The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 02, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    lUomhv, November 2, 1925 "
Nipped in the Burl
Issued Daily, except Sunday, by T h e Herald Publishing
Company. OITiee: 119 N. Eighth Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
E f. MURRAY Publisher
tit. H. PERKINS News Editor
Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Klamath
Falls, Oregon, under act of March .3, 187!.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use of re
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other
wise credited in this paper and also the local news published
therein 11 rights of republication of special dispatches herem
are also reserved
Tin? Evening Herald, is the official paper of Klamath County
Monday, November 2, 1925
Following instructions, the S. P.-Copeo mouthpiece,
The Klamath News, has placed itself in opposition to the
farmers of the county, just as it did when it joined hand.
with the Southern Pacific in the fight to keep out the
Northern lines. In its issue of Sunday morning, it comes
out in opposition to the candidacies of Joe Jacob' and
Lum Short, who are the farmers' candidates for direc
tors of the Klamath Irrigation district. It claims to
epeak for "farmers of the Klamath Irrigation district
who are 'dissatisfied," and who are opposed to Jacob
and Short because "the present administration has ut
terly failed so to conduct the affairs of the district as
to warrant their further continuance in power."
In conclusioa it says that, "this election offers no issue
other than an effort to make possible the business-like
administration of the district's affairs."
The Klamath News knows that the issues in this cam
paign are entirely different. It knows that in raising the
cry that "Bradbury is dominating the board," "failure
to agree with the government," and the like, that it is
simply carrying out the instructions of its masters, the
California Oregon Power company and ihe Southern
Pacific company, to do everything it can to confuse the
issues and help to place the control of the board back
into the hands of those who for years betrayed the farm
ers of the district. Just as the Klamath News attempted
to deceive the people of the county when it supported
the "Southern Pacific program," so it will now try to
deceive the farmers of the Klamath Irrigation district
during the present campaign. But it will fail.
The issues of this campaign are:
Shall the reclamation service turn over to the Cali
fornia Oregon Power company the water rights of the
Klamath project, water rights that have cost the farm
ers hundreds of thousands of dollars and that are worth
millions, without that corporation paying to the farmers
their full value?
Shall the resolution, passed by the present board oi
directors of the Klamath Irrigation district, demanding
that no right of way across the government land within
the Klamath Irrigation district, be given to ANY rail
road, unless it carries with it a common-user condition
be set aside?
Bradbury and Jacob have steadfastly refused to con- i
sent to any move upon the part oi the reclamation ser-1 aider various felony charges which
vice that would weaken the district s title to the water have ,ieen referred to it iy we j
rights. They foresightedly passed the common-user
W appeared
Arrested Near
Mafia Saturday
ing nothing to do with power. It is irrigation we want Younc Men Are
and not power. I think the majority of the waterusers . ', mT
are opposed to having trouble with the Power company.
I think the Power company is all right."
The above is reproduced from a stenographic report'
of the hearing before Secretary Work, when that offi
cial was here last summer.
Mr. Drew was at that time a member of the board of lv ''"""' 1
directors of the Irrigation district, having been Elected JJ0I? np,M JJ
by the members of the oki board to mi uie vacancy cans
ed bv the resignation of one of the members.
Body Meeting
This Morning
Floyd West snd Jam Kurreti
were arrested Saturday nlsht near
Truffle Offlc ir
Win rue of po -
it'ilnc liquor.
Kuawies uiteiuion 10 the youns men
was drawn by Ihulr drlvlim In .1
coupe through thi' countryside w 1 1 h -
out light. When he uttcmpteil to
.flop Iheiit. they threw uwny a Imii
tie Knowlcs mild. Tho officer re-
.Mr. ii:h1 Mr-.. Snow Bnck ttfofne Ai
tee Extended Vacation
I Mr. nnd'.Ntrs. f'iiurie N. Bnow. ' covered 11 bottle n-nr the rnr whl li
htH ('recent avenue, relumed on was full of moonshine whiskey. Th-
'Siitiirttnv eienin..- front nu attended I P" , lodged In Jail
vacation tHp tbroRgh the middle
Grand Jury Goes Into
Session; Many Im
portant Matters
Behind a door on the second
floor of the county court house to-
duy. indistinct sounds of voices :n
argumentation or debate, testified to
the deliberations of the Klamath
County grand jury which went Into
session this morning. ,
The investigative body will con-
W. T. t'ritiuer Is charged wlili
west and Houthero California. They Possession " i wiiiskc
left Klamath early lu September. ' Ue WKK "'rested by I,. L, M. llrld
ing By th northern route to Mon-1 U"L Pw ",
tana, then St. 'Paul, visitinn relu-1
tives In Fvoial point.';, including (
Iowa and Missouri, and returning by
the 1). and H. (I. to Pasadenu on the
j return journey. They were accompan
ied to Oregon from Odessa, .Mo., by
Mr. Snow's sister T'annle. who will
remain ia Klamath Kails to visit dur
ing the winter.
