu mmm " I rAn laclnrert for I B. P. 0. ELKS Meet I AUIA Kodak Work Leave Your- Filtws M6t 90'clocK-Yoor Picturas are erwootfs Phi sa jfv KLAMATH FALLS OREGON xnSl WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE U W BUY THEIR ORUGS BgBfiBgl O. K. Transfer 'i Wivw do you think of that? bovs helm ( oh 8oT e 5A--S ne MCEDd AvniOMAmS temper ' infix CARE To Pou. HIM THROU6M ) ,- ' V. an6 me a 30 lome some 1 .; ' why let that 1 HE '9 MOTminS 76 YOO AWVMORC. BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR. F. R. GODDARD ORTEOPATHIO PHYSICIAN and simotco: Of no tut! It- m- -i Phoo 821 I O. 0. P Tcn.pl DR. J. G. COBLE OPTOMETRIST--OPTICIAN Mt Muiii Si. Phon &6W Mukn Mint grind glasses. Dupli rale broken lenses, repair frame. Vochatzer Bros WKIX URXU.KIia Phone 225-R 1731 MelroBe Bitlmalci KlTtn on wUr yitcm. Frlcdi Rctionabf The now Concrete Hollon-Wai Salldlng Drlck 'r Found Ue'na, Wall, Dulldlng. etc 'Abialntelj Plre end Wdhtbar Proof at a coat le then an other form of maonry. -Btone-Tlla conatractlon ellin Inatei upkoop ezpenae. I In deitrttotlblu. and ' I approrod by the boat architect and bnlldere. i . Unexcelled aa a baa for Htncco rlnlab mi na l-Vlnnie Tone Job lb and Karkel. Pbnne S82W Concrete Pipo Co, ready afr v5 Pr EVENING 19 THAT TM8 5AP YOU V.'U'RK , CN6A6ED (O f MIDLAND Aiiioiik biielnr rnllcni in Klam- ath Pall n Friday, .were C. R. I'at UTHon. Bdwarid KoronKlne and Chnti. Porter of Midland. Hurry Wlthri-ll In buildlnR a new burn In plnro of tho one which wa destroyed by fire a abort time ago. Win. Douglne of SIon. Calif.. In upending Home time with 111 bro ther In law. Harry Wlthrell of Mid land. Kranlt Flower wa a caller In Midland Wednesday ffom Klamath Full.:. The Midland itehool Is plannine an aperotta pluy on Novomber 21 at 7::t0 p. m.. when . nmull ndmiHHion will be cbb.MfMi After the play, thore Is to he held u public tlunco In the neighborhood. The Benefits are to bo spent on orchestra musical instru ments for pupils. The public Is In vited to attend. E. L. Furliur and son were In Klamath Fnllii Saturday. Charles Porter hnB gone to Mnrys vllle, Calif., whore ho expects to spend some time with his uncle. - Miss lln Hooper, who underwent a minor operation at the Klamath Valley hospital. Is on the road to rocovery nlcoly. Mrs. Ednn Flowers. Midland mer chant, was In Klamath Falls Bhop pltiK on .Saturday. Hubert trgent and Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Ilnrnott were county seat visi tors on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davidson spent tho week end at the home of Mr. mid Mrs. Fran!; Gruy of the lower lake district. Mri and Mrs. J. B. Burnatt spent Monday In Klamath Falls. Ice Sheppherd nnd Leslie Stiles of Klamath Falls wore visltiiiK at the J, l. Hooper ranch on Sunday, Braesto Znmhonlne wns calling on Miller Island Tuesday. Edgar Furber is busy this week dressing turkeys for mnrket. Kdwnrd lloyre wns In Klamath Fulls on business TueHtlny. Leo Sutton has been busy grading on tho loud between Miller hill and the S. P, railroad which bus been Uttdly in need of repairs for ninny years. We liopo he continues and conies through to the Island which is badly in need of a county road. I'lto.MINNNT BAY MHN Hi ll' From Coos Hay , on Hunt in:, Ti'l;"l'o Iteturn Home Moodily Dr. B. : W. , Kndlcott. Juke Hill Birom, chiiiles BWMf and c. Wl Parker, all iirominont busliioss men of Coos liny, lesliling in Mnrshflelil, arrived In Hie oily late this . after noon to spend several day in the Tola I. nke country litinnug goese. r " Z. Peters (Ornd. Univ. Calif.) Teiielier of Piano and Violin Accredited by Statu Board of Kdiiciitlon. Phone 45 1W Co., HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THE EVENING HERALD'S OLAMIFDn) Al it ITE8 Pint Inwrtlnn ... f.t. . r T jlH Two Inecrtlon pir line loc Three imwrtlona per line le Jour Imwrtlona per line StftY Week (II timet) per line We One Month .f i. juiU per Hdc 75c Minimum enarge ISe. Ad not conaocutiro are charged a new fel lowlng euch omlealon. Flrt Insertion la In "New Todaj" column without xtre charga, but all Inaerllon In that column are at tint