Saturday, October 81, 1925 EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Tlireo tv:vr rt" 1 1 Mil'JIMWf . I i.1 VIMTINO IN ROSRBURG Mrs. J. H. Hockley Of Wrl Klam nlh In visiting In Kosoburg WttO Mends. ilf Theatre Tonight Only Beotil(iJnl ALICE TERRY In "ANY WOMAN" Willi I happened in T.TIIS i rl might happen I" W'S' WOMAN! Sunday's Big Picture Is "WILD HORSE MESA" Znnc flr'cy it grcnl story f wilil IiSn(c hunting in Arizona. thousand horse power story . and a thousand smashing rem-'.! AtJhe LIBERTY Tonight 'lily "The Outlaw's Daughter" featuring i"""1 popular Itlrl rider in 1 1 woit, in a mil. hi pjctere "f ill.' Western cattle country, . r 1 5 Sunday nnd Monday Harry Carey in "The Bad Lands" i Ti .! THRILLS! M I'.I.' (DRAM ' r ij , .', ., , ' 'zrr, Notice to Our Customers f ii order t meet the rabid growth of our husi-nes-s, we have purchased a two-ton i. M. C. Truck with an exteoded wheel bate, equipped in handle lumber and almost any amount of furniture. Long and Short Hauling Get Our Prices on Egg Mash and Cracked Corn. Anderson Transfer and Feed Co. 335 So. Sixth - - Phorlc 795 Four Ttucka at Your Service Help Us To Spell It Right For the sake ol inner, nobler, more unselfish living, let us put the U in CHURCH. Only yew can do it. Worship sr Kid at ll a.m. and 7 :30 p in. Sunday First Presbyterian Church Sixth ami Tine Streets Arthur L, Rice, Minister AT Q RANTS PASS .Mr. mill Mrs. A. M. Schlesol are attending to business vests in rants Pass over t ho week-end. Just Arrived New Stock of High Grade Great Western Batteries at Reduced Prices. 11 Plate, wood case 12.85 11 Plate, rubber case 13.65 13 Plate, wood case .15.35 13 Plate, rubber case . 16.85 12 Volt, rubber case 18.65 Klamath Falls Auto Co. "The small garage with a large trade" ROY CALL Prop. , 224 Main , e5Wainly ebout jj Peopie a llKTI'ltV I K'lM I'oitll.AMi Mr. unci Mrit. O. ('. Kelly ami thi-lr daughter Kathfyn returned tins week friini I'ortiiiiui vrhere they have been for Uiii past w. i li. RBTVBNKU l.AKT KVKNIKU K. Bugarman and w. w. Mc Ni'i'iy returned lasl eVonteg from i.iiii. vii'w. wjiero tboy bake b n mi business for Revo ml duyn. (iOltllOS AT LAKE J. A. Qo'rdon, prsldent of bd First National fbnnk, with Mm. Oordon, III ipentflttg B few days .In i-iik.'Vlnw mi business inuitum. While there limy are guests ni the home of Mr. mill Mm. SSim llnltl wlo . KANSAS YlrtlTOIt Itnlph M. Ilnuuiln mill Wife, Of Wichita. KaniaSj was here teday for n brief vIhIi with Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. BtephensoOi who. with their son. Hub. came over from Lakevlew to meet them. Mr. Rounds I Ute own ii ojt fifty-time Inniber. yurdH in tho Kansas anil Oklahoma terri lory, mid In making a lour of tin. west tor tho purpose of securing find-baud iiitoriiiiitlon u:t to the present Htutuii of tho lumber Indns iry. fast .MASMNO TO COAST itoraee m. Manning lefi today for Seattle for the purpose of accom panying, his Wife anil hoii lionu. from Ibat city. Tb(- nan was liorn In the roast city a fi-w weeks ago. Will I.--. made the Journey with him. . AT LAKRVIKW Mrs. Baldwin. Sr.. and her daugh ter. mih Maud Balderln. arc on Joying a vinit wiib relatives in i.ako- VlcW. HAllitY HAll.EV HEBE Harry Bailey, one of the leading business men of Lakcvlcw, made a bflaf vIhIi in Kiamatb Palb today. Mr. Bailey l ono of the roKcntu f lh.' OroKon Agricultural POlliKt', a djheetor Of the M. (-'. O. railroad and president of tbu Lakcvlow Chamber of Commerce. RETCRKB TO OAKLAND Mm. S. K. Martin, former resl dpni of Klamath Knll, who now makpH her homo In Oakland, Cali fornia loft for the fouib thlit-mom-inK attor nn exteDded visit here with relatlvee ami n i.