The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 09, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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    ' 1 81 ilty Library
Ulftne Orcuoi'
lje Swninn Ueralfr
Published Dully at
"An Empire Awukcning"
Associated Press Leased Wire
Eighteenth Year Number Ml'i
Charles W. Ebcrlein Injects
Some Fireworks Into
Political Session
R. E. Bradbury and Others
xplain Issues in Irri
gation Campaign
The watarusort' mealing Him wag
in-ill ut Htnlv Htsrdsy afternoon
wan a rather lama affair, it wni
largely iitteiHlcd by wnleruscrii
from till out the district, but the
expected firework dlil not develop.
an but n few of II piioiieiili, if
Jacob nnd Short worn prevent. uil
thono confined I lie UIHOlVt'lt lo lUOJ
tlon of comparative unimportance.
The meeting was rniiuii lo order
and Huirell Hhort wu appointed
chairman itnd Krod Pcieriion, Hoero-
inry. President Dradbury opened
i tin incutlng M'"b " explanation il
I lin elimination of the Kntvrprlw
i ,u mi add tnraatnsnt company land.
lln mutud that l( Mill carried Iboj
count run Ion cbarfs and would until!
It wim rtdcaxed by tbi goveronsat, I
when tbo project would he relieved !
of the charges.
l.'uiliiin- Account
lit- BjtglalQad the axponae gecouots
of the board and polo led out to
his Usteneri thai ibj Increased cost
during UiIb yeur waa traceable to
extraordinary expenses that the dl i
t r let had to meet bccauKo of thu
various governmental activities thi't
required the prepariitlon of certain
Inforuinllon to pluco the district In
tbe riKht light before Ibe depart
ment, One IblnK In particular Pros
Idoni Ilrudbury culled attention lo
waa tbo mport of Knglnncr I.iitnm.
which coat the dlmrlct (1200. Ah
a remit of thl work the dlmrlct
will secure credit to the amount
of nearly 1140,000.
BberMn s,., .ik. Plainly
C, W. Kborleln wnit called on to
(Oostl ! on Page hi)
Utc Indian Buries Baby Alive
to Bring Wife Back
From Death
l'UKIII.O, Colo.. Nov. 9. Plutl
Nno, Vlo Indian, expeclnd IiIh dead
wife, to return when he burled hln
17 day old baby elite In the itravf
of Hit mother, but he faces trial In
federal court November U, for mur
der. Nne nays he burled the child on
the udvlec of Mb father-in-law. Mor
mon Joe, medicine, miiu, who anld
Hint tho burial would restore his
bflde to life Mormon Joe 1m held as
an accessory.
LONDON One reason why
Qneon Mary Ib able to keep home
niulilH satisfied: ahc starts bank ac
counts for (hem an Boon us they lire
Ohlet of Police tiOuoki to-
day received u telegram from
J, L. Oreen of Hue rnmouto. usk-
lug Tor aid In locating Dewey
Orcon, who la bolloved to be
working In one of tho Klam-
nth naw mllla. The young
mnn'a Hlator, Birdie", tiled
in-day and the family Ih nnxl-
our to locate him.
, 1 :
Indians Break Record
tKost(tr Ibirclny mill HUM KOfl HnVl" Spent eiic 111 Months In .lad
l 1gi" 1
Serve Longest Terms
Billy Huff and roster llnrcluy
have, broken n Klamath record,
They have, to dnle, served longer
In tho county Jnll for a Hi nor vio
lation than any person arrested on
Hint charge In Klamath county.
These two gelilul Indians of Chll
OQUln were arrested January It,
1!l2fi on the ehurge of possession of
Intoxlcutlng liquor, They were sen
tenced Hie limit allowed by law, by
.1 fiat lee of I he Pence fl. (''. Spink,
County Court
Names Budget
Body Saturday
To Discuss Financing of
County at Meeting,
Nov. 17.
m man, composing the coital)
kudfel coinmlttoe, will gather about
tin, Klamath county court table on
November 17 In discuss wayn and
menus of raising money to finance
file county fr the ensuing year, it
wilt be ii proposition bristling with
knotty and perplexing problems. The
principal question to be decided in
how ii county growing mi last an
Klamath can heep pace with fleeel
opmenta, when statutory limitation!
tie the luindB of tho tux h-vying
The count) court Huturduy after
noon appointed thrso men who. with
the court, win compofle the budget
committee, They are John C Boylo,
Klamath Kniiu; cus (tllyard, rancher
south of town on the Merrill road,
nud A. .1 lllckmnn of Bonanza.
