The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 28, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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    P:i;:C Two
WedHubduy, Octuliur Iggp
Afosf People Have But Little Patience
with other who neglect their health, yet they pay but
light attention to the vital need of caring for their own
teeth. Don't delay. See us for tree examination,
Phone SS
(I'alnbss of courso)
, 102-20,4 Hopka !.;.(,. Stn and Main
V t-iFT-rr-- - ; -r
I Great 10-Day
Note Prices Below
See Our Windows
This is the greatest display of Fur Coats,
ami Jacqucttfcs ever shown in Klamath
Get Your Fur Coat for Winter NOW.
Laski Seal'coat 48 inches long $98.50
LasRitr Seal coat, mink collar and
;cuff $115.00
Btkiyerette Jacquette v $72.50
fiibk'ih Seal coat, squirrel collar
0nd cuffs $135.00
Sable muskrat coat with 'fox collar $215.00
Sable muskrat coat, crepe lined - $148 50
Leopardine Jacquette $75 00
Mar Mink Jacquette $145 00
Blue Squirrel Jacquette $350 00
French Seal coat, fitch trimmed $350 00
Cooney Cape $40.00
Cooney Cape $65.00
Mink CaPe ; $125.00
Gray Squirrel Coat $750 00
These prices are unbeatable
Installation Takes
Place Tuesday Eve
Knights of Columbus Install
Officers to Hold During
Ensuing Year
lu t ho presence of state and dis
trict officer, the officers or the
ensiling your in the Knight of
Cohimtnis lodgu wore last evening
installed. Krank lliivey, state de
puty of i!io order, was preietij for
the installation and was assisted iiy
I.arr... Sch.ido, distrM deputy of t ie
.ndcr of'Medfor.l.
ltev. J. S. Douornii. of Mur
Knoll Fathers of Now York t'liv.
who was a missionary in China for
a number of years, was a suest in
last nights meeting. I!ev. Donovan
being one of those captured In
China In August of 1322. Duri".
the social hour that foil nved th
installation lie relate! a number of
his experiences to the mem he
Frank Do Sonsn, (irand Kuigiit of
the K no River council, ltev. A. J.
Cromudy. pastor of Che Ashland
church aud Father V. I,, lleis of
Chilo,iiin were other visit rs dur-
the evening.
Dan H. Crump of klofloe l'olni amiointed ns lgcj.ii ref for the
nJulng-yer 'it last nights melting,
'hie Instatled for' tae
couilag year by State Dejy, trunk
Davey and District Deputy, Larry
Schatlfc ol Aiedi'ovdiiidu.K a. i, w.
ReuicJc, Orand Knight; A. J. lick.
Deputy Hi and Knight: J. I'. Liu
niau . Chancellor'; Fred Leqhetti,
fteeorder; c. 'a. Marina. Fin
ancial Secretary; c. A. Peterson,
Treasurer; Walter Hanan. Warden;
E. M. Igl and J. K. McAiulrewj,
Trustees; J. F. Majuiro, Jr.. Advo
cate; A. 3i Sautamaw, Inside Guard)
J. Thelssen, Outside Guard.
The next meeting of t'Jc member
win he held In Merrill an Xovcm
ber 6.
, This sale will close Saturday Now th. ..
E f" J J I 1 1 -1 II I
IT .1 ri m
Northern fur Shop 1
Edison Marshall Is Principal
bpeaker at Forum of C.
of C. Today
6l6 Main St
Phone 374-J
According to a British scientist
there is a wave moving around the
earth once in each S800 years, al
tering the position of its axis slight-1
ly and causing changes in climate
We hare; arranged for an extra
I "' good supply of
aiid the first car is being un
loaded, today. it is IS inch.
Monday." I'm ran also furnish
thisJiisJi. grade, heater wood in
2"aad7'4 ft. length, on orders
for it.
We advise early buying as the
supply may be snowed In, a
little later.
Prompt service and fair prices
will prevail.
We handle all kinds of
.Wood Coal & Fuel Oil
601 Main Phone 535
Adams Case Is
Postponed By
Judge Leavitt
"For the greatest hunting in the
world one must go to Alaska' de
clared Edison Marshall, noted west
ern author, who spoke on "Alaska,''
Its great possibilities. Its 'hunting,
iiow it became a possession. of Unit'
ed States and of the vast amount of
money this country will 'someday
realize from this far north land.
Mr. Marshall, who on numerous
ofcasions has visited Klamath coun
ty on hunting trips, with hi wire is
paying Klamath Falls a short vis
it. He Just recently returned from
Alaska where he .has been In search
jf new Inspirations. At the pres
ent time one of his outstanding
stories is now running in tho
Goodhousekeepplng magazine as a
serial under "Child of the Wild."
Fred Fleet announced at tho
chamber this noon that Monday
All set to receive a stiff jolt for evening the chamber of commcr:
possession of intoxicating liouor
Boy Adams was spared the ordeal
for the time being jnritll judge A.
H Leavitt looks up a point of lav.-.
