The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 07, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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Saturday, Novembw 7, 192.5
Hum A V -1.1JU U
Page Four
1 -l-lri. BUIl
jl : ! ,
Mrs. ). V. Shuck uiul son I'llf
ford and So lor Mm. Mary lUe wh
has been vlsiiinis frum i.i: ni:v,
Tho mull was allr.iotivoly decorat
ed In Hallowe'en colors.
Among those attending the daa o
from Klamath Kails were Mr. and
Mrs. S. K. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. (1
Calif., made a trip to Ashliuid lost y Ramsby, Mr. and Mrs. K. M.
iwcek to visit friends and relatives. nuhb, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kirk
Mrs. Shuck and Clifford "returned patrlck.
(o Merrill Thursday. Mrs. Geo left , ,ir. and Mrs. H. O. Lohr from
for Dunsmnhr to visit rell.ttves. I Klamath Falls won' dinner (Uesta
The Hallo-ke en dance given by 1 Kriday eventns of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
the Library club was said to be one Harwood and attended the Library
ot tho nicest lances givem la Me I dance in the evening. Mr. and Mrs,
rill In a. Ion lime. "While the Lohr formerly lived la Merrm.
crowd was not as large as some) .Mr, an,i Mrs. K. C. Harwood vis-
times thorte were enough to make ai
ited In Klamath Kails Saturday
..O,. .1,tim Mucin win furiilc'-in I .
,, . " " . ,. . ... . Others in the Falls shopping Sat-
by Saling s orchestra ot Klamath s
Palls. Suppcr was furnished by tho 1 unlav wor' Mrs- AUl0:: Mcrs- Mrs.
ladies ot lite club. Something like C. Uowman and daughter Mar.'.irie.
$185 was taken in at the dance, j C. M. Merrltt, Edna and Eugene
The Washington Cafe
V, tha most popuuar eating place tn Klamath Falls today
"There's a Reason"
US Booth Sixth
Wee Shins, Pro.
Merrltt. Miss Varolii and Mis
Miss Nannie Harry who is at
tending tho Sacred Heart Academy
-T- 1 . .. . ' . . I -V
was confined lo her hod. unolli for
several days. About all Up cols In
I ho hospital being In use kcoplllV
both Pr and Mrs. Saudle buny.
Horn Sunday. O.t. tSi lo Mr. and
Mrs. Kudl Kubll! a son, this holm;
populur young hiiolii'loi-s, wont ba
1'ortiand. Oregon, about two vaeki
a ; ,in,i ook unlo htmaeH a youux
and iharmlag bride. This happy
couple returned lo oMBp Thursday
evening and will roalda al 108 B
lo say. ho couldn't see anything left
lor Saturday nltihl, bill t oy found
-omeihlng for Satin. In and some
ware also out Sunday evening.
Mis. Jennie Jones, Mr. Jas Jones
Huddle and Jr. Jones, spent Satur
day In Klamath Pall" di pptnj and ; the first and only child. Iludl slops 1 stro.-i. Mr. Tempb'ton Is employed
visiting friends, j-high. wide and handsome those dayj.jon tha iteant shovel which operate.
Saturday evening J. W. llaskim i John Oyn died Sunday October out al I ha gravel and tinder pltsj
, . I ..... . .., II... VI' ..... I I, ...... II 1 ..f I., - I ,1.. , II. ......... I ''..1,11,1..
at Klamath Falls spent the week , narrow i os.upo.i wn.u ,....... ...... ..... ... . uo.i . annum n
end In Merrill and attended the ,c,'rt " "erleus accident. Keiurn'.ng I Illness of over two months. Mr. Hon UVnO engineer! I lie shovel. Con
trail! Klamath Falls on lie liignwny uy.i nas noon wiui mo i.ongnou o.riitiilatioii iiii.i long me iiuu amv
ho was run Into by another car Co., about four years, and for tho I planus lo thin young couple and
i.ear the flume. Ills cor was badly past year was time keeper oul al
Hallowe'en party given by the boy
Mr. and Mrs. It. t". Orosebeok an 1
family spent Suudav with Mr. and
it i.,,-r vvwth.-,,- fsbaken and bruised
Mr. Wallace from Portland IWM thM " car ,hat ,nuk h,m n , , condition mas ue! serious, but
business visitor in Merrill Salur-
damaged and he wis somewhat Camp 1. About two mouths ago ho
High Quality Slate Roofing
at Mail Order Houses Prices
F. 0. B. Our Store
v 422 Klamath
(Old Dodge Garage)
See it before you send your money out of
town and wait for deliveries.