More Trouble
Is Brewing At
Oregon Prison
Head of Flax Depart
ment Resigns After
SALK.M. Ore.. Nov. . Robert
Crawford reelgned today u aqptrin
tendenl of the finx industry at the
niate penitentiary, and Oorernor
fierce aaid that John J. Quniinu.
prlaon engineer, would tiow bo In
full charge of all Industries ut the
penlteatlarr, including the flux and
farming industries. The governor re
fused to make further comment on
the change except to Bay: "I'm not
going to have any further clashing of
authority ut tho penitentiary."
The change was ansounoed by the
lorernor immediately after n brief
conference In his office early thin
morning with Crawford and deputy
warden J. W. Lililo. The Inlt'or l
acting warden during the absence of
Warden A. M. imlrymple. who l
vinltitiR eastern prisons and attend
ing n national prison conference.
The governor said that Crawford
would remain in the employ of the
flax department Ho has been super
intendent i luce the beginning: of the
I'll ri i' administration and also had
served In that rnpm-Uy for a time un
der the Wlthycomi Olcott nd-
Those Entitled to
Vote at Election
Kvery person over the ag-.- Ot '2.1
years who l a bona fldo owner of
ono acre or more of land in the Klam
ath Irrigation district. Is entitled to
vote at tomorrow's election, provid
ed his or her name appeared on the
Inst aaeeeamgnl mil. or who is the
holder of un uncompleted title or
Contract to purchase state of Carey
Ac! lands. The law provides that the
.indues must appegr shortly Uofifr
S o'clock III the morning, choose one
of their number us chairman, nntl
then proceed with the voting !n the
usual manner.
WAI.I.A WAI.I.A. Wash,, Nov. 9.
- -Three convicts climbed to free
dom over the slate penitentiary walls
after binding and gagging the top
steward and f(Vur trusties. Two of
tho men were suld to be very 111 of
i uberculostl.
namely 1800 and six months In Jail.
They have served over nine
months nud a hair and will ItaVa
served their tenth month. November
It, True, they huve nerved out the
six-months dose, but having no mon
ey, I hey must servo out the fine ut
the rate of II u day.
Thai make! well, figure II out
for yourself.
At till events tile sheriff's OfflCd
nn.VR perhaps In four months or 9.1
(hey vll bo freed. "
Christmas Spirit Will Prevail In City
Again This Year; Workers Will Organize
At General Mass Meeting Tomorrow Night
Klamath's deserving poor are to be remembered again this Christmas.
Tired mothers, sick fathers and wond cring-eyed kiddies are going to be
made glad.
Final plans for the organization of the annual Christmas Chest will be
made at the chamber of commerce q uarters at 8 o'clock tomorrow night
when delegates from all civic and fraternal organizations, churches and
other bodies will meet to consider Christmas plans and name the various
committees in whose hands will be p laced the task of caring for the city's
poor at Christmastide.
The Christmas Chest workers are o rganizing this year more than a month
earlier than last. There is much preliminary work to be done; investiga
tions to be made, funds to be raise d, and it is hoped that early organiza
tion will eliminate the last-minute cpnfu3inn which prevailed last year, due
to the short time in which the worke rs were given to carry on their work.
Keen interest is in evidence throu ghoul the city over the Christmas Chest
plans, and it is expected that nearly every organization in the city will
have delegates to the organizatidn meeting tomorrow night.
Fiery Colonel Lets Loose
Another Cannonade of
Startling Charges
List of "Criminal and Treas
onable" Offenses Cited
by Deposed Officer
wasBnvoTo.v. tun. o. japj
Another revel berating CaattOtUHle of
accusations iiiTh turned loose today
by Colonel William Mitchell against
thoMS ill cllni-gc of I hi' inlliliicy unit
naval ale services.