Adams, who was convicted siite'j i
months ago in justice court, ap
pealed to circuit court and lion
dismissed his appeal and entered
a plea of guilty before Judge Ljeav
Itt. He was to have been sentenced
today, but Judge Leavitt informed
him from the bench that he must
wait a little longer.
Save Your Car
jryJgBepuW it well oiled
nif 'greased. Let us do
feal job for yan.
Klamath Tire
"Cap" Catkin
Klamath Ave. & 6th St.
Firestone, General and
oldfieid lire.
Owens Sentenced
Tomorrow Morning
A step-father must stand before
the court tomorrow- morning at 10
o'clock and receive sentence 'for
statutory conviction in connection
with his 17-year-old step-daughter.
He is T. M. Owens, who was
convicted by a jury yesterday afternoon.
Are the grades on the child'B
report card satisfactory?
If Not Why Not?
Defective vision is the cause
of over 50 of the failures in
Don't scold the child but DO
find the cause and remedy it It
A thorough examination of the
eyes may locate the cause and
correctly fitted glaBseB may be
the remedy.
700 MAIN
Quirk Kei'vlco
dining room wil he the scene of the
annual Public "Health association
dinner. Dr. (1. S. Newsom will at
this lime give an outline of the
ijork which has been accomplished
throughout the year. Mrs. Sadie
Orr Duabar wilL be the principal
speaker of the evening. To- this
dinner the general public Is invited.
P. O. Laudry.urgei-.lj)e coopera
tion of all citizens in t lio tree plant
ing i-enipaign whieh is progressing
rapidly. . . . . . . , . , .
Lakeview Man Is
Held Here Until
Officer Arrives
John Kellogg Is awaiting the ar
rival at Sheriff K. A. Prlday of
Lake county.
It Isn't .because of an insurmount
able desire to talk raith Air. Prlduy
that Mr. Kellog is waiting. It is
because he Is behind the bam. In
other words, Kellog is wanted In
Lake county on a charge of violat
ing the prohlhtlon law. Ho woh
picked up here at the request of
Lake county authorities.
Will Kittredge
Ships Livestock
Seven car loads of fat cattle left
Klamath county forever yeHterday
bound for San Francisco, where they
soon will lie transformed into lib
elous steaks. They were purchased
by the Allan & Pyl wholesale meat
company from Will Kittredge. Klam
ath livestock man of the Heaver
marsh country. The cattle, Bold
through the California Cattlemen's
Association, were shipped from Lolls
Every dress at Beo Begin' Dress
Shop is on sale. Such bargains you
have never before seen in Klamath
Vails, H'iiiHiSl
Falls Mercantile Co.
Again sve coino to the 'end of the
month and Bgaill Pulls Mercantile
crimes forward with ;i list of price
reductions oil the very things thai
you waul to buy.. All clean, .brand
new merchandise of the riht style
and the Ik-m material,
We bclieVc it l rt fact flint the I'alls
Mercantile Co. litis been the coat
licadiiiarlei'S for IM women ill
Klamath County (his year. rea
son that so many women have out
lined themselves here i because
they are sure of getting the best in
style and quality at prices that arc
below w hat they arc asked any place
We have jitst received a shipvrtcrrl of ball Coats which we
are placing on sale for a few days at prices that arc almost
too lo wlo mention. Thc-c coats have all been carefully se
lected as to style and there isn't one in the lot thai isn't right
up to the minute in every detail. They arc all fur trimmed and
they come in the colors thai have shown themselves to be
the most popular for this season.
These coats have all been especially priced for this END OF THE
MONTH SALE and this will be your best opportunity to get the
things you need for winter at remarkably low prices.
$1 075 $1 75 $
0 1 1 rijflrt;
Rayon Silk Vests
and Bloomers to Match
Complete line o.f colors such as lavender, peach,
and pink in all si.e.;. Priced for the Erjd of Month,
Vests 89c
Bloomers 1.79
W e have grouped our stock of dresses and we
expect to clean them out at these Kml of Month
prices. All brand new stock in new blues, purples
and black. He sure and see them.
14.75 and 22.75
:6 '9(1..'
Phoenix Full Fashioned
Chiffon Hose
In all sizes and all of the nclvest shades. Knd of
Month Special.
Sheet Special
81 s 90 sheets, excellent quality material, either I
bleached or unbleached. Knd of Month Special,
95 c each
Outing Flannel
17 inch White Ollffng Manuel reduced as an Kml
of Month Special, to
I t.
6 yards for 1.00
Japanese Kimonas in beautiful colors, Bud of
Month Special
You will notice that there isn't an item i ncluded in this sale that isn't in demand
every day in the Week. This is just ano ther example of our policy of giving the
best valued in every line that you can fi nd in Klamath County. When you con
sider that Falls quality is always the s ame and Falls service is always com
plete and our regular price is always Id wer; it must be plain why your neighbor
prefers to do all her buying here. Let o ur values make your budget larger.
Falls Mercantile Co.