Friday,. November 0, 1!)2G EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Seven THE EVENING HERALD'S CLASSIFIED AD SECTION Three Days Special Saturday, Monday, Tuesday Nov. 79 10 , j f t . . I ' TYuly this is an amazing opportu nity an event that marks the most favorable chance to save on quality Coats. While low price may be an inducing factor, it's the style, the fabrics and the need lework that will interest every prospective buyer. Many of these coats are lavishly trimmed in the finer furs of the season. 20 coals, blocked wool polo cloth; fancy striped lined $9.50 throughout. Special at only, 20 Suedene Velour, fur trimmed col lars, cuffs and bottoms, fur and braid ; interlined and beautifully lined $15.00 throughout. Special at only -; 50 coats of all the newest materials of this season; including. 85 pin pint; all fur lined; in all prevailing colors. Extra special Will compare with .$o0 and even much higher priced coats. SEEING IS BELIEVINGCOME AND SEE THESE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE Extra Special WW mm HATS For Holiday Wear! Millinery that is sought for the festive season, marking the close of the year,' is the kind of Millinery offered by this store. Here you will find your choice in velvets, felts, satins and velous in all the wanted shapes, including the new Pirate effect. Trimmings of every imaginable kind are present. 8th and Main in Dress Values in Silk and Wool $9.50 and up 3.954.95$7.50 La Vogue 8th and Main DIRECTORS GIVE LIE TO REPORT (Continual From P Hit) outside of Kourd itlnotliii (poMlble hod in ut be ull the- time to protect I turCHlH Of Old Klaillill:. District, u $:i,ooo,ooo,oo I. Home re the Job II great in Irrigation or jrorallon. I. I., Jiicoli has attend" i all Hoard Moctlngi and aucrlflcod a great dual of IiIh tlmo outside the meeting, In the Interest of the Dlatrlct. Ms duties as Director do not call lor Iba con alant attention necessnr: from the President. Charlei E, Drew liaa given no attention to the District's busi ness outside of Hoard Meetings, many of which the record shows he did not attend. Mi' threw all t li burden and responsibility on Jacob and Hrad bnry, attended to li la QWn prlrate af l.i , and neglected to attend Hoard Meetings, lie 'now asks the voters to approve hlu record. Many daya Charted to llradbury and Jacob were for attendance at Government hear ing. S. i retary ii Salary ... I.IDO.UM Attorney's retainer 000.00 FLOWERS sent to funeral of Mr. J. P. Lee , 7.00 Incidental 12.00 NOTK: Violent exception In taken by Wlshard and the California Ore gon Power, company In its shoot, the "N'BWS" to Items. Of expense for FLOWERS. TAXI HIRE and OASO I.INE. Here la the terrible truth: I LOWERS Director Hradbury and Jacob con aldered It fitting that this small tri bute of reaped ohould be paid to the wife of Capt. J. P. Lee, who for yeara befriended the people of thiH Project, whoae practical sympathy with them Id their hardships laid upon our wat er users an eternal debt of gratitude. HOWEVER, If any water uaer ob jects to this Item, there aro many who' will consider honored to pay It. It hua heretofore been the cus tom of the Water Users' association to thus honor departed pioneers. TAXI There have been many visits here by hiKh officials of the lie, tarnation Service In the past and it has been the invariable cuBtom of the COPtCO to immediately attach themselves to the visiting officials and escort them in COPfJp cara to see what cOPCo wanted them to sec, the cars being packed with Just the right people to tell them what the COPCo wanted them to hear. When Mead visituri. this Spring, the Directors ware do termlned that for once Rerlumcticn officials should travel with District officials over the district and hear things from the water users' view point. Tho only taxi or automobile hire that has been paid by the Dis trict during the past nine months was for one trip of the District offi cials accompanying Commissioner Mead and the voucher in payment, thorefore, In amount $16.00, shows on its face whnt the trip was for, so Wlshard:, who filled the editorial chair of tho "NEWS" Wednesday night, mid the other editors of that roiorntlon sheet knew that fact when they published their attack of Thursduy morning. GASOLINE