Through his counsel, Representa
tive Krunk R. Held, tho colonel in
formed tho court martial trying him
because of Ills previous utterances
in tho air controversy that ho was
fully prepared to prove his charge
of Orlmlml and almost treasonable
negligence in irernmopl aviation.
1,1st or tuuges
Aincng tbe uiultltudo of offense3
of which the defense counsel prom
ised lo furnish proof were these:
That the Shenandoah wont o:i
her fatal western trip unfit and
against the win ot her commanddr,
Zachary I.ansdowne.
That a naval officii- sought to
have Uinsdownc's ,,vidJW give falso
T'.mt those who arranged tae un
uCceaiful Hawaiian light of the
lN-9 number 1, were "lacompetopt."
Thill high army and nniy officers
hud testified falsely before commit
tees of congress.
That Colonel Mitchell himself
"was denpted and transferred be
cause he told the truth."
That government aviators arc
put to unnecessary hazards and
many killed as a result.
.That the government has failed ti
thwart a project to give a foreign
flight organisation a foothold near
the Panama canal and lo have pro
vided adequate air protection to
Hawaii and the Philippines.
Coast uuntil Fires on Sttspecteil
MqUor Vessel) Was I'ow
iler Ship
POKTIiANDj Maine, Nov. !. (A)
( oast guard boat. t'lt-K.I opendt)
fire today on a susp, ii d rum run
ner, which p'rovfd to be nil army
steamer loaded with two Ions of ex
plosive powder. Two one-pound
shells passed close to the army
craft before its signals wefo recog
Attempt to Restore Bavarian
Throne Is Delayed by
Its Sponsors
lllOltl.lN. Nov. P. (,V) I'bins for
an attempt to restore t!to Bavarian
throne, with former crown Prince
Ituppreoht as king, have, been shelv
ed, because the "time is n il ripe."
for sufh a coup, the Kratikfurter
Zeltung learned on what It lenns Un
Impoiicliable nuHiorlty,
Doctor Tells
Jurors About
Dr. Blazer Takes Stand
In His Murder
I.ITTI.KTOWN. Colo. Nov. 0.
-i-tA.P.) An obi foiihloiicil
rountr' doctor, lc llurold H.
Illozer, took the siniel today at
the opening of court in bis own
defense ut Ills trial where tie hi
i barged with -laying his own
laughter, Hnzel, the :M year old
"child ivoniuli."
Dr. Muter vraR the cynosure of the
court room Jammed to capacity. He
walked to the -yilnean stand with a
firm tread and be was sworn. In a
low, but clearly distinct voice. Dr.
Blaiec answered the questions of de
fense counsel. T. Y. Spanpler. relat
ing lo his education for the medical
Hi;..: .-. Invalid
"Hazel was born at Rillonvale.
Ohio, in May, 18H1." he testified.
"At tho age of six weeka she waa
.stricken with spinal meningitis that
left her a hopeless invalid without
u mind, us far as I could tell " he
said. He spoke without visible emo
tion as he described his helpless,
imbecile daughter;
"Sho couldn't walk. lalk. feed or
help herself in any fashion. She
oouid roll about on the floor that
was all.
"Sho couldn't even Indicate, if she
waa In pain. And often I couldn't
discover where It waa. Then alio
would go into convulsions mid In
come rigid. Her eyes would turn
bnck in her head.
"She had mouth and teeth, but
could not successfully masticate
food. It hail to be liquid or else r'oft,
chopped up food.
Gvcatl) Deformed
Hor legs. feet, arms and hands
were less developed than those o:
a six year old child. Her body was
larger, but greatly malformed and
the spine was twisted almost into
the shape of the letter S.
Her chest, bones and ribs pro
truded so as to lie visible throne;!; the
"She could rattle a piece of palter,
and occasionally would alnuse her
self by tearing i lie paper to pieces
She did this by rolling on top or the
paper and then pulling it with Iter
left hand.