This was .Mr. Snow's first visit to
his old home In Missouri for nearly
j .Hi year-, and there wait n great re
! union vita relatives in the old home
According to report received her.
at the sheriffs office this mora
ing. the home of X. Dennis, near
.Mailt), was raided yesterday by
.Merrill officer;! and Dennis arrested
on a lliitior charge. The report
stated that Dennis was released
when ho pot up a $5U0 hall.
lien Hay. arrested Sunday after
noon 011 his farm near Worden. was
j released Saturday Bight when ho
raised a bond of JIOOO. A for'y
gallon still, hundreds of gallons of
alleged mash and a quantity of
tice court, but beyond that, no ink-1 He says Klamath look ; better than alleged moonshine were confiscated
UKUW, Airey xutesiunieuiv s;cti me cuiiiiiiuii-ubci .. ,,, , 1 r
resolution, a move that will insure to the people of tfefcT '" '""V"'- ! r f w , '
-VI 'if ;n n , ... i..i., lhai "ttn -Lant?;- . . desert centrv oh the trie. 1"1 f'lilP h 1'rohlbltloii
Klamath, Merrill and Tule lake valleys railvoad compe
tition, as well as the certainty of the construction of a
through line to a connection with the Central Pacific
and the Western Pacific. Jacob is standing for re-election.
This is his first year on the board and he made a
record that will stand the closest scrutiny. Never for a
moment has he failed to stand up for the rights of the
farmers. His one thought has vever been to protect
their interests and how well he has succeeded is evi
denced by the opposition to his reelection. With Jacob
is standing a3 a candidate R. C. Short. Throughout the
district he is better known as "Lum" Short, a nickname
of affection bestowed upon him by his friends and
neighbors. Those who know him best are his strongest
supporters. Of sterling integrity, practical experience
and unusal ability, he will be a tower of strength to the
new board, giving it three members who will labor with
the single purpose of preventing the theft ,of the resources
of the project, as well as creating such conditions as will
insure its rapid' and harmonious development.
Personnel of the grand jury is as
follows: K. M. Hammond, foreman;
Merle Kllgore, clerk; Marshall On'.
K. H. McCornack, K. I-,. Hopkins,
H. S. Wakefield and Walter Donar:.
Some men are successful chiefly
because they didn't have tho advan
tages utters had.
Agent Mcllrlde.
Isn't It a pity you can't trade In
your old slimmer suit on a new win
ter model-.'
Ity t il vm i:s p. BTUWAKT
Ntv Service Wilier
I'ON rllllumr, we'd
lii WalhiugtM'i
western iky one iiIbIiI roefntly,
Then a second tlnoiillM sword.
Then a third.
There they hung all nlgnl ohm
the v 1 1 y li was pretty darned 11
rll 1 in. The In nI nu ll' li happen '
i d again, Then mora nlgln tevofy
night, In fact.
Indeed, ifs tm bapaning,
It ri'uulres a certain utoouiii of
Imagination to see the phinontone
us flehtltti eWOrdli Inn they're nyg
terloui shafts of light anyway, Kv
en unitnaf Inatlrc poopla can iae
After they had' appaArod tM '.
Oral nlghis lii moeaUloni some of
the IngginntivQ onei began to fed
trlghtenedi Wgablngton has u large
colored population which Is more
or Ics.-i superstitious.
A negro street axhorlvr preacle I
a uunber or nertuona uunut the
Word, tip said they were a dire
portent for the capital. They wero
a piush: to ihe most niiicflrnl of
N'-'-cii that nuiuerniis WaNhlnit'
tniiianti really were aegred rtmclil'd
the ears of I'rnfesaor Asaph Hall i.f
the I'nlU'd Stan-, imvnl uliservmory,
"Those tilings, " he uunonioe (.
speaking as nn naironomer. "are ou'v
searchlights. Don't be foolish."
"What sinrchllnlits?" ask'-d every
body. ,
1'rofessor Hall had to admit thai
lie dldO'l I. now It was pointed out
that senrctiMghts bob around. The
fie inlng swords are stationary.
