University Librsrv Kuirent, Orsi. Published Daily at KLAMATH FALLS "An Empire Awakening" BUY AT HOME; LOCAL MERCHANTS CAN GIVE YOU BETTER BARGAINS Associated Press Leased Wire Eighteenth Year -NuiiiIrt G082 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMJ'.LR 1925 PRICE FIVE CENTS THE KLAMATH UPLIFTER PuMlshed i Tui'H(lu). Tliui-kitii)n mill Mntimlflyn Circulation Poor Bdttor Tin hh WHEN? When Klamath moonshine tastes like mellowed Scotch, ' When 'Main Street' guesses right on anything; When Blwood Mead given Eberlein a watch, And Malarkey shoots a duck that's on the wing ; When Strahorn says: "I'm for the Northern Line," And Groesbeck answers back' "That goes for me." Then the city council's go ing to treat uh fine, And fix South Sixth just like it ought to be. When light and water costs start coming down, When Newell can mold the farmers just like wax, When all street signs are placed thruout the town, And timber owners pay an honest tax; When Lake Ewauna's clos ed to sewage trash, And they build another court house in Hot Sprigs Then McKee and Shoup and Work will get the cash, To present their old pal, Murray, golden wings. When NeBmith says. "I'm through with politics," When they stop the cinder nuisance for all time; When they start to tossing flowers instead of bricks, And when truth becomes a virtue not a crime ; When the chuck-holes in the streets are all repaired, And they give the mayor praise as well as raps; If we really wondered how our neighbors fared, Then we'd make a better town of this perhaps. A (iolil)KN' THOUGHT von TODAX Knrly to bod ami onrly to rise Makes you u stranger with most of t ln guys. MAUI or DEATH Lives of Homo poor goofs remind us Wo enn u!no lnp up "mopn," And, departing, leave behind na JJnlsloH on our mound In June. BA8HMBNT III lit; is To rent, trade or sell A "Dnliy. Hon." Still nblo to go hut needs Tegulntlng. Alurm mechanism In porfoct condition. Would llko to Hvap for nlco gentle gout, nr whit, have you. Fifth and Main. QUESTIONS ami ANSWERS Sir: Doob Chnrlos Wood Hborloln own any Mock lh Ihf Klamath Upllfor? Nnto. Ana. Not yet. bin give tt.i time. Dear Editor. Ilefine I sign an advertising eontriiot 1 want to know If that man Murray bus any Inter nal In your newspaper, li. V. AnsiHIr, this la a newspaper, not'lf dyhumlto fnetoi'y. Dnr Sir: - What la yonv honest opinion concerning Copi-o .1. ('. 1). Ana. Dear John: Will reply allor I've pnld my delinquent light and water bill. Kind Sir: Do you think my nd nilnlslrnlliin Is good or bad? F. ii. a. Ana. Yoa. TODAY'S HPtTAI'H Horn IIoh the body Of .Mminlo Rndor Tie raced for Ih'o crossing ",itd dam' nbnr made 'or, MOUNTAINEER IS CAPTURED AFTER LAWLESS BATTLE Nitiion, il Guard Detachment Takes Kentucky Feud ist Into Custody FACTIONS SIGN TRUCE Slaying Following Election Results in Bad Blood Others Wounded l.iiuUvilK K) .. Sot. Dave steel, eluirdjOd frith tin lunntpr of BUoriM Joe Morgan, ulio preclplliitoil a fomllst out. break at Hydon, Leslie county, Satiintny, nciv.lliif lug tin m-iiiI-In 14 of 9tot6 troop to tin Hi-otto, vn uuilor Nl Itet tmlny nml an lliorltlea f liro other eastern Kentucky cquatiea were linen. iigatiug i n hi;: in tiieje eeepoc" tko Jiu-ImIIcIIoiih. dies front Frankfort luat niKhi Mated that Aiijiiiam doner nl Kvlio" bad received a telegram fronft Captain James a. WAOten, conv mnnditiK the detaehnenl of 2t Iraardsnen, sent to Hyoan from iiaz- nrd over borauback trails, bad placed Steal In iimlody and that the tense nlliiutlnn Caused by tbo aniline, of 0C partisan! of the dead man and ti Ih alleged alayor bail quieted, .tiioilior Murder At the Huino tine advteas from Whllfihiirx and t ynllila. told of the itajrlni of inon Candblll, SO, Braath Ht rounty moutitalnoor. unit Jnmcs It. Sturgeon, in tlir Klk creek and Ilroodwoll district, Relatival and friends ol Morgan and Bteet, hot li prominent, bold ponoe conferenoe at Myden last night In an effort to luri-Htall lawlessness by in, roiiKhor olomoiii of l,enllo cOttnty, who were using tho slaying na tho basis of propuntllona for a pitched battle, Hazard dispatches laid. Slain lly Girl Caudill died in a hospital at Black eyo, Ky., from wounds Infilctod by Polly Bugle, in year obi daughter of a widow bo Ih nlloKi'tl to have abol down wbllo on n mooiiHliinor'a rnm pago In lb.' Klk crook dlatrlrt nonr Lotchor-l'orry Junction. Mra. Kagjt Ik roportoil recoVerlng. Tho Rlrl uaod an old faahtonod rlflo, a family bolr loom, two ahots taking offoct. t'nudlll la aald in have biin drunk. Stur noon, who win ahot by Itoy Clny pool, Is, who clolina self detonso was struck twlao nl fnqri rsjhge with a snotguit. Ili" wan likewise anld to have boon Intoxicated. A coroner'a ilWucat was to bo bold today, Mitchell Will Conclude Case Within 2 Days Colonel's Attorney Says Trial Is Nearing End W.V.