The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 05, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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    ';'veitv j,ib
Published Duily at
"An Empire Awukening"
Associated Press Lcnsed Wire
Eighteenth Year- -Number 5070
Widow of William J. Clark
Admit the Had Planned
an Elopement
Joseph Cowan, Handsome
Iron Worker, Reputed
Home-Wrecker, Held
NEWARK. N. J., Nov. 5, -(!) -
wtliinm J. Clark's hist frtapfl In
)i ill Hi lllllllds, N, J , mi USplcJOD 01
murdering ill'" villi a hammtr, und
Clark'a pretty young widow has imI
mm. .1. pullco nay, t hal spt uml lbs
friend hud ii : "olopomsnt lund"
on dupoalt In u Newark nuvliirn bunk.
Clark, u Kold boater, died early
yoatcrday nflur being beaten on tho
head nl Ilia gurng" Willi n stone
manon'ii hammer. A few hours bo-
foro Urn .in, nl, teeordlni 10 Mm.
Clark's nlgnod statement us glvOB out
by polios, shii hud pruinlncil the
frlnnd, nn unemployed, handsome
youiiK irmi worksr nsnod Josorib H,
Cowi'it, to follow 111 in nmt week to
(lave llt-r noo
"lie bogged inn to run away with
lilm," pallOB ay Mm f.ark told
thorn. "Hut I rsnUSd, Mondiiy tic
bSgmd mo to ko to M lu in I wlilahlm
that night. To mop hi tiiiKaittK. I
hnlf way promised to follow him next
Kho said, according to u.r : I.
pollen, thnl Cowen had xlvon hor
1000 of lbs 12000.
"I did glvo her tlin monoy," Cowcn
III quoted SI saying, "but only to save
for mo."
i n-il l-'nuill) ,
Cowen bait bWa a Jownlry itules
nan and Insurance agent lln was nr.
roitttd four yatni ago charged with
abandoning hi-, stlfs and four yoar
old daughter and Is umlor bund lo
giro thnm 18 a wcuk. I'ndnr Now
Joraoy law ho ran bo h!d on sus
picion until flvu tomorrow, roller
expect Itttlo from nn examination of
finger print on tho bnmmiir ns It
hud bean .1 by several per
sons. Clnrk wu uttnrkrd whrn lit
KOt out of hlH automobile to nprti
his gnrago door lifter spending Mon
duy evening with frlDndS. Mm.
Clnrk nnd liar mot hor worn In tho
car, but did not SSS Olsrk'S aitsnll
ant, thoy ay. Samuel Clark, tho
murdered man's father. hM nskod
pollco protection for hi uon's ftinor
al today.
Methodist Ctiuirh, Smith, Vol on
Against tht- Proposed
NASHVILLE. Tonn., Nov. Ii. ()
Including tho voto ofthro-.j oonfor
onocs yoatorday, the combined voto of
.10 nnnunl conferences In tho Moth
odlnt EplBCopnl church Houtl. today
atood at 2,908 favorliiR and ",171
ngalnat unification with tho Mciho
dlat Episcopal church, making finnl
pannage nppnnr Improbable
Bureau of Civil
Aeronautics Asked
WASHINGTON, Ntiv. 5. (IP) -Crontlon
of u bit ran tt of civil uoro
nnulicH lu I Im department of com
morco. Willi brond powofO It) rogu
lato land promoto nil civil fend com
mercial flying In tho United Slates
forma Iho contrnl recommendation
of tho oommlllco on civil -aviation
which wan uppolntod by tho depart-iiit-iii
nhd Iho Amorlcnn consul ItN
Juno to mnko an oxhiiuatlvo iitudy of
tho question,
This Farmer Must
Be Trying to Kid
Federal Officials
WASHINGTON, Nov. r., (P)
Apparently Impressed by tho mulfl
tudo of ndvlcn giving pnmphlotH Is
titled by thn ngrlcultiiro depsrttnottt,
Kobort O. Doming of O.'hvoro, Knn
naa, hna npponlcd to tlm (lopnrlmont
for information on "how to put on
a Bhlrt, est nn npplo, pool potatoes,
ndJtiHt n dog collar, nliovot conl,
wuhIi a dog nnd pick n chicken."
Tho dopartmont did havo a bull"
(lu on how to pick a chicken.
