jUtoft Novum W 10, 11)15 EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Sevtft W say dot-1 nance p -Of vhv don't vou V7 well Eve seem THERE'S A YOUNG LADV IT W9.TV7E TbLD , GO OVeR AND GET U BU5V BESIDES SHE ) ( VlGlTING AT TyTd'S- MOM fT 16 HER ACQUAINTED?' 7 PROBABLV WANTS iV DO YOU KNOW WHO X V NIECE )VJ"T .JM To VISIT WITH HER I flMJWe? h r ' fiTTl V AUNT A TEW DAYS A YOUNG GiRL LIKE HER YrOl-D GET ENOUGH CfT- MRO.TVTE IN AFtW HOURS I'LL BET tXLD APPKtC'ATL GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH k WME YOUMO HERALD'S PIH F. R. GODDARD bvrsoPATino piti iiolad AMU .Hint', on Office aud Resident I'hnne '" l o. o. r Tttp:.. OR. J. a GOBLE OPTOMETRIST -OPTICIAN I0 Vain il. Phone 133-W Make and (Mna Glasses Oupll broken repair framee Or. Philip CoU OenoraJ PrseUcs of Dentlitrr Open Bvnnlngi by Appointment Finn Ml lit Main Over Hot I atvn J. G CLEGHORN CIVIL ENGINEER AND BURVBVOH Phone 10 4 M IK Hlh St. American Legion Klamath Pest No I 0 Mealing Is' sni Ira Tuesdays Court House H moment r a. oi.ua. Ooa'er Phone 661 w B. P. O. gLKS Meet I'llursitsy Visit tug monihers welcome Iks Temple. 3rd I Main Oharlton Ourrln, Exalted Holer. Tom DeliMI, Sen K. of C. Council No. 2250 Meetings: 8 P. M. tnd and 4th Tuesday Lyceum Hall, 8th and High - Vlaltlns. KnlghU welcome Cli.n. P'ltlersor.. t. K t f I IF II " . . - 11.1, .ill 1 , l P X-r s i i4"ftK Kodak Work VK- k v " ' ... 'Leave Your 'Before 90'clocK-Yoor a ri. PiciiiPflS ana ready aX S W'sL. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON mSfW 6 V I WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE HJ ., I'srsaia.- iv r uir iij f " cj i ir.cz. r-r-ry. O. K. Transfer Ah-Ha! MAYBE YOU'RE RIGHT- I'LL. Go OVER AFTER WHILE. AND CALL ON MLR Ah-Ha! ' 7 - amd by the way- I've Gc;r a L DOLLAR - AS 50ON A'? O-gTS ) v i I HOME WITH THf. '.Aft I'U COME , ,. OVER AAC TAXC. YooBoTh To V . W. : BUSINESS DIRECTORY Mrs. Willard -Johnson Teacher of Piano Olio Hour lesson n week unci uuili-;-. of class work In composition, history u( mil io. ear trulnliiK. utc. Residence 1U00 California Phono 7 9 0 W Studio 503 3rd St. i'h.284M Vochatzer Bros. WtM. DRILLER Phone 226-R 1781 Melrose Estimates (Iran on watar ayetems. Prices Iteaaonabla BUCUMANENT CONTRUCTION armtasjsr Ueenaeo fartarsm fo Tie ne Ooncrvts Hollo-SV Snlldlng Brlok for Pound Uons. Walls. Oulldlno tlr Aosolutel) fir ano Weatbo Proof at a cost less than an' thsr form nf masonry -tttone-THs construct ion ellu, Inates upkeep expense, Is In 4estruoUbla, and Is approvod y thi seat tfehltecta and builders Unexcelled as a bae for Htncco (lalsh jh ut Kstltnate Vnur 4o Ntii MMI Market. Phone MCIV ("oncrptf Pipe Co Rlitvs , , MARKETS Milk brut churning cn-um 65c ' 56 not HlilpporK truck In tone 1. Cream delivered Portland 59. Haw milk (4 4 2.65 vwt. f. o. b. Port Inuil. Poultry firm. Heavy hens 25; light 17: Spring 23 i 25: brollera 28 29; room white ducks 22 01 25: dreaacd turkey 40 O 42; live 30 li 31. Hops Kteady. new crop, clusters 24 i 24 M : fuggles 27 il 28. llldota qule. Suited 9c: green 8c; salt bulls 7c; Green bulls 6c; Calf 10c; Kip 10c; flint dry 15; salted 11: horse hides 76c il $1. Colt burU ..oiniual. Z. Peters (Grad. Univ. Calif.) Teacher of Piano and Violin Accredited by State Hoard of Educutlon. Phone 45 1W The Best Is the Cheapest IQ.vniH.Ai'J.tt Or1;(jlIlllll And Remember that It Costs No More. It Is one thing to buy a home and it Is another to he satis fied with It after you, got It. Have a houso built for you, to your ordor; just as you llko it, with strong lines of Individual ity about It. You tako prldo In It your friends admire It. Sal Isfnctory! What's the answer? A liuppy fmully. H. E. Roskamp Designer and Duiltler 1732 Esplanade Phone 572 Beginning with Saturday the 24th The Altamont Auditorium (Under New Management) Will give rogulnr Wednesday ami Saturday Night Dances Good floor and good music. All convonleuces. Gnllowny's Orchestra Co., THE EVENING HERALD'S liKW TOIMV KAT KLAMATH COUNTY MEAT ut the Shustu Ciifu. Thu belt beef iminiry In the worlil 10-16 Poll SALK--Furniture mid tin tiM Orlaont of houeolioM Kooda; fun cy table lump, Che. " rfleld sot, refrlK' Tulor, muntle clocka, illnbes, etc. Cun be viewed ut 'i a.m. Wed nesday; iittlck uctlon. Walnut Apia. Apt. L 10 FOIl SALK Kill. I'h'oiM Sweet elder, :foc per 190IL 1 0-1 2 WANTKH--Woman wall':: housework or will cure lor Oblldfen. Kxper- MOcOd. Mrs. Knox, 813 Alitinedu. 