-'lllNliTO.V, N.iv. 1!. IVi Tim defenan notified tho Mitchell martial today t but It expected to complete Its evidence tomorrow except for the testimony of. Colonel William .Mitchell will give In his own behalf. Ropiresetltatlye Krnnk ll. Held, chief defense counael, indicated that the Colonel would require about two days fur bis testimony. Heed M. Chamberlain, of Detroit, iwho won numerous decisions as an amateur In Krnnoo, testified at today's aos SlOn thai his plane never had boon bit by enemy ground Runs, although. It bad boon within their range sever al hundred hours, lie declare .1 ro aervet nlr officers should bo Klvon, at least 100 flying hours a year. Lieutenant Uolgh Wade, one of the army world fliers, told the court oT various o.xperleiues during bis 3,000 hours (lying In every typo of plane knowH to any nvhillun per sonnel, .vkyv York. I'Vleral Attorney DUokner has Invltod Wayne it. Wheeler In "(Mine liver Into Mace donia'1 .-md soo for himself how hard m is i eniorre proninuion in Now York, Mysterious Disappearance Of Mike Perez Unsolved; Friends l Lose Money Meant For Parents No Trace of Leader 6f Mexican Group at Al goma Found; Missing Since Tuesday; District Attorney's Office is In vestigating Caac Mike Perez, Mexican interpreter and trusted employe of the Algoma Lumber company, has suddenly and mys teriously disappeared. He has departed for parts un known with, it is believed, $98, belonging to Mexican co-workers at Algoma. This is the deduction of the district attorney's office after assembling and segregating the stories of two Mexican laborers as well vs Fred Leonetti of the Tog i.ery store of Klamath Falls. However, !'ori' cxemplaiy con- CHAPMAN'S PAL SENT TO PRISON EOR LIFE TERM 'One-Arm Wolfe Convicted of First Degree Murder at Municc, Indiana BANDIT TRIO THROUGH Tragedy Trails in Wake of Desperate Criminals One of Them Dead llfi Dll MCMCK, Ind., Xm. n. (.1. I'.l Judge Clarence Dearth lni niatit ronil solemnly the niiob of the VrardlCi of i Jury whil ji found Charles "Oue-nrm" Wolfe scuilly of iiitiiMec in the flrjsi ib'tti' spelling one of the cliihtitg f-lmpti'CH In a swift ili. mm. i i tint Iuim tM-t'ii m t ruinxly - fill- till Willi llllll I I'lltr; 1-olCfl. . (ierntd Chapuiun. daring mail robber and alleged murderer. Is awaiting execution of a death sen tence Imposed him for the murder in Now Briton, Conn., of n police man. The other. Qeorge "Dutch" Andersen, nut death at MuskegO, Mich,, recently when bo engaged i" n duel with a detect ivo who bad caught him while he tried to pflss counterfeit money. Rnthlcaa Slnyer Hance and his wife wore slain Inst August Whan they were beset on n country road near here. Ho fore he died, llanco Identified Wolfe and Anderson as his assailants. It was assumed nl the time that their motive was to retaliate against Hance, for Information be was al leged to have given the authorities which led to the arrest of Chapman in M untie earlier in the year. When Judge Dearth slowly spoke tb.' words that miean life in a six-by-nlne cell for Wolfe, the latter broke down. Ills head found his hands, while bis elbows rested on bis knees mid he said to his mother, seated beside him: "Mothbr, I'm not guilty." Allege Water Bonds Illegal City of Bend Made Defendant in Court Case IlKN'D, lire., Nov. 111. A tem porary restraining order was signed yeslofdsiy by Circuit Judge T, E. J. Dtlffy In the case of W. li. ltllcy ugnlnst the City of Bend, K. II. Fox, Mayor, anil Louis Uennolt. , eity re corder, forbidding them to dispose of the $860,090 bond issue for u miiulf Ipnl ,wntor project, riie plaintiff contends that tbo hand Issue Is Illegal because the bonds are of the par value of $000. 