Considerably piqued by popular
ckeptuistu toward Ills theory, Pro
fessor Hall did some Investigating
Conipeby c. ilth sWgmWr, Pott
lliuiiphreys, V,t.. ho discovered, . '.
surveying n loo sonare-mlle tract
bttwgtin Qunntlro and Wnrrentou.
and the triangulating Is being dpna
ai night by means of searchlights
a no m- thod of the rntir.i own In
vent Ion. which glcs resulls of the
most marvellous mathematical bo-
en racy.
WIKRINCOe.V, i:-i itowv
Pltl.VCl-.'H KXIIK, Is NOW
; .;islSi I
AMSTKIIDAM. - - Wl -Wlorlngcu. j
which aoblorod world wide notoriety
Ihrougb th" place pi exile of Ul"
Herman ex-CTOWrl prln." Wllllnrti.
Is un islniid no more.
It nnv forms part of Ihe great
Zuyderxee drainage schenx. A new
ly laid dam I M uillcs In lengtb uo,v
nntlee Wlerlngen with the main-1
land. Thla Is, however, only a
small beginning, It may lake Hol
land tO years before realising her
nmhlllon 10 add I.11110 siitinre mll"s
to her territory by reclaiming the
7,uydertee. 11 project estimated '.o
cost Jtln.iMiii.iiuii.
When Secretary Work was here, the directors of the
district had just concluded a plea for an adjustment of
the value of the water that was being used by the Power
company. Taking up the discussion, Secretary Work
concluded his; remarks as follows:
"The policy of the reclamation service is to maintain
the 'open door policy.' We are operating on that basis.
Anybody can come in and present their matters and be
heard. No personal feeling whatever. We just want
to work with you and try to find a way out. Your hand
is in the dog's mouth, all right. The first job is to
out safelv, and that is what I am interested in."
At this point Charles Drew, who is a candidate fori
election to the board of directors of the Klamath Irriga
tion' district, arose in the audience, and after telling the
secretary who he was and what official capacity ho oc
cupied, ho said :
"I wish to slate that We have never had a shortage of
"WSW caTaJumToT tHeTrWeTcbmajiy7
lJutf a OTt roany of the mtex; m ia Imm oi lm-
eoWS.VUM BoTi-l y
LOOK LIKE - Li ' 1
1 MAIWT.' i4 5E3 GOlM'
00 I
EGrOr ?
: & A
10 17
eifl ly wM M wet, ISO.
in both Ognce ami Qermeny lu-
nlors have developed machine!
on rated by loot power with which
they have raised themselves from
the grond und flown short distances.
(Vonllnueil PrOlU I'ago I'oiii')
KlamaHi Kails Auto Co, Oalleii
Cfllif. hlkhwiiy M.BD.
Baldwin Hdw. Co, Dulles mm.
alg'iwiiy at,58. ,
II. I. UcKtiri, Dull' I'allf high
way, H.M. ' '
Chll, I) lie n , Dalliil Cliltf high
way $21 ti.
Cuunt) .Mmkei Road Knnd
oreton Klule lllnhwny Com. I,nn
gn Valleyy Mid. read
C I Siobblni Hbfloimln - Win.
RRer road Sp.Ud.
IDulu M.liunl I'mnl
Paul T. JacklOII lal P, Sailing
ruin t, Jiicitsi.ii 1.1b ir, 11: iter ;
'Paul t. Jatkiou labor, line i
pilton Hanillton labor 110.00,
1'aul T. Jackson III bo r, Davis S,
Allen Hlunsble salary MPi JW"
lor $ 1 1. ST. .
tit it i t. Jgekion aglnry and exp.
$201,011. '
Kail,, lirnery arorerlcs 34.1.
fiuulhwell dtatluiiery Co. supplies
rilillttord I'o iUUPUlM $.41.
1 1 itisyman iiii.v. c i ndie. i I i.u I
llocrWuld I' t'n, suppllul
DTI I ..
;k,Klaitiut'i lllg. t'a Ileal 0 mi
' KrkliM I'urnlterii t.'fi. supplies,
Niirlbwist 4kbot)1 I'jiniiure Co.
uppltet $Tfi6.fco.
Mue's Htore ItulUe $11. 0U.
Loxeaa On, ropitrs ll.zi.
J. K. tllll 09. hooks' $;.1. I
The Ijluss Ijause supplies $tn.5.
Klsck (' cups $av.(l.
