iVfladftgftjfljfy iNiateMiWi' 11, 1025 EVION.NO HERALD, .KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pane Thi:ee ' '.- ..J. ' " 1 1 -"-' f 1 Mainly c4bout People v j Movkh TO I'KlilUA.N .lav .!.) IlllH Ktvan up h In ppurtrotul " The WlnUw aqd hia itiovad in Hi" liolil While Pelloun riir tin' winter iiiuirtiiK. ItlTI IRNM H W,ll OltKIt MM. iMn'V liuifor Mi l nnii il' A im liM bdMnmftuifl in '.Mut'WifUiM Kni- Ifvi'Uln,, Ikflill' i ' ill 1 1 1 1 1 Ulli' imil wi'iill wlili li ii r mother, Mi". A I II x 1'ni ii'i'iniu of tin' Hamol aparttttonta, .Mr, mill Mm, Pattoraoij roototlf i" tinnnil fro in ii nip iiiiiiIIi, Ih'IiikIiik Itaolr daughter bond with thorn, i hum IDA tin Mr. mill Mm. (loorjiu Ward, wlln Mr. 'and Mm, Molvln Wllllanii oi Twin Kiilln. Idaho, mv vlnliniK In KtAIDAlh KhIIh oh itiilr way minlfi in Mouthum citllforulii. Whlli' atop ultiK lii itm illy tin')' air fllMtl hi i in. hotel Whit Pollewi. iu:i,i 1.1, ii i n i . NriTelnl'y ' to liovernor I'li-ln- Here (In llinlni Til. Wj A Plell, ronni r tokldonl ol Klanlath V'niiri in mtiopii the liiinluowi vlHliorti bora (ndny from iinleni. Mr. DolMll in ocrotary to floversot Plortia in inn tui'jt"! iity mm along Willi btttUUHTI Mitt lore Ik ilnlilint Vfih Itlri it .hi Mid il.tuitlili r lii-luw. Mr. nnii Uri Thomai Deltell of the JUtOarluAparwaoBla 1 H.U K I'ltOM HoVl:VMit. Mr. ami Mrr. W. F. Ililynvd ( tho neiifoy dlatrlot haVo returned Iron nouthero Oallfornta wHere lhy RlOtOhKl H wi'iOi ukii nil t In I r liolli i. moon. Before hor marriage to Mr. Hllyard. Mm. Hllyard iu, Mini l-'rmict'i Snort. Hotli younll pboplti uri' (troll known throughout Klam ath count?, Th-y piun to maka their bone ibi groom- rtinch, in ran raw havh Mnritliall S. Orr, oil "f t ln prom ID OOt minium ot Klr.mntli OOtiptT with h In brother, J ti 1 1 1-' Orr. who In vlnllltiK her.i roiu 1100, NtnUtfl art i I i . a tow day In the cltj, vinitina with old rrlondo, Matahell Orr U atteWBIfig to bUilBMi mill t--rs while1 in th" ctty. Tu MRU" Mils. i'i:itlti Tim'" local ioy icooia in uniform win report to Mm. M. ii. Perrln, rhairmun of the lied I'mmi Annual Roil full, nt hor office in the Hopku bnlldlng on Saturday morning. Tho hoyn will nimbi Mm, Perrln throngh- out Urn day in doing erranda. On the ilcl nil Monti or the bjty win OMtlt In III" Kid Cmmi niniMilltn. reporting to Mm. Pefrla bright and early in th" momlag, tllllls TAKK AI'.tltTMKXT Jarkii- Bmntoni ami Monde Hood hay" moVod from thidr apartnlonta In th" Wlntera to the White1 build ing. Taking th" opart men I whioh Mr" hml Mm. li, HardenbrooV n cdted u f"w ddya ago to moe into their m w Colonial hotno in Rnt Bpiingi addition. ThOdl1 l TAKKH itKSi'KNsiiiil.rrv Scouts of Troop on" to Caro I'oi Trri'.H Planted for Hi-mi Th" hoy arnnlH of troop on" have contented to ink" over an a troop projaei th" taking care of the grata of trqoa being planted by th" It'otary (lull for Hi" I0dler il""'! of Klnni alh. 