Mercury Sinks
To 16 Degrees
Coldest Weather of
Season is Reported
Itilrrlora of itovurnl nutonobUs
rudliitorn wen. pSkSd wllb lie, m
number of wulor plpea fror.0 and
Kcnnrnl dlM-omfnrt relgnnd in Klain
nth Knlla lint iiIkIh and thin morn
ina at) in" re.iiiii in u hu.iii.-ii tirup u ,
tkmporstura "ffi.-iai reoordi si the
Iteclnmullfiti office hIiow that at ltn j
i.iwuui poltfl iii" morcury wim at I
1 'J dsgroug above z.-ro, tho coldcut
on record thi full.
BMbiblne this morning brpugbl
mllef frniii tbo blHpg Colli f the
night but every Indication Klveti
warning ol oontlousd oold tonight.
Armistice Day
Argument Ends
Portland Merchants Re
scind Former
POHTI.ANI), Oro., Nov, li.-()
The bonrd of directors ol tbs cbsm
hcr of commerce yesterday with
drew Itit rcHolullona adopted rcrcnt
ly riicotiimen.llnR to ltn iiii'inbora
that buulnoae emablblimenta remain
ulmii on Armlstioe Day. Withdrawal
of thin essolutlon leaves tbs nsttsv
entirely with th" Indlvldiiiil bimlneaa I
Th" original resolution favoring
remnlnluK open on nrnilnltce dny
uiim uduptcd on Inalatent reiiiieala
of iniinnfarturerH. Jobbers and re
Inllora utter u qUSStlonOSlre had
Shown that a majority wan In favor
of remaining open.
Nov Uninn lllrda Will Noon be
Included In Wild Life or
SAI.K.M. Ore.. Nov. 6. Oregon
mny aoon Ineludo wild turkeys
ninong Im game birds. The October
report of B. K. Avrrlil. Btate same
WSrdsn, aoya that three wild tur
keys, a gobbler sod two hSM, hnvt
been received from the W'oodmon'.
Itod nnd dun Club of WOOdniOUl,
Md., In oxi'hange for two Columbia
blaektall deer recently nent tbi let
O. L. Mclntire Resigns as Su
perintendent of Oregon
Deaf School
SAI.IJ.M, Ore., Nov. 5. O. I.. Mr
Inlyre, who has boon superintendent
of the state school for the de.if
since October today presented
his resignation to the state hoard
of control, and it was accepted, to
bo effective November T. Mr. M '
Intyre resigns to accept tho supon
Intendonoy of tho tows school for
tho deaf at Council Muffs, where
ho Will receive n salary of $-1000
a year. Just twice what he receives
in Oregon.
Schooner Nancy in Distress
off Virginia Ships are
Standing by
NOUFOI.K. y' Nov. .()--Tho
schooner Nancy, with nil snMs
blown nwuy, was encounter throo
miles soullionst of False OnpiV g.tti
buoy today by tho stonmer Ghnrfas
H. Howard, which sent out distress
The conid Riiartl cutler Mnscoutln
and tbennd the Unlied Fruit com
pany steamer Ntnvsnn responded
nnd are hurrying, to the itrloken
'vessel. The Charles 10. Howard
Is stundlng by.
l'AKIS. l'linco llorla aolitxlno
of Kusslu, who Is now boSBlng a
kitchen, hns been fined snottl $1
for nn outrage to tho pollco. When
a gendnrlne was preventing nn act
roas from tnkiug up' n Ion In
it restaurant, tbo 1'rlnco biprelsotl
n ph ppii rnn
NightuianiiaaiiL rum
Montana Senator Claims the
Washington Court is
Without Jurisdiction
Former Acquittal Also Set
up as Plea in Motion in
Conspiracy Cases
Senator Hurtim K. Wheeler,
Ictnocl'iit, .M.iul tiuil, pioM-eutoi-
in the keniite Dnablierf bivestU
gutloll, llvkell the tu.iM.r of
Coluillblll hlipi-eine mutt to diS
nilSS liidlctinciiK churgloK I..".
iith co pap fee io defrOnd the
federal govemmeol in eonnoO
tlon Vfttbvo(l proapoctlns M-r-
tint In lib home btlite.
Two principal grouuda for the
motion were advanced: that tho
Kcnntor wati SOOjUlttod by a Jury In
Hut federal courta In Montana on
ii gbSYtS bSSSd on Identic ullega
llon of facta, and that tho Dis
trict of Columbia courta have no
Jurlndlctlon over the Offense charged
or nought lo bo charged. '
The pb-a of former acquittal and
the demurrer alleging luck of Jurla
dlrllon probably will be argued the
latter part of thin month.