"Although she Weighed about &fj
pounds, she was as helpless as an in
fant of two months!"
There will he dance; al
, A ita nion I auditorium both
tomorrow night and Armistice"
night, ucrordnig to announce-
nient tills afternoon by John
M. Glover of the American
Legion enter! a I Amen; commit-
tee. Because of tho Interest
being taken in the Legion pro-
gram, the committee decided to
attraction at Altnmatii on
both nights, Hie same as at
Scandinavian lull. As a special
attratlbn at Alltmoni on
Armtlttce Ulght, there will be
four Vaudeville nets between
dances, as well aB souvenirs
ot all kinds.
Long Standing Trouble Be
tween Bootleggers and
Ranchers Flares up
Deputy Sheriffs Ordered to
Rid Desert Country of
all Bootleggers
Nov. a. Deputy SlioHffK
Jack Brpwii and Jrss Aniarliis
early unn won lin- over
tho long stretches of tlesort to
trard Gorcmment Holes, 50
miles east of here, v!ieri long
sUmdlng troubles between rat
tlrmrn ami asserted bootlegRrrs
restprday resulted in the report
ed kilting of two men.
Brown and Aniaraias. men who
know the desert, are under orders
from Sheriff Shay of Sun Bernardino
county to pick up constables and
desert men enroute and drive the,
gunmen forever from the region.
Bootlegger Slain
Reports to Sheriff Shay yesterday
were that Matt Burt, believed to
head a gang of bootleggers and a
reputed "tvo gun man." has been
killed in a gun fight with cattlemen.
The other man reported killed is
believed by officers here to have been
, r
a cowman.
Coverninont Holes is a watering
spot in a sparsely settled district of
the Colorado desert. Humors of
feuds between rum runners and cat
tlemen long have come from the
bleak hills and desert wastes about
(he water hole, where only the finger
tips of the law have reached.
lp in Anns
County officers believe the trou
ble is a result of resentment of cat
tlemen over the presence of illicit
liquor runners who are reported to
have made their headquarters near
Government Holes ami to have been
active in smuggling liquor across the
Colorado river into (Arizonu.
Hrown and his party are expected
to reach the stene of the righting
about noon today.
Polling Places
For Irrigation
Voting Tuesday
S Here lire the six 'polling places
for the elSOtlon of the Klamath frri
ga'tton Hlfttrtct tomorroW. The polls
J will be open from 8 o'clock in tit-;
n10rnhg until ,ri o'clock in the af
tarlloon. The polling places fol
low: Precinct No. 1 Altumont: Gnr
loh's Community House.
Precinct No. 2 Spring Lake:
McClellen's Store.
Precinct No. 3- .Midland: Midland
Precinct No. 4- Olstte: Cforpen
i lug's store Building,
PraclnCt 'No. 5 Merrill! Ned O'
Connor's llesldence.
Precinct No. S Mnlin: John
Keller S Kl.'SllIi'lU'e.
i 1. .
Auto Thieves
Located, Then
Make Get-j
Allan Sloan Recovers
Car; Police Act
Two young men. Saturday night,
took chances of long sentences in
the penitentiary, and only enjoyed a
ride of several blocks for their trou
ble. They stole a Ford roadster, own
ed by All an SI oa n . f ro m w ho ro i t
was parked on Seventh and I'ine
Hardly had they disappeared with
the car. than the theft was reported
to the police department. Patrolman
Patterson answered the call and In
tercepted the pair ns they were driv
ing past the Klamath Valley hospi
tal. Instead of giving themselves up,
the pair of automobile thieves leaped
out of tiy car and streaked Into
darkness and safety. Their identity is
unknown to police. The car was re
turned to its owner.
Cars Damaged
In Collision
On 9th Street
Both Parties to Acci
dent Blame the
Ojiiniuns differ as to the cause,
but none as to tbe effect of an ac
cident yesterday at the corner of
Ninth and Lincoln streets when a
car driven west on Lincoln street
by Ogden Fought collided with a
car proceeding south on Ninth
street, by Joseph Drazil. Both
cars were badly damaged. Fought
blamed Urazil, stating that he was
driving too fast. Drazll in tum
placed the blame upon Fought,
claiming that he was on the wrong
side of the street. The sheriff;
office is investigating the case.
