The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 16, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page Eijjht
Monday, November 10, 11)25
.. .
; ---X.' . T r-K!aniith Falls Own StoreSEir
Don't nibble
-A -
Falls Mercantile Co.
uviwzvsi mean!
Falls Mercantile Co.
Next time you "feel faint"
And think you need just a
bite-try WRIGLEVS.
It will allay your apparent
hunger, and thirst, and give
you a senuiae, hcalthv
appetite. Then you 11 be ready for your next regular
meal, with a hearty rest.
At a digestive aid and for clean teeth
Charles Babcock with his aunt. Dr
Sarah E. Smith, motored to Medford
whore they spent Sunday with
Babcock Is able to be about after
an Illness from rheumatism which
confined him to his bed for week.
Several local high school boys in
cluding Charles Maguire, Louis
Stewart, Laurence Carroll and Cor
don Lewis, motored to Eugene to at
tend the O. A. C. victory over Uni
versity of Oregon over the week end.
fJYE-ANGUISH is the price of
I PVf-nP!'lAPt V111 fan llon.nnil
upon our optometrist. You can
hare perfect confidence in regard
to his examination and hie pre
scription. We make the glasses
Dr. H. J. Winters
Eyesight Specialist
Klamath Falls, Ore.
We grind our own glasses
Bishop Remington
To Aid St. Pauls
Episcopal Church
An absolute gift of dollar for
dollar has been made by Bishop
Remington to local members of St.
Paul's Episcopal church who arc
today startins on their canvass to
raise $7,000 which will open the
new house of worship free of alt
It is the hope of Rev. J. Henry
Thomas, with Walter West as treas
urer, that the sum of $.1,500 can be
raised within a short time, which
will mean $7,000, with the prom
ise of Bisop Remington to raise dol
lar for dollar.
At the present time $11,000 has
been raised and with the cost of
the operation in the neighborhood
of ?1S,000 it is hoped the drive
will go over big.
Work is progressing rapidly on
the new building on the corner of
Eighth and Jefferson.
Mrs. Carroll Griffith ret urn d last
evening from Portland where she
: has been visiting for the past week.
I .Mrs. Griffith Is one of Klamath Falls'
' recent brides.
R. B. Hofberger of the Menefee
Lumber company left here late this
afternoon for Chiloquin where he will
I transact business in the interests of
his company. t
7 .
Normany Bell Ringers and
Dance Will be Double
Music lovers of Klamath Falls
will have the opportunity of hear
ing some real music, Thuisduy even
ing. November 19, at the Elks tem
ple, at 8 o'clock sharp, when "The
Normandy 11.M1 Ringers" eastern
boys who are on a concert tour o(
te west will appear.
The program will take in vocal
music, with a iunrtet composed of
A. C. Musch, basso, manager; Herb
ert Abbott, barlt.'ne. pianist; Rich
ard KJott, second tenor and Clyde
Phillips, first tenor. Boll ringing
features will be an added attrac
tion, the bells used are perhaps the
.finest Bet of hand bells In exist
ence, made' in Loughborough, Lelc
estorshlne, England, at a cost of
twenty-five .hundred dollars.
The program will be varied with
popular and classical numbers which
will include:
Quartette, "On the Sea", Dudly
Buck: "Coming Thru the Rye",
(comedy; Popular Numbers.
Bells "To a Wild Rore" .Mo
Dowel; "Onward Christian Soldiers".
Piano Sole Selected.
Tenor Solo Mr. Scott. "Rose of
My Heart."
quartette, "Invictus" Huhn; "Old
Songs" O'Hara; "To-Ra-LI-A";
"Sandman" Prothero.
BellB "Sunday a. m. in Loudon"
(descriptive); "Adeste Fideles";
"Where Laty Dastes Orow."
Tenor SjIos with Bell Acct.
Bass Solos "Floral Dance" Moss;
'Capitin Mac": "Bell In the Light
House (with bell acct.)
Bells Melody in "F", Ruben
stein; "Put Aaway a Little Ray of!
Sunshine." "Stars and Stripes
march" Sousa.
Bells and Voice "Nearer My God
to Thee."
Immediately following the pro
gram dancing .will take place, to
which the Elks have extended an
invitation to everyone.