Negro Convict
Makes Escape
WAIXA WALLA, W'uah., Nov. G.
(P) Slipping uwny from fellow
convicts and gunrd wblye engaged lu
laying the new pipe line to the atnte
penitentiary alioal 8 o'clock tujti
morning. Peters Shields, desperate
negro criminal, escaped In the direc
tion of this city, precipitating a man
hunt which la utill being conducted
this afternoon. Shields Is regarded as
a daiiRerous man.
Man Wanted in Astoria Slaying
Case Is Apprehended
at Marahfield
MAR8HF1BLD, Ore.. Nov. D.
() K. Ferguson hua been nrrested
hero on telegraphic instructions
from Astoria in connection with the
donth of Kobort Graham, who died
yesterday from knife wounds. Fer
guBon was wanted here on charges
of pnsBlng u bad check but will
be taken to Astoria to face tho
charge there.
State Game Warden to Recom
mend Limited Open
Season, Report '
PORfLAND, Ore., Nov. b.(P) A
limited open season on elk in the
Bflotlbn of tbe Blue Mountain nd
Jncent lo tho corners of Umatilla.
Urant, I'nlon anil llaker counties Is
declured a possibility by St.itc Oame
Warden E. F. Avorlll In bin October
report t.i the game commission. Elk
aro numerous enough to Justify tho
killing of a limited amount of bulls
without Ittterferrlnig with the rapid
Inorsaso of tbo hord if the plan for
limited bunting may be worked out,
the report snld.
Plot Agnlnst Mussolini nl Koine
Yestcribiy Iti'imi-tell
Frusl teitetl
KOiME, Nov. 6. (P) - Announc
metit of the frustration of an at
tempt against the life of Premier
Mussolini, which wnn to have been
mado yesterday while Home wits
celebrating the seventh anniversary
of tho nrnilstlco with Austria, cro
nlod n political sensation through
out the country today.
NEW YOKK. About t'.iroo Al
Smiths; the governor got tho votoa
to approve his men and measures.
Al Smith, Jr., has failed In an ef
fort to ovlct a tenant occupying aa
apartment next door to .llmmlo
Walker. A republican Al Smith
(middle Initial "T") has been boat
on fir mayor of Rldgeflold, N. J,,
by a democrat,
Unwritten Law
To Be Defense
Section Hand Goes on
Trial For Medford
MBOFOIlp, On-. So. t. Ilymun
Huntloy, rs, action crew worker
who will go on In the circuit
court tills afternoon on a charge of
first degree murder, will plead
s.-ir defense, nnjl the nawrltton
Huntley Is ucenvl of Inflletlng
knife wounds, dur.-.-. a fight that
resulted in the death on Beptejbbr
'J. last, of Joaan James tllbba, 28,
a cooh county honntsteodor and mill
worker, iih a climax to a bitter quar
rel over OlbbS' attentions to Mrs.
Huntley, nf'er the fatal affray
iiuniiej- Burrofidi i io the police.
Race Riots in Detroit last
September Result in Sen
sational Trial
Noted Chicago Criminal
Lawyer Defends Blacks
for Killing White Man
IlKTItOlT, Mich., -Nov.
(A.P) The atnte of Michigan
today begun the introduction
of evidence by which it li'.i..--to
convict i)r, ami Mrs. O. H.
SwiN-t ami nye other negvoea
of the murder of Icim F. ItrWn
er (luring1 u racial disturbance
niountl the Savr.t home Septem
ber 0. A Jury was rtloSWl yes
terday nfti-r n four day effort.
The death of Brelner was th"
climax of several racial disturbnnc s
all centering around the invasion
of white sections by negroes.
Clarence Darrow, noted
of Klchnrd l.ocb and Nathan Leo
pold. Jr., Chicago, and of John T.
Scopes of Dayton, Tenn.. heads the
defense counsel Associated with him
arc Arthur Qarfleld Hays of New
York and five other attorneys.
The 11 negroes on trial' are charg
ed with having barricaded them
selves In the Sweet home Septem
ber 9 nnd to have fired a volley
of shots that killed Breincr and
wounded Erik Iloberg. The defense
maintains that llrelnor and Hobcrg
wore members of a crowd of white
persons which gathered around tho
Swoet home resentful of the fuct
that tbe nOgrooa had taken up their
residence in a neighborhood in
which up to that time no negroes
hnd resided.