000 while the charter no Issue greater than for $100,000, be cause the bonds were sold for less than par and because the bonds were advertised for only 40 days when It should have boon sixly days. Perpetual .Injunotlori is sought, U1I,I.KI UY CYCLONIC BOMBAY, British India. Nov. lift (V) The loss of lire In the cyclonic StOtBI Which swept the bOBSt "t 1" dla last oveek Is now estimated at 700 and the damage at 1 00.000,000 pounds sterling. (duel since bin residence In ,Klam uth, his honesty in dealings with his fellow workers and hli ready payment cf bills, leads the proseo'i tor to believe thai I'eroz might have been suddenly called away from Klamath Fall, before be had time to return the noncy to his ! friends. Tinned Employe reroz has been employed as saw i man at (be Alsoina Lumber com pany for the past three years. He was regarded as one of the most tiusted employe la the mill, and his employers conferred with him when ever problems with Mexican labor a rose. Plain and uncontrovertible fact ivf the case as developed to dale jure as fellows: Perez Saturday aftern.on at Al KOma was approached by two Mexi cans, one Nicolas Ilubalcava and I another whose name authorities did jact know, Ilubalcalva gave Perez a 'check for $68, and his companion jne far $30. Tbey asked him to I take the money lo the past oftl c land buy them a money order, that they might send the cash home to tttSlif reipfiCUte Tethers and falh jers living in Old Mexico. That, uecordlng to the district 'attorney's offlcu, Is the lust time the two Mexicans saw either their nior. je or Perez. Comes to lily Perez came to Klamath Falls Sat urday night and called on Deputy District Attorney W. A. Wicst, ask ing If there was any way he Could secure grand Jury witness fees due lilm. He explained that his mother Mas fatally 111 in Seattle and he needed the money to get to her bed side. Wlest helped the Mexican out us much as possible. Monday, so the Mexicans told the prosecutor. tl:elr checks were cash ed but the money orders were not purchased. Tuesday, Perez purch ased a $30 overcoat at the Tog gery, paid $10 down on the garment and charged the remainder. Drops From sight Thi mnriiini: ho tlisnnncn rod. and has pol been seen nor hoard frjm since that time, so far at the dis ttiel attorney knows. Tho two Mexicans iwere asked to swear to a wo: rant for Perez's ar rest. In broken English they asked District Attorney E. L. Elliott whether or not that would returd them the money. "No, not necessarily," Mr. Elliott answered, "but ll might send Parez to the penitentiary. If he Is guilty." Tho Mexicans bad not the least desire to punish Perez for his al leged Indiscretions, and refused to (sign tho warrant, so officially, the i law holds no claim on Perez. Fares has been a familiar figure 'in Klamath courts. He has acted as i interpreter In Investigations ami I trials where MexIcaW) .were involve). TOWN CAPTURED Manchurian Leader Takes Cap v ital of Province to South of Peking PEKING, Nov. 19. (ff) l'a'tiu,--Fu, ptOVlnclar laplial of Ohlhlti 100 miles BouthWest of Peking, has seen captured by an ;iini!' under Gehorul Teng Pao-San of the group opposed to Marshal Chang Tso-l.ln. The city fell after considerable fighting with tbo retiring (.noes ol Hie Mau ohUrlAli leader. COAL Ol'KK.VTQKS MEET NEW YORK. Nov. 19.-- A-) Closely guarded as to its purpose 'nnd program n mooting of anthracite operators convened hero today. NEIGHBORS SAY TEACHER'S WIFE IS NOT II University of Oregon Facul ty Protest Against Wo man Going to Asylum CASE TO BE PROBED Professor Johnstone was too Hasty in Having Wife Committed to Hospital SALEM. Ore . Nov. It: -Charging that Professor Johnstone, member of the faculty at the University of Oregon, has been too hasty in hav ing his wife committed to the state hospital for the Insane, and thut she should not have been sent to the institution, a delegation from Eu gene appeared before Hunt. R. E. Lee Stelner and his assistant. Dr. J. L. Griffith, yesterday to pyotesj the commitment. Mrs. Johnstone was received at the hospital Tuesdav of this week. 