The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 07, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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    University library
Published Daily at
"An Empire Awakening"
Associated Press Leased Wire
Eighteenth Year- Number rt72
Luz Saucedo Exonerated in
Death of Florentino Nav
arro at Algoma
Delay in Investigation Ex
pected to Result in an
Unsolved Mystery
l.ui Hauccdo, Mt'.vlnui section
iiniui who was srrpMcd i niht-
Iff llllM Kin- nl II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I it I i
lung an. i riiin niliio Navarro,
aii(iiiii- Mpricfln raUwxiU wata
hmt Im'iii ulnlilstl Iii death nt
Algivnu, August Id, lal, W'liH
I'li'M'i uli d l)' Hi.- griinil J li ' .
It U'un iTi'iii'-'l Iii it report In
Circuit .1 ii. I k Leavlll tills lifter-
An ordor fur (lis immediate roles
of Haticdo, who hml b4n held wlth
olil bull liy I tn. sheriff, wan Issued by
tha court, anil tho Mexloun wnn again
u fri'ii man today after nearly tlirmt
months of ImprlHoiiinoni.
It U ulmiiiit certain that
tiiii murderer of Navarro win never
bu known, Inamnurli is Hh. rlff llnw
klnn bin lavtlgtlon of the
murderous nnnniili for several bourn
aflnr bu bnd IMM notified. H was
known from the ninrt tbiti promi-ut
Inii authorities wore dtihloiiH over
the flimsy nvidouri by which Saure
do wnn being hold.
Karl Drown, former matchiiiak r
for the municipal boxing commission,
won bin freedom from ii bail chock
charge whi'ii tbu Jury reported n not
I nm bill. Iln won alleged lo liuvu
panned n spurious chock lor K'OO on
He Hi' (tin.
(inorgti I)ukn wan exiincriiictl on n
charge of assaulting Cecil llolllns
head at Crescent on Oct. 1 last, tha
Juroru reporting a not true bill fol
lowing I heir Investigation Into tin. af
fair. Truo bills reported by tin. grand
Jury are: t
I'orry John, alleged Statutory crime
at Chlloquln; II. Davis anil Tom ('
Connor, chanted with operating u
mill. Tom Vaughn, chtrfod wltb op
orntlnit n atlll,
Thn Krand Jury nbio reported nix
secret Indlotmcu'.H which will not bo
md nubile until warrant of arrest
bavn in-. .ii HrTOd.
$10,000,000 Water Power
Development Planned
at Lake Chelan
8T. PAUL, Nov. 7. (Pj The
Oront Northern Railway today an
nounced plana for n $10,000,000
water power development With pro
duction of 75,000 bornepower at
Lake Chelan In Northern Central
Offlcluln Hiild the plan will result
In early Irrigation of about 80,000
ncren of generally unproductive
land and event unlly will moan
electrification of the tlrenl North
ern's linen over tho Cascade moun
tains and for more than 100 miles
lint ward.
Tim railway through iim huIibi-
dlnry, the Chelan Electric Company
ban oxeculed a contract with the
Washington water Power company
for construction work which will be
Started upon approval of tit pro
ject by tho govorninonl. The project
will take, several yearn lo complete,
official!! snld.
Beauty Parlor Proprietress at
Ogden Is Murdered
During Night
OGD1SN, Utuh, Nov. 7. (If) Tho
body of Mrs. liana D. Jensen, 411
yours old, a bounty pnrlor proprie
tress, wan found in a thlcltot In the
soulhorn section of the city early
today. Near tho body WS a broken
.hummer and n Hinnll sharp knife.
TIlo woman soomlngly bud boon
atruck a hoavy blcnv on the hoad
with tbo bummer und an effort made
later to .cut ott Iter hoad with tbo
k9'.'i .
Bullet Strikes Tiny
In Face When Missile Is
Exploded By Hammer Blows
Four Year Old Ralph
jured While Playing With Gun Yesterday
Afternoon; Lead Pellet Enters
Cheek; Child Will Recover
Hfl couldn't shove the bullet inside the end of the bar
rel of a 22 caliber rifle yesterday afternoon, so little
four-year-old Ralph Morrow
struck the missile a heavy
J here was a sharp explosion as the bullet exploded,
Hid the tiny tot sank to the ground, his right cheek
bleeding from a gaping wound. His little companion,
ran to his home, 811 Cypress street for aid, and in a
short time the injured child was under an anaesthetic
at the Klamath General hospital.
The bullet was extracted from the cheek of the small
boy. It had not entered very deep into the flesh, and
hence Herious injury was avoided. Only tlanger was
in the possibility of an infection, according to author
ities at the Klamath General hospital.