Now is the time to give your old roof a new
coat, will add years of service, inexpensive,
easy applied. Have it in stock in 5s, 10s
and 50 gallons.
Fred Peterson, county sup
erintendent, wa sin Merrill Mon
day on business connected with ho;
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Merrltt. Mr.
and Mrs. E. F. Merrltt Edna and
Eugene Merrltt spent Suuday in
j Mrs. E. C. Harwood was ho3tes
at dinner Sunday In honor of the
birthday of her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fruits an!
daughter Roberta spent Sunday at
Adin. California, with Mr. Kruit'
grauddaughter. A partv consisting of Mr and Mrs.
ill. C. Hendrlckson, Misses Qladyi
i Anderson, Ellen McVeigh and Swe i
LungJabl and' Lyle Merrill, Chas.
Stukel and Estin Klger had a plc
julc at Clear Lake Sunday and in
!thc evening were entertained by
llMr. and. Mrs. Hendrlckson at a
r j waffle supper. . .
A Cladvs Illssitt who has been em
ployed as bookkeeper at the While
It is reported contracted the flu, and thought Ills'
traveling on the ovrong side ot the proved lo be, as later be was taken!
road. I to the Weed hospital where ho!
Monday evening the Itebekah ' passed awuy
may i elr lust days bo iih happy aj
1 their firm.
lodge nt their regular meeting In
itiated 6 candidates Into the lodge.
The decree team from Klamath
Falls put ou the work. Ab-ut 50
Mr. Oya was a man about 40 years
Elinor ObarlN DOVdra and Ml"
Velum Spolice were uitletly married
al the home ot (ho bride's parents.
small Province of Kussln. he has
no relatives In this country. I'he
guests were present including1 a few Interment will be Sunday Nov. 1,
from C'.e Honuani llgo. Fellow-1 at Mt. Shasta. The Co.
Ing the work u banquet was serve I will haVo cargo of the servlres.
In tho dining room of the lodg Mr. and Mrs. John Clemens who
old and a native of Eslhonla i ; Mr. mid Mrs. A. C. Speniii of Midland
ou October "'.i at high noon. I ho
house WU bajkntlfAlUy ileeoraled In
full flowers of ehryennthomumi am!
oajandara wiu. h tbn bride and grooni
Mood under an arch of. Tho bride's
(Own WU of pink latin mid trimmed
loudness visitors In tllo counly sent
on Tueudiiy.
I'Mwnrd Itoyoo was n btWlnOM cull
or In Klamath PIH TiieBiluy.
Ura, .1. C VVrlgUI and noil Joseph
Jr ami daugbtor Ouarlotl ami ai"
I,.. ii llolcotil wore Calling III the ll.HO"
ot Mr. mid Mrs. A, (' BptDOa of Mid
land ait Motlda) evening.
Mm. s. L. liiiriiott mid oblldroo
wore culling at tho homo of Mr. and
Mm. Hurry Ml.ldloton on Monday.
Mrs I Button wiui a visitor al
MHUr Hill school on Wednesday.
Pretty corduroy bath robes In all
tha praltjf bright colors nt Hen Ho
gin's Dress Shop, for only $5.7'';
)ust unpaakad today, lT(dvl
hall t.i about seventy five.
; have been residents of this camp
for several years, left Wednesday
for ITorris. Calif., ovhero Mr. Cle-
mens bus a position as Engineer of
The baxaar given by the women ! ;l logging engine,
of th- Wlldwcod flultd of tho Christ- j i)r. j, sandle, aiahhad by bis
ian -church. Friday afternoon and j pupils, gnve his regular monthly
evening was one big grand success, j piano recital at his home Thursday
Too much praise cannot be given ! evening. After a brilliant toast of
these ladles who have labored long music Mrs. Sandle served lovely re
khB faithfully to make this event I frsahnunta.
the success that It was.
Tho booths were all most heautl-
C. W. Jensen and family left th
first of tho week for Eureka, Calif..
