The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 31, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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    Page 1"W6
Saturday, October 31, 1925
Six Minutes
Any room in your home may have clean, iltist
less' carpet or rue;.
You could not gel it equally clean m an hour
of hroom sweeping. Von could not get it equal',.'
clean in douMe the time with any other elcetr c
cleaner. The machine that will do it is
Electric Cleaner
A demonstration will prove this statement.
Koyal sets dirt when others are through, but
Others will X( T ge tdirt when koval is through
1020 Main St. Phone 571
Just Received from San Francisco
This is a commercial grade of sulfur for use on alfalfa.
The price will be as follows, as long as the stock last -:
In Sack Lots, 110 th, per sack $3 00
1000 tb $24.75
In toil lots, per ton . $45.00
Don't delay your orders on this as the earlier the
sulfur is applied the better the results for the fol
lowing year.
Moline Distributor
Farm Implements, Cream Separators. Milking Mach
ines, Fencing, Hay, Grain, Feed and Seeds
1303 South Sixth Street
Phone 557-J
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Seek Embargo I Discovers He
On All Ducks
Of Tule Lake
County Agent, Takes
Steps to Prevent
A movent. iu is gaining momentum
in Klamath t.nlay, to place an cin-
bnrgo mi ajl ducks shut nml killed
in i.iltforniu until the present opt
domic in Tuta laka and other duck
habitat farther south i eliminated.
Konr that iWnd birds brought into
ECU math would transmit the disease
to poultry mid livestock In thla coun
ty is impelliug tlu- embargo to bo
seriously considered.
S. -i toits Mcutiiv
"Yes." admilted t'ounty AaQOt C,
A. Henderson this morning, ""We are
seriously contemplating an embargo
Cholera is a serious menace thai can
not he ignored. It is transmissahle
to our poultry and livestock uud we
feel that perhaps it would be to best
interests of nil concerned if ducks
shot in California would be excluded
from Oregon until the epidemic is
a thing of the past.
'Nothing definite, however, has
been formulated yet. We no not desire
to act loo quickly, when such a ser
ious move is in prospect."
Pbvored by .lewctt
Stanley (1. Jcv.ett. head of the bio
logical survey work in Oregon, has
agreed with .Mr. Henderson on
proposed embargo.
"I really feel that sin li a move
would be to the best luterest of the
public in general. There is no doubt
now concerning what has caused the
eaiu oi mo oucus in lute iaiie. ami
also in the lakes farther south, be
tween the state line and the Sacra
mento valley. It is cholera, and as
such is a menace to domestic poultry'
and livestock.
"Tho governor could slap an em
bargo that would be effective. It
could be rniHed, when the disease is
wiped out. In 24 hours, by proclama
tion from the governor."
No doubt remains in the minds of
Dr. Rudolph Snyder, connected with
the United States bureau of animal
industry and George Tonkin. United
States game warden of Sacramento,
concerning tho cause of tens of thou
sands of ducks dying in the Tule
lake district. By autopsies, persona!
observation and research, thoy have
determined that a type of fowl chol
era is the epidemic raging among the
wild bird life In Tule lake.
(iocso Immune
"It Is a strange fact, but true, that
there arc apparently no gceso that
are affected by the disease, and also
a number of species of ducks that
seem to he immune," .Mr. Jcwett said
"I might better Illustrate my point
by enumerating the species of ducks
we have found dead and dying in
Tule lake. We found coots., pin tails,
green wing teal, bald pate or wid
geons and spoon bills. All these are
Shallow diving ducks. The deep div
ing ducks, mallards, etc.cwere appar
ently unaffected by the disease. Nor
was there any sign of geese dying."
Comes From A
Royal Family
Clllf tQQ, ti, t. :! , P) ,u,cr
lea Anteuore was lust another Id
veav old high school student until he
brought a bunch of old yellow papiM
laniily heirlooms, to school yesier
Today he Is the descendant of n
loading family of medieval Florence
holder of the highest offices, kings
and popes.
The manuscprli'. belonging to
Nick Antenore. n rurpenter, Amer1
a s lather, dated back to 1151 and
contained signatures of Charles IV,
emperor of the Holy Itomnn (Umpire
and his grandson Philip, king of fas.
lille. nlesting to honor or deeds of
prowiea of America's ancestor.
The documents were deciphered
by .Miss .Margaret Older, his l.atm
teacher, and PrAfeesoi Charles lie.- '
-on ot the t'nlverslly of Chicago.
WASHINGTON. Oct. SI. --(,Vr-Concluding
today its second week of
public hearings on revision of the
revenue laws, the house ways and
means committee ha i received ap
peals for repeal or reduction ot prac
tically every tax law on the statute
There is every Indbaljon. however,
that the committee will follow iu gen
era! lines the suggestions of the
treasury, keeping Its proposuls for
total reduction In revenue near to the
inoo. 000.000 mark, regardless of
haw closely It follows the specif!,
suggestions of Secretary Mellon' as
to how the reduction should be ef
fected. The committee will begin next
Wednesday, at the conclusion of Its
bearings, the actual drafting pi a
tax reduction bill. '
Prank V. Mondell. former repub
lican leader In the house, am! Jafljes
B. Colt, of Boston. Mass.. were al
lotted time today for appearance be
fore the committee.
Fighters All
R,arin,; Card
To Be Hummer
rere1 -&-3ii -L ui LJi."
Oldsmobile shatters
Lookout Mt. record
The new Oldsmobile Six has just furbished nnother record:
57 difficult miles over Lookout Mountain at nn average of
44.91 miles per hour!