-mt . AT BH4tBBBAMp SOHOOI; On Krleluy n von ink' the llllduhrand Kchool Knve a Kociul from which thi'y netted elpse to 130.00. At this gathering a cominunlly club was or ganlSSd and keen Interest was shown in the organization. JACKIE KMMONS II. I. The many friends of Jackie Em mons are sorry to learn that she Is 111 nt her apartment in The Win ters, suffering with an attack of la grippe. MRS. NOItltIS RETURNS Mrs. Doela Norris returned this morning from Portland, where she has been visiting for the past four dayn. She resumed her position with Moo's store this morning. RETURN'S TO S. V. After a summer spcni principally In negotiation and purchase of Klamutb. pino timber, lllchard H. Hovey loft yeslerday for San Fran cisco, where he will spend the whit er. Mr. Hovey has spent tho lust two summers In Klamath Kails look ing Into sma.ll timber elalms in the eastern puit ot the county. N10W ( 'HARTER ltlCADV Tho new charter for tho Kennies Golf and Country club has arrived and members are requested to call at tho office of MagUlre and Ma Kiilro bO sign It. Tho club now Jias a membeishtp of over SO members. WRIGHT WON'T RETURN According to word received in tho city today by friends ot Dick Wright,, ho will not return to Klam ath Falls ns ho planned iwhea he loft here ten days ago to visit his pSrentS, Dr. and Mrs. It. Wright, of Portland. DlCk writes ho will leave soon for New York City with his father. During ,'1'ls stay In Klain at.h Falls ho made a host ot friends who regret to learn that ho will not return to this city. PROM MAUN SHOPPING Mrs. W. A. JIncken and daughter, Mnrgarot and Mrs. Miller ot Matin, spoilt the clay In Klamath Falls shopping. NEW YORK. "My, but the nc. ross got It right In the neck," said Mllllcent Rogers Snlm when she heard of a $37,BOO verdict against wiida Bennett'i Countess Balm, who is in litigation herself, refused 'o poso, "My pictures never do me Justice," she explained. s Saws, DisUon, Knives, Door Heaters At Wonderful Prices This licnler will, take 22 inch' stick (if Wood: Cast) iron tup and Indium with small cast lining. $14.35 Electric Heaters 0.00 Perfection Oil Heaters Unfinished Breakfast Set Table, 4 chairs, only $10.35 E S S Furniture and Hardware - Money-Saving Prices r BETWEEN EIGHTH and NINTH on MAIN. SACRED UKAKT CIlfRCH The R'overena William s. McDer mott, O. P ot San Francisco, will arrive tonight to conduct a mission at Sacred Heart church for the com ing week. Father McDermott has conducted missions throughout the country for ilie past twenty-five yeerS and his vast experience has made his sermons both Interesting and instructive. Father Looser feels' most fortunate in being able to se cure Father McDermott to conduct this annuel mission, the object of which is to instruct and Inform non t'nthollcs who may ho desirous of knowing the true teachings of the Catholic church, as' well as offering extraordinary opportunities for mem bers of the church for worthily re ceiving the sacraments, Btveryone la cordially invited to attend the ser vices during the mission. f t i r T I I i T T f s f f f i t Reservation Cop Sued by Hospital Henry Shudley, reservation police officer nnd usually the complainan'. must appear as defendant in a civil suit instituted yesterday by J. Pos pisll. Mr. PospiStl, a local automo bile man, is suing Shudley for $075 which ho alleges Is duo him on .'. promissory note. Idaho Loses to Southern School MOSCOW, Ida., Oct. 31. Tho University of Idaho football eleven wns toppled from tho throne of tho Pacific conference yesterday when the University ot Southern California swamped the Vandals on the local field by tho 61 to 7. The driving attack ot tho southerners complotoly wrecked tiho Idaho de fense Drury led the U. S. 0, drive, making three touchdowns nnd mak ing bhree points in tries for goal. Idaho near the end the second period openod an aerial attack that resulted In a touchdown, t t t HARDWARE At Attractive Prices $3.75; Hammers, Planes, Nails, Keen Kuiter Pocket Locks, Hihges, Pans and Kettles, Files, Tools, many articles. Six Pound Guaranteed for one year. Tilts Back. $3.50 36 inch L U C A S 9BMIIIIB9HBB11I USED Clean-up Sale Onr stock of used cars must go - no reasonable price will be rejected on the cars listed below: 1919 Ford Touring 1921 Ford Sedan . 1923 4-Door Sedan 1924 Ford Ton Tmck 1922 Ford Touring 1924 Ford Touring 1920 Buick Six We also have one Hudson Speedster, 19122 model, 6 good tires, new paint, and in fine shape mechanically. : Balsiger Motor Go. Authorized Ford Dealers 8th and Klamath This New Range Ijessa '$37.80' DSfil l ire ho-; has cast iron linings, which will hold a good size piece of wood. It has yonder f til hakirtg qualities. Come in and !oik this stove "over. A FEW DAYS' Special on Ax minster Rugs 1 REGULAR PRICE $39.50 $44.00 S53.50 $55.00 SPECIAL PRICE $31.95 $35.65 $43.35 $44.55 FORD .t.4.H...t.:...:.t..-tt.t