'I'liii RCOUta will alad nenlal th" troo planting commltteil in liot nliK out tho ireea in t ii oommtinlty. .TIiIh win give thorn poinu on the Vori'Htry Morlt Badge. All huUh or troop oil" nro tlfgd to yolnnl""!' tholr tervicot, according t sioni DxaodtlTd Brerett Q. Nord, Mlt. AND MltS. WltlfillT LcnTAlR Por Hxtundlll Tour of South mnl Kaal on Monilny Mr. ami Mm. It. K. Wflghl 0C0 leaving Monday for an extended tour of tho Houlli ami oust, yhliili will keOP tlU'in away from ItlninfttU Fallu fur dhodl iiii"" months. Tliglift thar vioji they will ylaH (iMprlila, Daiawaro'i New vjj ij .t'ltyfn) nil th" leading tnotropollB Ot lUo onat. CHUMtHN'B hook WKNH To llr Olis"i-K'il V"ilii"Kiln,v, Tliuis- dnyi Prtday nntl HntUftMy Ch(ldrgn' btipik w8o)i will ii" ob lerved In Kliunmli Pnlla on hex! WednoadaZi 'riiumday, Friday, aioi pnturunyi Book frolli Hi" ataj.d llhi'iu-y wlil Ii" plaonfi on exblbltlbh itt.'Baidwtn'a hardWiire atoro, Incltid Inn all tliii ttnost hooka anil litorfi tni'v for Mtlldrlin. During th" day iioniooiic will h" thorc In glvo out hIIii.i io pnronie nntl frloiuln Inter- jnuiinl In liorMjS vUn vonnc HjjgpaliJ 11-11 K, itiinl'tii "HI ' Mi . " llnl" "radii pMOtkMl .4UlnJiilUidii4Ji;. UNKW to think of hooka on n, ChHatntM .. v- gfltt -tot okvIkuihI I'Vi'i y i Mid. - Hlderwofi Thursday - Friday - Saturday vals KVAIi WATKtt BOTTIiK Pull two qujarl lo.'iianti'i-il Rat" Pr)op TWO for $2.25 llritulnr PHrc $2.25 WI.OTIH ALMOND CHHASt i.Aijiii: RcliOToa atihbriiii mnl fall Uinoiiir Price Sale Pried 50c TWO for 50c 20c Aspirin Tablets 11 Tahleta to box 20c Epsom Salts IllKhKt purity 25c Zinc Ointment I Ounre T'lRr 50c Cascara Bout Quality 25c Hinkle Pills, I'liexcclli .1 Ijuxntlve 2 for 20c 2 tor 20C 2 fin- 25c , for 50C 2 rer 25c :j0c ltlamath Kohl Knocker, flr t'a:.-; iJoW !'l One DJ 2 for WvV 50c Aromatic Castor Oil, Ohlldrtn Ukf H 25c Castile Soap Plnont tiuporiio 30c Cathartic Pills Knll Strength :f, 50c a to, 25C f.r 30C 2 fur 35c gj r. 25c $1.00 , mi 30c 35c Xyal's. Liver Salts S.illno l.uxntlvc 25c Peroxide Hydrogen Full .Strength " $1.00 White Mineral Oil Heavy Tasteless i. 2 I 30c Porous Plaster Njtnl'a Host 35c Carbolic Salve, . Nl'al'n lout 30c Headache'Tablets, Nol Injurious 75c Milk Magnesia UndorwoatPa i 75c Kidney Pills liiUirw-tLnr , 35c , 2 fin , 30c ,, 75c ,, 75c 35c Cherry Cough Syrup I'Vu- CpugBa mnl Oolda 2 for GOc White Pine Cough Syrup The old Pavorlao .. 2 for 35c 5c Lead Pencils ' 1 ' Oil. l brado ... 5c 40c 35c 30c dOc Nyal's Shaving Lotion " ' None Hot tor 85c' Tooth Brushes Quality QUarunfcSd 30c Nyal's Tooth Paste A Unlvarahl Pavorlto $1.60 Syrup Hypophosphites, dl Cf) ,Fllll I'lhtH 2 I'm- P JJ 30c Nyal's Liver Pills, PUrgOtlvb Pellofa J?2.25 Hot Water Bottles fitni'iintaetl on.' year . .. 2 I'm' $2.75 Fountain Syringes Bhlll Twi Qltil'tO 2 I'in- tor 30C $225 $275 65c Boxes high grade Stationery CC- 1 1 iheftta ilii" pttbti1, 24 ehV, 2 tut' vwv , ..mm ' Vi v CS'i gH I IB The NYAL "Two for One" Sale is just what its name implies. You get TWO products for the price of one.