A. F. Graham
420 Main St.
Store and Warehouse
422 Klamath Ave.
Phone 526
fully and artistically decorated. Tho wnoro. M(. Jt,U9(.n hiW poM,, , lfl
fancy work. Dotti uecorateu "' thc He,, woo(n .,0'beln ; an A-No.-l
wane anil Brcea. in cuarge ui
Mesdames Clay Parker and Dale
; limber taller.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale BaafOB left
House has resigned her position
an(JHeeson. contained most every fny U,,,,, (or w,.a, Calif. Mrs. Uei
and baud embroidered .utlclo dear
to tho feminine heart, handsomoly .
dressed dolls and funny sock dolls
for the children and babies.
Tho utility booth decorated In
green aud white, the same at the!
left Saturday for Klamath Falls.
Mrs: Ceo. Offield returned M :;
day from Klamath Falls where she
had spent a week with her daught
er Mrs. Fred Fletcher.
Mr. Hutler from the Link Hlver
Electric Co., ot Klamath Falls was
a business visitor ill Merrill Satur-day.
bov scouts of troon I of Merrill wore I . . ' . . .' . i III.
son to spend the wool; end with Mrs.
Jack Goddard and Mr. Heosou to
visit bis pnrents al Coburg, Ore.
Mrs. Cora Hudkee, mother of
Mrs. It. B. Hawkins arrived in
Damp Tuesday evening, for a woatai
ranoj worK oovm. IWWUW " r t visit beroro returning to her home
by Mesdames. F. S. Ford and Paul . ,)ullHmulri t.llf Mra. ,lrkw) s
Glllen; In tnis Uooin were an kiiiiis
!of serviceable apron,. ..percale.
Just relumed from a two months
trip east g'dng as far as t.'hlcugu,
Costs to the members of the r
scouts trojp at a ghostly Hall iwo'en
party. Others invited were the
teachers of the Merrill school.
There were about fifty present
and all were loud In their praise'
of the scouts as hosts. The decor
atfons -were true to Hallowo'on tint
Even to tome skulls cf animals pro
vided by some ot the boys. The even
ing was spent In games some
ghostly and some mild. The hit .of
the evening was a pantomlne. A
banquet was served at the close of
the evening by the boys. A gieat !
deal of the credit for the success of
the evening is due to the scout ma -j
ter, J. W. Scoggins.
Mrs. G. H. Metskar of Mantica.
pin bags, and stocking bags, pot
lirinp i n O nne, fnll 'ilflhv lAVOtlA.
i ..t.,1 . U.l'-aar llie lllio uill V.UO jJ.m.'
Owing to Friday being tho-Guild
Everything nicely ma
poned their weekly Inn lb D
The home made candy booth dc-
corated in fancy pink nnd white
i where Mesdames Paul Henry and
W. I). Vance di. reused delfi m
ionic made ranuy inui airiy nieii
ed in one's ntohtb.
The ice cream and home made
pake booth, decorated with Hallo-1
we'en colors presided over by Mes-!
dames Hatfield and Munn. the ludlcs
roaring dainty while aprons and
orange and black fancy caps.
The post office covered coinple-1
toly w iih red, white and blue crepe
paper streamers, was In charge of
In Spanish luce. The bride's imild
and best man wore Mr. and Mr:.. Wal
ter Monl.'llous. Floivor girls wore
Delpha Spence. slater Of tho bride.
and Mary Sevelki The w. dillin: core-
uiony was performed by Hev. RJpOi
Presbyterian minister, the ring cere- 1
moiiv being used. Tho wedding inarch
was played by Mrs. Jmnle l.ea Sv-1
elk. The bride and groom left for
an . 'Mended Honeymoon trip lo noo- .
ford. They will be al their homo at-1
ter November I.
Mrs.' LIJl(an Perkins of Alrlle.
Ore , Is spending some time with hi r
daughter. Mrs. A. C. Spence.
Edgar Furber mid sou worn in j
Klu lout Ii Falls on business Tiiesduy.
Mr, and Mrs. s. t, Bnrhett were1
Get Real Vnluc
For Your Tire Money
By Buying
General Tires.