Tuesday-Last Day of Mid-Month Specials
Tomorrow is the last day of our price reductions on the things you have
needed for winter wear. Every item is quality merchandise and it was all
bought and inspected by our local buyer so that you may be assured that
there is nothing in the lot that was unloaded to us at a price because it was
n't up to standard.
Woman Boasts
Then Arrested
Men's Department
Men's All-Wool Khaki Trousers
This is the best trousor on the market that sells reg-
nlarlv for $3.25,
Mid-Month Special 2.39
We are not n chain store
! 1
Men's Heavy Weight Blazer Shirts
Knit Wrists and Bottoms
A Wonderful Value at ?-'.5
Mid-Month Special 1.98
We are not members of any chain store organization
Boys' Knickers
Wool Oregon City make, regular values up to $2.69.
Mid-Month Special 1.98
Extra Special Prices
On New Fall Coats
These coats arc all brand new stock
that was purchased especially for
this occasion. Their regular selling
price was up to $35.00.
Mid-Month Special 19.75
We have no connection with any
chain organization.
New Silk Dresses
I Lot of 30 silk dresses of popular models and
Colors. Values up to $31.
We are not a member of uny so-culled combination
buylriK group.
Claim of "Protection",!
Brings A speedy
The popular engine in Klamath because it is
dependable all the year round.
on 6th near Main
Phone 371
Because she spread it around
that she was getting "protection, "
Bill Cole, special state agent, ar
retted May Costokis yesterday
morning on a charge of possession
of intoxicating liquor.
"You see," Cole explained, "I
had warned her several times to lay
off selling moonshine to Indians.
But she persisted and took my
warnings as an offor of protection.
So she began to spread it around
Uiat it was all "fixed" betvean her
and the cops. Tbero was one thing
to do to correct her impression,
and that was to knsck her over,
which we did."
According to Cole, the woman
bears a poor reputation and resides
In a shack bohlnd the Arcade hotel.
She is charged with possession of
intoxicating liquor and was to have
been brought before Juitlce of the
I Peace Kendall today.
Gus Lamber was assessed a fine
of $250 on the chargo of conduct
ing a gambling game. Perrln Dix
on paid a fine of 150 for pos
session of Intoxicating liquor. Leslie
Smith, .who was charged with pos
session of a still, was released un
der $150 bond.
Five drunks said "Good Morning
Judge", in police court this morn
ing and then were fined $20 each
for their alcoholic indulgence Satur
day. Henry Scmon drove the bright
new red truck In which he carries
potatoes, too fast, and as a result
was hailed Into Justice court by
State Traffic Officer W. A. Foster
and fined $15 for speeding, h, Z.
Carter paid a fine of $5 for failing
to dim.
On the charge of possession and
sal3 of Intoxicating liquor Mrs. Jean
Evans was fined $50 and sent to
Jail for 30 days. ,
Phoenix Hosiery Special
Phoenix hose arc every pair guaranteed. $1.85
values, pure silk.
Mid-Month Special 3 pairs 4.95
Not a member of any chain
Turkish Towels
15 x 18 size Regular 20c
Mid - Month Special 2 for 25c
18 x 37 Regular 29c Values
Mid-Month Special 5 for 1
Wo do no no-cnlti'd (troup buyltiK
Ladies' Blazer Sweaters
In a full range of the most popular colors.
Mid-Month Special 25 per cent off
We are I truly local Independent Inittlttitlon
12-Mommee Jap Pongee
This Pongee is the very best grade that the mar
ket affords and we have priced it lower than you
can find it anywhere.
Mid-Month Special 59c Yard
We 'arc not, a member of any so-called combination
buying group.
Pequoit Sheets at Prices that Will
Startle You
81 x 90 Genuine Pequoit Sheets
This Is a special tlmt every house wife will be Inter
ested In because ihi'y nm the best value you inn find.
We have no chain store connections.
23 Klamath Falls Owned fSTwrn-wxemrmsam
Representatives of California
White and Sugar Pine
Men Will Meet Soon
J. P. Baker, mho has been con
nected with the Algoma lumber
camp, returned to Klamath Falls on
Sunday evening and plans to spend
the winter months here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Gnines and
Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Tenner of Ash
land spent the week end In Klamath
county on a hunting trip. 1 They re
turned to their Irome last evening.
