Friday, Nptahbdr ,;, Ld20 BVBNtNG HEKALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Five ,1 mm H MM aar i H :ur.n Stores To Aid F YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT AT EITHER Stones Markets 423 MAIN ST. ' 717-719 MAIN ST. Good Meats Courteous St. Lower You Can Eat The Meat You ( ' K I Modern 1'ood Stores A Treasured Gift Your Portrait ENLARGING AND TINTING Opposite Court House 327 Main Street Phone 4....o.a - THE WKATHI5R Thii Cyclo-Stormugriiph at Undor wood'n Pharmacy lhoi the Imro ni' trio pressure steady at a high lovol. A continuation of J -1 . i 'wi'nthi'r condition) i prObablo. Forecast for Das! H hours: Pair ami door, Tbo Tycoa recording thiirmoniolir registered ''maximum and minimum toinperuturi u today an follows: Hlgb 00; low 22. 1). S. Wootlior Ronorl Oregon Fair and continued cool tonight anil Saturday. Light north easterly winds. HtlfU, your Kood or bad feelluK long enougn iino iiiojr "v.i. an dlHtortod you won't know them youraeid Wood We hnvo arranged for mi extra good supply of LIMB-WOOD nnd tho first car Ih being n loadod today It Is 16 Inch. A car ot li Itrob will ho In Monday. Wo can also furnish this high grade heater wood In 2 and 4 tt. length, on orders for It. Wo ndvlso oarly buying ns tho supply may bo nnowod In, a It t Lin lntor. Prompt Horvlco und fair prlcos will prevail. We handle nil kinds of Wood Coal A Pltol OH PEYTON 8C CO. "WOOD TO IIUIIN' 00 Main Phone 5!i& Service Prices Buy At Stone's QUALITY PHOTOGRAPHS .PICTURE 33 v ':',,' - "''' roHTLAMi AltlllV.M.S TIIt'UMiW Mr. and M rtf. W. M. ISoulIor, 0. V. I. Inter, S. J. Rottr and It. M. Carlson, all of Portland, registered among the arrivals at the hotel wiiiic Pelican on Thursday. Y ATI'S, MAN HBRH O. .11. Uuvlson, repretn'iitatlvo ot Vale company, with headquartcra In Ban KrunclHco, In vlaitlng thu vai'louH lumbtr concerns around Klamath 1'alb. Mr. Davlnon ar rived In thu city lust ovenlim and Is Stopping at the hotel White l'cll- MRW T.AMP BURNS iaM A Til 94 A1K Beats Electric or Gas A new oil lamp that gives an am- I nzingly brilliant, soft, white light. ; even bettor Hum gas or electricity, has been tcRtod by tbo II. H. Govern j mont and :i r. lending unlversltl. 'and found to be superior to 10 or ' dlnnry oil lamp. It burns wlthoul ; odor, amAka or noUorr-no pumping I up: Is slmplo, clean, safe. Burns ti 'aid and fj ',; common kevosene teoal oil). The inventor, v. Mc Johnson, 101 North Union Ave., Portland, Ore., Is ottering to neuil a lamp on In daya' Ml KM trial, or oven to give On ktnBU to tho first user In each locality who will help him Introduce It. Write hit" today for full parti culars. Ab o ask hint to explain how you i . in get t lie agency, nnd without experience or money lnnko $2fi0 lo IMIO per month. JABY'SCOLDS A noon "nlppod ill lh tnu" J. J-' ,-ithovit vlnnihK by mho of WlCKS V VAPORUB Omt 17 fBaSBSjffSi r""' Athletic Fund Moc's and Brownsville Woolen Mills Plan Feature "jtolp pul tb 'fun' in '(nd' by urging1 pods' raroilliM gnd triond to bOp nt Moa'l store or thu llrowns vlllit VV'oHon Mill" "torn PB Halurday, November Hlh," Is Ihii slogan ilion en hy tin' boys nnil i-.i I of K In mm h lilrli.Wliii'il Thin dnto will hi' known itH ''Klumntb Knilyr fund dny" In theiiliovo nitmml floret, twn of the proiiCOi .V" buulnctt Iioiibcb In Ihii lly. Th" money win tin until in far tliorloi development of the weekly high school pni"-i. High school glrll assisted Hy the rogulgr nail force gi Moo'ii win b nt lluil store, nnd the boys of the hli'h lohoOl will ! al tho Ilrowns- viiiu Woolen Miii store A part of ivory dollar spent on thai day In either of lb CM stores will Increase t ho blub school pa per