- For example: The regular retail price of Ny-Denta Tooth' Paste is fifty cents per tube. Dining this Sale you get TWO tubes for fifty cents. Every piece of merchandise is Irc-sh from the factory and we guarantee it the same as we always do when sold at' pegUlar prices. Look over the list below. In it you will find standard household pro ducts, cosmetics, stationery and rubber goods, al! offered to you on the basis of TVO for the price of one. Do not delay ycur visit to our store a moment, as regular pr'Ces will obtain after this sale is over. BRING A FRIEND AN D SHARE THE SAVING RUBBER GLOVES Regular 75c Two for 75c Nydenta Tooth Paste . . Peroxide Cream . . . Lemon Cream . . . Hand Lotion . Shaving Lotion. . . Shaving Cream . Thermos Bottles Nvlotis Face Powder . . Fountain Syringes . . , Mineral Oil . . . . Tooth Brusher ... Linen Paper ( 77 1 ) ' . Linen Envelopes ( ) School Tablets Puradent Tooth Paste . Talcum Powder . . . Underwood's Pharmacy Thursday - Friday Saturday Nyals 2-tor-l Sale d's Pharmacy for 1 VVLOTI8 PACE POWDER DB LUIE rim !illi in texture and cUags pRiafa White Hi mi.'tt" It pillar Price S:ili- Priet $1.00 for . 2 for 50c . 2 for 60c 2 for 50c 2 for 50c 2 for 50c 2 for 35c 2 for 1.75 2 for 1,00 2 for 1.75 2 for 1.00 2 for 50c , 2 for 65c . 2 for 20c . 2 for 10c . 2 for 50c . 2 for 25c Sale XV.M. rOINT.MX svmvtiK Tun iillnrt goarantised Screw fitting! K-.'guhir prlco $2.75 Sail- Prfce TWO for $2.75 XV.M, HIIWITOXE LARGE A HpleiulM hair li- inn Ki-c-ps the- Hralp clean Holil tlic linir in pldfcc Regular price Sale Price $1.00 TWO for $1.00 TWO $1.00 30c Nyal's Face Cream Ofr None Batter " 2 for WWV 40c Liquid Shampoo 4.0 f One if the Beat .. jg 2 for tVJV 35c Klamath Korn Knocker Best o? the Market 2 for JJ 30c Toothache Drops ftr Ny:;!" Quality 2 for JVfV 60c Eczema Ointment fiOf Instant Roller 2 for Wit 75c Pile Ointment Ti LRrge Tubes 2 for f J V 35c Mustard Ointment v Should be In every home ...2 for 35c Nyal's Catarrh Balm, 1Er An Excellsnt iPr5d.nct 2 for JJ 40c Chap Lotion 40 r Keeps Skin Smooth 2 for "vfV $1 Nylotis Cold Cream powderd? "I OA Fiesb. WMte or Brunette . 2 for P X tJJ 25c Bronchial Tablets Steps the Cough 2 for J 50c Nydenta Tooth Paste Hflr Makes Teeth White 2 for WWv 75c Rubber Gloves fTlKc Special Quality , 2 for I 60c Freckle Cream fiOr i Bleaches Skin 2 for VJVFV 20c Hand Scrub Brushes OAr fjbod Quality 2 fur JKf 25c Powder Puffs 9Kr Best Volour 2 for 65c Linen Paper, 1 pound fKn Kill" anil White 5-2 Mr VFJC 20c Linen Envelopes 24 u PackuRtf 2 for tfiiVTV 15c Business Envelopes 1 Cr !!.'.!. v a-ii!t6 Stock for iwt 35c Nyal's Liniment r Rellevea Pain , ...M I'm fJ 35c Baby Talcum I'll rest ami f'lnesi 2 i ylU 35c Nylotis Talcum - Host fir Toilet 2 ("I- W Jt( 60c Nyal's Beauty Balm fOr Whit" ,ii- Flesh 2 Viif' VJAJ 40c Violet Ammonia, 4.0 Full Pints 2 ire WV. 10c School Tablets 1 Or Better Buy New 2 for lUt 25c Writing Tablets 9t Ben Quality 2 for CtJ- ?1.25 Spring Sarsaparilla 1 OC. Hem uioo.1 Ptlflor 2 fin' P 1 tJ 20c Fountain Ten Ink OCe Best Blue Ulsuk - 2 for j(fcVV . . 4