10-11 KOU BALB Jersey bull calf, eligible to register. P. A. Ohlemeyor, 3-4 tulle west of Henley achool. 9-11 WHEN VOL' KAT HEAT el the Sbustii Cafe, you are eallnE Klam ath county meat. 10-16 KAT KLAMATH COUNTY MEAT at the Shuutu Cafe. The bast beef country In the world. 10-10 KOlt BALK--fto settle estate. B. K. Anderson ranch, Talent, Ore aoti. One of oldest ranches Juck- son county; lies center of Talent Irrlguflon District: both sides Anderson Creek; excellent drain age; own wuter rir,lit; mostly bottom land, 257 acres, all in cul tivation; dairy farm for years. Iiihi rlvtil ffir mlhiliviiltne. Pear orchards all around farm. Large burns, three nouses, tiowing wen. spring wuter, macadum ronds: one mile from railroad and Pacific highway. F. M. Carter, trustee. Ashland, Oregon. 10-16 EAT KLAMATH COUNTY MEAT at the Shasta Cafe. The best beef country In the world. 10-16 FOR SALE Oil RENT-- One thousand acres early cattle range, fenced; living springs Into troughs; 150 ucres buy land; two million feet timber, seven miles north Ash land, on Antelope slop,?. F. M. Carter, trustee, Ashland, Oregon. 10-16 FOR RENT I room house and gar nge. 1422 Kusl Main i- White Ave. See Sam Feller, 2019 So. 6th. 10-12 FOR SALE OR TRADE -Small ac reage with city water and electric lighting facilities; will consider good car as part of down payment. Mark Knull, uhone J 27. 10-14 FOR SALE 19 21 Ford coupe, motor In perfect condition, tire good ov ersize cora iircs, moinoiiicier, spui h. in, Hnsslur body shocks, spring oilers, large steering wheel and foot throttle. Anyone Interested In a real Ford buy sec Peuse ut the Herald office or at 922 Prospect 8t. 10-14 FOR RENT Comfortable sleeping room, closo in; suitable for one or two gentlemen. Call 1149 Pine . 10-12 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED 1925 Pullcan City road. Call between 6 and 7 p. m. 10 WHEN YOU EAT MEAT at the Shasta Cafe, you are enting Klam ath county jpeat. 10-16 ONIONS PER CWT. $2.25; apples 75c to $1.75; grapes 3c to 10c lb. fresh eggs by the caso 48c, fresh eggs by tho dozen 50c: squash 3c per lb.; cider 40c per gal. Scotti's, 201 E. Main. Phono 927. 10 FIRST CLASS FENDER and radiator and body work. Huick & Star Ga rage. 10-tf FOR SALE 1924 Ford truck, Whor ford gear, trailer. Bonanza Garage Bonanza. 10-12 WHEN YOU EAT MEAT at tho Shasta Cafe, you nr.- eit'ng Klam ath county meat. 10-16 WANTED Small modern furnishod homo by couple: close in, by De cember first. Box 211 enre Herald. 10-12 STRAYED to Hague ranch on Keno road: brown, white (ace horse. T. ' O. Hague. 10-12 EXPERIENCED MAN wants work on ranch for winter. Write Box 212, care Herald. 10-12 FOR SALE Ford touring and two wheel trailer, cheap. 819 Broad St. 10-12 FOR SALE tionery ind Good paying confec light lunch business. ALSO GOOD CAR to trade In on house. ALSO FOR SALE Now 5 room house, full bnuomont, large porches, big doub le front lot, well located; near school. Priced to sell; $4260; terms. Ward & Dalo 601 Main St. 10 "If It's Loose We'll Move It" p9?NMEAtf7 CI,AHHIKIf,'0 AI HAT EH First Insertion ..pr line 10c Two Insertions per line I Or Three Insertions per line ape . .. .per line 21V .per line ftOc ..per line 7Bc 26c. Ads not Four Insertions ... Week (i) times) One Month Minimum marge consecutive are