Little Ralph is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Morrow,
311 Cypress street. He was returned to his home today
and will convalescence at his
Young Mc Adoo
Fails To Pay His
Tax On Income
Lien Filed Against Son
Of Ex-Cabinet
1.0S ANHKl.KS. Nov. 7. P) -
Tho. name of William (i. McAdoo,
Jr., son of tbo former secretary t
the treasury wnn among those
UKUlum whom tux Hens were filed
yesterday by Ineome Tax Collector
Hex. it? fioodcoll.
The government Claims there is
IS8.8S due on young McAdoo 1K2-I
Through nn error, the name of
the elder McAdoo wan at firm nsxo-
litleil with the tux Hen. but n re
hock developed that It wan the
non of tno former treasury boito
tary against whom tho lien was
dlrorti d.
Kill Mad Dog
Near Midland
A mad dog, suffering what sppsnr
d to be a virulent nUlv.U of rubles.
wiih shot : "I lillli'il ... Ill' Old Mel
lnd road, near tho sl.iuittltei' bOHHO.
today !ly dputlos rron tho ."'lmu'i's
office. The dog was In agony when
the deputies arrived and put it out
of Its suffering. The canine I bo.
Moved to have boon bitten bj a coy
ote. Here's Sad Blow
Against Kissing;
Mistletoe Barred
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. (fl1) -If
tbo duiinrlmont of aKi'lculturo has
lis way klsstdg opporluultles under
tbo Christmas mistletoe will bo ab
ollslied. The department dOSSn't
object to the klstlng but to the mls
tlutoo which Is regarded us a dan-
KonoiiH forost pest. A drive has
boon started against mlstlctoo In
i he national forest and within 10
yours the department hopes to extev-
mliinto the plant.
State Department Again De
clines to Admit Countess
Karolyi to U. S.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. (fl1)
The statu department refused to
day to grant n runowod request of
Countess Knrotyli wife of the for
mer president of the lluiiKni'lan ro
public, for admission lo the Hulled
N10W YORK, Nov. -Bl-
drldge Gerry snow, president of the
Homo lnsurnnco company of New
York, and prominent In financial
und civic circles, tiled hero today.
Morrow Severely In
procured a hammer and
blow on the cap.
There will be. a meet
ing of the fanners of the
Klamath Irrigation dis
trict held at Henley Sun
day afternoon at 2
o'clock. The opponents of
Short and Jacob are invit
ed to attend and they are
challenged to meet the of
ficers of the district face
to face and. ask any ques
tions they wish answered.
The officials of the dis-
I trict are honest; they have
no dirty money jingling in
their pockets; they have
not lied ; they stand ready
to meet any charge that
their opponents want to
make and publicly answer
any question that may be
Jury Acquits
Man Who Would
Fight In Duel
I1ENI3, Ore., Nov. 7. Clifford
Phillips was acquitted by u Crook
county Jury this week of the Charge
of challenging another to n duel.
Judge T. B. J. Huffy, who heard the
easo In l'rlnovllle returned to Bend
today. He said the case was unique
In tbo west and that not since early
California days bus a man been
tried on a duelling charge.
Tho complaint was made by H.
W. Pnlrohtld. who said that Phillips
challenged him to a duel with guns,
wbleli Is a penitentiary offense. Tho
jury was out but u few minutes.
Special Sunday Hours
At Local Post Office
31111 awnltlng fixtures for Ibo peat
office In Its new locution on Ninth
and Klamath, tomorrow Will find the
lobby open to the public ut various
hours of tho dny. It was hopod by
Postmaster McCaii that iut Sunday,
November 1, would be tho only Sun
day tho hours would have to be
changed, bul this iweek end finds
tbo office still awaiting fixtures.'
Tho following hOUT will find tha
lobby open to the public: 5:45 n. m.
to 7:45 a. in.; 10 , m. to 10:30
n. nit', 11:30 a. m. tto 3:30 p. m
and 1:30 p, m. to 10:30 p. m.
Stenographic Records Dis
close Sympathies of Dis
trict Candidates
Common-user Clause Would
be Thrown Out if They
Should be Elected
At the hearing held in Portland,
at which evidence was taken bear
ing upon the entrance of the North
ern linos Into Ihli county, two of
the Boutbern Pacini witnesses ap
pearing before Hi" representative of
the Interstate commerce commission
were Chorion E. Drew and 0, -H.
Carlelon, of Merrill, both of whom
are oandfdatag for election to the
board of directors of tbe Kiumath
Irrigation dibtrlct. From a steno
graphic report of tbe testimony giv
en by these gentlemen at that time,
the following Ib taken:
After stating his residence, busi
ness nd that he was a member of
the board of directors of the
a in irrigation
uinllici, nf, Ultw
testified as follows:
C. The board of directors of that
district apparently has Intervened
in one of thoso cases. Did you at
tend a meeting held in favor of
such Intervention ?