At a date early In the month of
December, to bo decided within the
next week, representatives of the
California White and Sugar Pine
Manufacturer' Association will hold
a meeting In Klainath Falls, was the
announcement made today by Irving
Dunn, representative of the com
It Is the plan f the association to
hold monthly meetings, the last
meeting being held from Kovember
fifth to seventh inclusive at Susan-
villo, which proved one of the most
successful meetings the members
have hold.
Lumber conditions wore taken up
from evory angle and prominent
members present ,at the meeting In
cluded H. c. Sims' of SaCramento':
T. A. Sandoe -6t lAlamcda, A. IV
Johnson, Orovlllo, -and Irving Dunn,
of Sacramento. '
During the sfcssloi at Husanviile
the lumbermen tuiiUu;od two
banquets by thd" Fruit Growers Sup
ply company and the Lassen Lumber
and Box company.'"
Flvo forolgn cars registered at the
chamber of commerce toduy, Includ
ing 'O. H. Barns, New Pine Creok;
W. n. Ousley, Highland ; Robert It.
Mulls, Santa Rosa; J. C. l'nticett
Vlsnlla, and C. It. Barr of Ceelplno,
$4000 a Year Rent Will Be Paid
By Prominent Rancher of
Fort Klamath
For the next five years, the
Christine uockloy ranch In tho fer
tile Wood rivor valloy country will
bo oporated by Honry J. Gordon,
prominent rancher, it bocamo known
today. Mr. Gordon has secured n
leuso on the property at $i,000 a
year for the next flvo years.
The land llos adjucent to tho
Gordon ranch and Includos over
1000 acres of tho finest grazing
land In southern Oregon.
Twonty-flvo hundred dollars Is
tm sum at Issue In a suit fllod this
afternoon In circuit court against
J. W. and Luclndn titemens and
Hoy Fouch, by Goorgo L. Chutidlor,
Mr. Chandler, In his complnlnt, sets
forth' that the three defendants owe
him S2(i00 on n nronilssorv note.
dating back to May 1022. In addi
tion ho asks for Inlorcst and attor
neys fees of $260,
FIMKnUttO, Malno Maine pines
aro to be planted amid tho Florida
palms at 'er.p 4l&R..exp;rlmcnt by
T. f'JHXord 15stman,
Hunters on Link Are Warned
"To hunt along'LInk river, Is un
lawful add uny hunter caught shoot
ing birds n i ho i lvor Is subjaat to
Ohco a your, District Game, Ward
ed Marlon J. llnrnes dollvora this
edict, to iglve aspiring hunters fair
warning of what will happen If thoy
do not hood tho warning.
"Not only Is it unlawful to hunt
cn Link river, from its source to lis
mouth, but It Is also wrong to hunt
In Mint small pnrt of lower Klam
ath lake which lies within the city
limits and tho upper end of Bwaunn
lake which Is within the houndailos
of Klamath Falls," Mr. HarneB said
this afternoon.
' V tfJM
Herald Classified ads' nay
NEW YORK, Nov. 1 0. (!) Fed
eral Judge Goddard today ordered
tho government to furnish a bill of
practice in its case against Colonel
Thomas Mlllor, formor alien proper
ty custodian, recontly indicted with
four other Individuals mid throe cor
porations for conspiracy to defraud
tho government In tho rolease of
about $7,000,000 of sequestered
alien property.
Eight Inches Falls on Ashland
Highway; 18 Inches on
Sand Creek Mt.
Bight Inches of snow which
on tho llnyden mountain soctlon of
tho Ashland-Klamath Fulls highway
Saturday has boon scraped froln
tho road bud and auto traffic on
tho road Is no longer hniardoun, ac
cording 1.1 announcement this uftov
nonn by engineers of tho stale hlgh-
wuy department.
Likewise, 18 Inches of snow which
covered the Sand crook hill soctlon
of the' Dalles-California highway lias
been rlenrnrl nnrt trnrrin l ..t.i.. ...
traverse this strotch of road unlni-
G. Q. D'Albini
Certified Public Accountant
E. y. Reniek
I Public Accountant
Renick 8C D'Albini
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Income Tax
Capital Stock .Tax
Suite A Slough Bldg.
Phone 81y