Wednesday, November 4, 1925 PILOHBR SECTION EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON A superb New Department Store R. A. Pilcher Company Corner Fifth and Main Streets Klamath Falls, Oregon Who We Are; Why We Are Here The R. A. Pilcher Co., Inc., is a national institution, with head quarters in New York City, operating a chain of Department Stores located throughout the country in the larger cities and towns the size of Klamath Falls. Why Klamath Falls Was Selected Attracted by your slogan : 'An Empire Awakening' Induced us to investigate this field. The town and the spirit of the people impressed us. We were amazed at the magni: tude of your pay-roll. Timber enough to supply your mills with logs for the next one hundred years, and a faming com munity second to none in the United States, all of which convinced us that Klamath Falls has a wonderful future and worthy of a Pilcher Store. Our Organization The last five years has seen the development and the perfect ing of what is known as the chain store movement, a move ment which has revolutionized the purchasing power of the dollar. In the same way that you may pay five cents for an apple, but buy six apples for twenty-five cents, you make purchases at a chain store much cheaper than elsewhere. Not because the quality is inferior, but because that organization is so equipped financially that they may buy a quantity of goods at much cheaper prices, and dispose of them at a ready market by means of their chain of stores. In other words, we can sell you cheaper because we buy cheap er. The R. A. Pilcher Company has left no stone unturned to perfect their organization. From the chief executive in the buying offices in New York, to the stock boy, each and every one 'is especially trained and fitted for his particular task to serve you better. In your dealings with us day in and day out, you will find an able organization ready at all times to serve you those everyday department store necessities at a price lower than you will find elsewhere. From Baby to Grandfather or Grandmother, we are ready to outfit you with "Everything to WeaiV R. A. Pilcher Co., Inc. A. A. McDonald The Man at the Wheel" u & V Ir ms& Page Seven mm