charged new fsl lowing each omission. First Insertion Is In "New Today ' column without extra chart bat all Insertions In that column are at first insertion rate. J,KGMj NOTK.KH NOTICE OF HEARING OF PJ.NA ACCOUNT In the County Court of the S'.ato of Oregun, for Klamath County. In the Matter of the Estntn of S. A. (iault, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that C. C. Hcldrlfk, administrator of the estate of S. A. Gattlt, deceased, has render ed his final account and filed his pe tition for order fixing time for hear ing the mune. and that Saturday, the 12th day of December, 1925, at 2 o'clock P. till at the County Court Chambers. In the Court House, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, has been up- pulnted for hearing paid final ac count and objections thereto, If any there lie. and for the approval thereof; and at said time and place any person Interested In said estate may appear and file hie exceptions in writing, and show cause, if :iay he has, why said final account should not lie approved and allowed. c. C. Heldrlck, administrator. W. A. Wlest, Attorney, Loomls Huildlng. Nov. 10, 17, 24; Dec. 1, S. National Forest Timber for Sale Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Mcdford, Oregon, up to and including December 3 1925. for all merchantable Douglas fir, white fir and yellow pine tim ber, standing or down and all live timber marked or designated for cutting on an area embracing about 45 acres within a portion of the north-east one quarter of section 24. Township 3ti South. Range 6 EastJ i W. M., Crater National Forest, Ore gon, estimated to be 56,000 feet B. M. of yellow pine. 55.000 feet B. M of Douglas fir and 7,000 feet B. M. of white fir timber, more or less No bid of less than $5.50 per M feet B. M. for the yellow pine and $3.15 per M feet B. M. for the Douglas fir and white pine will be considered Fifty dollars must be deposited with each bid to be applied on the pur chase price, refunded or retained in part as liquidated damages, accord ing to conditions of sale. The right to reject any anil all bids is reserved. Before bids are submitted, full in formation loncerning the timber, the conditions ol sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from the Forest Supervisor, Medford, Oregon. Nov. 10 and 24. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION i Department of the Interior, U., S. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, October 14. 1925. No. 012321.. Notice is herevby given that Al- i frcd Cummlngs, of Dorris, Califor. ! nln, who, on October 29, 1924, made Homestead Entry Act June 9, 1916, No. 012321, for EHNWVi, Section 33, Township 40 S Range 7 E, Wil- i lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land abovu ) described, before C. R. DeLap, Clerk of the County Court, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the 8th day of December, 1925. Claimant names as witnesses: V. T. Dorris, Walter NicholB, S. : H. Reeves, Ned Connley, all of Dorris, California. F. P. LIGHT, Register. Oct. 19 - Nov. IS (30 Consec. daye) NOTICE Having purchased the Peerles3 Lunch at 711 Main St.. this city, the undersigned will not be responsible for any bills or accounts contracted for prior to this date by said res taurant. Dated at Klamath Fulls! Oregon, this 6th day of November, 1925. V OTTO A. NICKEL. 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 MARKETS PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 10. (VP) Cattle steady: receipts 35. Calves ; medium to choice (milk fed exclud ed) 6.00 iff 9.00; culls and commons 4.50 6.00: vealers medium to choice 9.00 tjf 11.00; culls and com mon 5.00 9.0,0. Hogs nominally steady; receipts 205. Sheop nominally steady, no re ceipts. Yearling wethers medium to Choice 8.00 tfi) 11.00. Eggs steady. Curresnt receipts 47; fresh medium 39 la 40; fresl standard firsts 46 -i 46 M; fresh standard extras 4S iff 49. Butter steady. Cube firsts up o. Extra cubes city 55: standards 54; prime firsts 53; Firsts 49H: undor grades nominal; prints 57; cnrlons GS. Onions firm, 1.75. Potatoes firm, 2.50 Jj! 2.75. Nuts steady. Walnuts No. 1, 2S 31: filberts nominal; almonds 28 tS 32: Brazil nuts 24 28; Oregon chestnuts 18, CLASSIFIED AD SECTION FOR RENT FOR KENT Cabins for whito men. See Collins. 