Then after this gruelling demonstration of power, speed and
stamina, the same car, chiiibed Pikes Peak and set n new
stock car record of 28 minutes 49 seconds!
Wouldn't you like to own an exact duplicate of this record
breaking car? Come and get a demonstration!
Touring '875 COACH Sedan '1 025
Pritnf. e. b Ltintinf, ptut tax
7th and Klamath Avcniw:
(iibmAi MH'
Trambitas And Stolz
Arrive For Tuesday
Canadian House
of Commons Will
. Be Conservative
Combining Business With Pleasure
1 TTEND the 15th ..annual ..Pacific .Internationa!
JL Livestock Exposition at Portland, October 31st to
I November 7th. It is a trip that will pay big divi
dends both in education and enjoyment.
Here, mingling with the most nute-1 ant successful breeders of;
Uie country r.nd seeing the largest combined exhibit of livestock
ever assembled under one mof in Americn. you can gain new
fleas which can profitably be put into optratWii! There's also
'flic Land ami Industrial Exhibits and the spectacular Horse
so thrilling you'll want to attend every performance. '
fee First National hank urge-, every farmer to go. Attending will bring
Sitter breeding methods and hence more prosperity to this section wblcn
is t e goal all of us are trying lo reach. Yon may be sure that wd will
fttonerata with you In building more profitable herds.
The First National Bank
Klamath Falls, Ore.
TORONTO. OnL.'Oct. 31. (P)
Standing of the- parties in the botise
of commons on the base of returns
from the Canadian general olectfon
up to nine o'eloVk this morning was:
Conservative 110 seats: Liberals
113: Progressives 21; Labor 2; In
depent ti Doubtful i. Total 2i.",.
Doubtful seats are: One in Queens,
Prince Edward Island, where the
vote is tied: Konrfra-Italny river In
Ontario, where Peter Ileenan. lib
eral, is leading Colonel Machln, con'
servative. by 150, with .10 districts
yet to he reported; Dow river and
Ueace river, Alberta, and Klnders
ley and .Maple creek, In Saskatchewan.
LONDON. Widespread hoof and
mouth disease is threatening to pro
ven! the Prince of Wales from hunt
ing foxes this .season.
Johnnie Trambitas, hard-hitting
little Portland lightwolg'it, arrived
here today all primed and ready for
iii3 10-round argument with Kid
Starkcy at Scandinavian hall Tues
day night. Trambitas came direct
from Seattle (where he won an eaa
decision against a fast -lining Cali
fornia bey,
Starkey said todgjr Viat he Is In
better shape than at any time this
fall and he confidently expects n
lake the Portland llouumanlan into
camp. Starkey in both a flgnter
and a boxer, an i lib constant at
tack has proved I o puzzling lately
for some of the '.hire With coast
wide reputations.
Earl Stolz has also arrived from
Uend, for his second go with ('hue.:;
Sams. Stolz knocked out the lllacl.
PtfrUier at llend. edrly this week
and has his , old K. 6, wall ;p In
readiness fur his session with Bom.
Wilbur Harringtoq and Jack Crlm
ure like a pair f raw meat oaters,
and can hardly wait until they
square off to decide who's who In
tho Indlun reservation',
Henry Hurke also Is slopping live
ly and begging .Matchmaker Sylves
ter to bring on the best he can find
for the four-round curtain raiser.
All of which insure a hefty lock
ing -fight program for Tuosdu
heme" at IScandy hall. ..
in:i,;i. MiMsiKit
BRU88BLS, VP)' An optlrnlatlcl
view of the Belgian financ ial idlim
tlon Is taken by .M. Jnnsiens, Min
ister of Finance. In an Interview j
he' Seelared that, fur from being In I
dunger of devaluation, the franc1
Is hound slowly but surely to tin-'
prove Its position. I
No loans would be iisued dtlritt,
1II2G, he said, to cover new expeiV;en
and although a forr Ign loan would
tyMja to lx flouted. It would he used
lo "consolidate" the franc, to make
reimbursements to the flank Na
tlonale and to build up a strong
cash balance that might he the
means of steadying effectually the
financial market.
Don't Throw Away Your Birthright
to honltri by nofdeotlng "our (eoth To dohV '"ur teofh
the propef cart is t" P the way to a UlTth In the hos
pital, t are for your teeth! 8oo us for fren uxamlnntlon.
. t ?r it? ... '-
(Painless of coumui
eo 3-2i-i nopkn nidr
Atn and Main
i'h, in., use
NKW ORLEANS, Oct. 2D.-- (.'ostn
lllca appointed Its first consul-general
to New Orleans, In Dr. Hnmon
II edoya. author uud lawyur. Dr. Ile
doya Is a aradtiale of t'olumbia tinl-
vernlly, ami practiced law In ('onto
lllca, The Costa Rica btislriens burn
was iranaa. led by un honorary con
sul, hut an Increase In trade caused
the appointment of the lontul general.
Every hat Is on sale at liee Begln'i
Dress Shop. 27-31 (Adv)
At Anderson's Grocery 335 So. Sixth St.
arc from F. J. Bryant, I. N. Cases and Mrs. W. D.
Kayler's poultry farms.
No Axe to Grind
Perhaps your tire problem has to do with
air pressures; perhaps you wonder whether
you should equip with low-pressure tires of
standard size, or balloons.
We are in a position to advise you fairly
and without prejudice because Racine builds
and we sell both kinds.
Moreover, both kinds equally uphold
RACINE'S reputation for building first
quality products only.
Phone 294-J230 Main