A. I did not.
Q. Well, how did it happen that
you were not present at. the lime?
A. I don't know whether it waa
n regulur meeting that I failed to
attend, or whether it was an ad
journed meeting after the regulir
meeting adjourned, bul I was not
noUflod that HtifU a resolution w-.ia
to bo brought up.
Q. Well, do you or would you
have supported this resolution.
A. I would not.
Q. Well, would you say that the
Southern Pacific program, especially
for Hie Allurns cut-off. is of para
mount importanco in all of these
A. I do.
G. H. Carleton, after stating his
residence and occupation, testified
as follows:
Q. Are you familiar with the
proposed projects of the Southern
Pacific as outlined in this hearing?
A. Yes, Blr.
Q. Do you bollovo that they
would give adequate transportation
to your community?
A. I think so.
Q. Do you bellove that you would
huvo nny particular use for the
Northern lines reaching Klamath
I don't know of anything
wo would have to ship over
ed ut n
This resolution was pass
regular meeting, held on
May 2, 11)251.
This attitude of mind on the part
of Mr. Drew and Mr. Carleton would
indicato that If they are elected
thoy will vote to withdraw the reso
lution demanding that the common
user provision be mnde a condition
of nny right-of-way given to any
railroad crossing government land.
This resolution Insures tho con
struction of a through line, as well
as competition.
Prosecution t'olu lmles Testimony in
Murder Trial of Dr. Itiirolil
lUTTLBITON, OotoV, Nov. 7. ()
After placing only six witnesses oa
tho stand the stall, rested Its case
curly today In the case of Dr.
Harold Blaser, who Is charged with
the murder of his daughter, Unset,
tho "child woman" wh;) never igre
ltepiilillcan Senatorial Candidate
Carries His OattiMtgn t.i
Million County
SALEM, Ore.. Nov. 7. Prod
Stelwer of Pendleton', first of the
republican senatorial candidates to
come Into this territory in the pres
ent cnmpulgn. today expressed him
self ns highly encouraged with the
sentiment be has found In his favor
slueo ho loft his homo city of Pen
dleton more tbnu a week ago.
John Campbell's Sister
Of Death At S. R Station j
Plans For Happy Reunion, After 20-Year I
Separation, Shattered by Grim Reap-
er; Mrs. Cook Met by Mayor
Fred R.Goddard
Happily confident that the smiling face of her brother,
whom she had not seen .for 20 years, would be at the
S. P. railroad station to greet her last njf?ht, Mrs. Amelia
Cook awaited impatiently the arrival of the train in
Klamath Falls.
But instead of her brother, two sober faced men, May-1
or Fred R. Goddard and Morris Crystal, approached her
and told the sad news of the sudden death of her bro -
ther John Campbell, in a local hospital Thursday after
noon. ,
When Mrs. Cook stalled for Klamath Falls, John
Campbell was in comparatively good health, and no
body realized or predicted an early end. But while on
her trip north, Campbell was fatally stricken in the nata
torium and died a short time afterward in a local hos
pital. Members of the family could not locate her to
inform her of the sad news.
It was 20 years ago when Mrs. Cook and Mr. Campbell
had last visited and each thought it was about time that
they get together once again and discuss old times. But
instead of visiting with her brother, Mrs. Cook will at
tend his funeral and interment in Klamath Falls.
Funeral arrangements are still pending the arrival of
a daughter of Mr. Campbell, Alice, who has been in
southern California. She is expected to return to Klam
ath Falls tomorrow night.
Barber Wins
Damage Suit
From Parent
IMJO.V, France Nov. 7.
(A.P.) An outrnjccHl parent,
who hrtiuKht suit for (lamiiKcs
agiiinM a barber for bubhing
Ms daughter's hair got no syni
patliy from tho court. His claim
was ivj rctcil ami he was con
demned to pay tho costs of tho
The court held that hair cat
ling was an act of every dny
life; that, minors could not be
expected to bring written au
thorization from their parents
each time they sought the ser
vices of a barber and Unit thq
arber could be proved nt fault
.tuly If he acted against the
rleurly expressed wishes of n
The decision in this Case nip
ped in the bud a whole crop
of contemplated suits
Jurors Acquit
er In Coos
J. R. Haless of North
Bend Found Not
. Guilty
C'OQUILI.E, Ore., Nov. 7.
J. R. Haless of North Bend, was
yesterday acquitted of the
of Oeorge Holmes after jury delib
erations of 4 5 minutes.
The jurors found that Haless shot
Holmes in self-defense, after the
latter had pulled a gun and shot
at Unless.
The killing followed a row on the
night of July 29. Unless declared
that he was at the home of Holme
buying some liquor and that during
the following few minutes he remon
strated with Holmes oVT picking
the pockets of a patron of the place.
Httlnies was discharged from the
Oregon state prison last February.