DvUbleduy, I'aKe fc 0 1 Uidle i
Tho Coast llrush Co. supplies
Klamath HdW. CO. lUPPjb) $17.1i
Bl llaslu Lbr, CO supplies $15.f0
llalduln lldw Co. supplies $1.24
I'ttc. Tel. Tol Co. servlres $59.
BTOWne'l I'alut Hhop supplies,
Amerlrsns Corp. siibsi rlptlon
$7 to.
Ailu Msgaslne Inc. subacilpil 1
IB. 00.
Miller'! Market supplies $185.
Underwood's Pharmacy mlnplles,
Blgth Htreet linker, supplies'' II.
Iirnmiuind Trial Mhop prlullni
$40.00. , .
National lien viiiIHk supplies ,f
$7:.. 75.
Lakeside LW! OR "upplles $4.36.
t'sllf. Urugca I'ownr Co, i-ryires
I'atlersoa's supplies $l9S-fffi.
J. A. Kny it Kuan Co supplies,
125.00. j .
Cofer llros. supplleii (lit. 10, t
Western Irnnsfer fo. d ayttK",
$77. HH.
l eiinii Ubrnry Pnnd
Klumath lldw. fo. lOPpIlM 11.19
I'ar. Tel. & Tel. 00, rental $4.00.
Whereupon Court adjourned to
at eel Monday, Hiplnmber nth, lilt,
it. II. iiuniiei,
l' .inily Judge.
Ilirrell Hhort
C, J. Martin,
LONDON. tTh nlrls bore "nAk
lo ugony" from short , skirts und
dump wciiteor. Ti prevent stuh In
(laninuillonii, pbyslcl.ins arc rerom
muudliig wcilon utocltlDgs and lomr-
280. ns
Charter No. Ill Itescrvo District N i. 12
uicsoi itri:s
1, Loans and dlsobunti, Including rediscounts shown
In Items 10 and 30, If any
2. Overdrafts s cured and unsecured
.'!. U. S. 'itiiveriimeiit securities owned, Including
those sliown In Hems 20 and It', If any
4. Other houds. warrant) and securities, including
tofelgn govoanmont, suite, municipal, corpbrgtldni
etc;, Including those shown In Items 20 and 36,
If any , a
0. llunklnii house $4200; film, and rlxlures $1600
7. Ileal eltitte pWned other than bankliiK houso .
0. (ubi Cash on hand lu vault and due rrom bunks,
bunkers and Irusl companies duslKiiatod and li s-
provod reserve annuls oi this bank
Tptal caib and 'duo from bunks, llama , I). lo and
11 118.783.83
16. Capital stock paid In
J7. HurpltiH fund I
18. (a) l.'ndlvlded profits 13,108. 0(
() loaa current expenses, Interost and lure:: pair ...
oeserveg tor taxes, inuwesi ami ilepcciallon
than liu nI; i. subject, to
5. 700. On
$15,000.00 '
1 .ooo.nn
I :i
ll MAM) DLI'OSITS, olhi
26, IurtlvKI un deposits KiliJel lo ehnck. 1 li -! u ill ni
doposlis due the BtuW or Oreg u; coiyity, cities or
otijur- public fundi
24. Dohinnd rprtlfleules (if deposit atitsLandlng
25, Cashier's check of UiIh bank umnlandlug iinyabln
on demand
Tolal of demand deposits, otlbor 'bun bank deposits.
, HUbJect lo reserve. Items 2:1.' 24, 25, 21) $62,106.00
TIMM AM) S.WINO DtCPOBtTfl, jllbjb'el In reserve
ami payable on deniand or nibjeci i i nbllco:
27. Tlni" cerUflMtet or deposit' ulll ilandliiK
Tolal pi time and savlnn dopoalls paynblo on d iMnad
in- suhJOCl lo hflllce, Hems J7 and 2K, ... $7,812.70
Tolal f
Btnto pf Oregon, ('Miiniy or Kin iti i 1 1 ),
I, .Inn. ,4, Horn, Oaihlor hi Hie itboVe in A bank
sii. s.aieu is uUi. i me ueut or iny kiiowledpe Mid belief
.Inn M. lloi-ii t'.i .,1,1,.,.
Correct- Attoal: D, d, n rn Jnoob Riieck, Dlroctors
Hiitiserlhed atitr I worn In liefifre me Miirrimii drfv of Ocl.T!i"r,
(S,,"D l.ucretln 0, Horn, Notary iPnlillc.
- . ... , M fiOWmJSllPb SXplieg Duo, .l.Hli, ID.Xa
do iinhnnnly mvoar