Plant Trout in
Douglas Streams
ROSEI1URG, Ore., Nov. 5. A to
tal of 1,617,205 fish were planted
in lakes and streams of Dougt-is
county, t;ie c.-t.ns having been hatch
ed In the Rock Creek trout hatch
ery, according io tho report filed
by Superintendent T. H, Hill with
tho atnte game commission. The
hatchery handled 2,041,2:10, with a
loss of 96,051. There were l.SG!).
B5fi fish iiatehed of iwhtoh 88,441
were lost.
U. S. Destroyers
Arrive in Syria
I3EIRUT, Syria. Nov. 5. OP)
Tho American destroyers Ooughltn
nnd I, unison sent from Alexandria
yesterday, in view of the possibility
of danger to Ainnrlean lives and
property in Syria,.' arrived here to
dny. Longview Police
Nab Runaway Girl
LONOVIEW, Wash.. Nov. a. (IP)
l'olleo Chief tleorge .laekson of
this city yesterday apprehended lles
ste Estell, 14 yenr-old girl who re
cently ran away from n Salem girls'
school to "see tho world." Salem
authorities wired they will send i
matron utter her today.
Not one Juror yet Accepted
in Murder Trial of Den
ver Physician
Defense to claim that "Child
Woman" Had no Soul,
Says Attorney
LITTLETON, Colo., Nov. 6. VP)
Mule progress has been made up
to noon today In selecting a jun
to try Dr. Harold 'Mazer, aged
physician, on a charge of slaying his
32-year-old daughter. Hazel, tho
"Child Woman" who never grow
from infancy.
Of the thirteen talesmen orig
inally called to tbe Jury box not
one had been agreed upon an Jury
man. WaWBI'S1 Heath
Earl L. Medeaken was excused
when he declared that for 20 years
ho had been an advocate of pain
lessly putting to death imbeciles and
other Irresponslblea.
Defense Attorney Mowry an
nounced that he would place Dr.
niazer on the stand In his own &
fense. Did it For LoVC
He will contend, the attorney said,
that the defendant feared he would
die "leaving that helpless creature
la the world" as burden to tho
community. The defense will fur
ther claim that with this thought
in mind, Dr. Blazer decided both he
and his daughter should die. After
slaying her. Dr. Blazer failed in an
attempt to commit suicide.
Maintaining that Dr. Blazer's love
for her prompted him to commit
tlio net. attorney Mowi-y said he.
would say to the Jury: ,
"If that Is murder, then ko ahead
and punish this old man, who mailer
no other error than to do what he
thought was right."
Sister of Japanese Emperor and
Husband Arrive in New
York City Today
NEW YORK. No. 5. (IP) Prin
cess Asaka, sister of the emperor
of Japan, and her husband, Prince
Asaka, who likes to dance and play
golf and tennis, are visiting New
York. They are on the way home
after a three year tour.
Japanese and American diplomats
met them at the pier when thoy
arrived on the liner Paris.
Tentative Limit of $300,000,000
Saving Is Announced
by Committee
tentative . limit of 5300.000,000 as
tho total amount of the forthcoming
tax reduction was determined upon
today by the bouse ways and means
This is the figure set by Secre
tary Mellon, It was agreed to by the
committee after it had gone over
estimates .of government expenses
for the next fiscal year with Dr.
Lord of the budget.
NEW YOKK. Nov. R (Pi Hat
vard, steeled by a prediction of vic
tory from the Crimson's former Bll
Anierican uuai'tl. Charlie ! Hubbard,
loaves Princeton tonight ready to
grapple with the Tigerston Saturday.
Deputy Shcrirr Jim Money
maker this morning Bin led
In his resignation n Sheriff
Hurt Hawkins, in order to be
free In seek another position.
lLs place was to l-.avo been
filled by Dave Roberts of des
cent, a former Southern Pacific
special agent. Roberts .was to
have assumed his new duties
the latter part of last weok but
according to reports Journeyed
bo San FranclSCO. Nothing has
been heard from him by the
sheriff's office since his
ture and it is not known wheth
er or not ho will acept the
uliiiu mm
Indian Pleads
Not Guilty To !
Murder Charge
William H. Hart, Cow
boy, Appears in
William H. Hart, a t.'matllli; county
cowboy, pleaded not Ktiiity to firs'
degree murder charges in fedcr.'.l
court today and his trial was sc."
for December 8.
Hart is accused of killing .Mallhew
Shoeshlps. an Indian, on the l.'m.i
tilla reservation September III. 1924,
Hart Is a white man.