Livestock Tariff from Eastern Ore.
gun Iii lr;M Siiuuil n:nv
Too Low
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. fi
liates on livestock moving to Ta
coma and Seattle from central and
eastern Oregon and southern Idaho
wero held by tho Interstate Com
merce Coniinls'slon today to bo un
fair as compared with rates to North
Portland. Oregon,
Minnesota Man
To Be Manager
Of Bend Plant
C. L. Isted Named Sbev-lin-Hixon
In Oregon
BEND, Ore., Nov. 7. C. L. Isted.
who has been general manager of
,hn rronkstnn i.nmher enmnanv at
Bemldji, Minn:, another 8hevlin-;
Hixon company, will succeed James
P. Hennessy as general manager of
the Shevlin-Hixon company in Bend,
according to an announcement made
by Hennessy today. Isted will ar
rive late this week from Bemldji
where the company is all cut out.
Hennessy will move to Minneapolis
the first ' of the year.
Hennessy, who has been with tho
Qliavlln.Mivnn nnmnnnv fnr ?fl vpnrl
in succeeding Thomas A. McCannl" sovernmeat of 2.500.000,
as vice president of the Shevlin,
Carpenter, Clark and company will
take over for the third time the
place formerly held by McCann. Ho
succeeded McCann as general man
ager of the Libby. Montana, oper
ation nnd later suceeded him as
general manager at the Bend oper
ation. Kendall Staying
Longer in S. F.
Than He Planned
For some reason or other, Jus
tice of the Peace E. X. Kendall has
postponed his return to Klamath
Falls to either tonight or Monday.
Ho has been with his wife, in San
Francisco, who has been seriously
ill In a hospital.
The magistrate was to haw re
turned the early part of this week.
At least that was the impression he
left around the court house. In
fact, his presence In justice court
W'cdiH'.nlay , morning was almost
necessary, as. a case was set for that
date for trial. But Instead of the
justice of the peace in justice court
Wednesday morning the district at
torney's officr received n wire that
Mr. Kendall would be absent till the
later plart of this week or the first
of next.
Imi.mi1 Emory Appears in circuit
Court nt Eugene ftttfl Pleads
EUGENE. Ore., Nov. 7. Loyal
Emery, charged with forging a chock
appeared in circuit court here this
morning and changed his plun of
not guilty to one of guilty. He will
appear tit 9 o'clock Tuesday morn
ing to receive sentence.
T J Y fj ! llliPI IflM
Chairman Green Say all
Controversial Points have
Been Settled
Support of Administration
N r
APPea" pertain,
; Declares Leader
WASHINGTON. Nov. 7.. .--(). -'radically
united support both la
tin' house and Hennte. for a tax re
(taction bill now in preparation by
the houso ways and means com
mittee, an almost unprecedented
prospect, Is now confidently expect
ed by house leaders.
With virtually all of tho vital and
iontroverslal points of tax reduc
tion already acted on by the com
mittee. Chairman Oreen said today
that a non-partisan measure, "bear
ing almost unanimous support,"
seems certain.
For the first time since the war.
republicans and democrats have
worked out tbclr differences, no far
at least, and agreed on tbe main
provisions of a revenue bill. In do
ing this the committee has approv
ed tiome of the main proposals of
Secretary Mellon nnd reloctcd others'
and the spirit of compromise wan
further reflected in the approval
in modified form of the proposal of
Representative Garner, of Texas;
ranking democrat Tor personal ex
emptions. Administration support of tha
changes so tar approved seems cer
tain, despite the rejection of Mel
Ion's suggestion for, rupeal of the
state and Inheritance tax.
After disposing yesterday of sev
eral main provisions In the bill,
the committee rested today to give
sub-committees opportunity to work
out specific rate schedules on the
income surtax and inheritance levies.
Painleve Asks Cabinet for Aur
thority to Get Money from
Bank of France
IRAKIS, Nov1. 7. (IP) Frontlet ,
Painleve as part of his financial 1
program asks parliament for auth
ority to arrange with the Bank or
France for additional advances to
PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 7. J. 3.
Travis, a sheep shearer, arrested
in Klamath county, on a charge of
possessing liquor, was fined $50
1 by Federal Judge Wolverton late I
yesterday. :,-v&
There is a group of business
men in this town whose eyes
are so blinded by two or
three decades' accumulation
of dust und moss that their
eyesight refuses in 'unction
farther thnn the corrugated
rim of 11 thin dime. They
lost sight of tho dollars In
their trembling fear of see
ing anyone on the street
who might sell tho name
thing that thoy do.
These same men cast their
lot with the Southorn Pa
cific In Its effort to keep this
city In the 10,000 class nn l
thoy should pay for their
folly by having to wnleh you
spend your hard earned col
lars with firms who are in
terested .in your welfare,