'acuity Indignant University faculty members and neighbors of the Johnstones fcrc In the delegation of half a dozen per sons. Including Dean Eric Allen of the college of journalism. Tho Johnstones are taid to be new comers at the university and to hav,. coma from England. State ments made at the hearing yester day Indicated that Professor John stotfe is 13 years younger thun his wife. To lb- Observed Mrs. Johnstone came to the hos pital under u regular commitment from the I.ane county court. "Of course we do not know at present whether or not the commit ment was legally obtained," said Dr. Stelner. "The case will be handled by us aa all cases are. Mrs. Johnstone is under observation and will be for some lime. At present I have nothing to say about Mrs Johnstone's condition. The dele gation from Eugene came in good faith and I think went away satis fied that justice will be done as far us the hospital is concerned." Dowager Queen Is Near Death Mother of King George Suffers Heart Attack LONDON'. Nov. 13 Dowager Queen Alexandria, mother of King (leorge, Is critically ill from a heart attack, it is officially announced. The queen, whose Slst birthday rails on December 1. suffered the attack this morning. The statement issued from her home. Sand Uing ham castle, this afternoon, reads: "Her Majesty. Queen Alexandria, .who for some time past has been fail ing in health, suffered a severe heart attack this morning. Her Ma jesty's condition is critical." (Signed) F. J. Williams. Sir Thomas Horder. Convicts Seek Another Trial Kelley, Murray and Willos File An Appeal SAI.EM. Ore., Nov. 19. Notices of appeal to the supremo court in behalf of all three defendants were riled hero today in tho case of tho state against Tom Murray, Ells wortli Kelley and James Willos. all convicted in tho circuit court and sentenced to death toe the murder ol John Sw-'enoy, a guard, in the state prison break ot last August 12. Murray was sentenced to be bang ed Kriilny. December IS. and Kelley nniL. Willos on Friday. January v Will K. King, attorney tor the three convlets, has until December 5 In which to rile a bill of exceptions ns a basis lor tho Murray appeal and a later date for the Kelley and Willos appeal. J. II. Hamilton and Floyd Cun ningham, bulb residents of Cliilo quln. are here on business matters today. During their visit In tho city they are stopping at the Hotel Arcade. Beer Mugs Fly In Big Rough House ih;mjt mxony, ;! many, Nov. H. (.. I.) A ilioiijiml hwr gfawes, flTtf lnin-fln-il coffiM- f-iifsH nml sf Iidii-ili-f fl ladles and hair were iixcii as arfgntheniM uitti mttufi in,, effeel, in a ileeMmi of the lopie, xl)If or II ll lei , Maxell hy lix-al KnseKtl Jn evening. (Hitter Is the Itavariun btiHstl le.Hlrr). When i he beer mug hat tie was iiver sixty of the partici pants required hutiflagcs mul one uuh to Heiereiy hurt that he riled. When the police reached the hall many of the rominunlKts jumped through the broken windows into the garden?. The ring leaden when arrested were found to he armed with clubs. Cattle Owners Ask Dismissal OfW.B.Greelev His Criticism of Live stock Men Not Liked IJAKEK, Ore., Nov. 19. (Jf) Ths executive committee of the Oregon cattle and hofsc raisers association, protesting against an article on grazing in the national forests by (,'olonel Vf. H. Greely. chief of the forest service. In a weekly maga zine of national, circulation, sent a telegram today to secretary of agri culture Jardine. The telegram con cludes: "We teel the agricultural Inter ests of the west can best be served by the resignation of Colonel Gree- ley. ' . ' . . "We do not think a government employe should attempt to prejudice public opinion with misrepresenta tions and half truths, especially in view or the fact that the senato of the United States has felt this mat ter Is of enough importance to have appointed a special committee to Investigate' and report to the next congress." In the article Colonel Greely crit icized the demands of western live stock interests for grazing rights in the national forests. Sportsmen Don't Cooperate With Warden on Ducks With all the hue and cry of "something ought to be done abont It," with many Klamath sportsmen, expressing