Insertion rate. MERRILL Araletiee Day wa p nl very quietly In Morrill. Tin n- was no celebrating of any kind, the bui hess house s were do''. tuil a num- ber of Merrill peopb dd the laying of the eornemtono or the Legion building In Klamath Fall. The high school mudenti IQeiU WedneHdiiy in dtgglnr t trench and Utrlng u pipe from the Cox home 10 the Community Hull Tho tu dent urn fitting the Community Hull with showera. Those helping Wednesday we're oh:i nnd Ui ! pll lord. Dan Barry, ' Willard Duncan, Raymond Taylor, Mnieni and Her beft Oraybeal, Fred Benson, W. K. Frulls, Ix-tcr Moore. Doriald Bailey, Boy Bcasley. Alfred Carleton, Tom Borrows, and Mra. Tumhangh and Mr. Hendrlckson: At noon j chick on dinner wbb served to thoe helping ut the club room by Mia McVeigh and the following girl: Murium and Wlnnlfre'i Offfeld, Ed nn Join's, Esther Moore, Alta Wil Bon, Eva Murrax. Loraine Bcaley. Burte O'Nnll and Helen Brov.n. A number of tho boy were working Saturday hauling gravel around the school. Tuesday evening the Royal Neigh bor held Initiation at the I. O. O. F. Jlull at which time six caudldate were Initiated Into the lodge. About twenty five from the lodge in Klam ath Fulls wero down for the work. Following the initial ion it banquet wus served in tho dining room, Tuesday morning a- short pro gram wns given at the high school appropriate of Armistice Day. Itev. Miksovaky of Mnlin was Ihe princi pal speaker and gave a splendid talk. This was vary much enjoyed by the students. Last week the -local Catholic church held admission, closing Wed nesday evening. Thefe meetings fore all well attended. Thursday evening the Knights of Columbus root at tjj; bofne of Hugh Fnlvoy weal of tojrn. A number of tho Knights from Klamath Falli 'were down. Following the meeting a social hour was Bpcnt. Dancing was indulged in by a number of those present. Refreshments were served at a late hour. A good crowd was out and a delightful evening spent. Mr. and Mrs. Stove Stukcl and Jess MrFaul were In Klamath Falls Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R, 41. Anderson nnd family spent Armlstico Day in Chiloniiin with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hosley. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frazler spent EVERETT TRUE NOvV THV3 15 A SORi leveftcTT.'.' IT'S a good thinq-. IMPlV MN'T TAIL ! YOU ANI A FEW CV THC; TLOOK "If It's Loose We'll Move It" Tbiir:id;iy In Medfortl. returning the same day. Hoy Beaman and Carl Maga'.n of Hogiio River spent n day last wool! with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Murruy. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. L. Dalton and daughter l.o i. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. F. Merrltt, Edna Merrltt and Altn Wilson intended the show "A Man Without a Country" In Klamat.'i Foils Wednesday evening. 'I he LmUee' Aid of tho Prcsby- terlnn ehnrdi will meet for an all day meeting at the club roomn Wednesday for work. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Merrill left (he last of the week for a short visit In Redding. California. Mr. end Mrs. M. (ialcumini spent Saturday in Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harwood wore in Klamath Falls on business Tues day. Mian Virginia Tickle of Klamath Falls In visiting at the Jones home (his week. Among the Merrill people in Klamath Falls Saturday were Mrs. Jennie Jones. Ed Jones, Edna and' Bud Jones, Winnlfrtd Dewey, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. llfckins, Mr. and Mr". F. N. Mover. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bowman, Mr. H. N. Bogue. ills McVeigh. Mrs. Tho. Lynch, Mrs. P.ose Davis and Sumner Davis. Tho Library club will give their first card party of the season Sat urday evening. November 21, at the home of iC. M. Merrltt. HosleBBC will be MeBdames Walker. Har wood. E. F. Merrltt and J. S. Stevenson. . Mr. and Mrs. Dan Colwell of Klamath Fail wero Merrill 'Vis itors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Carleton were hosts at dinner Sunday. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Merrltt. Eugene Merrill. Mrs. Rose Davis and E. A. and Sumner Davis. Miss Caroline Varlctte and Miss Edna Merrill entertained at din ner Sunday at the home of Miss Merrilt. The place cards were unique and original and were sug gestive of the guest in some way and ca-JBed a good deal of amuse ment. Plates were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hendrickson. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Merrill, Miss Florence McClay. MIbs Swea Lurgdahl and the hostesses. Dr. O. C. Prentiss was called to Merrill Thursday. . Mr. C.us Eksman spent Armis tice Day in Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Anderson had as their dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker. Wyle Robert and Helen Walker. vrvrrriR Notice, is hereby given that there ! are funds in tne county ireasury I for the redemption of Horsefly Irri gation District warrants, proiesiuu on or before November 9. 1925. Also for the redemption ol Lan gell Valley Irrigation District war rants, protested on or before Novem ber 7, 1925. Interest on same will cease from this date. Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, this 20th day of November, 1925. VERA HOUSTON': Nov. 20. 21, 22 County Treasurer. By CONDO - Kr?F AMD IX I A NT "TO Let J T (VAI IMY FKIEMDS IN 0 -- I CLASSIFIED AD SECTION VI :V TODAY FOR RENT 4 room house on Klmnath, close to 11th St. Call Hot Springs hotel. 20-23 WOMAN DRIVING to Los Angclos first of weok, enclosed car. wishes woman pusscnger. Phono 634M. 20-21 FOR SALE -Ford touring, good con dition, with transmission, Atwalor Kent Ignition, other extras; good rubber; cheap. Call at HKI W. Main. 20-23 WOMAN WANTED To cook on ranch: all winter Job. D. D. Uakey Malln, Ore. 20-27 FOR RENT Front sleeping room, adjoining hath: for one or two. Call 027 North 5th St. 20-21 FOR SALE Enclosed car. or will trade for city lots. Jesse Bailey, Little Brick cafe! 20-'23 FOR RENT 3 room furnished house; garage; $30 per month. SOD Calif. Ave. 20-21 X P E It T We have one of the best radiator, fender and body men to' be had anywhere. Old fenders made to look new. BUICK & STAR Garage. 20 tf FOR RENT 4 room fumMied house, close to scchooL Phone No. 1. oi 330R, after 5. 20-22 FOR KENT Bedroom suitable for two gentlemen; use of phone and l aih. Phone No. 353 W. 901 Pine St. 20-23 FOR RENT FOR RENT Cabint for white men. See Collins, 724 Market. O 21-N21 FOR RENT First class furnished apartment, steam heated. McCar thy Apartments, 630 Pine. Phone 800. 29tf FOR RENT First class furnished 4 room cottage; no children or dogs. Call at 315 Lincoln. 7-tf WHEN YOU EAT MEAT at the Shasta Cafe, you are eatlne Klam ath county meat. 10-lf FOP. RENT Sleeping room adjoin ing bath; furnace heat; for one or two. 514 Walnut. 17-23 FOR RENT Furnished house, 4 rooms and bath. Phone 482R. 818 North 9th. 18-20 FOR RENT 4 room Jhouse, Hot Springs; doable garage, wood house. 334 So. 4th St. 18-20 FOR RUNT 4 room modern house. Furniture also for sale. All .very reasonable. 720 N. 9th street. IS-21" I s , FOR RENT Large front sleeping room, with heater. Phone 284W. 303 Wash. 19-21 FOR RENT 3 room bouse, phone 363W. 19-20 FOR RENT Furnished room. 920 Lincoln, Phone 597W. 19-21 ROOMS FOR RENT 2 gentlemen, private family. 350 N. 9th St. 19-21 WANTED HEMSTITCHING All fast colors; satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. H, Allender. 514 Walnut. N 12--D 12 WANTED Middle aged woman, no dhiidren, wants work on ranch. Call at Holland house. 16-21 WANTED Laundry to do at homo. Silks and fine work a specialty. Mrs. D. A. Root, 1422 Manzanita St.. phono 324R. 16-21 1 WANTED Men's washing: wool, siljt shirts given special attention. SI'S Walnut. 17-23 WANTED Young women for tele phone operators; experience not required. 'Salary paid while learn ing; apply chief operator, Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Klam ath Falls. 19-21 WANTED Spitz for stud service, immediately. Herald office Box 214, care Herald. 