fund, It In liopi"! that t ho clt li'itti will turn out and lirlntr 'In- fund on a par with otlior IiIkIi kcIiooIh. Hatiirday, November 11. In the dtl I'BTTVS mm: J. W. Pultun, perhaps ono of tin.' best known commercial men making southern Oregon, truviilni; ptll of Dan Francisco, Is In the city on htn regular Imxln.m visit. The atury goes that ") W." who In a groat iportirn&O) atsoftjd hav- mod this 'territory a wci'k Roonor hnt got off on a dark hunt und forgo! about liln poittlOO. However, ho dontoi nil thin. rnrni nm n nir n tntHLtim mn TRUTHFUL FACTS (Continued froiii Pugi- ont'i and over tjur mllet right of way (or Ui S. R. 3. laterals I), C, 1). and K. The OOmpknr wus premised wal- er on all Its 160 a res flUncl up. At tho present time. 16 yoiira after signing up, one-half mllu of lat eral II has never been conalritctcd. Ono eighth mile ot lateral C bai not been comitructed and on? mllo of lateral I) has not btran oonitruok- od. i The rcauli Is that S5-8 ujres jf lour 100 acre unit upon which tho. Polled States Is under cmtrucl In furnlHh Irrigation, has novor bad oso drop ot c titer. ROtOaJng to believe that tbo I'nlt ed Stntei, ttrrOUgb Its officials In the Department of Interior, would deliberately violate a wrltton con tract, tile i&nterpriso land and In vestment company paid construction chniges and maintenance aud oper ation to tho United States tor 11 years, 1(09 to 1813, InclUllOa, to. sorvlco never furnished. Dalng InformeJ In 1920 by O. W. Orrield and Ills bj:ird, 'that neither tho U. 8. ReclomatlOn Soi vlce nor tho lloird of the KiJinnih Irrijatlon District would keep tho contract wlfh us or ftirnl h a.i.v Ir rlgatlcn to 85.8 acres of our land, we, thereupon notUled the officid Hoard not to levy any farther fusel far Irrigation, not to be furnls-el, as an Illegal and unc illectlble lax. For niollves' of petty spite and In an endeavor to annoy and cuiso loss and embarrassment to the Enter prise Land & Investment company, tbo Oftleld board continued to lovy lator taxes on 85.8 acres over protest. Uv tholr unlawful nctloti we wore compelled to allow doilng,Uenalos to pile up on our property ua tho Tax Collector retUSOd to accept any pay monts unless ovo paid t'.iese unlaw ful taxos. Offleld and N'ylander boards did not dare to proceed against us for delinquency and loft Hint mutter to bo adjusted by Hie present board. In April 1525, u public bearing waa ordered Under provision it the FIRST THOUGHT When the boy or girl in the home is rundown in body and strength, Q mother's first thought is almost always Scott's Emulsion It is nourishing and in vigorating cod-liver oil, rich i in the vitamins that all children need. Gttie .StoH'sEmusfon fiefiire' food-tonic regularly! ficotl tt ntmnc. nloomflcld N. J. 23-23 L..-J . 1 14: OeUerat Laws or Ores, n and publi cation of notlco as by law provided, on tho application of tho jSnterprlHO Land and Investment c.-mpany far oxcluslon of 25. S. acresj for tho reason that no Irrigation had over been furnished and hecaUBo ot the "dog In to- manger" attitude ot the V. S. Reclamation Service which would nolthor build laterals, for which they had been given lands. nor let any ono else build them. And for tho further reason that Bald 85.8 acres is non-agricultural and not fitted for growing crops. Thu hoard of land classification appoint ed by tho United Stales has since confirmed tho non-agricultural char actor ot this land and Justified tho action of the board In excluding this 85.9 'acres from the district. Tho oxcluslon ot the lands nec essarily cancelled the illegal taxes levied upon thorn. Tho Illegal tax on this 85. 