724 Market. O 21--N21 FOR RENT First class furnished apartment, steam heater). McCar thy Apartments, 030 Pine. Phone 800. 29tf FOR RENT 300 acres Irrigated laud; one mile south of Kcno. Roy W. Nelson, Worden, Ore. Phone 17F3. 6-10 FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 920 Lincoln. Phone 597W. 6-tf FOR RENT Good fall and spring pasture; most suitable for sheep; plenty of feed. 3 miles from Klam nth Falls. P. C. Carlson, Gen. Del. 6-11 FOR RENT 6 room house. Darrow Ave., 31111s Addn. 2353 7-10 FOR RENT First clasB furnished 4 room cottage; no children or dogs. Call at 315 Lincoln. 7-tf FOR RENT--Nicely furnished house 814 Lincoln. 9-11 FOR RENT New 4 room modern bungalow and garage, close In; Inquire at 216 Wash. St. 9-11 FOR RENT Furnished 2 room apartment; hot and cold WBter. 603 Jeff. 9-11 FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished modern house and garage. Phone 769. 9-11 EOR RENT Single or double room with bath and heat: down town. See Berry at 20th Century Oro cery. 9-14 1.08T ANO FIM'.MJ $100 REWARD I will pay on,e hundred dollars for information that will lead to the conviction of the thieves who stole a trunk and wearing apparel from tho bunk house on my ranch. Information will be considered confidential. Rex E. Bord. Nov. 4 -Jan. 4 FOUND Rosary. Owner may have same iy identifying and pay ing for thi3 adv. Call at Herald office. 7-9 $1.00 REWARD For return of large disc wheel scooter taken from my borne. 814 Lincoln. Jean Beard. 9-10 MISCELLANEOUS MASON EHRMAN & COMPANY will be "closed all day November litre Armistice Day. 19 10 WINDOW CLEANING. Floor wax ing, house cleaning and janitor service. References. A. M, Rhodes. Phone 360W. 7tf FREE RESETS with each marcel this week at the Beauty Shop in Bee Begin's, 129 So. Seventh St. Phone 633. 9-14 HEADQUARTERS for Manhattan Woolen Mills. If it's made of wool, we have it; also Paragon made-to -measure ladles' coats. 522 So. 5th St. Phone 456M. I will call to show my line. (Bonded). Absolute sat isfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Mrs. Beatrice Cory. Sll Oil TRIANGLE CAFE The place to get good eats. OPEN ALL NIGHT. 633 Main street. Phone 624. tt SHOES REPAIRED BY MAIL Send them to the Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop, 121 N. 8th St. We pay the return postage. ROBERTS SUITS & OVERCOATS Hand tailored to your measure. $33.50 to $47.50; also Selig Bros, line, San Francisco's largest tail ors. Can give delivery in one weok if necessary. $25.00 to $62.50. Fit, workmanship and wear guaran teed. Highest quality, lowest prices always. Phono 109. I will call with samples, or see me at the Gun Storo, Saturday afternoons and evenings. A. R. "Ace" Renner. N 7- D 7 26c BUNDLES OF PAPER. office. Herald tt-nt NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County. In the Matter of tho Estate of Frank McEntee, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that W. A. Wiest, administrator do bonis non of the estate of Frank McEntee, de ceased, has rendered his Final Ac count and filed his petition for final settlement and discharge, and that Saturdav, tho 5th day of December, 1925, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the County Court Chambers, in the Court Houso, In Klamath Falls, Oregon, has been appoluted for hearing said Final Account and petition tor dis charge, aud objections thereto, If any: and at snld time and place any person interested in said estate may appoar and file his exceptions In writing, ,uud show cause, If any he has, why said final account should not be approved and allowed, and the estate settled aud the adminis trator discharged. W. A. WIEST, Administrator do bonis non. Pub. Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24, Dec. 1. FOR HALE FIFTY FOOT FRONTAGE on 6th St. 150 ft. deep, with small modern store, priced at $ 1,000. Lout Oervnls. Algomn, Ore. 0 27-N 37 WHIZZ ANTI FREEZE protects your radiator. For sale at Acme Motor. 3-10 WHIZZ ANTI FREEZE Is cheaper and easier limn draining your ra diator -don't go another day with out some For sale at Acme Motor. 3-lw FOR SALE My entire herd of pure bred Shorthorn cnttlo from feder al accredited tuberculosis - free herd. One bull 9 months old, one bull calf, 15 cows and heifers, 12 of breeding ugo. Prices right for quick sale. W. B. Lindsay, Merlin, Josephine county, Oregon. 2-14 SEE THE ACME MOTOR today for your Whizz antl freeze. !-10 ANTI FREEZE INSURANCE la writ ten by Whizz. Get some today at Acme Motor, 6th and Oak St. 3-10 FOR SALE or trade for car: I 28. foot launch equipped with new 10 horse Dunn engine.- Inquire at storo at Modoc roint. 4-10 FOR SALE: As I am leaving Klam ath Falls. I will sacrifice my car, light Six touring in A-l shape, at $350.00. Call at side door, 619 Walnut Ave.. 5-11 SPECIAL, 2 PLY ROOFING, $2.35 per roll. Asphalt sheeting $1.75; New England Interior spar ac4 floor varnish ft $3.00 per gal. Patterson's, 630 So. 6th. 5-11 A REAL SACRIFICE Chevrolet so dan in good condition; good rubber and engine just overhauled, $385. Phone 121J. 6-tf, FOR SALFJ--35 cords dry limb wood; $4 per cord, at the ranch. F. T. Nelson, Worden, Ore. 6-10 FOR SALE Davenport, 3 rocking, chairs, dining room extension table, 4 dining chairs. Phone 463W after 5 o'clock. 6-10 FOR SALE 10 good milch cowa. Lee Sutton, Miller Hill. 6-12 DAIRY COWS AND HORSES, sale at trade for stock cattle. Wanted: young calves. The Adams Ranch, Merrill. 6-12' FOR SALE ORTRADE for city prop erty in Klamath Falls: small stock ranch in Illinois valley, Josephine, ''CO.. Oregon. Small 'payment; "easy terms. H. P. Egger, 40 No. Front, Medford, Ore. 7-10 FOR SALE Camp range, used 4 mo.; large enough for 40 men. Bargain. 1008 Main. Phone 157. 7-13 FOR SALE Rebuilt Oldsmobile Six. 4 new Goodyear cord tires, 32 x 4. Lttthy battery; $120. See John Yadon at Acme garage. 9-14 USED SEWING MACHINES Whites, Singers, all makes; will trade. Gooding, 236 Main St., below the court house. 9-10 FANCY GOLDEN WINESAP apples, $1.50 per box. Bring boxes. Mrs. J. D. Hooper, Midland, Ore. 9-11 SPECIAL BARGAINS Best offer takes E SW Section Seven teen; XEVj. NWVl Section Twenty, 120 acres; alsoEH andSWVi Sec. Thirty-three, SE NEV4 Section Thirty-two, 160 acres. Both In T. 39, R. 12, Klamath county. Eastern party must sell while here. L. A. Doudall, Gen. Dely., Eugene, Ore. 9-11 FOR SALE New 9 x 12 Axmlnster rug. 845 Pacific Terrace. 9-11 WANTED WILL SHARE MY APT. with busi ness woman on 50-50 basis. Ad dress Box 207 care Herald. 6-10 100 HEALTHY RABBITS wanted. Will pay 14c per pound, delivered. Phone 109, or write Box 695, K. Falls. 7-13 EXPERIENCED FARMER, married, wishes to buy small, equipped, Ir rigated farm near Klamath Fal'J. Soil must bo best. Give full de scription, price, terms, first lett r. O. H. Stocks, 2200 E. Taylor St., Portland, Oregon. 7-10 WANTED Woman for general housework. Write Box 210, cure Herald. 9-11 WANTED Position by mah with bookkeeping and clerking exper ience; A-l reference. Write Box 209, Caro Herald. ,9-10 EXPERIENCED YOUNG man wishes employment In storo as clerk or dellveryman; references; write box 208, care Herald. 9-10 DEFENSE RESTS NOBLESVILLE, Ind.. Nov. 10. (TP) The defense In the murder trial of D. C. Stephenson, Earl Gentry land Earl Klenck rested at 11:32 la. m. today. I