Where Crank Cae
Service is Supremo
Klamath Tire
'Cap Calkin
Klamath Ave.' a nth st
Klrcntonu. (Itnral and
OUlflxhl TtTM
Everything in Electrical
For the liome. Irons, washers,
I Jghting fixtures ;iii.I accessories,
etc. -sec us for expert house Wiring-,
Link River Electric Co.
thi' roUowlDg Friday. j - j
1 Mill
Calif., arrived in Merrill Saturday I
Mrs. Alvan Oppeud, who handed I
mil t ft n'lf :t . . to nvorv one I
likening for a visit with her daught- ,, ' . . m
I ' Ibis was great sport for tho kid-1
IliVfl dilli tuc 'I j'.i "(lu I'vl I
so h!ow getting a package Just to ,
tr Mrs. John Cox.
The y-iung people began
Hollowe'en pranks Friday evening
and Saturday the w'nduws of the
tusiness houses were pretty well
covered as one little boy was heard
A Home Plant
The Lakeside Lumber Company, owned and managed by local men,
solicits your patronage.
We, as residents of Klamath County, are vitally interested in its de
velopment. We are interested in no other locality. As the town
grows, we grow. Therefore it is to our interest to aid every prospect
ive builder.
What We Offer You
We offer the benefit of our years of experience in choosing the type
:of building best suited to your needs and to your pocketbook.
We offer you prices that will compare favorably with any in the city.
' Finally, we offer you a complete stock of the best building m'aterais,
Rough and Finished Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork, Lath, - Shingles,
Plaster Board, Prepared Roofing, Plaster, Builders' Hardware
We are sole agents for Carey Specificaxion guaranteed roofing.
Lakeside Lumber Co.
Center and Klamath Phone 128
see iwhat was in it.
These booths were all down stairs, i
while up stairs t.!w. front part was
turned into u brilllan Spanish room, j
decorated In Hallowe'en orange and j
hlask and black cats, this room
was In charge of Mesdames Will j
Collins and John McMlohall who j
served delicious hot tamalci and
coffee. The other half of tho room
was a Japanese Tea Harden, u love
ly secluded "bower decorated with
Japanese parasols, lanterns and
panels in ay colors, iwith vines of
purple and violet wisteria and green
leaves Intertwined among tho other
dec rations. Here Mesdames C. W.
Murphy and E. IJ. McDonald serv
ed tea and wafers, the tea In dainty
cups nnd saucers which wero pre
sented to one after drinking the tea.
Iiuring the evening Dr. J. Handle,
th" school orchestra and a number
of the girls played brilliant numb
ers cf music.
The president of the Guild, Mrs.
F. A. lord and the Guild members
wlsb i ) extend t'.ielr sincere thanks
and appreciation (o tho different
ladles who so kindly came, forward
nnd lleltieil out wln-n so many of lb"
! Guild members wore nick and un-
ablfl M attend, lo tho different towns
people who rendered them assistance
to the girls who helped bo willingly
In the dlfterent booths, to all who
took part In the musical prograjn,
and to the public in general iwho so
genertiusly opened their .hearts and
pocket hooks and made this bazaar
such a grand success.
Ooilte a few on the sick list tho
past week, among ' these lire both
Mr. and Mrs. 1). 6. Gholson, Mrs.
lid Miller, Mrs. Duran, also Mrs. O.
O. Wlnstleld ou(fej:ed a relapse and
Concrete for Permanence
Economical - Everlasting
If you build for a home or for sale purposes, you cannot afford to
overlook the advantages of concrete construction. Before you build,
let us tell you of the savings that may be effected by the use of con
:rete. If you build to sell, concrete construction makes your task easier. If
you build a home to live in, you want it to last. Concrete serves your
We Have in Stock:
Johns-Mansvillc Asbestos and Rag Felt roofings.
Petrolastic Asphalt Regal Roof Coating
We can save you money on your m aterial and construction
W. D. Miller Construction Co.
mmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmrirjrnmwfwrmmm im a- wiariMMmniiiii hi i mmi aiiBaiWiaaiii irwjnwr mi i mmmu mmmmmmA
Safeguard Your Home
It does you lltllo good to scrnpo nnd save to build that homo of your, unless yon
take steps to see that It is protected.
Tho one sure way to be prolnctod Is to tako out tire IniUrahca,
We are anents for tho world's largest companies, Our rates tiro reasonable. .Wo
glva personal service on every claim.
HART BLDG. Surely Bonds PHONE 432
Life, Fire and Auto Insurance