Heretofore, when A. L. Wlshard was secretary of the District it has been his custom to hlrft aft automo bile when he made necessary trips over the District, at a cost of $10 per day, or more.'TIre present Secre tary has made six trips over the Dis trict during the past nine months, hut instead of hiring a car at ten dollars per day he borrowed one and the total cost .to the District has boon : Oil. etc 1.G6 Gasoline 8.78 10.43 a total cost of $10.43 'for the six trips, nn averago of $1.74 per trip One ten dollar gasoline book was pur chased In which still remains tick ets to tho amount of $1.22. So much for the Taxi, Gasoline rind flowers In the "Wild Or gles" of tho Present Hoard of Ol rectors. NEW YOKK. Herbert Feisch hncker, San Francisco banker. Is shooing away animal tralnera an swering an ad for men to run a zoo. Ho gave friends some alliga tors from Florida and they got? oven. It la foolish to go around knock ing people with the hope that you will bo mlstnkon for opportunity. You will find the silver lining to most clouds tarnished from lack of use. . , 4. Coats - $7.r0 ahd $15.00, at Ilnrnhnrt's. McCarthy Iildg. 3-7 (adv) You aro Invited to visit tho Evans Rros. now Jewelry store, 832 Main St. 8 (Adv) CLASSIFIED AD KATES First Insertion . per Hoe 10c Two Insertion .per line lor Three Insert lona ... per line 20c Pour Insertion per line iWlr Week (0 time) per line 80c One Month per line 7Bc Minimum cvurge Z6c Ada not consocutlve are charged w new fal lowing each omlaslon. First Insertion la In "New Today" column without extra charg. bat all Insertlona In that column are at tint Inaertlon rata. NEW TODAY FOIl HALE 10 good milch cows Le Sutton, .Miller Hill. 6-12 FOIl KENT Good fall and spring pasture: most suitable for sheep; plenty of feed. 3 miles from Klam ath Falls. P. C. Carlton, Ocn. Del. 6-11 FOIl KENT Furnished 5 room house, wlth'garage. 01!) No. 12th. 6-7 FOIl KENT Furnished apartment. 820 Lincoln. Phone 597W. C-tf FOIl HALE, CHEAP Two 10-ton capacity Fairbanks - Morse scales. New and complete. M. H. Olde meyer. 905 No. 4th St. city. 6-7 YOUNG MAN WANTS board and room with private family, close in. Phone 309J. 6-7 FOIl SALE Chevrolet car, good con dition; see, or call Tom Tracy at the court house. 6-7 WILL SHAKE MY APT. with busi ness woman on 50-50 basis. Ad dress Box 207 care Herald. 6-10 FOK SALE Five room modern house, by owner; easy terms. In riulre 813 Pine. 6 FOK RENT Comfortable sleeping room, close In, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Call 1149 Pine -9 FOIl SALE Davenport, 2 rocking chairs, dining room extension table. 4 dining chairs. Phone 4C3W after 6 o'clock. 6-10 1925 MODEL 6 CYL. SEDAN, like new, trade as 1st payment on 5 room house. ALSO VALUABLE BUSINESS corner, close in, trade for lmprored residence property. ALSO 54 FOOT LOT on pared street. Only $550; terms. WARD & DALE 60.1 Main St. 6 FOK KENT 300 acres irrigated land: one mile south of Keno. Roy W. Nelson. Worden, Ore. Phone 17F3". 6-10 FOK SALE 35 cords dry limb wood $4 per cord, at the ranch. F. T. Nelson. Worden, Ore. 6-10 FOR SALE Choice Bourbon Rod turkey toms. Phone 19F24. Mrs. Alex Cheyne, Rt. -1. 6-7 A REAL SACRIFICE Chevrolet se dan in good condition; good rubber and engine just overhauled, $385. Phone 121J. 6-tt FOR SALE A good buy for $3000 cash. 4 rooms, bath, double garage, full size lot. Look into this. Terms can be arranged if desired. S ROOMS AND BATH in restricted district. Prlco $4500. This price will not last Ions. Better see this place. Convenient terms. OTHER HOMES on our lists that you should ask us about. NOW IS THE TIME to invest in bus iness properties. If yon have money to invest, let us show you some first class Investments on our lists. WE CARRY ALL LINES of insur ance with reliable American insur ance companies. Let us insure your home, your car or your personal effects. Courteous service always. Maguire & Maguirc S16 Main St. Insurance - - Real Estate 6-7 FOR SALE 1 1924 DODGE COUPE New rub ber, reconditioned. 1 1923 DODGE TOURING Com pletely overhauled; new top. 1 1D23 DODGE ROADSTER Gruss air shocks; bumpers, wind wings; fog light. 