8 acres actually lovlod from 1920-24 was ?969.27, -not $2,000 as tho Klam ath News stales as a fact, (8eo Have a Heart On your way "up town" on the corner of Main and Ninth Street you will notice a small Men's Clothing Store. It is an old building with an old fashioned front. It com' pares with the big plate glass fronts like a horse and buggy unto an automobile. Inside you find a 6-inch rough board floor, plain shelves and plain pine counters. There are two 3how cases in the place BUT I am selling only the best quality of dependable mer chandise at the LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE I am leaving the plate glass and show case business to those whose sheltered lives demand most "atmosphere." I "clerk" in my own store from 7:30 in the morning until 6:30 or 7:00 o'clock at night and after supper (I can not get out of tho habit of eating my supper at night and my dinner at noon.) After supper I do my bookkeeping, answer letters and order goods. Do I do this because I like hard work? No. I do it to keep down expenses that I may save you hard working folks some money on clothing. I would feel like a thief jn the night to play the social lion at the expense of you hard working men. The same lower prices prevail here the year around and like wise my usual money back guarantee. The Buying Power of my store Is just as great as any other store in Klamath Falls who buys from the same wholesale houses, because their prices are the same to both large and small stores. Clothier 'Home of the Tax Ilocords In Sheriffs Office.) Though not applying to this caso ot manifest unjust. Illegal taxation, to savo any quibble, It may bo recalled that tho Act of 1925 cancels penal ties and lnterost on lands in this State for years In period In question. Moreover, tho taxos on the 85.8 acres so properly and legally ex cluded from tho district, were never legal or collectible and culd noc therefore bo charged to other water users. . 4. , This case, la perhaps the most ARMISTICE DAY CELEBRATION Flashes of Action!! An actual production of war scenes. Musical numbers. Dancing and supper Wed. Nov. nth, 7::tt 0. BroadVraS Tlienter, MAL1X Under auspices of American Lesion and Lyceum Course Committee. Ilrlng a Huddle-Plenty of Chow Uood Tiuiu Uood Music ; ; " " " 1 ' ' iff;''; j Ryan Worhingmen extreme in Its lawlessness and dis regard and comtempt of property rights that has occurred In the long and vicious history of too United States Reclamation Service. That any official of the govern ment or any district official trying , to hido behind the U. S. R. S.. would j dare to openly attempt confiscation of property by piling Illegal taxes oa the land for irrigation which for 18 years they did not furnish and never Intended to furnish, shows tho meas ure of lawlessness which Washington Heaureaucrats will attempt upon ro nioto and defenseless water usors who may happen to offend them or their henchmen and confederates. So far as the Enterprise land and Investment company Is conccnsc' It will hereafter pay no tax for ir rigation unless the United ill's, a and the Irrigation District keep ihelr part ot the contract and fur t sh water, NO WATKR NO PAY, and the laws of Oregon, -yy 111 uphold us, J No Confinement No Hospital Bills MY celebrated non-surgical treatment for Piles does not confine you to your bed or room. You can come and go about your work ai usual. From the first treatment you will be relieved, and no matter bow uvcie your case. I GUARANTEE IN WRIT ING to cure your PILES or return your fee. If you are suffering with PILES or ' -u. nrrril COLON lil- mcnt write or call for mr FREE BOOK of Intonation. It aUo contain, nearly a fcua ilreil letter, from PATIENTS. vm -if" "ye npmjaaaa