19-21 WANTED Woman wants practical nursing and housekeeping. Phone 345W. 19-25 Moonshiner Gets Five - Year Term MEDFORD. Ore., -Nov. 20. H. C. Conway, 26, formerly of North Bend, recently convicted of con duuthig a still, was sentenced by .Iule C. M. Thomas yesterday to five years in Hie state penjteutlary, the maximum punishment for the offense. . J. Stouebruker, of Ashland, Con way's alleged associate and chief witness against hint, evas sentenced to one year, and parolled by t'ie court to tho prosecuting attorney. Extending a helping hand Is com." mendable, but a hand with something In II is more practical. PHONE 87 906 MAIN Page Seven FOR HALf FIFTY FOOT FRONTAGE on Oth St ISO ft. deep, with small modern store, priced at $4,4)00. Louia Corvnls, Algoma, Oro. 0 -7 --N 2 7 A REAL SACRIFICE - .Chevrolet se dun In good condition: good rubber and engine Just overhauled, $9SS. Phono 12U. , ,0-tf $23.50 $20. 50 $31.50 iflghoat grade all wool mil Is and overcoats, tailored to measure. 1PQ4 Main. 14-20 , i, ...... Lin- ,i FOR SALE Well cimlppod creamery in good dairy country. ;For par'l culars write The Wood River Val ley Creamery. Fort Klamath, Ore gon. 14-20 FOR SALE $75 per month income property, modern. elo:in In, on macadam streot. $fi500; reasonable terms. 156 E. Main; phono 839R. 16-21 FOR SALE Large range; also dou ble disc Molino plow. 320 North Hth. 16-21 MANUFACTURING SITES in 2nd Addition, on railroad, for sale. T. O. Hague. 16-23 FOR SALE Two good brood sows; ono registered Duroc Jeraey wllh papers: one Hampshire, exception ally goqd Individual. A. M. Thom as and Son, Malln, Oregon. 18-30 DRESSES AND COATS on sale at Bee Begln's Dress Shop, 129 go. 7th St. ' 19-25 FOR SALE Apt. house, well fur nished, steam heat, close In; pays well. Write Box 215 care Herald. i9-25 A FEW MORE HATS to close out at - Bee Begln's Dress Shop. 19-25 BUY YOUR DRESS OR COAT at Bee Begln's Dress Shop and save. 19-25 SPECIAL 2 ply roofing, $2.35 per roll; asphalt sheeting, $1.75; Un seed oil. 1.50 gal.; kalsomlae 12 !e lb. Get wise and use Patterson's size In your kalsomlne; your mon ey returned If not satisfied. Pat terson's Paint Store. 630 So. 6th St. 19-25 ANOTHER SHIPMENT of pretty robes and kimonas at Bee Begln's Dress Shop, 129 So. 7th St. 19-25 FOR SALE Chevrolet car in good condition, tor $160. Call 515 No. 3rd St. . 18-21 FOB SALE Uaused set of "My Book House," books for children. Phone 5J4J. 19-25 MISCELLANEOUS GERHARDT AND DICKEY, carpen ters, day or contract, large or small jobs. Phone 756 after 6 p. m. 19-21 DANCING LESSONS All types of dancing; call Mary Peterson, 836J or Marcella Meehan, 520J. 17-23 j WINDOW CLEANING, Floor wax- ins, house cleaning and Janitor service. Reference a. A. M. Rhodes. Phone 360W. ' 7tf TRIANGLE CAFE The place tp get good eats. OPEN AiiL NIGHT. 633 Main street Phone 624. tt SHOES REPALRED BY MAIL Send them to the Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop, 121 N. 8th St We pay the return postage. 25c BUNDLES OF PAPER Herald office tf-nt AMERICAN SHOE SHINING Parlor; 15 years experience; CcntralJBar ber shop. G26 Main St. 120 ROBERTS SUITS. & OVERPOAp Hand tailored to your measatro, $33.50 to $47.50; also Selig Bros, line, San Francisco's largestdail ors. Can give delivery in one week if necessary, $25.00 to $62.50. Fit, workmanship and wear guaran teed. Highest quality, lowest prices al ways. Phone 109. I will call with samples, or see me at the Oun Store, Saturday afternoons and evenings. A. R. "Aco" Henncr. N 7-- D 7 IiOST AND FOUND $100 REWARD I will pay one hundred dollars for information that will lead to the conviction of the thieves who stole a trunk and wearing apparel from the bunk house on my ranch. Information will bo considered :coktfldootiiil. Re E. Bord. . , . ' Noy.-4-Jai. 4 LOST Blac.lt bill fold wltf my driver's license and othyr patters. Pleaso phono 70S. Ileniarriine Hantaon. 0$ ITJ 14JB0 LOST Suit case, west sidle of Tutu lake; leave at Herald ofilce; $5 reward. 1 1124 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE To Meet At Miss Beatty'a Apart ment on Fiflli and High Tonight The executive committee of tho business and professional women's club will meet at ,'he apartment of Miss Francis Beatty on the cor ner Of Fifth and High this evening. Tho meeting is culled for 7:30 o'clock.