1 1924 FORD COUPE 1 1923 DODGE COMMERCIAL Terms on above cars. Priced right for quick sale. Wakefield Motor Co. 170 Main St. Phone 106 3-7 nt SXOW FALLS ON PEAKS Snow tell on peaks In the Cascade range Sunday night, it could be seen from here this morning. Broken Top. the South. Sister and others wore n now dressing of white. Attempts to get Elk lake by tele phone, to ascertain the exact amount of full, failed. Tho linos were out of commission and forest officials were of the 'opinion that tho snow might be responsible for a break. Quito a heavy frost fell horo last night. linker (Oregon) Press. Every hat at Bee Begln's Dress Shop Is mitVUcd below cost. Better look 'em ovor, 3-7 (adv) i on KF.S'T FOK KENT Cabins for white men. Bee Collins, 724 Market. O 2I--N21 FOIl RENT tage, bath. I room furnished cot Inquire 315 Lincoln. 27tf FOK KENT First class furnished apartment, steam heated. McCar thy Apartments, 630 Pine. Phone 800. 2I FOK KENT A desirable sleeping room for.ludy or gentleman. Clote In. 532 No. 8th St. Phone 985W. 31-7 FOR KENT Modern furnished an crtnient with private both. Corner Pine and Cedar, one block from Main. Call 51G. 4-8 FOK KENT Furnished house, hot, cold water 334 So. 4th St. 6-6 ROOMS FOR KENT to men; private family. 350 No. 9th St. 5-7 FOK RENT I room furnished house, close In; also furnirrtied housekeeping room. 1143 Fine. Phone 568R. 5-6 WANTED WANTED Good second hand range .. A - T. or cook stove. Call 4 51 J. 4-6 WANTED Woman wishes work by hour. Call mornings or eve ning. . , 3-9 WANTED 50 head of yonng feed er cows. Trulove & Holloway. Phone 575J. 223 So. th St. 3-9 WANTED TO BUY 75 light veal TnitAVD AT. r t . i ! fuiM v Phono f.75.1 1 223 So. 6th St. 3-9 WANTED Married couple to live in home and care for two children. Phone 731." 4-6 YOUNG MAN with some booking and accounting experience desires po sition. Receptive to anything of fered. Reply 206, Herald. 4- HELP WANTED Woman for gen eral housework. 103 Washington Street. Phone 378. 5-7 WANTED Load to Portland for truck. Call 187. 5-6V WANTED Experienced young wo man for general housework. Mrs. J. R. Shaw. Ph'one 470. 5r7 LEGAIi NOTICES .. NOTICE OF 11EARIXG OF FINAL AJpCOlTNX Irr the. County Court of th State of ' Oregon in and for Klamath County In the matter of the Estate of Elizabeth C. Pollman, also known as Mrs. H. W. Pollman, Deceased. State of Oregon. County of Klamath. SS. To all persons Interested in the Estate of Elizabeth C. Pollman, al so known at Mrs. H. W. Pollman, Deceased: You are hereby notified that on the twenty ninth day of October, 1926, W. M. Duncan, ancillary ad ministrator with the will annexed of the estate of Elizabeth C. Poll man, also known as Mrs. H. W. Poll man, deceased, filed in said court his final account, as said administrat or, and that said final account will be heard on the first (1st) day of December, 1925. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the County court room in the City of Klamath Falls, in said county; and you are hereby cited to appear at the time and place above designated, and show cause, if such exists, why said account should not be allowed. Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, this 29th day of October. 1925. R. H. BUNNELL, County Judge. Oct. 30, Nov. 6. 1.3. 19, 27. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Lakeview. Oregon. October 14, 1925. No. 012321. Notice is nerevby given that Al fred Cummings, of Dorrls, Califor. nia, Who, on October 29. 1924, made Homestead Entry Act June 9, 1916, No. 012321, for BftNWtt, Section 33. Township 40 S Range 7 E, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. R. DeLap, Clerk of the County Court, nt Klamath Falls, Oregon, on tho 8th day of December, 1925. Claimant names as witnesses: V. T. Dorrls, Walter Nichols, S. H. Reeves, Ned Connley, all of Dorrls, California. F. F. LIGHT, Register. , Oct. 19 - Nov. 18 (30 Consec. days) TO THE MEMBERS OF THE KLAM ATI! IRRIGATION DISTRICT 1 have been asked by some mem bers of the District as to my posl tlon In case I should be elected a di rector of the Klamath Irrigation Dis trict at the coming election. I am not inclined to make rash promises as to what I propose to do. I feel It is much better to meet and study situatious and ciicuntstjnoes as they arise and thn use by host Judgment as to the proper course to pursue to best servo the