concern over the matte", the first man to volunteer to join in a general survey or the Tule lake duck situation has yet to call Marl on J. liarnes. district game warden. At' a sportsmen's meeting lajt Monday night, the proposition ot a survey ot tha situation, with a view to hauling away the dead birds and burning them. If the plan prov ed feasible, was submitted by vari ous sportsmen. The success of the plan depended entirely upon vh."th er or uot there were sportsmen un selfish enough to devste a fe.v hours of their time in making a gen eral survey of the situation. Then if the duck burning were to be tound feasible, contributions would be called for and the work carried on In en orderly manner. Enthusiasm for the plan ut the sportmen's meeting was very mark ed. Hut that enthusiasm seemed to die with the cl se of the mooting, Marlon Hnrncs commented. NEW YOKK. David and Abbey Rockefeller Milton, newly weds, have leased a seven room apartment on fashiOitdble iPark avenue, which .will cost them $7,500 a year. - 0 TO SKI, I. HOXDS SALiHM, Ore., Nov. 111. The state bond commission will tomOlr'ow sell $103,000 Irrigation district Interest bonds to pay the interest on bonds of several Irrigation district. Thl . 111 be under the law whereby the stale may guarantee the Interest pay- ments up to a period or rive 4 years. I THREE INJURED WHEN OYIUtMTE EXPLODES TOQftY Russian Laborer's Eyes Arc Blown Out; Copco Em ployes Slightly Hurt TWO BAD ACCIDENTS 1 Man Wounded near Bon anza ; Two Young Men ' Hurt on Lincoln St. Dynamite nearly took toll of one life near Bonanza this morning and a short time later in Klamath Falls was the cause of the severe injury of two employes of the California Oregon Pow er company working at Fourth and Lincoln streets, shortly before noon today. The injured are: George Lapowt, Russian road laborer, working under George Welykholowa and Alec Af fanatif, sub contrac tors working under Brattain and Sullivan, in road con struction work near Bonan za, one eye blown out of his head and the other eye also believed to be lost H. West fall, employe of the California Oregon Pow er company, suffering from cuts and bruises, caused by dynamite explosion. Robert B. Mahan, also employed with the Califor nia Oregon Power company, suffering from painful ab rasions, cuts and bruises from the explosion. Beyond the fact that he iwas In jured by a dynamite explosion! lit tle Is known of the circumstances of hapowt's accident. He was ruhed to Klamath Falls this morning. Little hope was held out by hospit al authorities ut the Klamaty Val ley hospital tor tho saving of Sis sight. He was In no condition this afternoon to tell the story of his accident. Two Injured Westfall and Mahan were Injured as they were drilling Into the sround at Fourth and Lincoln to place a dynamite charge, fjr the purpose cf opening up a hole for a power company pole. Yesterday they had exploded a charge of dyhamKe ji: the same hole, but only part of the charge had exploded. When 'lie drill, struck tho unexploded dyna mite or the previous day It explod ed practically In their faces. T to force of the explosion threw Bp rocks and dirt which cut their ?a'.M and hands severely. They were not seriously hurt, however, and will u cover from the effect of the -xplo-sion within the next few days. Speed Cop Is Badly Injured Lane County Officer Has Many Bones Broken EUGENE, Ore., Nov. 19. 10. il. Lister, state traffic officer in "this district is In a local hospital, rot ler'.ng frcm a. fractured arm, a brok en shoulder, u, broken, c'.ioek liujie and multiple cuts on the head sad face, as a result ot an accident ft the Pacific hlgb-ay south of Kugone . yesterday. Lister was Iravellng nt the rnti of SO miles an hour on his mol;r cyclo, .'basing a speeder who was headed toward Eugene. Another ear ahead of Lister swerved acro.n the pavement lo a service station, and Lister's motorcycle crashed tr.lo the car. The woman who wai drlv lug the automobile Is said to hate signaled properly, but List r was traveling too fast t i avoid the nil hap. Hot h the automobile and the mot orcycle .were budly damaged. Lister will be laid up for fcl lean three months. Hospital authorities tsnld,