Guilt Denied
By Prisoners
Indicted Men Arraign
ed Today Before
Judge Leavitt
Four prisoners, indicted last
week by the Klamath- county grand
juTy. entered pleas of not guilty this
morning before Circuit Judge A. I..
Leavitt. They were Thomas Vaughn,
Harry Davis. Thomus- O'Conner and
Hen Gay. all of whom are charge,!
ivith operating distilleries.
Hoy Darling, changed with an
unnatural crime. H. W. Carlson, in
dicted on a charge of assault and
robbery, being armed with a danger
ous weapon. Arthur. Ames, charged
with larceny from a person and
Perry John with attempted assault,
requested and were granted until
tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock
to enter their pleU
Not one of the persons who wen:
i secretly Indicted and not in the
custody of the sheriff at the time
the indictments were returned, hud
I been apprehended by the slnrif
up to this noon.
WASHINGTON Letter carriers
are to have Christmas off like other
folks. There will be no Christinas de
livery of ordinary mail.
Another Cop Is Slugged
Tiniicc Woi lli BnccossOT lo Indian Who lli-oke PblrOliflSn Now ,
This 0ne Kicks Hard
A Sffortby opponent to J, Chock
toot, whose right cross broke the
nose of Patrolman Mitchell lust week
has been uncovered. He Is one Tut;
rter (initials unknown) who had
Patrolman Lewis groggy for a few
moments Saturday night.
Turner, according to police, was
Intoxicated Saturday night, He was
arrested by Lewis.
As Lewis bent over to pick tip
Turner's hat, before starting the
march to the police stution, Turner
lashed out with a heavy right foot
and nearly knocked Lewis out vllh
a blow to the stomach.
Copco Places two Entirely
Different Valuations on
its Property
DUcrepencies Declared for
Purpose of Obtaining
Higher Rates
SALEM, Ore., Nov. 9.
Declaring that the public
utility corporations of Ore
gon are assessed at one
value for rate making pur
poses and a far lower figure
for tax purposes, Governor
Pierce has issued a state
ment specifically pointing
out the result of such a pol
icy as it effects two of the
big utilities in the state, the
Portland Electric Power
company and the California,
Oregon Power company.
The statement places the
value . of the properties of
the Portland Electric Power
company as fixed by the
public service commission
for rate making purposes at
$71,575,215.62, and the as
sessed value fixed by the
state tax commission at $41
965,059.10 for the year
1925. After applying the
county tax ratios it is esti
mated that the company is
only paying taxes on an. ap
proximate valuation of $21,
000,000. In the case of the Califor
nia Oregon Pow'er company
the rate making valuation
is placed at. $5,892,615.94
the tax assessment valuation
at $4,050,751 for this year
and the approximate basis
for actual tax payments un
der the county ratios $2,
400,000. Governor - Pierce asserts
that the net earnings of the
two companies on tne actual
tax assessment valuations
for 1924 were more than 15
percent, although th?ir pro
fits were shown to be undsr
5 per cent on the basis of
their rate making valua
tions. .
c . '
11ibti ivn ni Nov. 9.
(P) Storm warning3 were'linst-
ed at all Oregin stations at
" u. m. today, Edward L.
Well, govornmbnt metejrolo-
gist, suys a storm Is moving
In off the Pacific and should
strike the const this afternoon
and the Willamette valley
sometime tonight. U Wtll
probablv bring rain.
' 1
Lewis brought his sap into p'aj
nnd temporarily quieted his man.
But on the march down Main Btre't,
Turner turned on Luaria si vi i il
times and slugged the policeman
aboul the head. Each time Lewis
used his sap and repelled the attacks
Turner whs lodged In Jail and was
to have appeared before the poMah
Judge tuduy to aimwur to cliargns of
drunkenness nnd sulking an offUar.
Kloven others were arrested, nine
on n chargo of intoxication, and two
on a combined charge ot In'oxIfH
tion und bogging on tho atroeta, -jj