Shoetdiips, a prominent Indian,
dlsappearedr Several days later
Hart found his body. Suspicion was
directed against him because of
known bad blood between the met.
John Campbell
Dies Suddenly
Prominent Business
Man Passes Away
At Hospital
John Campbell, prominent Klam
ath business man and proprietor of
the Klamath Hardware company, at
530 Main street, died shortly after
2 o'clock today at a local hospital
following a fainting spell at the Hot
spring natatorlum earlier this after
noon. He had been in poor health for
some time, but was still able to at
tend to his business.
Mr. Campbell had been a Klam
ath Fells merchant for years and was
a well known citizen of this commun
ity. The body was taken In charge by
County Coroner Whitlock.
Safe Robbers
Reach Medford
MEDFORD, Ore., Nov. 5 Two
hundred dollars in cash, and val
uable papers were taken from i
safe in the Trowbridge Cabinet
Works here last night by burglars
who made their entrance by forcing
a window. Tho police are Investi
gating clues, but have made no ar
rests as yet.
Thomas Rantucci has been sleep
ing in his kitchen.
He won't sleep there any more
because it costs too much.
Rantucci is the proprietor of the
Boston Coffee house, on Esplanade
street. He was arrested this morn
ing by Special Sanitary Officer Leo
Craft. The charge placed again ,t
him was sleeping in a kitchen in
which food is cooked to be sold at
a public restaurant.
Rantucci was hailed before Folire
Judge Lcm L. Gaghagen and en
tered a plea of guilty. He was
fined S5.
It. A. Pllcher Company to Establish
2X1 Houses on the Pacific
SEATTLE. Xjv. 5. -Early estab
lishment' cf chain of 23 department
stoies oa Iho Pacific coast by R. A.
Pllcher, -former department st ire
executive In Cos Angeles and New
York, was announced hero today.
Eight stores ire already In opera
tion. IncludinK one In Stooktou.
Calif., which has been made adver-1
t;sing headuttartors. The name oft,
the chain is R. A. Pitcher c .mpa iy.
Police Seek Man
To Tell Sad News
Police today aro searching for
somo trace of Arthur Wilkinson,
said io be employed in a b)X factory
in this county. A wire was receiv
ed last night from a bi Jlher. Ray
Wllklrnson. to the effect that Cio
father of the two brothers had suc
cumbed in Walla Walla.
Unablo to locato the missing bro
ther, Ray Wllklrnson has appealed
to tho pollco to locate him.
President of Irrigation Dis
trict Comes Back Strong
Against Attacks
Power Company Publication
May be' Investigated by
Klamath Grand Jury
A full investigation into
the affairs of the Klamath
Irrigation district is sought
and urged by R. E. Brad
bury, president of the board
of directors.
He wants District Attor
ney Elliott to give the grand
jury an opportunity to make
a complete probe.
If any person or group of
persons are guilty of vicious
and cowardly criminal libel,
the irrigation executive
wants them brought to ac
count, and in order to clear
up the situation brought
about by underhanded me
thods of political opponents,
he urges a sweeping inquiry.
His letter to District At
torney Elliott follows:
Nov. 3, 1025.
"There has recently nppcarcd
in the Klamath Xewa, wik
of articles purporting to pub
lish abstracts and extracts from
the public record.
"Inasmuch iw these urtirico
leflect npon tho integrity of
tho directors and officers of tho
Klamath Irrigation District, a
public corporation, tho purpose
of the articles being, apparent
ly, to bring Influence upon tlir
voters in the pending election
for directors' of the District, I
desire to state that in the In
terest cf truth .im! good govern
ment; hs President of the sold
District, I voluntarily pine- the
records of the district and of
myself at the command of your
office or of the grand jury cf
Klamath County, Oregon, now
In session.
PARIS, Nov. 5. (IP) The French
political situation caused heavy soll
idg of the franc this mornin,: nnd
tho rate, which has been gradually
sliding during the laat few' unys.
touched a new low record of I92:tf--l
to the pound sterling.
..... . i - ... I i2 M'3i
Those business men who are
quaking In their boob aver
iho coming of i empciltion us
n result of the North'.
Lines' extensions should Be.
forced to pay lie- bill for
their lodging under tho wing
of the S. P. Co.
Their offort.i to retard the
progress of this county were
us strenuous as they could
make them, and not onn of
them deserves n dollar of
your money.
When you make a purchase,
ask the merchant his stand '
on this all-Important ities-