interests of the water users. In other words I prefer to act and not talk However since I have been requestod to Make some statement, I wish to say at this time that If elected director of the Klamath Irrigation District, I will endeavor to conduct the work of the Board on a sound business basis, and nt least eliminate tho reckless expenditure of money that is being made by the prosent administration. G. H. CAItLETON, (Adv) 6- FOR SALE FOK SALE--10 nead fine wool Kaiu boulllet bucks. Call or write A. H. Williams, Rt. 1, Box 185, Ash land, Ore. 0 7-N 7 FOK SALE One Nntlonal cash reg ister, for quick sale $76. Inquire W. C. Van Enrrnon, Hart Building, phouu 403. 26-7 FIFTY FOOT FRONTAGE on 6th 8t. 150 ft. deep, with smnll modern store, leid at $4,000. Laul Gervat, Algoma, Oro. 0 27-N i7 WHIM! ANTI FREEZE protects your radiator. For sale at Acme Motor. 3-10 FOR SALE 2 work horses, wc'-Ubt about 1350; ulso harness, almost new, $175.00 for both. Inqulro route 1, Box 7. Mills Addn. 2-7 FOR SALE 130 head range ew.s. in good condition, priced right. O'Connor Bros., Klamath Falls, Morrill Route. 2-7 WHIZZ ANTI FREEZE Is cheaper and sealer than draining your ra diator don't go another day with out some. For sale at Acme Motor. 3-10 FOR SALE 4 room house, one block from Mills school, and East Main street. Price $1750; terms. 603 Martin street. 2-7 FOK SALE My entire herd of pitft bred Shorthorn cattle from feder al accredited tuberculosis - free herd. One bull 9 month old, one hull calf. 15 cows and heifers, 12 of breeding age. Price right for quick sale. W. B. Lindsay, Merlin, Josephine county, Oregon. 2-14 SEE THE ACME MOTOR today for your Whizz anti freeze. 3-10 ANTI FREEZE INSURANCE (s writ ten by Whizz. Get some today at Acme Motor, 6th and Oak St. 3-10 FOIl SALE 1000 quarters of beef, at a low price. Phone 526J. Tru love & Halloway. 223 So. 6th St. 3-9 FOR SALE 5 dozen Plymoth Rac'c pullets. Trulove & Holloway. Phone 575J. 4-6 FOR SALE Setter English male twe years trained on quail and ducks. House broke. Price very reason able. Inquire at Kennel on high way to Pelican City. Write Lucll Redner. Box 171. t-f FOR SALE or trade for car: 1 28 foot launch equipped with new 16 horse Dunn engine. Inquire at store at Modoc Point. 4-10 BARGAIN' -N'ew 26 Chevrolet coupe, run 300 miles; $200 down pay , ment. Inquire 6th SL Barber shop. 5.-7 I J i , J FOR SALE As I am leaving Klam- I ath r.'ris T will UToril,- mv mir light Six touring in A-l shape, at $30.00. Call at side door, 619 ! Walnut Ave. 1 5-11 i 1 s . ' SPECIAL, 2 PLY ROOFING, $2.36 per roll. Asphalt sheeting $1.75; New England interior spar and floor varnish $3.00 per gal. Patterson's, 630 So. 6th. 6-11" FOR SALE 200 tons of fine hay; apply 101 So. 7th or phone 513W. 6-7 FOR SALE Sanitary couch, dining table, victrola, Iron bed, etc. Gall at 519 No. 12th. E-7 MISCELLANEOUS WINDOW CLEANING, Floor wax ing, house cleaning and janitor "service. References. A. M. Rhodes. Phone 360W. 7tf 1 : HEADQUARTERS for Manhattan tvouieu nuns. 11 as mnuu or wool, we hare it; also Paragon made-to -measure ladles' coats. 622 So. 6th St. Phone 456M. I will call to show my line. (Bonded). Absolute sat isfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Mrs. Beatrice Cory. sii on TRIANGLE CAFE The place to get good eats. OPEN ALL NIGHT. 633 Main street Phone 624. tf SHOES REPAIRED BY MAIL Send them to the Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop, 121 N. 8th St. We pay the return postage. 25c BUNDLES OF PAPER, office. Herald tf-nt PIANO TUNING W. H. Morgan, at the Earl Shepherd Co. 2-7 FOR TRADE Barber chair for an overcoat; size 37 or 38. Inquire Hot Springs hotel. 5-6 LOST AND FOUND $100 REWARD I will pay one hundred dollars for Information that will lead to the conviction of the thieTes who stole a trunk and wearing apparel from the bunk house on my ranch. Information will be considered confidential. Rex E. Bord. 4-10 , NOTICE Having purchased tire Peerless Lunch nt 711 Main St., this city, tho undersigned will not be responsible for any bills or accounts contracted for prior to this date by said res taurant. Dated at Klamath Full, Oregon, this 6th day of November, 1925. OTTO A. NICKEL. 0, 7, 0, 10, 11 You can't travel very , far on lame excuses.